North American Gunslinger Detective

Chapter 313 Ruiz's Rage

Chapter 313 Ruiz's Rage
(Sorry, the previous chapters have caused you a lot of trouble. I will refactor them in the past few days, and I will inform you to review them after the revisions are completed. The first part of this chapter is connected to the previous chapter, and it will be refactored later. Apologies again.)
Watching other people ski is very interesting, but for the pure newcomer who came to the ski resort for the first time, Jimmy is quite miserable. He does not prepare any ski equipment at all, and all need to be rented from the club. For safety, he also needs to hire a coach to teach for 2 hours , and today it can only be played simply on the primary slide.

Snowboards, ski boots, poles, snow boots, ski suits, helmets, snow, gloves and the most important knee pads and hip pads, etc., just this bunch of equipment is a headache. It seems that I want to learn in the United States in the future. When it comes to skiing, there are many things that need to be prepared.

Standing, walking, gliding, turning, and falling to the side all require repeated practice. Jimmy can only watch eagerly as the people next to him call the cable car to the intermediate and advanced ski trails, and he follows another first-timer. Slide slowly on flat ground.

After simply skiing from the primary slideway accompanied by the coach, he took the next ski elevator back to the club, then Jimmy called it a day and went to rest. He had lunch and a rest, and in the afternoon he could slide alone on the primary slideway.

It's a pity that he didn't have a chance. At noon, Daniel and Emilian came again. This time they invited Jimmy to return to Marseille. The police station prepared a celebration banquet for them. Of course, the reason for inviting Jimmy was mainly to thank Jimmy. Helped, freed Emilien.

As for the people who were shot by Jimmy, Emily accepted it with a smile. These are credits, and it is shameful to waste them. Anyway, no matter how much you investigate, the bullets that hit them were all fired from Emilian's gun. As long as the three of them don't say anything, no one will know.

Although reluctant, Jimmy returned all the rented equipment, packed the suitcases, and returned with Daniel and the others.

The celebration banquet at the Marseille Police Station is really unique. When Jimmy was a county police officer, he never held any celebration banquets, and they were all small groups of people. Marseille directly set up a small banquet hall. Here you go A lot of big shots, it looks like the chief of police has a lot of connections.

Jimmy thought so at first, and then he was slapped in the face. The highest rank on the scene was a general, but he was not invited by the director, but Daniel.It can't be seen that this rough man has a general father-in-law, well, his wife is also very beautiful.

After a feast for the host and guests, Jimmy rested in Marseille for one night and returned to Paris the next day.

In order to express his gratitude, Daniel drove Jimmy to Paris Airport. The journey is more than 700 kilometers, which usually takes 7 hours, but it was done in 3 hours. Of course, Daniel’s license plate is still fake, so there is no need to worry about being fined.

At the banquet yesterday, Jimmy found out that Daniel didn't have a driver's license, it was true that he didn't have a driver's license, and it was permanently revoked and he was not allowed to hold a driver's license again.

Good guy, it's no wonder he drives so wildly. He doesn't have a driver's license. The car has a fake license plate, and others can't catch up. It's a perfect closed loop.

"Daniel, if you have the opportunity to come to the United States, remember to come to New York to find me." Jimmy took Daniel's car a few times and practiced it. Now after parking the car, he only has an upset stomach and does not feel like vomiting.

Daniel: "Of course, if we travel to the United States, we will definitely inform you."

Jimmy: "That's it. Goodbye." Jimmy took out his FBI business card from his wallet and gave it to Daniel. This business card is not available to everyone, and Jimmy rarely sends this business card to people.

After getting off the car and taking the luggage, Jimmy went directly to the airport. He had already booked the ticket by phone last night. The plane at noon landed in the afternoon New York time.

Fortunately, there were no accidents on the round-trip flight between New York and Paris, and Jimmy arrived in New York smoothly.When he got back to the apartment, he called the number Tom used to send text messages to, but unfortunately no one answered it. This was the only phone number Jimmy could use to contact Tom. He had to wait for Tom to contact him. The CIA ID card was still in Tom’s hands. over there.

Speaking of which, Tom's mobile phone number was changed frequently enough, and he didn't know how many bearer phones he bought.

Jimmy turned on his FBI phone. He didn't bring this phone with him when he went to Europe this time. Since it's a trip, of course he should feel at ease. It would be too bad to be disturbed by work information.

It seemed that I was thinking too much. As a newcomer to the FBI, no one would contact me when I was on vacation. I didn't even send a short message after turning on my phone.

On Christmas Eve, Jimmy came to the bureau in the afternoon, because this time it was a night shift, so Jimmy rested during the day, and he basically had to maintain such a night shift life for the following week.

This is the price. When he asked for leave before, Chris just told him that he would be on duty for Christmas, but he didn't notice that this duty turned out to be a night shift. When he came back to the office from vacation, Chris gave him the schedule. Calculating to death.If I had known this, it would be better not to take a vacation, but to go to work during the day honestly.

