"So you joined the Eagle Guard to... hoe the strong and support the weak?" Ye Qinghuai asked hesitantly after listening to Shen Guixi's narrative.

She would never have imagined that in Tao Yuan's description of Shen Guiyi, Eagle Guard, a secretive, dangerous and even blood-stained intelligence agency, was actually a being similar to the Messenger of Justice.

Shen Guixi shook his head: "That kind of thing can only be done by a capable person like Commander Tao. The slave joined the Eagle Guard just because he didn't want to be mermaided again but was unable to resist. Although it can't be said to be a hoe for the strong and the weak, but now the slave At least I have the ability to protect myself.”

She raised her right hand and turned her wrist. The light pink cuff swung softly, looking harmless.

But Ye Qinghuai knew that there was a short and powerful hidden sword in it that could cut hair with a blow.

"Of course, if one day I can be as powerful as Commander Tao, I will definitely use my own strength to help other people, so that there will be less 'Wang Siyun' in this world."

Ye Qinghuai said nothing.

Both Tao Yuan and Eagle Guard were heroes in Shen Guixi's eyes. She yearned for them, so she joined Eagle Guard.Although this was far from what Ye Qinghuai knew, she thought it would be good for her to believe it.

The two were silent for a while, and Ye Qinghuai asked an irrelevant question: "Do you hate me?"

Shen Guiyi was a little surprised: "Why does your Majesty ask that?"

"Not only did I not deal with Gu Haiwang, I also made him a general."

Shen Guixi shook his head quickly.

"Commander Tao told my servant that your majesty hates evil and never tolerates adultery. He is not dealt with because your majesty has no way to deal with him now." She paused, smiled slowly at Ye Qinghuai, and said, "Besides, my servant After entering the palace, I found that His Majesty is an approachable and good emperor."

Looking at Shen Guixi's weird smile, Ye Qinghuai asked puzzledly: "Approachable?"

She had recently heard other people's comments about her being that she was overachieving, violent and irritable. She didn't expect that someone else would comment on her as "approachable".

"I have seen many nobles from the capital in the Buzhuang before. They are all condescending to others and want to look at them with their nostrils. Your Majesty is obviously much more noble than them, but he does not have such a domineering attitude at all. The palace people also It is said that His Majesty has been kind to others since he was a prince, and would express his gratitude even to his servants. The slave also heard that His Majesty improved the treatment of the four departments and eight bureaus when he first came to the throne. Not only that, His Majesty also went to check it out in person. Several times, I never disliked them for being so mean and dirty."

When Ye Qinghuai lived with several princes in Qianxi Palace when he was young, he was known as a deviant in the palace.In class, she questioned the theory of the divine right of kings taught by her husband, interceded for the slaves in the palace who had made mistakes, and for a period of time, she always ran to the Yongxiang where the guilty slaves were imprisoned.Because of this, she was severely reprimanded by the late emperor, saying that she had brought disgrace to the royal family. Several other princes also laughed at her several times and looked down upon her for being associated with her.

Thinking of the past events of his childhood, Ye Qinghuai smiled and said: "I have been influenced by Li Mu's works since I was a child. I believe in Taixue and believe that all people are born equal. Although there are differences in status, they are only different in responsibilities and there is no distinction between high and low. So the way I act may be There’s something different from the others.”

Although Shen Guiyi had never heard of "Tai Xue" and "Li Mu", she could understand that "all men are created equal". She had rarely heard of this concept and couldn't help but ask: "Why does your Majesty believe in this?"

As an emperor who sits at the pinnacle of power, he is clearly a few ranks higher than everyone else, yet he wants to talk about "equality" with others. It is really unbelievable.

Ye Qinghuai seemed to think of something from the past, and an expression of nostalgia and regret appeared on her face, making her stunned.

After a while, she sighed softly and said: "It's a long story. If we must trace it back to its origins, maybe it's because my mother also believes in Taixue."

Queen Jingmin is well-known in the palace for her generosity towards others.It is precisely because of this that she has loyal servants like Aunt Fanghua and Zhou Shouyi, who are willing to bear the crime of deceiving the emperor for her even if it is a hidden crime like replacing the prince with a princess. Even after her death, she still abides by Keep your vows.Ye Qinghuai sometimes felt that their loyalty to Queen Mother Jing Min was not so much out of master-servant friendship as out of gratitude.

Because Queen Mother Jingmin was the only master in this cold and heartless palace who treated them as human beings.

In the eyes of other masters, they are just like the willow trees on the roadside and the buckets that rise at night. They are nothing more than cute playthings and tools that can be thrown away after use.

"Your Majesty... still think so? You think all people are created equal." Shen Guixi asked hesitantly.

Ye Qinghuai thought for a while and replied: "Yes. At least in terms of personality, everyone should be equal. Just like you and me, although my status is higher than yours, you also have something worthy of my admiration and learning. , such as your will, and your martial arts. I still remember that I was your defeated general."

When this matter was mentioned, Shen Guixi was a little stunned.

"When it comes to martial arts... His Majesty's skills are actually superior to those of the servant. The slave only won by luck that day." Shen Guiyi said.

Recalling the competition that day, Ye Qinghuai also remembered something: "How did you see through my 'Silver Dragon Wagging Tail' feint that day?"

"It turns out that move is called 'Silver Dragon Swinging Tail'. It's such a nice name. I have seen that move before, and I was very surprised when I saw it for the first time. So when His Majesty used it that day, I immediately remembered it. , knowing that the sword was a false move, and the real killing move was the flying kick behind the sword." Shen Guiyi replied.

When Ye Qinghuai was surprised and confused, she asked again: "Did your Majesty learn this trick of wagging the silver dragon's tail from General Lu Yanchen?"

Ye Qinghuai understood: "Yes. Have you ever seen him use this move?"

Shen Guixi nodded: "It's just that General Lu used a sword. Although his sword was a false move, he would be injured if he didn't avoid it. I once saw him use this move to kick the enemy off his horse in Yunzhou. Come down."

There was a hint of admiration in Shen Guixi's tone.

On the contrary, almost everyone who has seen Lu Yanchen's Kung Fu is impressed by it.

"Have you received orders to monitor him?"

Shen Guixi nodded.Before setting off, she was asked by Tao Yuan to secretly monitor Lu Yanchen's actions and assist him in rescuing Gu Haiwang.

"He's in the military...how is that?"

Shen Guixi was stunned for a moment, not knowing what kind of "how" the emperor asked about.

After thinking about it, she said: "General Lu is in good physical condition. He gets up early and goes to bed late every day. He never violates military regulations and orders. Not only is he very brave in killing enemies in front of the battle, but he also gets along well with his colleagues in the army."

After saying his good words, Shen Guiyi changed the topic and said: "If there is anything suspicious about General Lu, it is that he paid attention to the customs and conditions of various places along the march, asking local people about people's livelihood, taxes, road conditions and hydrology, and often He would write until late at night, probably recording this information.”

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