Chapter 174 Battle Situation
"No. I came to see you because I wanted to know how a disciple of the Son of Heaven who had read the books of sages became like this."

Du Jing was taken aback.

Ye Qinghuai still looked at Du Jing calmly, but Du Jing could feel a hot light in the young emperor's eyes, and that gaze fell on him, making him feel a pressure of nowhere to hide.

That was the gaze that Du Jing dared not face directly.

He subconsciously looked away and stopped looking at Ye Qinghuai.

"I have seen your resume. Although you are a concubine, you came from a famous family in Shengjing. Ju Xiaolian entered the Gongyuan at the age of 25, entered the Taiqing Pavilion at the age of 28, was transferred to the Ministry of Justice at the age of 34, and was promoted to the Minister of the Ministry of Justice at the age of 36. At the age of 40, he was promoted to Minister of the Ministry of Justice. He has been working in Beijing and has never been relegated, which can be said to be a very smooth resume."

Ye Qinghuai finished her statement calmly, paused for a while, and asked: "I'm curious, when did you start..." She paused, as if thinking of a suitable wording, and finally frowned, said, "...those who despise the law."

After a moment of silence, she added, "Why again."

Hearing Ye Qinghuai's question, Du Jing smiled helplessly, and said: "Your Majesty's question like this shows that your Majesty doesn't know enough about the government. There are 460 criminal laws in my court, and 460 of them are general descriptions. How to characterize and how to measure punishment They all have limits. In actual cases, how to sentence and implement them depends on how to interpret these laws.”

"If the law is not strict, there will be no cure, and if the law is too strict, it will harm the good. The original intention of the law is to balance emotion and reason, but at the same time, it also gives the executor great power. Power will bring tests." Du Jing seemed to have thought of something, and his expression darkened, "It's a pervasive test tailor-made for you."

Du Jing looked at Ye Qinghuai, his eyes seemed to reflect decades of officialdom and vicissitudes.

"Many people laugh at the guilty minister, saying that the guilty minister relied on women to make his way to the top, and that he was a villain. But when the tribute academy was discussing learning and worshiping officials to enter the court, the guilty minister was also a high-spirited young man with a big dream of saving the country and the people in his heart. .”

He said, smiling from the bottom of his heart.In his eyes, the stars are shining brightly.

In an instant, Ye Qinghuai seemed to suddenly understand why he was the head of the four princes of the capital that the noble ladies in the capital were chasing after him.

Du Jing heaved a long sigh, as if he had sighed his entire life.

"Unfortunately, the ups and downs of the officialdom are not involuntary."

The light in his eyes also fell like his dreamlike life.
Chen Yuansi's condition has not improved.

Even though Chen Julian went home to save a kiss during the Mid-Autumn Festival, it didn't work.

The cabinet and the household department were in a mess.

Gu Shihai had no intention of reconciling with Chen Yuansi at all.Ye Qinghuai also kept pressing the warehouse case and did not deal with it.

Going on like this is not an option after all.Ye Qinghuai has already started to look for someone who is capable of controlling the household department and the Taiqing Pavilion.

At this time of desperation, one morning after court, He Qingchang suddenly entered the palace and begged to see Ye Qinghuai alone.

What he brought was not good news.

He brought Yunzhou's battle report.

Another plague is found in Dajing's army.

The symptoms looked very similar to the previous plague in Wushiguan, they were all weak limbs and high fever, and the infection spread quickly.

Although the battle report said that there were not many infected people, and that it had been blocked and controlled, Ye Qinghuai still felt uneasy.

It has been more than three months since Gu Haiwang led the army to go out, and the time for the two armies to confront each other is about to reach the three months that Gu Haiwang said when he issued the military order.

But judging from the frontline battle reports, Dajing's army did not have the upper hand in this war.

This is very unfavorable to the Dajing army whose strategic goal is to make a quick battle.

Do it all at once, second time tired, third time exhausted.

The longer the war drags on, the more detrimental it will be to the situation.

"He Qing, tell me the truth. How likely are we to win this battle?" Ye Qinghuai said.

He Qingchang was taken aback for a moment, how could anyone ask such a direct question.

He pondered for a while, and said: "Your Majesty, there are many variables in the war, and it is difficult to generalize. Judging from the current situation of our army, there are several disadvantages. First, it has been unable to attack for a long time, and with the plague, the army's morale is unstable now. Second, we always thought that Beidi was a barbarian who had no tactics and only knew how to rush, but judging from the current intelligence, they are not only very tactical, but also very successful in tactics, completely restraining our army. Third..."

He Qing paused, his expression darkened.It was obvious that this was what worried him the most.

"It will be winter in more than two months, and the Baishui River will freeze. At that time, even if Beidi doesn't know how to build a ship, he can go directly south from the ice. More importantly, Beidi's combat effectiveness in the cold winter is better than that of our army. Much stronger."

Ye Qinghuai's heart skipped a beat.

Although she has never been to Beidi, she has learned about it in books.Most of Beidi is covered with grasslands. Every year in September and October, the grasslands start to snow. In winter, when the snow is thick, it is as thick as half a person.Therefore, Beidi is extraordinarily tall and burly, and even the horses in Beidi are taller than the horse breeds in other places.Because tall and burly species are more hardy and easier to survive.

The winter in Yunzhou is also very cold.

And half of Dajing's army was dispatched from Shengjing.

Compared with Yunzhou, Shengjing can be called a warmer south.

These people's experience in fighting in the severe cold is naturally inferior to that of Beidi people.

"When General Gu set off, he vowed to defeat Beidi within three months. He also had this in mind." He Qingchang added.

Ye Qinghuai fell into silence, remembering that at that time she had calculated how to use Gu Haiwang's military order to get rid of his Gyeonggi Guards Chief History.

Now, the military order he made has not been completed, and Ye Qinghuai really has a reason to replace him, the Chief of the Gyeonggi Guards.

But right now, she doesn't care about these things.

Because if the war drags on, the rations in the granary will run out first.

Obviously, the difficulty of this battle was not only beyond Ye Qinghuai's expectations, but also beyond Gu Shihai's and He Qingchang's expectations.

They thought that this was just a war that could be easily done.

No one takes Beidi seriously.

After all, this is not the first time they have committed a crime. Every time they make a fuss, it is just to add another general with great military achievements to the history of Dajing.

But this time, they seemed suddenly to be intractable.

"I remember that when the army set out from Beijing, you once told me that as long as the food and grass are in place, our army should be able to succeed immediately and end this battle quickly. What went wrong?" Ye Qinghuai asked.

He Qingchang frowned slightly, and said, "Because Beidi has changed to a military advisor named Tuge."

(End of this chapter)

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