Jimmy on duty is no longer a member of the homicide team, but has become a role similar to the support team. Where he needs to go depends entirely on the arrangement above.Jimmy seems to have returned to the era of the county police, sitting at the headquarters and waiting for the dispatch center to notify the police, but now the dispatch center has been replaced by other team leaders, such as Ruiz who is now in front of Jimmy.

Jimmy: "Ruiz, is there a case?"

Ruiz: "Well, tonight we plan to raid a port warehouse that undercover agents have identified as a T14 gang drug distribution center."

Jimmy: "T14? Is there a new gang? Why haven't you heard of it?"

Ruiz: "It was just a small gang, and I didn't notice them before, but one of our undercover agents got a clue by coincidence that the boss of T14, Scar, used to be a member of the Mexican gang and was in charge of it. It happened to be a smuggling business.

After more than a month of investigation, we have determined that the Mexican Gang has a sea smuggling route from Manzanillo Port to New York, and this route is taken over by Scar of T14 and distributed to other gangs.In this smuggling route, there is a drug smuggling line hidden, and our target is them. "

Jimmy: "Shouldn't this be dealt with by the New Zealand Port Authority police?"

Ruiz: "Well, they have been notified, but we must deal with the matter. Now the Port Authority police are monitoring from a long distance. We will go there at night. The monitoring team is tracking T14 Scar. He will go to the warehouse tonight. At that time, everyone will get all the stolen goods."

Jimmy: "Where's the search warrant?"

Ruiz: "Well, I got it."

Jimmy: "Okay, when are we going?"

Ruiz raised his hand and looked at his watch: "In an hour, we will go directly to the port warehouse and wait."

Jimmy nodded, and Ruiz left their office to get ready.There is nothing to prepare for Jimmy here. He just checked all the guns and bullets, and it was OK. The body armor was placed in the trunk of the distribution car.

At 9:[-], Jimmy and Ruiz came to the warehouse area next to the port. In order to avoid alarming the enemy, the police of the Port Authority monitored it on the tower crane, and arranged several nodes on the outside of the warehouse area on the ground.Jimmy looked at the warehouse area. It was already late at night. There were no normal people coming in and out of the warehouse area, and the lighting was limited to the surrounding ceiling lighting. There were no lights on in the warehouse building itself.

Jimmy: "Ruiz, are there any of them in that warehouse?"

Ruiz shook his head: "No, this is their transit warehouse. After the cargo ship arrives at the port, they will put the goods in the container into the warehouse and transfer them normally the next day, but if there are special goods in it, Scar will arrange People came to deal with it one night in advance, this time we know there are goods here because Scar decided to come here this time.”

Jimmy: "Then you wait here for a while, I'll go to the warehouse to look at the terrain first, so I can do it later."

Ruiz nodded, and Jimmy pulled out the Glock and walked over with the flashlight.There is no lighting in the warehouse itself, and of course Jimmy didn't turn on the flashlight. He only held it as a backup, and it was more convenient to observe with his mind.

When he came to the target warehouse, Jimmy scanned it first, and found no big monitors. This is a good thing, and it is convenient for him to move.Close to the rolling gate of the warehouse, he looked into the warehouse, and found a big trouble, the warehouse was empty.

It’s not completely empty either. You can see that there are some boxes piled up in the warehouse, but from the situation observed by the mind’s eye, the inside of the box should be empty. Entity and space are completely different expressions in the mind’s eye scan.

Jimmy looked up and looked around. It was indeed this warehouse. It was broken. Someone leaked the news and they moved the goods ahead of time.

Continue to look left and right, turned around the warehouse, Jimmy returned to Ruiz, it is not the time to tell him, because the warehouse itself has no windows to see the inside except for the rolling gate, he has no way to explain.What's more, since Scar is doing so well, he doesn't even leave any normal goods. When he sees this scene on the spot, Ruiz's anger will definitely burn Scar, and he will be the focus of Ruiz's attention later. .

Ruiz answered the phone and said to Jimmy, "Scar is on his way."

The two returned to the car. It took at least half an hour to get from Scar's residence to the warehouse, so it was better to be in the car.

"Let's go." Ruiz's voice came from Jimmy's walkie-talkie. Ruiz was driving in front, Jimmy was behind, followed by three police cars of the Port Authority Police, their sirens sounding, and they drove towards the warehouse.

Two cars had already stopped in front of the T14 warehouse. Several people had already got out of the car. They came to the door of the warehouse and opened the rolling gate. When they heard the siren, they immediately pulled the door and prepared to get in the car. Then they were surrounded by police cars and the FBI. surrounded by cars.

"This is the FBI. Everyone stay where you are, and raise your hands above your head." The car radio system sounded, warning the two cars surrounded in the middle.

Everyone got out of the car, and the Port Authority policeman stood next to the police car with a gun, facing the T14 member in the middle, Ruiz went to the car in front and knocked on the window, "Scar, come down and talk."

