Chapter 137 Chapter 137 Abandoned

The acid rain has stopped, but the black slime on the surface is still not dry. They are still steaming and foggy, and they will suddenly ignite spontaneously. No one dares to go downstairs. Everyone walked out of the house and looked at the smoky base and the dark sky. Some people cried, while others laughed after being reborn after the catastrophe.

A day later, someone went downstairs tentatively. Although the black slime was a little sticky to their shoes, they could go. Everyone rushed out of the apartment building and rushed to the base shopping mall, dungeon and office building.

Officer Song and the others were going to the base mall to see if there was any food, and Ye Fu and Jiang Rong followed suit.

Residents broke open the gates of shopping malls and store villas, and stuffed food into their mouths when they saw it. Some people took sacks and sheets and packed things up to take away.

The dungeon was also broken into by residents and prepared to be robbed, but the base security personnel soon arrived, holding electric batons and guns in their hands, and the residents and security personnel quickly fought.

Officer Song and the others also missed a lot of things. Ye Fu and Jiang Rong mainly checked to see how much the base had been damaged by acid rain, but just over ten minutes after they came out, the sour smell in the air made people dizzy.

Especially young children and frail women, all kinds of discomfort soon appeared.

Some fell to the ground and began to foam at the mouth, while others began to bleed from the nose and convulse.

Ye Fu dragged Jiang Rong out of the crowd, and another survival of the fittest appeared. Only those who can resist the acid rain and poisonous fog can survive, and those who cannot resist will become the sacrifices of this disaster again.

The vegetables in the dungeon were looted by the residents. Even if the security personnel held guns to warn them, it was useless. They plucked up the vegetables and ate them. Even if they were pushed to the ground, they had to protect the food in their hands.

There was a power outage at the base, and someone dismantled the wooden shelves in the shopping mall and took them back to make a fire. When Ye Fu and Jiang Rong were picking up leaks, they saw Lin Jiao. She and a group of people were robbing a pack of instant noodles. He stepped on the cabbage and didn't look at her again.

Having just experienced an acid rain crisis, everyone was suffocating in their hearts. Some used it to vent when they were grabbing supplies, pushing people down and stepping on them.

The base is in disarray and has become unmanageable.


"Professor Ren, you mean that after the acid rain, all the water sources are polluted and can no longer be used for drinking?"

"Not only the water source, but also the soil. Everything that was eroded by acid rain suddenly turned into waste soil, completely useless for planting. Secretary Huang, there are hundreds of thousands of people in the base. If you want to survive, you may have to leave the base. Looking for habitat again."

Professor Ren, that is, the expert who developed the wheat seeds harvested in March, was a professor at Lancheng University and a botanist. He has a lot of research on geology and climate. Secretary Huang firmly believed in his words.

"Professor Ren, do you think we can still find a suitable habitat? In the past year or so, we have transformed the base from a small town into a base that can accommodate a million people. Are we going to give up?"

Professor Ren sighed, "Secretary Huang, if you don't believe me, you can ask someone to dig the ground for ten meters, twenty meters, or even thirty meters, but good soil will not be dug out. I dare not say [-] meters."

Secretary Huang could only order to go on, and the excavator still needs to be in good condition at the base to start digging the ground and check the water source and soil quality.

It's just that, as Professor Ren said, even if we dug below [-] meters, we still haven't found good soil.

"Acid rain erodes very quickly and is very deep. A drop of acid rain can destroy a tank of water. What's more, the acid rain lasted for ten days."

"Then where can we move to? Now that the signal towers and pole circuits have been destroyed, none of us have the ability to pinch and count. How can we find a good habitat?" Liu Ju scratched impatiently. hair.

"Maybe we can go northwest. Now the black mucus on the surface has dried up, so it won't be difficult to get out." After Professor Ren finished speaking, he was about to leave, but Secretary Huang quickly grabbed him.

"Are you going?"

Professor Ren shook his head, "I'm old and I can't walk anymore, so just stay here."

"You want to stay here, how can we leave? The base seems to be full of people now, but no one is available. Everyone has experienced major or minor blows and traumas. Are the survivors willing to leave? I’m not sure, if we still don’t have good land and clean water in the northwest, what should we do?”

Professor Ren looked at Secretary Huang with a calm expression, "If I can find the person who notified everyone that there will be acid rain in the middle of the night, maybe there will be a solution."

Secretary Huang and Ju Liu looked at each other and fell silent.

Finding someone is like finding a needle in a haystack.



The chaos at the base was endless. Officer Song and the others dug some soil and came back, planning to grow vegetables in the house. Other residents saw them digging and followed suit. Now everyone is not only grabbing supplies, but also soil.

But the most serious problem is still the water source.

The management of the base has stored water, but they are unwilling to take it out, and the residents don't know where the water is hidden. The security personnel have weapons in their hands, and they will no longer sound warnings, as long as they get close, they will shoot directly.

"I saw someone digging the ground on the east side of the base. After digging for several days, they didn't dig out a handful of intact soil, and after digging for dozens of meters, they didn't dig out any water. It's really over."

Police officer Song gave Qi Yuan a kick, "Don't just finish talking, it's not that easy to finish, there is no unparalleled road."

Qi Yuan shook his head. In the past two days, he wandered around the base to inquire about the news. In fact, he had seen helicopters going out and coming in several times.

It is estimated that the management will also run away, leaving hundreds of thousands of survivors to fend for themselves.

Three days later, at midnight, hundreds of trucks suddenly left the base and never came back. Residents went to the office building to check and found that it had been evacuated, villas, high-end apartment buildings, shopping malls, underground City, everything is gone, all management and security personnel are gone.

Almost all the glass, doors, tables, chairs, light bulbs, and wires from the building were taken away without missing a single thing.

Hundreds of thousands of survivors were abandoned at the base. Some people packed up their things and chased after them following the footprints of the car tires.

Some people couldn't bear the blow of being abandoned, lacked water and food, and were tortured by poisonous fog, they chose to kill themselves.

Burning, killing and robbery occurred frequently, and the survivors in the base were all in danger, and groups of people began to flee overnight.

"Before the truck left, all the helicopters flew away. The base now has no food or water. They didn't even leave a hoe, a bag of seeds, and all the wheat grown on dozens of acres was taken away."

Ye Fu never thought that the management would leave suddenly without leaving anything behind.

They took away all the senior technical personnel, all the supplies and food, and left behind all the old, weak, sick and an abandoned base.

(End of this chapter)

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