Ye Fu went to the kitchen to help with the cooking, while Jiang Rong and police officer Song went to deal with the slaughtered argali. Although the weather was cold, everyone's enthusiasm remained undiminished.

At [-]:[-] in the afternoon, all the meals are ready. According to the custom, the livestock are fed first, and then the firecrackers are set off.Eat last.

The dinner was quite sumptuous, Ye Fu asked Wan Tao to sit at the head, but he didn't want to.

"Ye Fu, I'm just a member of the farm now, not the leader here." Over the years, he has aged rapidly, his hair is almost completely white, and his body is very thin. Wearing cotton clothes on his body, he looks particularly empty.During the time after being captured by the wild men, he suffered a great crime, both mentally and physically, he suffered great trauma.

Wan Tao picked up the wine glass and toasted Ye Fu, "Now you will lead the whole farm, and we will be your backing, that's enough."

Liu Zhang was a little worried about Wan Tao's body, and Wan Tao patted him on the shoulder to keep him from talking.

"Uncle Wan, when the Little Ice River is over, we'll go to Ta'er City, Northern Xinjiang, and the Longtan Base. We still have to settle the matter with the He and Hu families." Ye Fu finished drinking the sweet potato wine in his glass and said loudly Commit to him.

Wan Tao nodded, "I want to ask them to settle the matter, I remember."

Qi Yuan found a disc of the Spring Festival Gala from ten years ago, and when the disc was put into the DVD player, there was a familiar congratulatory sound.Everyone wished each other a happy new year, Qi Yuan asked Ye Fu to share his wishes for the new year, Ye Fu thought about it for a long time.

"In the new year, I hope we can all be healthy and safe."

Coming out of the cafeteria, a gust of cold wind blew in front of him, Ye Fu shuddered, and quickly put on the scarf, Qi Yuan led a few people to set off a cannon beside him, the cannon was self-made by Ye Fu last night, the sound was very low, Almost no lethality.

Wan Tao and Liu Zhang were a little drunk. During the dinner, the two chattered about a lot of things. This kind of entrustment like an explanation of the funeral made Ye Fu feel a little uncomfortable. Wan Tao's body was already at the end of his strength, and he might not last a lifetime Years, obviously, he himself is very aware of this.

"Ye Fu, wait a minute, let's take a step to talk." Seeing that Ye Fu hadn't left, Wan Tao raised his hand to stop her.

"Jiang Rong, come along, I have something to ask you."

The three of them came to the classroom where Wan Tao was teaching recently. At the front was a blackboard made by himself. On the blackboard, eight characters were written in Song Dynasty.

"Virtuous self-improvement."

Wan Tao closed the door, Jiang Rong took down the magnesium rod and sawdust, and lit the charcoal in the fireplace.

"It's so windy today."

Wan Tao put away a book on the table, wiped it carefully, and then put it on the bookshelf next to the fireplace.

"I still remember when I was in the safe zone, I beg you, if you leave the safe zone, please take us with you."

Wan Tao sat across from Ye Fu, and when he said this, a smile appeared on his face, "You kept your promise and finally brought us here, Ye Fu, Jiang Rong, thank you."

Ye Fu lowered his head and said nothing, Jiang Rong poured hot water for the two of them, and said softly, "There is nothing to thank."

Wan Tao shook his head, "Thousands of words can't express my gratitude. Tell me about me. After receiving the order from above, I took people to Longtan Base immediately. There were also people from the military who came with us at that time. Later, several aristocratic families joined in and wanted to share rights in the base. At that time, I was devastated. On the one hand, I had to deal with the heavy rain and collapse, and on the other hand, there was pressure from above. As for, I didn't even have time to take over my family in the end."

This is the first time Ye Fu heard Wan Tao talk about his family.

"My wife died of cancer fifteen years ago. We had a daughter. I was so busy with work that I didn't care for her. I was mad at her for being with a society punk. I decided to Send her abroad, let them separate, she blocked my phone, since she went abroad, we lost contact.

My parents and my married eldest sister lived in Beijing for the elderly. When the end of the world broke out, they were over seventy-five years old. Later, my eldest sister called me and said that they had gone to the base in Beijing. After that, I also lost track of them. "

Wan Tao had tears in his eyes, "Whether it is my family or the residents of the base, I have failed them all."

"Don't think so, Yu family, you have your responsibility, Yu base residents, you are also a victim."

Wan Tao shook his head, "My daughter, I'm not worthy of being a father, and my parents, I'm not worthy of being a son. If it wasn't for my lax inspection, the He family and the Hu family would not cooperate with each other and evacuate the base."

"I know my body won't last long, Ye Fu, Jiang Rong, I didn't ask you to come here to avenge me, there is only one thing I want to ask you to help, when I die, I will trouble you I burned it clean, so I don’t need to bury it, and I hope my ashes can find my daughter and parents along the wind.”

Ye Fu's throat choked, he raised his head to look at Wan Tao, and nodded solemnly.

"Okay, I promise you."

"In addition, I wrote some things based on my experience, hoping to help you." Wan Tao took out a notebook from his arms, and wrote a book full of details from geology, climate, water flow changes, temperature differences, etc. .

"Ye Fu, I'm afraid it won't take decades, hundreds of years, this end times won't end easily, you must live well."

Ye Fu squeezed out a smile, "We all have to live well."

Wan Tao smiled, "I used to always want to save people. As long as they are survivors and refugees, I want to save them. Don't learn from me, don't use this kind of moral shackles to kidnap yourself, just take care of yourself. This There is no savior in the world."

This is his last consolation, maybe it is comforting himself, maybe it is comforting Ye Fu.

Returning to the wooden house with the notebook given by Wan Tao, Ye Fu flipped through the notebook, took out a box and put it in, and put it carefully into the space.

"This is the second time someone has told me that their ashes will be scattered after death, because they want to return to their hometown and their family."

Ye Fu recalled the afternoon a few years ago, when the safety zone was filled with thick fog, when she was passing in front of a building, she was stopped by an old man.

He said that after his death, please help him clean up the body, burn it, and dump the ashes towards home, because his family is still waiting for him at home, and because he feels that this request is a bit weak, grandpa invited her to eat A piece of jerky.

She still remembers the taste.

Ye Fu took out the calendar and drew a cross on today's date.

"Jiang Rong, happy new year."

Jiang Rong took the New Year's gift from Ye Fu, which was a fir leaf.

Ye Fu suddenly grabbed Jiang Rong's hand, and broke his palm hard.

In his palm, only the marriage line under the side of the little finger remained, and all other lines disappeared.

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