Chapter 133 Answers
Because of the drumming outside the Chengtian Gate earlier, Lin Yuxiu became famous in Beijing, and even the courtiers had heard of him a lot.

This time in the palace test, when he entered the palace, everyone's expressions cheered up.

Faced with all these gazes looking at him, Lin Yuxiu showed no fear. He looked up at the emperor sitting on the dragon chair, with a clear and righteous look in his eyes.

Ye Qinghuai did not give him a question, but asked him a question related to his answer sheet.

"Lin Sheng, I have read your policy theory titled "Lun Gu" in the first section of Ming Shu. You wrote at the end: "Later generations mourn what they don't learn from it, and it also makes future generations mourn for future generations again." Also. I want to hear from you, how to 'learn from it' so as not to be mourned by future generations?"

Lin Yuxiu thought about it, and replied: "Your Majesty, there is a saying in the "Six Books": The people are the foundation of the country, and this week is the country's peace. Students look at the past and present, and see the collapse of dynasties, all of which are caused by the chaos of the people. The chaos of the people is not because of the good of the people. Chaos stems from the incompetence of officials and the harm caused by corrupt officials. Corruption is rampant because discipline and law are not enforced. Therefore, students think that if we want not to be mourned by future generations, we should consolidate the foundation of the country, revitalize the discipline, and observe the laws and regulations. Officials."

Gu Shihai interrupted him, and said: "There are 3000 laws in Dajing, and they are the most detailed and strictest among the laws of the past dynasties. Last year, there were more than [-] people in each prefecture in autumn. There is a suspicion of over-legislation."

"Mr. Gu Ge, the law should be strict rather than violent. What the students said is not good, it's not that the legislation is not strict, but the law enforcement is not strict." Lin Yuxiu replied neither humble nor overbearing, "No matter how perfect the law is, it must be implemented by people. Student I have seen that in recent years, in legal adjudication, there are often people who favor favoritism and ignore right and wrong, using ambiguity as mediation, and using grievances as a good thing, so that our great scene is called the rule of law, but it is actually the rule of man.”

"Since ancient times, the judiciary has paid attention to the compatibility of emotion, reason, and law. The law is nothing more than human feelings. Is Lin Sheng going to question the words of the sages?" Gu Shihai's voice was a little gloomy.

Lin Yuxiu was not afraid, looked straight at him and said, "Gu Ge is the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment, and has the right to interpret all laws. Then if students dare to ask Gu Ge, what Gu Ge said is that the law is nothing more than human feelings." The 'human affection' in ', who is it? Is it the love of the powerful? Or the love of the common people in the world?"

His voice was very calm, but like a sharp dagger, it pierced through all the hypocrisy.

"In the 25th year of Xingrui, our dynasty promulgated the "Jinglushu Regulations", which clarified that the princes have the right to arbitrate over the concurrent purchase of vassal land. In the fifth year of Shunping, the Ministry of Criminal Affairs revised the "Law of Catching Death", stipulating that families enjoying titles in the world can be exempted from military service In the [-]th year of Shunping, the cabinet revised the "Professional Regulations", stipulating that officials of the third rank and above can be exempted from the death penalty for the first crime. The law Gu Ge said is nothing more than human feelings?"

Dajing's laws have been perfected and revised since the establishment of the dynasty, but each revision in recent years has a clear tendency to favor the powerful class.

Gu Shihai knew about this matter, the Ministry of Criminal Justice knew it, the courtiers knew it, even Ye Qinghuai learned about it in Lu Yanchen's class, but no one ever questioned it.

Because there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with this tendency.

"Lin Yuxiu, you got full marks in Ming Fa in this subject, so you must have read the classic "Fa Jing Kao Zhu". Do you still remember what is the essence of law in Chapter 1 of "Fa Jing Kao Zhu"? Yes Is it a symbol of fairness? Is it a messenger of justice?" After Gu Shihai asked, without waiting for Lin Yuxiu to answer, he shook his head and said, "Neither of them. The essence of law is a tool of rule."

Lin Yuxiu looked down, and said: "Gu Ge is right. The essence of the law is a tool of rule. However, the students' understanding of this sentence is different from Gu Ge's. The editor-in-chief of "The Great Scene" Mr. Wen Zheng'an, a master of law in "Laws", once said that what the people like, and what the people hate, if a law cannot follow this way, it is a bad law. same crime.’ My dynasty was the first dynasty to write this sentence into the laws and practice it. It is enough to see that the laws of our dynasty are not only used to respect authority, but also have an important function, which is to ensure that authority does not As for becoming arbitrary."

What Lin Yuxiu said is well-founded and thought-provoking.

He stood in front of the most powerful people in the entire dynasty with a white body, spoke out for the people at the bottom of the country, and fought for the most basic dignity and meager power for them.

He has neither the timidity of flattery nor the anger of resentment.He can see the suffering of the people, but he can also understand the difficulty of the ruler.

Therefore, from the beginning to the end, he was as calm as a bystander, calmly explaining a phenomenon and the crisis hidden under this phenomenon.

There was a moment of silence in the huge Hall of Supreme Harmony.

Then, the emperor was the first to break the silence.

"You continue to talk. Gubangben, Zhenji Gang, and inspecting officials. How to implement the three points you said?" Ye Qinghuai asked.

"The foundation of a solid state is to make the people rich. If the people are rich, the country will be rich, and if the people are rich, there will be no chaos. But the current situation in our dynasty is that the country is poor and the people are poor. Why does this happen? It is because some of them are on the side Sucking on people's fat while eating away at the treasury. According to the students' knowledge, if the wealthy gentry in Zhongzhou have less than ten wives and concubines in their family, they will be looked down upon. Nowadays, it is popular for noble ladies in Beijing to use a kind of thin silk yarn produced in Yingzhou to make shoes For decoration, this kind of silk yarn costs more than 300 taels of silver, which is equivalent to half a year's tax revenue for a hundred counties."

Lin Yuxiu sighed, and said: "If the silk and satin produced by a hundred people is not enough for a rich man to wear, how many people in the world will have no clothes and shelter in the cold winter? One farmer plows, but ten people get something for nothing. How many people in the world will suffer from hunger? If these hungry and cold people cannot survive, they will naturally rebel."

"Students think that the root cause of this situation lies in the taxation system of our court. The main income of our court treasury is the tax collected according to the number of males. That is to say, a poor man and a rich man have to pay the same tax There are many. However, there is a huge difference in the arable land occupied by the poor and the rich. The same tax is a drop in the bucket for the rich, but it may be a heavy burden for the poor."

"More importantly, the Ministry of Households collects taxes based on population, and the population is reported by various regions. During Xingrui's reign, the Ministry of Households launched three population censuses across the country, and the results of the three statistics had huge deviations. Therefore, Xingrui Ruidi sent people to investigate and found that there were a lot of omissions, especially among officials and wealthy gentry. These dignitaries avoided a large part of taxes by concealing the number of people in their families. These taxes should have been The money of the treasury. It is precisely because of this that there is the current situation of "the people's money is gradually exhausted, and the Beijing reserve still feels empty."

(End of this chapter)

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