Chapter 409 Chapter 409 Seeds
After calming down, Ye Fu got up and went into the bathroom to wash his hands. The blood was sticky to his hands. Ye Fu scalded his hands with hot water for several minutes, and then used a brush to wash his hands until they were red, before washing off the blood stains between his nails.

Jiang Rong stood outside the door all the time. Seeing Ye Fu come out, he breathed a sigh of relief. It was already dark at this time, and the others were still dealing with the blood at the gate. Officer Song took a few people to repair the damaged fence , the bodies of those refugees had been burned, Ye Fu stood in front of the wooden house, quietly looking at the mountain not far away.

At this time, Li Cheng brought a man over, he was from Tongcheng Farm, because several people were injured on their farm, Tang Yizheng asked him to come and borrow some wound medicine from Ye Fu.

"Master Ye, our owner is unable to get away now. He said that he will personally bring you the medicine replacement funds tomorrow."

"How many people were injured on your farm?"

The man's expression was very bad, "Two died, nine were injured, a few young people were frightened and stupid, the refugees outside came to them with knives and didn't know how to run, and a few others were frightened Crying loudly, if the farm owner hadn’t come back in time, none of our farms would have survived.”

Ye Fu was puzzled, "You didn't close the door?"

"Closed, but the door of our farm was knocked open by them."

Ye Fu went back to the wooden house and prepared some wound medicine for him, the man thanked him, took the medicine and went back.

After a brutal fight, this night was destined to be a sleepless night for everyone.

When you clearly know that these people are your compatriots, in order to survive, you have to kill each other, even if you win, no one will be happy.

As Qi Yuan comforted Xu Ning and said, if the person standing in front of you today is not of the same origin as you, if you raise your knife and fight back, you will never feel sad or afraid in your heart.

Whether it is today's refugees or the people on the farm, they are just mayflies struggling in the last days.

Back in the wooden house, Ye Fu took a shower, then lay quietly on the bed in a daze.

Jiang Rong made her a glass of honey water, Ye Fu didn't even have the strength to smile, her wrist was still aching, and her temple was also throbbing.

After drinking the honey water, Ye Fu hugged Jiang Rong's waist tightly, and whispered "Thank you".

Jiang Rong patted her on the back lightly. At this moment, he didn't need to say anything comforting, he just needed to be with her like this.

At four o'clock in the morning, Ye Fu woke up from a nightmare, a hand fell on her waist, Ye Fu stopped breathing for a moment, and after realizing that it was Jiang Rong's hand, she calmed down.

She had a nightmare. In the dream, she was lying on the bed, her limbs were tied, but she couldn't open her eyes and couldn't move. She could clearly hear the conversations of people around her, as well as the sound of the machine "Dididi...".

By the way, the needle pierced the flesh and blood, and the cold liquid entered the pulse. She lost consciousness in the dream, so she woke up in reality.

"Having a nightmare?" Jiang Rong sat up and hugged her from behind.

"Don't be afraid, dreams are all fake."

"I'm not afraid." Ye Fu took Jiang Rong's hand, "Don't worry about me, I'm fine, I delayed making compressed biscuits because of the smell, and I have to organize everyone to make compressed biscuits today."

"You had a bad complexion just now, can you tell me what you dreamed about?"

Ye Fu rested his head in his arms, "I dreamed that I was lying on a hospital bed, I must have been seriously ill, and there were many doctors around, and they all said that I was hopeless."

"However, I have dreamed of my own death countless times since I was a child. It is normal to have this kind of dream, but this time, I feel very immersive."

Jiang Ruo stared at Ye Fu with heavy eyes, "Dreams are always the opposite."

Ye Fu nodded, "Well, Jiang Rong, can you dream?"

Jiang Rong frowned, "I rarely dream, and even if I do dream, I can't remember what happened in the dream."

"Didn't you have a particularly impressive dream?"

"No, it's just vague. Maybe I'm dreaming, or maybe I'm not."

Ye Fu rubbed his chin, "It's amazing, some people remember the content of every dream they have, while others never remember, you are the latter."

After chatting for two hours, Ye Fu's mood has improved, and he has recovered from yesterday's fight.

After dawn, Ye Fu dispatched today's tasks.

Men go to the greenhouse to pick pumpkins, then cut the pumpkins open, take out the pumpkin seeds and expose them to the sun, slice or shred the pumpkins and dry them in the sun.

The women followed Ye Fu to the kitchen to make compressed biscuits. Pumpkin has a high starch content. After the slices are dried, they can be used as the main material for compressed biscuits.

Ye Fu found Officer Song alone, and learned about some follow-ups from last night with him.

"How did you remove the blood at the door?"

"Because there was no water to wash, I had to use a shovel to shovel off the bloody soil. They originally said to use plant ash to disinfect and cover it up, but blood is easy to attract flies, so I asked them to shovel off the soil."

Ye Fu nodded, "A lot of people ran away yesterday, and they may come back to take revenge. We need to strengthen patrols in the next few days."

"I've already arranged it."

Police officer Song didn't need to worry about things at all, he was always cautious and thoughtful, and Ye Fu also shared some concerns with him.

"If there is one, there are two. If there are more refugees outside, the farm will become a target of public criticism."

"It seems that there is no water source outside." Officer Song frowned.

"Let's work together with Tang Yizheng to do a good job of protection, but if people come to rob every day, it will be a loss to us."

After returning to the wooden house, Ye Fu began to search for various seeds in the space, whether it was grass seeds or tree seeds, Ye Fu searched for them.

What surprised her the most was that there were several boxes of traveler banana seeds inside.

Ye Fu originally wanted Luoluo and Red Bird to help her take these seeds away and scatter them elsewhere, but the two silly birds only picked up a few seeds at most, so Ye Fu had to do it by himself.

After the sun went down, Ye Fu and Jiang Rong left Wuliang Mountain on horseback. The place Ye Fu chose was a piece of flat land south of the junction. There used to be a pasture with more than [-] acres, but now there is no grass growing.

Ye Fu chose plants that are very resistant to heat and high temperature. In order not to let the farm become a target, she had to set another goal to attract all the refugees.

In the dark night, two horses galloped one after the other on the mountain road.

After more than an hour, the two arrived at the pasture. Ye Fu took out the seeds, stirred several kinds of seeds together, and the two began to sow seeds in different directions.

Although this is a pasture, after several earthquakes, the ground is potholed and it is very difficult to walk.

"Scatter thinly, don't sprinkle too densely."

A few hours later, the two sacks of seeds were finished, and the two were done and ready to return the same way.

On the way back, Ye Fu sprinkled some Sijiqing and traveler banana seeds. Traveler banana is an African plant. The leaves can store water and grow very fast. It can grow into a big tree in a few months.

(End of this chapter)

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