Stocking up in space: surviving in a world of crisis

Chapter 338 Chapter 338 Farm Daily 10

Chapter 338 Chapter 338 Farm Daily 10
When Ye Fu was in a coma, Jiang Rong didn't bother to check the situation in the space. She was in a coma for a day and a night, and Jiang Rong didn't dare to leave for a moment, for fear that something might happen to her.

Blood feeding, needle injection, begging, he tried everything he could think of, if she didn't wake up, Jiang Rong might go crazy.

"Unscrupulous bastard."

Ye Fu was shocked.

Is Jiang Rong scolding her?Heartless bastard, is that her?
"If you don't wake up, I'm going to die, Ye Fu, I'm really going to die, don't scare me like this in the future, please."

Ye Fu held Jiang Rong's face in his hands, looking at his scarlet eyes, Ye Fu felt sore and astringent in his heart, like soaking in lemonade.

"It was my fault, and I will never do this again."

Jiang Rong pursed her lips and looked at Ye Fu, as if she wanted to carve her into the bone marrow and integrate into her body.

"Okay, I believe you."

After coaxing Jiang Rong, the consciousness of the two entered the space together, looking at the newly divided area, Ye Fu was very excited, "Look, Jiang Rong, this is the breeding area, and you can raise livestock here in the future. I'll hatch some chicks first, and if I can, I can develop the breeding area in the future, and I plan to divide the newly expanded black land into three acres to plant Sijiqing."

"Is there a boundary between the three areas?"

Ye Fu nodded, "Yes, so there is no need to make a isolation zone. The livestock in the breeding area cannot enter other areas, and the smell of the other two areas cannot enter the storage area."

"It was a blessing in disguise."

Ye Fu frowned, "That's right, I've always been lucky, otherwise how would I have met you."

Jiang Rong glanced at her, "Little sycophant."

"I'm telling the truth, okay? I like Jiang Rong the most."

Jiang Rong's ears were red, his eyes wandered from side to side, but he didn't dare to look at her. Ye Fu snickered, and just about to continue teasing him, when there was a voice from outside, the two of them immediately regained their consciousness.

"Jiang Rong, is Ye Fu better?"

It was Fang Wei and the others who came over. Ye Fu opened his eyes and winked at Jiang Rong. Jiang Rong coughed and got up to open the door.

"She's awake, come in."

The door opened, and Fang Wei, Wenwen, and Officer Song all came in.

"Ye Fu, you scared us to death. We came to look for you yesterday, but Jiang Rong said you were not feeling well, so you didn't let us in, and we didn't see you in the morning." Fang Wei was about to cry.

"I'm fine. I was a little uncomfortable yesterday. Seeing that I am full of energy, my complexion is rosy, and I can fly far with one kick. You will know how healthy I am."

Qi Yuan snorted, "I'm lying on the gun again."

Fang Wei laughed loudly, "Ye Fu, I support you to clean up Qi Yuan. He plays tapes every day to harass me. I can't take it anymore."

"Jiang Rong, beat him up."

Qi Yuan quickly hid behind Police Officer Song, "Ye Fu, you don't talk about martial arts."

Ye Fu smiled, "Who told you to be so angry with me before, if you don't beat me, who will you beat?"

The bedroom was full of people, everyone was chatting about what happened in the past two days, Ye Fu listened quietly, occasionally echoing a few words.

"I don't know what God wants to do. The weather has been pretty good for the past few months. It suddenly started snowing last night. Although it was only a light snow, it felt colder by several degrees, and I suffered from work. Fortunately, the sheds on the farm were covered All right."

"Yeah, an uncle came here this morning to exchange supplies. He wanted some duck feathers to make clothes for his grandson, so I exchanged them for him."

"A patrolman told me that a few nights ago, a little girl froze to death. The little girl's mother went crazy and carried the child's body into the mountain and never came out again."

"God still doesn't allow people to live."

Everyone got together and chatted for several hours. In the evening, Ye Fu went to eat in the cafeteria, and everyone came over.

"It's been a long time since we sat down to eat together, but it's still delicious to eat together."

Looking at the big fish and meat on the table, Ye Fu looked at everyone, "Is it Chinese New Year today?"

"What is Chinese New Year? It's to celebrate your health."

Ye Fu's nose started to feel sore again, "Thank you everyone, I thought it would be New Year's Eve after two days of illness."

"I don't like Chinese New Year now. Before I know it, I'm in my thirties." Qi Yuan felt a little melancholy.

"When I met Ye Fu, she was only nineteen years old. In a blink of an eye, she was twenty-seven."

Ye Fu glared at him, "Why are you attacking my age?"

"I just feel that time flies, but don't worry, you are no different from nineteen years old, you are still very young." Qi Yuan's desire to survive is very strong now.

"Close the farm gate, it's snowing these days, don't open the gate for now."

The firewood is enough to burn, and the twigs are enough to feed the livestock on the farm for a year and a half. The weather changes suddenly, and the outside will soon become chaotic. Ye Fu doesn't want to cause trouble.

"Understood, what if someone comes to exchange supplies?"

"Get a sign, write the words "suspended exchange of supplies" with a red pen, hang the sign on the gate, patrol around the farm at any time, be careful that someone breaks the fence and enters, and by the way, prevent people from digging holes in the ground."

Everyone was a little surprised, "They should not be so bold."

Ye Fu sneered, "The farm has a big goal, the temperature has dropped sharply, food is in short supply, and the refugees outside have united to encircle and suppress us. Everyone should be cautious. If there is anything wrong, you must report it. If someone finds a problem but does not report it, No matter who it is, they will all be blasted out of the farm."

In terms of safety, Ye Fu is ruthless.

With her, everyone is the same and must abide by the rules of the farm.

Wan Tao nodded, "Yes, no matter during this period or in the future, if someone comes to inquire about the farm, such as the area of ​​the farm, the breeding area, and the direction of the residence, no one can disclose the information. .”

Everyone is also aware of the seriousness of the matter. If something happens to the farm, the work here will be in vain, and the stable life after hard work will also be lost. No one likes to live in fear.

"Sister Ye, we must be cautious in our words and deeds." Li Cheng was the first to express his opinion, followed by the others.

Ye Fu is also on point.

"I believe everyone, life is not easy now, and we must unite as one."

Ye Fu has always kept her word, as long as everyone abides by the rules and works hard, she will not treat anyone harshly.

The next day, when light snow turned to heavy snow, Tongcheng really became chaotic.

In the afternoon, a few refugees stirred up emotions and gathered a lot of people, intending to come to the farm to make trouble, forcing the farm to open and let the refugees go in for refuge.

When the patrolling soldiers came to report the news, Ye Fu was in the shed checking the ear-setting situation of the winter wheat.

"Sister Ye, something is wrong."

Looking at the patrolling soldiers brought over by Qi Yuan, Ye Fu already guessed what happened.

 Typos and illogical sentences will be corrected later

(End of this chapter)

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