North American Gunslinger Detective

Chapter 297 Investigating Jimmy?

Chapter 297 Investigating Jimmy?

Jimmy and the others parked the police car, moved the box to the evidence room of the police station, and put it there temporarily. It is impossible to rely on a few policemen to identify this kind of thing. You need to contact the museum or the school laboratory to deal with it.

Several people were a little frightened, and instead of going home to eat, they went to the restaurant together. In order to express his apology, Jimmy took the initiative to pay the bill. The three policemen were scared because Jimmy shot inexplicably.

After returning to the police station in the afternoon, the satellite photos that Lei arranged to send over also arrived. They were sent by the motorcycle police. I don’t know how many favors Lei needs to get someone to send them over urgently. I ran twice in two days. Is this the police? Courier.

The matter of the box is temporarily handed over to Chad and the others. Jimmy took the satellite photos and laid them on the table. There are only photos in January and July. The photos in January are not of much reference value, because the photos in winter have color differences in local plants and buildings. It's too serious, you can see it in the photos in July.

It can be seen from the satellite photos that the color of the woods is inconsistent with other parts. Jimmy carefully distinguishes the color of the woods, and it seems that only about half of the woods in the north are slightly darker.Because of the problem of the ratio of the satellite photo, there is no clear color dividing line in this satellite photo, and there is no way to draw the outline to confirm where the center of the circle is.

Compared with yesterday's aerial photos, the color of the forest is the same, and the color change has extended to the south. So can it be considered that this color change was completed in a short few months?

According to Jimmy's inference from yesterday's aerial photos, the central area of ​​the spiritual outbreak should be at the corner of the Red River, but the source of the strange silk thread found now is an underground iron box in the forest. Is there any connection between these two places?

Today, the fog floated from the Red River. Judging from the route of the fog, the target of the fog should be the box they opened. Maybe the ghost in the Red River has something to do with the box in the woods?
Jimmy sat down, leaned on the back of the chair and began to think about the fog he encountered at noon. He can now be sure that his attack is indeed effective, but it is not particularly obvious. The white spots he saw in his mind should be the weakness of the supernatural. After he hit the white dot, the fog did partly dissipate.

But it seems that the mist doesn't have too powerful means, and its moving speed is not fast. If this is a supernatural event, I should be able to handle it easily.

In fact, there is also a possibility that the target of the fog is the box, and it did not intend to deal with Jimmy.What if it's because the sun overwhelms it during the day?Looking at it this way, it seems that it can only be dealt with during the day.

Look at the time, now is not the time to go to the Red River to investigate. When I go there, it will not be long until the evening, so I can only go tomorrow.But you can't waste this time, you have to prepare for everything in advance, the so-called preparedness, right?

He found Chad: "Chad, can you help me find a set of diving equipment?"

Cha De had a question mark on his face: "What do you need diving equipment for?"

Jimmy: "Tomorrow I want to go to the Red River."

Chad looked at Jimmy and blinked, thinking for a moment: "Okay, let me try."

Jimmy: "Thank you. You continue to investigate the box, I will go back first."

Chad watched Jimmy leave the office, he was really confused. Since Jimmy came, except for a few on-site investigations, the rest of the actions have no connection at all, and today there is an inexplicable shooting The behavior is really weird.

Speaking of Jimmy shooting, he is still a little bit flustered now. This is the first time he saw someone shoot a semi-automatic pistol with a revolver, although Jimmy was facing away from them at the time, and he couldn't see Jimmy reloading. speed, but only from the sound interval of each round of gunfire, Jimmy's reloading speed is definitely beyond their imagination.

Such FBI agents are not easy to provoke, and they can hide as far as they can.He thought for a while, picked up the phone and called the FBI's Dallas office again.

Jimmy returned to the hotel and lay down early to rest. He already had two heart palpitations. He didn't wait for the normal bedtime, but went to bed early so that he wouldn't be woken up again.

In the middle of the night, Jimmy was awakened again, but he glanced at the time, it was just after 12 o'clock, no, why was it two hours earlier?

Jimmy turned on the light and sat up, still observing the surroundings with his eyes, then changed his clothes and went out.

Jimmy drove to the north of the town, but before he had driven far, he was shocked. When passing by the police station, he suddenly found silk threads in the air.

Jimmy turned around and entered the parking lot in front of the police station. The lights inside the police station were on, and it seemed that someone was on duty at night.Jimmy came to the gate of the police station and knocked on the door. Police officer Hayden walked over from the right side of the hall, holding the handle of the gun in his right hand and holding a flashlight in his left hand to shine.

Hayden: "Agent Jimmy, it's you."

Hayden turned off the flashlight and opened the door to let Jimmy in. "is there anything?"

Jimmy: "It's nothing, I just couldn't sleep, and I wanted to go to the police station to get the information and go back."

Hayden: "Well, your documents are all on the table, and no one has touched them."

Jimmy: "Thanks." He walked to the table and began to tidy up the photos and case files. Of course, his eyes were not idle. The silk threads floating in the police station were indeed denser. Judging from the density, the center should be the evidence room on the second floor. .

Strange, the silk thread in the box had already dissipated during the day, why did it come out again?
Jimmy packed the materials, said hello to Hayden, left the police station, got into the car, and drove towards the dirt road north of the town.

This kind of silk thread should not be dangerous. Nothing happened to the two campers before, and from the satellite photos, the abnormal situation has been going on for a while. If something happens, it will not be a bad night.

Jimmy's goal is the fog, the source of the fog is the Red River, if the goal of the fog is the box, it is night, the fog should be dispatched.

