Stocking up in space: surviving in a world of crisis

Chapter 348 Chapter 348 Farm Daily 20

"You are different from others, even if I meet many people that day, I will only go to you."

He looked very serious, "It's the same choice again."


Fang Ming's wedding came to an end. The next morning, Wuliang Mountain began to snow again. The cold wind whizzed past, and the fine snow was blown up by the wind. There was already a thick layer of snow on the wooden house. Li Cheng brought people over to clean it. Xue, Jiang Rong got up early, and Ye Fu heard him chatting with Qi Yuan in the yard.

Ye Fu went out with a cup of hot water, Zhuo Qing and Xu Ning had already scraped the snow off the roof.

"I thought the snow had stopped, but I didn't expect it to stop for a day." Qi Yuan yawned, and it seemed that he had stayed up late to watch TV.

"Has anyone been to the shed today?" Ye Fu asked after taking a sip of hot water, looking at several people.

Li Cheng raised his hand, "I have been there, the wheat has sprouted."

"That's good, close the shed, and open it in half a month." There are a lot of wheatworms growing in the wheat field, and the ones that haven't been picked in the previous crop are all old, and the seeds are left in the field. This crop should be able to be picked Not a lot.

Artemisia can be used to make dumplings, or it can be served cold or stir-fried.

"The radish seedlings are sprouting, and the cabbage is growing slowly."

"I received the cabbage from the cellar before, and I got some out to make some spicy cabbage. Is there any tank in the farm?"

"Yes, how many tanks to make?"

Ye Fu estimated, "One tank weighs two hundred catties. Let's make four or five tanks. Isn't there an oven in the kitchen? Roast some radish sticks, which are easier to preserve and can be eaten as pickles."

Qi Yuan nodded, "Okay, I'll go and inform Aunt Cui later."

"By the way, is Xu Xu still at your house now? What do you think?"

Qi Yuan shrugged, "Fang Wei likes that child. The appearance of Xu Xu must have fulfilled her dream. I support her, I accept Xu Xu, and I will treat her as my child."

Ye Fu understood.

"When she becomes your child, she becomes your weakness, your moral shackles, your action leash, you can no longer be the same as before, from now on, you are responsible for her growth, her safety , even so, are you willing?"

Ye Fu was just curious, if there is no blood relationship, can he really pay so much for another life?

She had thought about this question many times before. From the time she could remember, the biggest topic surrounding her was that she was not her parents' biological daughter.

At the beginning, she took it for granted that all the love and tolerance her parents gave her, but when she grew up, she listened a lot, and her mind became sensitive, because she was not her own, and she felt a heavy sense of guilt.

Her parents saved tens of millions of savings for her, provided her with the best education, and spent energy and painstaking efforts to accompany her. Even at the last moment of their lives, they were still worried about her.

Without her, they wouldn't have worked so hard at all.

"I am willing, because from the moment I accept her, she is my child. Parents love their children, there are no conditions." Qi Yuan restrained his hippie smile, and there was a kindness and firmness in Ye Fu's eyes that Ye Fu had never seen before.

"The eldest brother who came to exchange supplies before, his clothes were stuffed with rags and reed flowers, and the two thickest coats were on her daughter. I believe I can also be a good father."…

Ye Fu was silent for a few seconds, then smiled, "I believe you can."

After Qi Yuan left, Jiang Rong stood next to Ye Fu and handed her a snowball.

"If you're not happy, you throw it at me."

"What if I'm happy?"

"You can throw me too."

Ye Fu handed him the cup, then stretched, "I figured out something just now, so I'm in a particularly good mood right now."

"It turns out that I have always been mindful of my background. I have always been worried about being an abandoned baby. As long as someone mentions this, I will become a hedgehog, even resentful and angry, and may also have low self-esteem. However, what Qi Yuan said just now enlightened me. Even though I was abandoned, someone took me home and gave me all the love. When they decided to become my parents, there was a new bond between us. , I became a brand new me, not the abandoned me, but their daughter."

The gloom in Ye Fu's eyes disappeared, "But I was too stupid before, I always felt that it was my stain and seven inches, anyone could poke my sore spot because of this incident."

Jiang Rong shook his head, "You were too young at that time. It takes some time for a person to mature and accept himself. Young people are always sensitive and fragile."

Ye Fu looked up at Jiang Rong, "Well, I'm getting old."

Jiang Rong...

"That was not what I meant."

"I don't listen, I don't listen, I don't listen."

"Did you comprehend what you comforted me just now?"

"No, it's from the psychology book."

Ye Fu...


The man who begged Ye Fu to accept his daughter at the door suddenly came to exchange supplies in the snow. There was a bundle of firewood on the cart with snow and dirt on it. The man was shivering with cold. Ye Fu asked Aunt Cui to pour a cup of hot water. Give it to him, he drank it with shaking hands, the skin on his face was a little purple, Qi Yuan let him warm up in the kitchen, looking at the clean kitchen, he was a little at a loss.

"Shoes, dirty shoes."

"It's okay, you can warm up to the fire, your body is frozen."

The man sat in front of the fire, looking a little nervous.

"There is too little firewood. I will chop some more tomorrow, but can I get some food on credit first? My daughter hasn't eaten for two days."

As he said, he knelt down suddenly, "I beg you."

Qi Yuan remembered this big brother, and quickly pulled him up, "Brother, don't get excited, warm yourself to the fire first, do you know that after the body freezes, the limbs cannot supply blood, and people will freeze to death?"

"I'm in a hurry, sorry, but my daughter is really starving to death, she has a bad stomach, I dug up tree roots to feed her, she is very bloated, I know the farm is not changing supplies now, but I really have nowhere to go gone."

Qi Yuan looked at Ye Fu. After all, the decision-making power of the farm is still in Ye Fu's hands. The firewood on the cart should only be [-] to [-] catties. Now there is no way to enter the mountain. He must have suffered a lot for cutting these firewood. .

Ye Fu looked at Li Cheng and Fang Ming, "Go to Tongcheng on horseback and bring that kid here."

The eldest brother was stunned for a moment, but Qi Yuan was very excited, "Ye Fu, do you want them to work on the farm?"

Ye Fu looked at his elder brother, "The farm is short of toilet cleaners, what are you willing to do?"

The elder brother went limp and fell off the stool, "Can I?"

He was so excited that his whole body was trembling, his lips trembled for a long time, but he didn't know what to say.

"I also need to clean the horse shed and the excrement from the sheep shed."

The eldest brother was overly excited, and his body was frostbitten, so he lost his speech. Ye Fu asked Li Cheng and Fang Ming to hurry up and pick up the child and luggage.

"I've been hungry for two days, and I don't know how the child is doing." Since Fang Wei raised Xu Xu, she has been overwhelmed with maternal love and cannot see the child suffer.

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