Chapter 108 The Will
Tao Yuan showed surprise, he obviously did not expect Ye Qinghuai to ask such a question.

He looked at Ye Qinghuai for a while, but saw that her expression was iron and her eyes were very firm.

Tao Yuan lowered his eyes and said, "This grassroots really doesn't know."

"Then what if I ask you to investigate?"

Tao Yuan glanced at Ye Qinghuai quickly, the young emperor's clear eyes were full of unfathomable thoughts.

He pulled up the corners of his mouth and smiled lazily, and said: "Only this matter, the grass-roots people will not be able to follow their orders."

"Why?" Ye Qinghuai's voice also cooled down.

Tao Yuan took a deep look at Ye Qinghuai, but without speaking, he stood up, walked around the desk, and walked to the ancient shelf behind Ye Qinghuai to stand still.

It was a large floor-to-ceiling antique shelf, as high as the entire wall. There were all kinds of curios on the shelf, and a bronze disc was erected in the middle of the shelf. If you look closely, it is integrated with the wall. of.There are six circles in total, and each circle can be rotated. Some symbols are engraved on it, like the heavenly stems and earthly branches, and also like Qimen gossip.

Tao Yuan moved the disc deftly. After a while, he heard the dull sound of wooden tenons turning from the depths of the wall, and then a drawer suddenly protruded from an empty grid on the top of the shelf. Hovering above Tao Yuan's head.

Tao Yuan raised his hand, and took out a bright yellow scroll from the drawer.

Ye Qinghuai's expression changed suddenly.

This is a color that only royals can wear.The bright yellow satin painted with Tenglong and the smooth handle of the jade scroll made Ye Qinghuai so unfamiliar.

Holy decree.

"Your Majesty, let's see for yourself." Tao Yuan placed the imperial decree on the wooden table in front of Ye Qinghuai.

Ye Qinghuai frowned, with a slightly hesitant expression, and unfolded the imperial decree.

It was Emperor Shunping's secret decree to Yingwei, appointing Lu Yanchen to take over Yingwei after him, and ordered that Yingwei not be allowed to question and investigate Lu Yanchen.

This should be the handover secret edict mentioned by Tao Yuan earlier.

Ye Qinghuai was even more confused.The first half of this secret edict is understandable, perhaps because Emperor Shunping admired Lu Yanchen very much and took a fancy to his character, so he handed over the Eagle Guard to him.But the second half is really unbelievable, it kind of means that there is no silver 300 taels here.

This had to make Ye Qinghuai wonder again, what kind of special relationship and bond did Lu Yanchen have with her father, that made the late emperor value and protect him so much?

"Did the late emperor tell you about Mr. Lu's situation?" Ye Qinghuai asked.

Tao Yuan showed her a helpless smile, with the words "Your Majesty, don't embarrass the villain" written all over his face.

Ye Qinghuai knew that his mouth would only be stricter than Li Baoquan, so he stopped doing useless work.Looking at the imperial decree written by the late emperor in front of her, she laughed lightly as if mocking herself, and murmured, "It's really interesting."

She sat silently for a while, then stood up suddenly, swept the haze off her face, and said, "I don't want a third person to know what happened in this room today."

After finishing speaking, she smiled gently at Tao Yuan.
It's night, Lu Zhai.

After not coming back for a few days, Lu Yanchen spent some time tidying up the yard.

Finally, he took out the secret bag that he had kept in his pocket from his bosom.

When he woke up, he immediately searched for his clothes, but luckily the secret bag was still there.

Lu Yanchen took out the folded note from his secret pocket, and his expression softened suddenly.

Fortunately, intact.

At this moment, the night wind moved slightly.

Lu Yanchen's eyes turned cold in an instant, he quickly stuffed the note into his dark pocket, his steps moved slightly, and he made a gesture of challenge.

The crescent moon had just risen outside the house, and the courtyard was silent, and the bells of rich people could be heard faintly in the distance.

There was a tense oppression in the air.

