Stocking up in space: surviving in a world of crisis

Chapter 164 Chapter 164 Watermelon, Funeral


"The female ghost learned that the man and his cousin were already dead, and she finally let go of it and disappeared."

Ye Fu laughed loudly, "It's just a very common ghost story. In many ghost stories, the betrayed woman will turn into a ghost."

Jiang Rong was puzzled, "Isn't this self-inflicted? This is the result of her lack of brains."

Ye Fu knew that what Jiang Rong wanted to express was that the female ghost was in love with her brain, and that she was mad at her parents, so she deserved to be let down.

There are countless stories of this kind from ancient times to the present, and Ye Fu felt nothing after reading them.

"and this."

He found another horror movie and showed it to Ye Fu, "After this woman died, hatred turned her into a ghost, and she hid in the painting for a thousand years. man."

Jiang Rong was confused, and Ye Fu couldn't straighten up from laughing.

"Are you a jerk? Haha."

"I just think the women in these movies are very strange. Among the ten movies, there are eight heroines who can give up everything, even their families, and their lives for men. This makes me very puzzled. There are also many TV series. It's not good to turn a man against each other."

Ye Fu was also puzzled, "That's why I like watching cartoons the most."

The resentful Jiang Rong clicked on [Bear Infested], "I'd better watch this."

Ye Fu held back his laughter, "Let's watch funny movies, watching too many goofy dramas is bad for your brain."

Ye Fu remembered that when she was a sophomore in college, a girl in her class donated a kidney to her boyfriend’s mother. The girl didn’t recover well, and her boyfriend broke up with her.

She later dropped out of school and went home, never to be seen again.


Wan Tao is collecting Sijiqing seeds with a sickle and a bamboo basket. After cutting off the grass tassels and beating them with wood, the plump grass seeds will be shelled.

He scattered the harvested grass seeds outside the safe zone, even into the mountains three kilometers away.

The watermelon seedlings planted by Ye Fu started to climb the vines, Qi Yuan saw it when he came over, Ye Fu lied to him that it was a pumpkin vine, he actually believed it, took two more seedlings with Ye Fu, took them back and planted them in the vegetable field .

After more than a month, looking at the fruiting watermelon, he began to doubt his life, didn't he say it was a pumpkin?How did it mutate into a watermelon?

Qi Yuan's watermelon was surrounded by crowds, everyone focused on his watermelon seeds, Ye Fu did not expect Qi Yuan to divert her attention.

There is one more product in the safe zone. People who bought watermelon seeds from Qi Yuan quickly planted them. After the end of the world, people finally ate the fruit.

After Aunt Tang's son had a wife, Aunt Tang was refreshed. Seeing her coming, Ye Fu felt a little headache.

"Ye Fu, are you busy?"

Ye Fu was watering the vegetables, and Aunt Tang came in and began to inspect, "Hey, this watermelon grows really well, you are the best, remember to bring seeds when you flee, and this small courtyard, it looks good, really good. "

Seeing her with her hands behind her back, Ye Fu thought that the leader was inspecting the work without knowing it.

"Aunt Tang, what's the matter with you?"

Aunt Tang immediately looked sad, "You said my son and daughter-in-law have been married for two months, why is there no movement in her stomach?"

Ye Fu...

"How do I know this? Maybe your son can't do it."

Aunt Tang was furious at Ye Fu's words, and she didn't dare to quarrel with her, so she could only continue, "Why don't you show it to my daughter-in-law."

"Aunt Tang, I'm busy."

"It doesn't take much time. It's a matter of a minute. I'll ask her to come over tomorrow. You can feel her pulse."

Ye Fu twitched the corners of his mouth, but didn't speak.

She is really convinced, she doesn't care what the world is like now, not to mention that it is difficult to conceive now, even if she can give birth, she can't give birth easily.

If there is another sudden natural disaster, how much harm will it do to the pregnant woman?
"That's it. If she has a baby in the future, aunt will definitely benefit from you."

Watching her walk away, Ye Fu rubbed his temple helplessly.

This is not the first time Ye Fu has encountered someone like Aunt Tang, and the safe zone is quite crowded now, with a population of more than [-].

Among them are many young couples, men and women who live together, and parents who have lost their children.

People often come to ask her to take her pulse to see if she can conceive.

Ye Fu has already told Wan Tao about the reduced chance of human pregnancy after the acid rain. As for why Wan Tao didn't tell everyone, Ye Fu can guess some of it. Wan Tao doesn't want everyone to lose hope of life. Children, most people probably cannot accept it.

That's why some people came to ask, Ye Fu's speech skills are unified, giving birth to a child depends on fate, and if the fate does not come, the child will not come.

Sometimes Ye Fu also admired Lin Siran's resoluteness, and adopted An An at the most difficult time, even if she and Yu Chao were hungry, he would feed An An, not his own, but better than his own.

The orphans in the safe zone are all growing up. After being trained by Liu Zhang, they are no longer cowardly and homeless, but the youngest guardians of the safe zone.

They hold spears made of wooden sticks and patrol outside the safe zone. Once there is wind and sand, the eagle will immediately remind everyone to take precautions.

While the children are growing up, the old people are slowly leaving.

Today, there are still [-] widowed and lonely old people in the safe zone.

Every month, people die here, and from the beginning, they are cremated hastily, or are dug and buried.

Up to now, every time a person leaves, the safe area will hold a simple funeral for him.

Wan Tao said that the dead have found their way back, and they will eventually return to the place they most want to return to.

Grandma Sun is seventy-five years old this year. When she came to Longtan Base, she had a son, daughter-in-law and grandson.

When Ye Fu went to see her doctor last month, she said that the place she most wanted to return to was the unit where she met her husband fifty years ago.

Unexpectedly, in just one month, Ye Fu stood on the cremation altar in the safe area, watching her body being burned with his own eyes.

"Hey, another one is gone. The old man is almost dead. When will a child be born?"

"My son said that there is something wrong with the water in the safe zone, and he might not be pregnant after drinking it."

"Impossible? The water in the mountains is clean and sweet, there can be no problem."

"Anyway, my son said that it's not the water problem, but the air problem, and it may also be the air pressure problem."

"Then what should we do? Our old Wang's family can't cut off the incense."

"You already have a granddaughter, what are you afraid of?"

"If no children are born, wouldn't human beings be extinct?"

"Extinct, then extinct. What's the point of living in this kind of world."

"No way, our family has been passed down for three generations, so we can't cut off the incense, or I won't die with peace."

The rest of the conversation drifted away with the wind, Ye Fu returned home and continued to be busy in her vegetable garden.

The howling wind blew past, and the grass outside the yard was overwhelmed by the wind.

Ye Fu stepped on the ground, and could feel the scorching temperature of the ground through his shoes.

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