Stocking up in space: surviving in a world of crisis

Chapter 130 130 The source, the truth

Chapter 130 130 The source, the truth

At this time, the management team was already overwhelmed, and all parties could not shirk their responsibilities, so they could only get together to discuss countermeasures.

One person died from each party, and he was quietly taken away and killed. The corpse was watched, beaten, and scrambled. Everyone in the management team was in danger, and everyone was afraid.

"Who is this person? We must find out. My son can't die in vain. I want to crush him and bury him with my son."

The Patriarch of the Hu family patted the table, his face was ugly, he is not as good as the He family, he has many heirs, he has only two sons, the dead one is still his heir, the other son is a dude who only knows how to eat, drink and play.

Director He did not speak, but his position at the moment was the same as Patriarch Hu's, forcing the authorities to find him.

"There are still two days left. If the base can't come up with a solution, will the other party stop talking? All the management should stop living. By then, won't you know who that person is?"

The official Bureau Liu looked at Patriarch Hu and said angrily, "One of them died too, so aren't they angry?"
These aristocratic families have their nostrils upturned when they make money, and their nostrils upturned when they ask for help, as if the government must serve them unconditionally.

"What did you say?"

Director Liu smiled coldly, ignoring Patriarch Hu who was about to jump up in anger.

"Ju Liu, please don't say a few words."

"Secretary Huang, I also want to say a few words less, but the most important thing now is to solve the problem, not to think about revenge. Patriarch Hu and Director He only know that their family has died, but they don't know how many residents died in the base. I just I would like to remind everyone that the wheat can be harvested in one and a half months. If this matter cannot be resolved, everyone will wait to drink the Northwest Wind. Of course, Master Hu and Director He cannot drink the Northwest Wind. I heard that you two last night We ate steak and drank wine together."

Director Liu was acting weird again, Secretary Huang glanced at him, but didn't stop him.

Director Liu and Secretary Huang are both the leadership team from Haicheng, while Director He and Patriarch Hu are based in Lancheng. There is a difference in closeness, and their positions are immediately clear.

"Liu Zhang, you are presumptuous, the mayor of Wanshi dare not speak to me like that."

Director Liu stood up and walked behind Director He, and threw all the documents in his hand in front of Director He.

"He Dong, it is said that your sons follow you and like to keep some animals in captivity. You have raised three Tibetan mastiffs. What do you usually feed them? There are also wolf dogs raised by Mr. He, and Luo Wei raised by Mr. He. Nagou... and your illegitimate son who died on the way, it is said that he also raised several black dogs, by the way, and your daughter who died of a sudden illness not only kept dogs, but also likes to raise snakes."

Director He kept a cold face and did not speak. Bureau Liu threw the photos in front of him one by one. The pictures on the photos were bloody and cruel. Finally, Director He couldn't hold back, and ran to the trash can and vomited it out.

"Seven or eight months ago, I heard that Mr. He's dog bit someone and asked him to kneel down and crawl around to apologize to the dog. Later, the man disappeared, but his family said that he was dragged by Mr. He's people." gone."

"Liu Zhang, don't slander us, and don't talk about these things. What does this have to do with parasites?"

"The relationship is getting bigger, and I'm helping you figure out the truth now."

"Have you ever heard of rabies? Or other viruses carried by carnivores, the base is indeed at fault, but there are too many people in the base, not a hundred people, but a million people. The dead people have to be dealt with , but it has not been dealt with properly. This is the source of parasites, but where is the source of the dead? There are several vicious dogs in the He family. You condone the vicious dogs to bite people. All kinds of viruses converge, and eventually a parasite that can't be killed is derived."

"There are more than a hundred photos here, all of which were taken in the past few days. Dong He's Tibetan Mastiff is still eating these "meats". Do you dare to say that you don't know? Where did these meats come from? The morgue of the medical department."

Everyone looked at Director He, including Patriarch Hu who had always been on the same side as him.

"He Zongguang, you are really a beast. Your family is a beast, a beast and a family of beasts. You have killed so many people and even implicated my son. I want you to pay for it."

Patriarch Hu picked up the cup at hand and threw it at Dong He's nose. Dong He's bodyguards surrounded him, and several forces were at war with each other instantly.

He Dong wiped off the blood from his nose, and sat there in embarrassment without speaking. After a long time, he raised his head.

"The second child raised vicious dogs because I was incapable of discipline. I will let him apologize with death and comfort all the dead base residents. I will also donate half of the He family's supplies to the residents and slaughter all the vicious dogs."

He Dong is going to push out his least favorite second son as a scapegoat. Everyone present despises him, but this is already the best solution.

The He family is huge and cannot be uprooted all at once.

And Secretary Huang also meant to stop at the end, what he meant was the meaning of the one above.

"The He family will take out all the equipment to help the base purify the air, water, and soil."

"If you want me to say, Director Liu, you are more responsible, right?"

Young Master He who had been sitting next to Director He spoke at this moment.

"It is said that all the animals raised in the base are going crazy, and you are the ones who manage the dungeon. If there is something wrong with these pigs, you not only don't deal with them, but you still make them into cans and sell them to the residents, and the first incident of pigs biting people can also be blamed. Dating back to half a year ago."

Liu Ju and him looked at each other, after a long time, Liu Ju smiled coldly, and took the lead to look away.

"We will never escape our responsibility. All the animals will be transported away for disposal. But can Mr. He explain where the person you took away went?"

Mr. He stopped talking, and directly ignored Director Liu's question.

"I suggest that all the dead should choose a place to be buried and set up a stone monument. Relatives who lost their families can get three times the material compensation and provide psychological comfort."

Secretary Huang made the final decision, and no one had any objections. The meeting ended, and Director He was left alone by Secretary Huang. He knew that his trial was not over yet.

After a while, a middle-aged man in his fifties came in.

He Dong stood up tremblingly. This person was the former leader of Haicheng. After the natural disaster broke out, he was ordered to set up a shelter at the Longtan base and transfer all the stored food and weapons.

Longtan base can accommodate millions of people, all thanks to him.

"He Dong, I have heard what you just said, but I am not very satisfied."

The other party sat down and looked at him calmly, meeting those eyes without sadness or joy, but Dong He's hairs stood on end.

"Wanshi, mayor, please tell me."

"It's the father's fault if the son doesn't teach. Who do you think is most responsible? Who should come out to accept the anger and judgment of the people?"

He Dong sat down slumped, he understood the meaning of the other party in seconds.

(End of this chapter)

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