"We can make obeisance, and then become brothers, or we can form a friendship with Jinlan. Sisters have a deep love, regardless of each other."

Jiang Rong...

"are you kidding me?"

Ye Fu chuckled, "No way! I'm sleepy when I go home."

Looking at her back, Jiang Rong was puzzled, why couldn't she be like Qi Yuan and Fang Wei?

After Qi Yuan and Fang Wei got together, the biggest change started from his body.

Regular clothes, clean face and hair, even the beard was shaved meticulously.

This is the self-consciousness of married people.

Only one wild boar was left at Fang Ming's side, and Fang Wei brought the remaining three. Ye Fu saw that Qi Yuan was making a pigsty, Fang Wei was washing clothes by the pond, and several aunts were chatting. There were bursts of children laughing and playing around, Ye Fu took out twenty catties of wheat, intending to malt and make some malt candy.

Suddenly two eagles flew over in the sky, aiming at the chick in the chicken coop and were about to take it away. The adults waved branches, trying to drive the eagle away.

Fortunately, everyone responded quickly, and the eagles did not succeed. However, in order to prevent them from making a comeback, those who had chicken pens covered the chicken pens tightly.

With bamboo, many people built bamboo houses in the safe area, and some people moved out of the building and lived in bamboo houses.

Ye Fu wanted to release the small wooden house, but fortunately, there were fir trees planted in the base. When the fir trees grow bigger, they can find a place farther away, move out in the name of building a wooden house, and then release the wooden house.

After all, living in the building is too crowded now, and climbing up and down the stairs every day is quite tiring.

Ye Fu saved half of the prepared maltose for Jiang Rong, and she shared the remaining half with everyone.

"I forgot the taste of sugar, it's so sweet." Lin Siran was extremely envious, "Ye Fu, you know everything."

"Malt sugar is very easy to make, I can teach you, but ten catties of malt can only make one catty of sugar, which is a bit expensive."

Lin Siran's thoughts that had just woken up were suddenly extinguished.

"Forget it, it's a waste of food."

Wenwen, An An, and Chengcheng got an extra share.

"Sister Xiaoye, it turns out that wheat can also be made into sugar."

"Of course."

Ye Fu received another wave of admiring gazes, and when he returned home, Jiang Rong was still staring at the malt candy left for him.

"Why don't you eat?"

"Ye Fu, how many things are there in your head?"

Ye Fu was amused by him, "Don't be too surprised, I know a lot."

Jiang Rong didn't speak, just looked at her quietly.

One and a half months later, the lamb was pregnant again, and there were still many people who came to make reservations this time, but Ye Fu only planned to exchange two, and she wanted to raise the rest.

The chickens and ducks in the chicken ring need to be slaughtered again, Ye Fu plans to cook some roasted chickens and ducks.

"I have an electric baking pan, we can make some pancake crusts, slice the roast duck, and eat it wrapped in pancake crusts."

"Does that require an oven?"

Ye Fu shook his head, "I have an oven, I can use the oven."

As soon as they said it, the two began to divide the work. Jiang Rong went to slaughter chickens and ducks, and Ye Fu made pancake skins, mixed sauces, shredded cucumbers, shredded carrots and other side dishes.

Jiang Rong slaughtered fifty of them at once. Ye Fu became more and more suspicious that he was a butcher in his previous life. Every household will smoke duck and smoked chicken to preserve food.

Wan Tao also led people to dig four cellars to better preserve vegetables.

Ye Fu was so busy that he first made a pot of sauce, cooled it thoroughly and poured it into a large vat for storage.

She needs to make more pancake crusts, she can eat twenty at a time, Jiang Rong's appetite is three to four times that of hers, Ye Fu's amount of cooked food is based on his appetite every time.

Duck's fluff is not easy to pluck, so Ye Fu made a bucket of plucking paste, just apply it on, and when the paste dries, you can tear it off, and it's non-toxic, very convenient.

There are only two ovens, and Ye Fu directly took out three ovens, which can bake six at a time.

Slicing is the easiest thing for a doctor, but Ye Fu left this work to Jiang Rong.

Both of them belonged to busy and tireless people. In the middle of the night, when everyone else was asleep, they were still slicing and making pancakes.

"Have a taste."

Ye Fu rolled up a sheet, prepared the meat slices and seasonings, and handed it to Jiang Rong.

The crust was very thin, and it still smelled like flour. After Jiang Rong ate it, he looked at Ye Fu with sparkling eyes.

"Very tasty."

Ye Fu chuckled, "Then let's make more and put a lot in the space."

Jiang Rong nodded, "I'll expand the shed a little more, and raise another batch of chickens and ducks."

Ye Fu...

In fact, there are still a lot of chickens and ducks in the space, which are still cleaned up, but seeing that he is full of motivation, Ye Fu didn't stop him.

"Okay, in fact, roast suckling pig can also be rolled into pancakes."

Jiang Rong swallowed, "But we don't have pigs."

"You're stupid, didn't we kill a lot of wild boars when we were in Broken Cloud Mountain?"

Jiang Rong hooked the corners of his lips, "I thought I had finished eating."

"Don't worry, I can't finish it."

"Actually, roast lamb is even more delicious." After Jiang Rong finished speaking, she looked at her expectantly.

Ye Fu snorted, "I won't make roast lamb."

A smile flashed across Jiang Rong's eyes, he didn't refute her, and continued to work hard.

Others are outside herding sheep, mowing grass to feed rabbits, tending vegetable fields, and feeding chickens and ducks.

The two are still making roast duck, and they never get tired of it.

"This batch is over here, I'll do it after a while, I'm exhausted." Ye Fu put the last lunch box into the space, slumped on the chair, his hands were shaking.

"You sleep for a while, I'll go downstairs and have a look." Jiang Rong went out with a sickle, Ye Fu glanced at Doumiao and Luoluo who came back from a stroll, and after a simple wash, he lay down and fell asleep.

A few hours later, Ye Fu woke up, and Jiang Rong told her that the sandstorm outside the safe zone was getting bigger.

"I'll check the temperature."

Taking out the thermometer, Ye Fu sighed when he saw thirty degrees.

"The high temperature that I fear most is still here."

Before the end of the world, the highest temperature in history in my country was 50.2°C, and the lowest temperature was -52.3°C.

Ye Fu stood on the balcony, he could see the luxuriant Four Seasons Green inside the security area, as well as the surrounding bamboos and trees.

Wan Tao still didn't dare to be careless. Even though there was water, he still kept a lot of water in the cellar in a large earth tank.

People in the safe zone are afraid that the wind and sand will take away the chickens and ducks that have been raised with great difficulty, so they start digging small bamboos to plant outside, and the withered grass that is green all the year round can also be buried in the soil to prevent wind and sand.

In the outermost circle, everyone used earth bricks and stones to build a thick protective wall.

Everyone is working hard to keep their homes.

Ye Fu went to sow a circle of seeds again, this time she sowed [-] catties, and she had already sowed the whole area in a three-kilometer radius.

No matter how strong the wind and sand are, the last oasis must be preserved.

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