Jimmy had just left the town, didn't drive very far, and suddenly stopped the car. The fog was floating in front of him, but he didn't move towards the town at all. Now the fog is only a few meters away from Jimmy. Even so close, the two sides are still in peace. Jimmy looked at the fog and couldn't help but froze.

No, it's not that the mist stopped moving forward, but that it reached the limit of distance. It seems that the ability of the "thing" in the Red River is not unlimited. The box is what it wants, but because the distance is too far, it exceeds the limit of its ability. The fog can only go here.

Jimmy turned the front of the car and rushed directly to the farmland on the side of the road. Not long after driving to the side, the position of the fog changed, Jimmy's expression changed, and he turned half a circle around the fog. After all the range was determined, the fog suddenly recovered rapidly to the north, and the fog quickly disappeared out of Jimmy's field of vision.

Jimmy waited at the same spot for a long time, but the fog never appeared again. It was a new phenomenon. He was lucky today. Fortunately, he came out to see it. He turned the car back to the road and drove back to the hotel.

Early the next morning, Jimmy left the hotel after the sun came out, went to the police station after breakfast, and was going to see how Chad's diving equipment was prepared.

However, it turned out that Chad came very late today. Jimmy waited at the police station for more than two hours and arrived at the police station after 10 o'clock.

Jimmy stood up: "Director Lambert, why are you here?"

Yes, following Chad into the police station was Lambert, the head of the FBI's Dallas office, and there was another detective beside him, Special Agent Sam Burton who had previously dealt with the cash van robbery.

Lambert: "Well, let me take a look at the progress of your case. How is it? Is there a conclusion?"

Jimmy: "Some ideas, but there is no final conclusion yet."

Lambert: "It's okay, what clues have been found, tell me about it."

Jimmy fell silent. Strictly speaking, he never thought about how to write a report on this case. Ever since he noticed the supernatural event, Jimmy no longer cared about the case itself, and all his attention was on the supernatural event.

All his investigations are based on supernatural events, including aerial photos and satellite photos.

Lambert: "Why do you need diving equipment?"

Jimmy: "I want to look in the Red River to see if there are any clues."

Lambert: "So you suspect that they fell into the water and drowned, and the bodies were not found, so they disappeared, right?"

Jimmy shook his head, looked at the people next to him, and finally decided to explain the current progress to Lambert, but definitely not to everyone in public.

Jimmy looked at Chad: "Sheriff Chad, is there a quiet room here?"

Chad looked at Lambert, turned his head and nodded to Jimmy, "Second floor."

Jimmy: "Director Lambert, let's go talk, just us."

Chad took them to an office on the second floor. This was an empty office. The next room was the evidence room. There was no one else here.

Lambert watched Chad close the door, the footsteps outside gradually moved away, and there should be no one else around.

Jimmy looked around and made sure there was no one there. He asked Lambert: "Director Lambert, this case is very troublesome. I don't think I can write a complete case report. According to my current investigation results, These cases of disappearance should not be done by people."

Lambert: "You're saying it wasn't made by humans, right? Why?"

Jimmy: "Before I joined the FBI, I participated in a church exorcism ceremony." After Jimmy said this, Lambert's eyes suddenly narrowed. Jimmy has been looking at Lambert. Lambert knows this expression something.

Jimmy: "I can see something special, something inhuman. After I came to Tata Town, I haven't slept well for three or four days. Every night I will be awakened by a feeling of palpitations. Tata There are strange things north of Tower Town."

Jimmy took out the photo from his briefcase, "This is the aerial photo I applied for two days ago, look here, the border I drew, the plants in the north of Tata Town have obvious color difference, even the same plants, in this line There are differences in color on the north and south sides of the line, and I found their center, here, at a corner of the Red River."

Then he took out the satellite photo sent yesterday: "This is the satellite photo from July this year. Although it is not very obvious, but looking at this forest, it is the forest where the fourth disappearance case took place. The color of the forest is also obviously different."

Jimmy pointed out to Lambert his scouting of the photos in the past two days, and Lambert said nothing, and looked down at the photos with Jimmy.

Lambert: "Anything else?"

Jimmy: "I dug up a box in this forest yesterday. There was a skull and some other things in it, waiting to be checked by the sheriff for identification, because the box is old and has nothing to do with our disappearance case. Nothing to do, so I didn't take over."

Lambert: "Well, I probably understand. So, can you explain why you suddenly shot into the air yesterday?"

Seeing that Jimmy didn't speak, Lambert continued, "I didn't come here today because of the case, but because of you. What happened to make you go crazy and shoot like crazy?"

Jimmy: "I see things they don't see."

Lambert looked at Jimmy, put his arms around Jimmy's shoulders, and put his head close to Jimmy's ear, "Are you sure you see something they can't see? Are you in a bad mood and need to go to the hospital?"

Jimmy shook his head slightly: "I'm normal, I'm pretty sure, sir."

Lambert let go of Jimmy: "OK, I see."

Lambert took out the phone, found a number and dialed, "Father Horton, this is Lambert."

"Yes, I may need to trouble you to bring someone to Tata Town, the Tata Town next to the state border."

"Of course, it would be best if we could arrive as soon as possible. Thank you very much."

Lambert hung up the phone and said to Jimmy: "I believe in you, I hope you won't let me down, let's go, wait for someone to come over and go together."

Jimmy tidied up the photos on the table, put them in his briefcase, and went downstairs with Lambert. Downstairs, Agent Sam Burton was sitting in front of Jimmy with his eyes closed. It's not a good thing to come here. It's quite tiring to get up early and be a driver.

Sam saw Lambert and the others come down and stood up. Lambert waved his hands. They sat in the waiting area of ​​the hall, waiting for Father Holden to arrive.

(End of this chapter)

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