Stocking up in space: surviving in a world of crisis

Chapter 330 Chapter 330 Farm Daily 2

The area of ​​the chicken shed needed to be enlarged, and several chicken coops had to be built. Ye Fu approached Liu Zhang and asked him to build a few chicken coops when he had time, and then told everyone about the chicken coop.

"Let's start building it tomorrow. The chicken shed will be built next to the sheep pen, and a shed will be built with oil. It would be great if asbestos tiles can be made."

Ye Fu agreed with Liu Zhang's proposal, "Then start construction tomorrow. There are places selling asbestos tiles in Taal, but it will take three or four days to go back and forth. Let's use oilcloth."

"Will those patrolling soldiers come over to make trouble?" Fang Wei was a little worried.

"They are too busy to take care of themselves, and they probably don't have the time to come and make trouble."

"Sister Ye, a man came over today. He asked me to ask if he could come to work on the farm."

Ye Fu looked at Li Cheng, "Working? What does he want to do?"

"Chop wood, cut branches."

Ye Fu pressed his temples, "For now, our farm is not short of people. Let's talk about it next month. A few days ago, a few sheep just gave birth, and the number of livestock on the farm has increased. We will definitely need some workers in the future."

Li Cheng nodded, "I understand."

"If you are cutting firewood, go to a place farther away, and don't cut down the surrounding mountains. The trees on the mountains must be kept out of the cold."

Ye Fu glanced at everyone, "Those who know how to drive raise their hands."

Most of the people raised their hands, Ye Fu pondered for a moment.

"After the sheep pen and chicken shed are finished, Xu Ning and Zhuo Qing will join the firewood cutting team. The four of you will be safer. Go outside and chop firewood. Don't act alone. Bring a whistle and a gun. It's not convenient to find someone in this world. , if someone goes missing, the chances of finding him are very small, and..."

Ye Fu glanced at the crowd, "I won't organize everyone to find someone, I hope everyone knows."

These rules are naturally for newcomers.

Li Cheng and the others are naturally aware of this. Although there are many rules on the farm, they don't need to worry about safety when they live here. They are already satisfied with having a place to live and food to eat.

"Sister Ye, don't worry, we will definitely abide by the rules of the farm."


In the past few days, refugees from Tongcheng often ran to Wuliang Mountain, trying to get in through the fence, but there was a circle of iron wire on the fence, and there were hooks on the wire. Some people deliberately incited the emotions of refugees and took the lead in asking for compensation outside.

This kind of trivial matter, before Ye Fu's turn to come forward, Wan Tao and Liu Zhang resolved it.

The two went out and quickly caught the instigator who incited the refugees. The reason why the other party did this was to take revenge on the farm.

According to his account, he came to the farm three days ago to seek job opportunities, but the farm expelled him.

Later, he thought of a way to instigate refugees to enter the farm to rob, but there was a fence blocking the way, so he couldn't get in at all, so he had to find other ways.

Later, someone fell from the fence, and he instigated refugees to go to the farm to touch porcelain and demand compensation.

There are more and more refugees living in Tongcheng,
And those three patrol soldiers have already stationed in Tongcheng, but if they unite to make trouble, things will be more troublesome.

Wan Tao immediately said that the farm will recruit some people to work in the future, and everyone will take turns recruiting, so that everyone has job opportunities. …

After hearing this, the refugees knew what to do after weighing the pros and cons.

As for the perpetrators, they must be killed as an example and resolved on the spot.

The three patrol soldiers would come to ask for the antidote every day, and Ye Fu asked Qi Yuan to give them the medicine, one pill a month, and they would die if they stopped taking the medicine.

The patrol soldiers tasted the colic, so they naturally didn't want to die. To show their sincerity, they began to patrol conscientiously. After that, Tongcheng and Wuliang Mountain became strangely harmonious.

On the farm, chicken sheds are also being set up in an orderly manner, and several vegetable sheds have already sown seeds. One acre of radish and cabbage, five acres of winter wheat, and one acre of cassava and sweet potatoes have been planted.

Ten days later, both chickens and ducks came out of their shells, and the survival rate was very high. There were [-] eggs in total, and [-] of them finally broke their shells.

Inside the chicken shed is a warm kang. The chicks look a little strange and their colors are fancy, and the ducks are fluffy and very cute.

Ye Fu felt a headache when he thought about the sound of chickens and ducks crowing throughout the farm.

The job of raising chickens and ducks fell to Wan Tao and Liu Zhang. They did everything with due diligence. After a week, the chickens and ducks were ready to come out of the cage.

Ye Fu continued his efforts and hatched another two hundred eggs.

A few days later, the farm began to recruit workers.

Early in the morning, as soon as Ye Fu came to the gate of the farm, he saw a dense crowd outside the gate, at least two hundred people.

Ye Fu's recruitment conditions are very simple, anyone between the age of twelve and forty-five is welcome.

Good health, neat hands and feet, obey the arrangement, and talk less.

Ye Fu handed over the job of recruitment to Police Officer Song and Fang Ming.Officer Song's eyes were vicious, and Ye Fu was more at ease with the people he selected.

A refugee came to apply for a job with a pair of children. The man was forty years old, dressed in shabby clothes, but tall and clear-eyed. His son was ten years old and his daughter was twelve years old. They followed obediently. Ye Fu asked a few words. Their name is Peng Fang, and they were policemen before the end of the world. After thinking about it, Ye Fu decided to let them stay.

Farm recruits pay food every day, do not provide accommodation, but provide a meal.

The two children are responsible for feeding grain and grass in the breeding area, and the men go to the planting area to plow the land.

Seeing that Ye Fu took the three of them in at once, the refugees behind were very excited and rushed over to introduce themselves.

Jiang Rong was standing next to Ye Fu, when someone rushed over, he picked it up and threw it out.

Three patrol soldiers also came over to maintain order, Ye Fu almost laughed out loud seeing them posing with empty guns.

Ye Fu will not be involved in the next recruitment, but Ye Fu never expected that in less than two months, so many refugees would pour into Tongcheng.

Many refugees have already built wooden houses, and some refugees are still begging from house to house.

Peng Fang and his two children followed Ye Fu to the breeding area. They saw more than a hundred argali in the sheep pen, mammoths that were more powerful than elephants, bay red horses, red deer, and elk. They were all stunned.

"What are their names?"

"My daughter's name is Peng Yu, and my son's name is Peng Qiu. They are very obedient and serious in their work." Peng Fang was very nervous, for fear that Ye Fu would regret it.

"They seem to be a bit introverted."

Peng Fang nodded in embarrassment, "It wasn't like this before. In the past few years, the child has encountered too many things and has been frightened. Both of them don't like to talk anymore, but they are very smart and can learn everything quickly."

"It's okay to talk less, I like people who talk less. I will work here in the future, just feed the leaves and water to these livestock, and clean up."

Peng breathed a sigh of relief, "We want to go to work today, is that okay?"

Ye Fu didn't make any trouble, "Yes, after work, I can exchange food with Fang Wei."

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