After a while, Lu Yanchen suddenly stopped his steps, loosened his tense body, and said, "Our house is simple, but it has a door. Why does Commander Tao pretend to be a gentleman?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a figure actually landed on the roof beam, as light as a cat.

It was Tao Yuan.

He was dressed in black, with a lazy smile on his face, and a long knife on his back, which was tightly wrapped in linen cloth several times, and the original appearance of the weapon could not be seen.

"Tsk tsk, I kindly came to give you something, but you said that about me." Tao Yuan pretended to be regretful.

Lu Yanchen stuffed the dark bag into his sleeve calmly, looked back at him, and his gaze was immediately attracted by the weapon on his back.

Tao Yuan raised the corner of his mouth, took off the long knife on his back and put it on the table in front of him.

A corner of the linen spread out, revealing the dark handle of the knife.

Unpretentious, but frosty pavement.

Lu Yanchen's eyes showed surprise, and said, "Where did you find it?"

Tao Yuan stood aside with his arms folded, and said, "The Criminal Department confiscated it from the Imperial Hospital, and I went to get it back for you in person. I wanted to return it to you at the pawn shop this afternoon, but I never found a chance."

Holding the handle of the knife, Lu Yanchen shook the knife and the sheath slightly in the air, drawing a circle, and the linen wrapped around the knife fell off silently.

He slowly pulled out the blade.

A chilling chill escaped from the mouth of the sheath.The body of the knife was covered with moonlight-like silver light, and a dangerous evil spirit flowed.


With a crisp "click", Lu Yanchen put the knife back into its sheath.

"Don't say thank you for your kindness, Mr. Lu owes you a favor." He bowed his hands to Tao Yuan.

Tao Yuan waved his hand indifferently, and said, "It took so much effort to hit this knife again, I don't want to go through it again."

After speaking, he sat down at the table, poured himself a cup of tea and drank it down.

No reservations about being a guest at all.

Lu Yanchen seemed to be used to this.He smiled, shook his head slightly, sat down beside Tao Yuan, and poured himself a cup of tea.

"You really figured it out?" Tao Yuan asked suddenly.

He put down the teacup in his hand, squinted at Lu Yanchen, a little carelessly.

"Think about what?" Lu Yanchen was taken aback by his question.

"What do you mean you figured it out! I changed my boss today!" Tao Yuan immediately became anxious.

Lu Yanchen looked at him with some amusement, and said, "Aren't you reluctant to part with the leisurely days in the past? Let me remind you that following His Majesty is definitely not as comfortable as following me."

"Do you need to remind me? I've already felt it." Tao Yuan complained, "I haven't even finished my self-introduction yet, Your Majesty has already started arranging tasks."

"You can't blame His Majesty for this. He needs you very much now, and it is really urgent."

Lu Yanchen actually spoke for the emperor!Tao Yuan frowned. As a worker, he felt a heartache of being betrayed by his allies.

"Xiao Lu, you have not married a wife for a long time. Could it be that you have broken your sleeve? What do you really think about the emperor?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he got Lu Yanchen's eye knife as he wished.

Tao Yuan immediately stepped back two positions with the stool.

"Speaking of which, why didn't I know that your real name is 'Tao Erlong'?"

"You!" Tao Yuan yelled at the case, "You don't slap someone in the face when you hit someone, and you don't expose your shortcomings when you swear!"

He looked around, and finally pressed the knife and said: "You just said that you owe me a favor, and now I ask you to forget these three words."

"Which three words?"

Tao Yuan blushed angrily, and said angrily, "Lu—yan—chen—"

"That's impossible, it's too difficult to forget my name." After finishing speaking, Lu Yanchen looked at him with a half-smile and said, "Erlong is also very nice, why did it make you so angry?"

"That sounds good, why isn't your name Lu Erlong?"

"..." Lu Yanchen thought for a while, and suddenly felt that he understood Tao Yuan a little bit.

(End of this chapter)

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