Stocking up in space: surviving in a world of crisis

Chapter 149 Chapter 149 Dense Fog 10

Ye Fu used the greatest endurance in his life to keep himself from bursting out laughing.

Qi Yuan's expression was like a palette, very pretty, Ye Fu dragged Jiang Rong away, leaving behind He Rui and Zhang Yuan who were threatened by Qi Yuan for a long time.

After returning home, Ye Fu was so hungry that his eyes were dimmed, he hurriedly took out the food, and the two of them finished eating at a speed like a starving ghost reincarnated.

"I think the safe zone can set up a neighborhood committee and invite some aunts to reconcile these things. Someone lost eggs yesterday, and someone ran out of coal today, or it's Brother Song, who has a lot of rotten peach blossoms. There are not many people in the safe zone. What's the matter?" Not really many."

"That Fang Ming, I know why he wants to marry his younger sister to Brother Song."

Ye Fu stared at Jiang Rong with wide eyes, "You know? Why."

"He thinks Brother Song is a man who can be trusted for life."

Ye Fu... what?

"Isn't he deliberately finding fault?"

"Probably not. I saw him vomiting blood. He probably thought he was going to die, so he came up with such a trick."

"Then is he really about to die?" Ye Fu didn't expect such a reversal. Although it was very hurtful, from this point of view, Fang Ming didn't seem to be a heinous villain.

"Probably not. I think he has bruises in his body, and he will recover after vomiting blood." Jiang Rong looked at Ye Fu very seriously, "Didn't Qi Yuan want to find a woman? Why did he reject that woman just now?"

"He wants to find a beautiful rich woman. Obviously, the eldest sister just now is not suitable."

Jiang Rong nodded, "Qi Yuan is too picky."

Ye Fu suppressed a smile, "Then what do you mean, let him accept the eldest sister just now, and then he will like to be a father?"

"Is he not willing?"

"Looking at him like that, he doesn't seem very willing. If it were you, would you be willing?"

Jiang Rong's eyes widened, "I definitely don't want to, I just want to live with you, you have something to eat."

Ye Fu laughed loudly, "You are too realistic, I can take you away if you have something to eat."

Jiang Rong didn't speak, just looked at her quietly.


Those who stayed in the safe zone some time ago have also settled down smoothly, and Grandpa Cao also passed away on a rainy day.

Wan Tao personally led people to cremate the body, and then scattered the ashes in the direction of Haicheng.

Every time Ye Fu passed the house where the old man lived, he would think of Grandpa Cao.

And for old people like him, there are still many, many safe zones.

What Ye Fu didn't expect was that Fang Ming actually came to him for medical treatment.

Ye Fu remembered Jiang Rong's words, and looked at his expression carefully, there was no problem at all.

"Doctor Ye, please help me find out how many days I have left."

After being educated by Liu Zhang last time, Fang Ming settled down a lot.

"You mean, you're dying?"

Fang Ming glared at Ye Fu, "Why are you so straightforward? Can't you be more tactful?"

Ye Fu was speechless.

"Then what words do you like? Riding a crane to the west? Hanging your pigtails? Dying?"

"Stop, stop, stop talking, quickly check for me, am I dying soon?"

Ye Fu coughed, and then helped him feel his pulse, "You are very healthy, if there is no accident, you should still live for a long time."

Fang Ming didn't believe it, "But I've been vomiting blood recently, every morning I would vomit blood."

"Your eyes are bright, your complexion is fine, your blood vessels are normal, your pulse is normal, if you don't believe me, you can lie down, I will dissect it for you, and take out your internal organs to see if there is any problem."

Fang Ming couldn't take it easy, "So, I don't have to die?"

"I can't guarantee this. If you fall to your death when you go out, it has nothing to do with my diagnosis."

Fang Ming gritted his teeth, "Sure enough, people related to Song Chunhe are annoying."

He was about to leave after finishing speaking, but Ye Fu stopped him, "Where's the consultation fee?"

"On credit."

It was the first time Ye Fu met someone on credit with her, and felt a little strange, "I don't pay on credit here."

"Okay, I'll go back and get it, you are also a debt collector."

Jiang Rong just came down, and looked at Fang Ming with pity, Fang Ming knew that Jiang Rong was not easy to mess with, so he ran away.

"Jiang Rong, let's collect eggs."

Ye Fu packed up the medicine box, Jiang Rong's expression was still very bad.

"Fang Ming doesn't have to live anymore, I'll kill him tonight."

Ye are the King of Hades.

"Wait until he gets the consultation fee, let's go, let's collect the eggs first."

Jiang Rong built a shed at the back of the villa where the two of them lived. It was dedicated to raising chickens. Vegetables and herbs were grown on the first floor of the villa, and people lived on the second and third floors. People in the safe zone basically lived like this.

The two had confiscated eggs for several days, Ye Fu took a basket, Jiang Rong put down Luoluo from his shoulders, and went to the shed together.

"It seems that the sheds are not enough. Why don't we kill half of the chickens to make room."

Unexpectedly, Jiang Rong was still the leader in breeding, and the number of chicks had changed from dozens to hundreds.

"Okay, kill the older ones."

"Let's pick up the eggs first." Ye Fu looked at the basket after basket of eggs, and was delighted.

"They are also so powerful that they lay two eggs a day."

Almost everyone who lives in the safe zone now grows or raises vegetables. After the thick fog, I thought it would be very difficult, but I didn't expect that the days will get better and better.

Those who have just moved in have also changed their eggs. Although they are a bit more difficult for the time being, at the growth rate of the chicks, they can eat meat in about a month.

The biggest shortage in the safe zone is water, clothes, and quilts.

Except for Ye Fu and Jiang Rong, the clothes worn by the others were basically picked up.

Before the apartment building collapsed, many people died, and the clothes and quilts dug out were looted by everyone.

Ye Fu and Jiang Rong were also poorly dressed. After all, everyone was wearing tattered clothes. If they wore clean clothes, wouldn't they be on fire?
The orphans were also arranged very well by Liu Zhang. Now in the safe zone, they can basically eat enough.

Ye Fu and Jiang Rong picked up a total of thousands of eggs. The production of eggs and chickens increased greatly, and the shed couldn't fit in, so they had to continue to boil water to kill the chickens.

Fang Ming turned back quickly, and Ye Fu saw two cabbages in his hands, and took them unceremoniously.

"Well, Doctor Ye, please tell Song Chunhe for me, let the previous matter go, my sister doesn't like him, let him not have a psychological burden."

Ye Fu nodded and agreed, "Okay, I will pass it on."

"Don't tamper with my words, you must tell him every word."

Ye Fu was very helpless, "Don't worry, I have a good memory, and I will pass on every word, but if you don't leave, I guess you will die here."

Fang Ming's back felt a little chilly, and when he looked back, Jiang Rong was looking at him expressionlessly.

"You, what do you want?"

"Can't you see? He wants to kill you." Ye Fu didn't think it was a big deal when he watched the excitement.

Fang Ming ran away in fright, "Help, Jiang Rong has killed someone."

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