Chapter 136
What Ye Qinghuai said was "I want to hand-pick Lin Yuxiu to be the number one scholar in this discipline", not "I think".

This can't help but surprise everyone.

Ye Qinghuai didn't want to discuss with them, but had already made up her mind, and her words were just an announcement.

"Everyone should read this article." Ye Qinghuai handed Lin Yuxiu's article to Li Baoquan, asking him to take it down and pass it on to everyone.

Li Baoquan presented the article to Chen Yuansi, the chief minister of the cabinet.

Ye Qinghuai's words made several cabinet ministers full of curiosity about this article. For a while, they all got up and gathered around Chen Yuansi to read the article together.

Only Lu Yanchen was still sitting in his seat.

He looked up at Ye Qinghuai, but saw Ye Qinghuai was also looking at him.

The emperor's eyes were very calm, but also very determined.

Based on Lu Yanchen's understanding of her, Ye Qinghuai showed such an expression that he would never give up until he achieved his goal.

Lu Yanchen looked away.

With just one glance, he understood that Ye Qinghuai had made up his mind to use Lin Yuxiu.

Lu Yanchen sighed silently from the bottom of his heart, with a worried look on his face.

"Smooth and smooth, I don't like the word, the article is indeed a good article." Chen Yuansi commented after reading it.

It's just that he frowned while praising.Not only him, but several other cabinet ministers looked at this article with solemn expressions.

"It's just that the words in this article are shocking to the world. The old minister wants to know, if His Majesty intends to nominate him as the number one scholar, does he value his literary talents or his strategies?" Chen Yuansi said in a calm and humble tone.

Ye Qinghuai didn't answer immediately, she raised her eyes to look at Chen Yuansi.

Chen Yuansi first praised Lin Yuxiu's diction, and then asked Ye Qinghuai in this way, the guiding meaning in it was self-evident.

"What do Mr. Chen Ge think of this theory?" Ye Qinghuai asked rhetorically.

Chen Yuansi said: "It looks sharp, but it is suspected of being an armchair strategist. Take the supervision as an example, how should the State Yushitai be set up in the state capital? Who will be in charge? If it is in charge of the imperial court, Beijing officials don't know the place. In the situation, judgment will inevitably be influenced by speech, and there will be a situation where crying children have milk. But if it is handed over to the state government, it is equivalent to self-supervision, so it is useless.”

After listening to Ye Qinghuai, he thought: "What Chen Ge said is very true, but what he said on paper is so shallow. After all, Lin Yuxiu is just a white man, and he has unknown things about the affairs of the court. It is understandable. But what he said about the ruling and opposition Accumulated disadvantages, I deeply believe it."

Having said that, she deliberately paused for a while, and glanced at all His Highness.

No one said anything, but everyone looked at her with worry, puzzlement, and defense in their eyes.

The corners of Ye Qinghuai's mouth moved slightly, as if she was smiling, but her expression was too serious, covering up the faint smile.

"You are thinking, my prosperity is rising like the sun, and my faction is thriving, but this article is alarmist, saying that the fortune of the country is declining, which is really disappointing." Ye Qinghuai lowered his eyes and said, "I don't want to hide it, Zhuqing. Half a year ago, when I saw this article, I would have the same thought.”

Ye Qinghuai sighed, and said: "Sui and Ernian, it was a good year. Except for the green water flooding a hundred acres of fertile fields during the Dragon Boat Festival, there was no disaster in the whole year. But, even if it is In such a good year with good weather and good weather, you can still see starvation in the city of Shengjing."

"Baiweiju on Zhengyuan Street, the largest restaurant in Shengjing, Zhu Qing must have been there. But Zhuqing probably doesn't know that there is a dark alley on the west side of Baiweiju, next to the side door of the back kitchen of Baiweiju, where every day There are several carts of swill pushed out from there. There are many hungry people living in this dark alley all year round, relying on swill to survive. This is in Shengjing, and there is still a mouthful of swill." Ye Qinghuai paused, eyes appeared Painful, the calm voice was trembling, "What if it is in Leizhou, where the mountains are high and the roads are steep? What about in Yunzhou, where the weather is freezing? There were eleven riots reported in the prefectures in [-] and [-]. Are these mobs also because of Can't eat anymore?"

Several cabinet ministers more or less bowed their heads.

Ye Qinghuai looked at them and said: "I don't know how you feel when you hear this. But every time I think about this, I feel that I can't eat and sleep well. This is a year of good weather, and there is still So many people will starve to death on the side of the road, what if there is a disaster year? I can’t imagine it. Just thinking about it makes my back feel cold.”

"In the past, I couldn't see these things. I thought that the Kyushu and Wanfang lived and worked in peace and contentment. This is because someone blindfolded my eyes and blocked my ears. Heh, look at the papers presented by the cabinet every day, which one? Isn’t it a witty saying? But in these excerpts, no one has ever mentioned the difficulty of people’s livelihood and the difficulty of state affairs!”

Ye Qinghuai said, stood up from the dragon chair, walked down the jade steps slowly, and walked in front of several senior officials.

She looked at them and said: "Everyone, my eyes are blindfolded, are your eyes also blindfolded? This article is indeed not in line with the current flourishing literature, but what is written in this article , Is it really alarmist? You must know better than me. My big scene is now a crumbling castle in the air, which cannot withstand a little wind and rain. It is God's grace to have this barely peaceful , there was no natural disaster. However, we can’t just count on God’s good weather every year and live by the sky, right?”

She looked at the paper written by Lin Yuxiu, which was held by Chen Yuansi, and said, "My friends, I have made up my mind, and the reform of the government system cannot be delayed. This time, I appointed Lin Yuxiu as the number one scholar to tell the court and the public that the court needs It is no longer the person who can write beautiful articles and speak beautiful words, but the courtier who can pretend to be the court and the people in his eyes."

After Ye Qinghuai finished speaking, the Hall of Supreme Harmony fell into silence.

Finally, Chen Yuansi said, "Your Majesty is wise."

Several others followed suit: "Your Majesty is wise."

Ye Qinghuai sighed softly, and said: "Let's come here today, Zhu Qing has worked hard too. Wen Xinzhong, you can add Lin Yuxiu according to the ranking order you just discussed, and make the list tomorrow."

"Yes." Wen Xinzhong replied.

"Your Majesty," Ye Qinghuai was about to turn around and leave when Su Hong, the Minister of the Ministry of Officials who had been silent all this time, said softly, "I have something to ask Your Majesty to show you."

"What's the matter?" Ye Qinghuai asked with some surprise.

"I don't know what official position His Majesty will arrange for Lin Sheng after high school?"

Ye Qinghuai thought for a while, and said: "His ambition is in the criminal law, and the Ministry of Criminal Justice is currently short of people. Let him enter the Ministry of Criminal Justice as a servant first, and concurrently as a scholar of the Taiqing Pavilion."

Her words immediately attracted everyone's attention.

The servant is a high-ranking official of the third rank, and a high-ranking official who holds real power. In all dynasties, there has never been a champion who can directly hold such a high position.

What's more, now that Du Jing has just been dismissed, the situation in the Criminal Department is very delicate, and everyone is staring at this vacancy.

Su Hong paused for a moment, then said: "Your Majesty, I am afraid that Lin Sheng is not qualified for such a position."

"Why?" Ye Qinghuai frowned, and her voice became a little colder.

Su Hong lowered her head slightly and explained, "Because of his background."

(End of this chapter)

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