Scar stared at Ruiz outside the car, gritted his teeth and nodded, opened the car door and got out.Scar is Hispanic, and the lights of the surrounding cars illuminate the outside of the warehouse clearly, and Scar's expression can be seen in full view.A well-healed knife wound extended from the right side of the neck to the right face, which should be the origin of his nickname Scar.

Scar: "I don't know why you are here at this time?"

Ruiz pulled a folded warrant out of his pocket. "We need to inspect your warehouse. Here's the warrant."

Ruiz put the search warrant in Scar's hand and pointed to the warehouse door: "Open the door."

Scar's face has been grim since he got out of the car. He saw that Ruiz didn't speak or move. Ruiz raised his voice and continued, "I said, open the door!"

Scar turned his head to look at a younger brother by the door who hadn't got in the car in time, and nodded to him. The younger brother went to pull the rolling gate and opened the warehouse.

Ruiz and the police officers took a flashlight to the warehouse, and suddenly found that it was basically empty, except for some boxes by the wall. His face changed drastically, and he ran in quickly.Jimmy didn't move at all. He knew there was nothing in the warehouse. Now that Ruiz and the police had entered the warehouse, he drew his pistol and hung it on the right side, staring at Scar and them.

Ruiz checked a few boxes in the warehouse, turned around and walked out. He walked to the side of Scar with a gloomy face: "When did you transfer it?"

Scar snorted, the corners of his mouth turned up, "I don't understand what you're talking about. We're just here to clean up the warehouse for the next batch of goods."

Ruiz gritted his teeth and pointed at the scar, his hands trembling a little.

Scar continued: "You have also finished searching the warehouse, can I go? Detective, what's your name?"

Ruiz finally suppressed his anger. He took a deep breath, nodded, turned and shouted, "Close the team," and walked to his car.

Scar looked at Ruiz who turned around and smiled, turned and got into the car. In the gap surrounded by police cars, the two cars drove away without being stopped.

Jimmy didn't bother Ruiz, he drove behind Ruiz, the Port Authority police who were with them had already retreated, and the surveillance team following Scar also continued to leave with Scar.

Ruiz drove the car for a while, stopped at the side of the road and got out of the car. Jimmy got out of the car after him and came to Ruiz's side. He took out the cigarette case and lighter and handed them to Ruiz. The man lit a cigarette, stood on the side of the road, looked at the river next to him, and said nothing.

After half a cigarette, Jimmy spoke first: "Ruiz, how many people know that they are coming to search the warehouse?"

Ruiz: "I know what you mean, stop talking, the problem is with the Port Authority."

Ruiz took a deep breath of the cigarette, threw the cigarette butt on the ground and stepped on it, "Since T14 is smuggling by sea, it will definitely contact the Port Authority. When I notified them, I specifically warned them to keep it secret. Judging from the empty situation in the warehouse, they came to empty the warehouse within a short time after I notified it. This is not something that can be done simply by one or two people calling, and there must be a lot of people involved in the Port Authority.”

Jimmy: "Do you want to deal with the Port Authority?"

Ruiz shook his head: "I really want to, but I can't. The jurisdiction of the Port Authority is too complicated. Although we have enough authority to intervene, it is too troublesome and can be easily used by those who want to. It is not an investigation of negligence and corruption. Instead, it has become a knife in the hands of politicians. The target still has to be on T14, and I will continue to keep an eye on them."

After Ruiz finished speaking, he turned and walked towards the car. When he got to the side of the driver's seat, he turned his back to Jimmy and said, "Scar, I won't let him go."

Jimmy watched Ruiz get into the car, didn't say goodbye to Jimmy at all, and drove away. He looked up at the tall buildings in the distance, the city with shining lights, and there were too many things in the darkness.

(Knowledge point science: The full name of the New York and New Jersey Port Authority is the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. It aims to manage, develop and operate commercial and transportation facilities in the Greater New York area across administrative divisions. It does not have the right to collect taxes, is responsible for its own profits and losses, and has no public funds. subsidy.

The Port Authority is composed of 6 members appointed by the two governors each, a total of 12 members, responsible for supervising the operation of various interstate transportation facilities between New York and New Jersey, responsible for maintenance and management of the New Zealand Aviation Port Authority to cross the Hudson River Rapid Transit (PATH) 1 heavy rail line, 6 bridges and tunnels including Holland Tunnel, Lincoln Tunnel and George Washington Bridge, and 6 airports including JFK International Airport, Newark International Airport and LaGuardia Airport, and 3 more Long-distance bus terminal, 7 piers and 1 heliport.In addition, the World Trade Center that collapsed in the 9 incident and the Freedom Tower (the official name is still the World Trade Center) rebuilt afterward are also owned by this institution.

The Port Authority has its own New York and New Jersey Port Authority Police Department, with more than 2000 registered police officers. The Port Authority police have law enforcement powers within the scope of the Port Authority's responsibility. )
I'm considering refactoring the first two. The updates in these two days may be slightly less. I'll find time to make up after the refactoring.Kneel down and apologize!
(End of this chapter)

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