Stocking up in space: surviving in a world of crisis

Chapter 310 Chapter 310 On the Road 3

Chapter 310 Chapter 310 On the Road 3
After feeding Douding with medicine, two hours later, its condition improved, Ye Fu decided to take it over and raise it for a few days, and return it to Qi Yuan when it returned to normal.

"Just now I went to inquire. It is said that there are many greenhouses in northern Xinjiang, and there is no shortage of melons, fruits and vegetables." Fang Ming looked envious, and in order to inquire about the news, he also gave away a large piece of dried meat.

"By the way, there are some places in Lanzhou that are connected to electricity. It is said that generators can be bought, and the oil can be changed to generate electricity. We still have some diesel in the container. I remember there is also a generator, which seems to be useful. "

The generator and diesel are supplies on the cargo ship. The generator is a little old, but it can still be used. There is not much diesel left, only three barrels.

"Is gasoline expensive?" Ye Fu looked at Fang Ming.

"It's expensive. One ton of coal can only be exchanged for fifty liters of gasoline."

Ye Fu shook his head, "It's not worth it, it's better to burn firewood and coal."

"But it is good news to be able to generate electricity. Maybe the communication will be restored soon."

"I don't think it's that easy." Wan Tao walked over, "Restoring communication requires not only signal towers, but also satellite operations."

Fang Ming patted his forehead in frustration, "I forgot about this."

"But it's really a good thing to be able to connect to electricity. We can also change some diesel for backup. Anyway, the generator can still be used."

Along the way, some gas stations are indeed connected to electricity. Although the conditions are simple, at least the lights are bright.

The oil consumption of the generator is quite large, basically burning two liters of gasoline per hour.

Because of the need to bypass Panying Mountain, starting tomorrow, the team will take another path. Fang Ming went to inquire about the situation of Panying Mountain just now. Several drivers kept silent about it, and two drivers advised him to take a detour because Passing through Panying Mountain, you need to hand in supplies. If you don’t hand in the supplies, you will be forcibly detained by the bandits, and you will be beaten or silenced.

The above basically turned a blind eye to Panying Mountain. The driver said that the bandits in Panying Mountain have a high level of force, and there are many weapons and equipment, even explosives and Gatling.

When they talked about this place, there was fear and fear in their eyes.

Ye Fu is quite interested in their weapons. It is said that Gatling can penetrate tanks and can fire [-] rounds a minute, but she doesn't want to cause trouble in the past now. If she confirms that these people are really all-encompassing bandits, she will find a chance in the future Get in there and collect everything from them.

After dinner, Ye Fu went to the toilet, dug a bundle of saplings, and returned to the carriage, Jiang Rong had already washed up.

At this time, a driver came to chat with Wan Tao and the others. The other party was pulling a cart of wood, which should have weighed [-] tons.

"The charcoal made from this kind of wood is of the best quality, and it is not easy to be broken. Generally, only wealthy people can afford it."

Ye Fu stared outside for a few seconds, then closed the curtains of the window.

"It should rain tonight."

Jiang Rong took a worn-out piece of clothing and put it in the cage, and Dou Miao kept "squeaking" at him.


Jiang Rong nodded, "It will rain in half an hour."

Ye Fu never doubted Jiang Rong's words. To be on the safe side, Ye Fu asked everyone to cover the carriage with tarpaulin, and even built a shed for the sheep to shelter from the rain.

As soon as it was done, the light rain fell, it was already half past eleven, Ye Fu returned to the carriage, she felt a bit stuffy, took a cold medicine, Ye Fu got under the covers.

When I woke up the next morning, my nasal congestion was much better. The rain last night was not heavy, and neither the argali nor the elk got wet after the shed was built.

The drivers pulling wood and coal had already set off one after another, and several drivers were lighting a fire to cook by the side of the road. Ye Fu saw that they soaked compressed biscuits in hot water, and the words "Third Base" were written on the bag.

"They are compressed biscuits produced by the third base in Beijiang. The driver came over to exchange supplies with us last night. What he took was compressed biscuits. I smelled them. The taste was very bad. They were very rough and had no nutritional value."

After Police Officer Song finished speaking, he took off the oil cloth on the carriage and folded it up. The cornmeal batter in the pot was ready to eat. After the smell dissipated, the other drivers who ordered it temporarily came to look at it.

The drivers had to take the main road and take the small road to delay time. They couldn't afford to delay, so they had to hand over supplies to the bandits in Panying Mountain.

After eating breakfast, Ye Fu brought some branches to feed the mammoth. The time was almost up, and the team was about to leave.

Walking into the carriage, Jiang Rong touched Ye Fu's forehead, and was relieved to see that she didn't have a fever.

"The wind in the past two days has been cold, try not to blow the wind." He stretched out his hand to straighten Ye Fu's hat, and he gave a lot of instructions in a long-winded manner.

Ye Fu looked at him with a smile, "You've become a bit verbose now."

Jiang Rong was stunned for a moment, "Am I talking too much?"

"It's good to be long-winded, I like to chat with you."

Jiang Rong hooked the corners of his lips.

Ye Fu took another cold medicine. The mammoth had already walked on the path. The path was in bad condition. After walking for half an hour, they encountered a collapsed mound. In order to pass smoothly, everyone had to get out of the car to clean it up.

There are quite a few villages nearby. The houses here are all made of stones and mud, and the roofs are covered with branches, dead grass and mud.

Some people were hunting in the mountains, others were digging tree roots and peeling bark with hoes. Occasionally, patrol soldiers came to stop cars, and even lions demanded [-] kilograms of food.

The people here seem to have been smoothed by life, and their eyes are only numb. Passing by a mud house, there is a fire in the house, and a few ragged old people are sitting beside the fire.

This is the life after the end of the world. Desperation, numbness, most people have no clothes, no food to eat, and in extreme weather, they can only linger on...

Every natural disaster is like a cat playing games, and human beings are the mice played by it. It will not kill everyone directly, but will make people tired, painful, collapsed, and die slowly in despair.

Ye Fu took a sip of hot water and turned his gaze away from the outside.

On the night of the fourth day of the journey, light snow suddenly fell in the sky, and behind the team, there were two teams of refugees, one of whom had a truck and a RV. Although the car was a bit dilapidated, it was still surprising and enviable.

"Where are you going?" The man driving the RV came over to say hello, his gaze kept on the mammoth, his eyes were full of shock and excitement.

"You guys actually have mammoths. Could it be that you are from country e?"

Ye Fu frowned, he didn't expect this person to be quite knowledgeable.

"No, we are from Jiang Province."

The man suddenly realized, "No wonder, Jiang Province is very close to Country E, so it's normal to have mammoths. We came from Huai City and are going to northern Xinjiang."

Huai City is in Lanzhou Province. If it goes well, it will only take two days to drive here.

(End of this chapter)

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