North American Gunslinger Detective

Chapter 257 Buying a House?

Chapter 257 Buying a House?

Armpit holsters are not appropriate for today's outfit, and leg holsters, well, this is New York, and if Jimmy isn't going to hang his badge around his belt, he better not be so arrogant.

Put the revolver on the back waist, the belt is stuck, as long as it doesn't leak out, there is no problem. Of course, to prevent being robbed or stolen, look at yourself, it's okay, put the wallet, keys, and cigarette case in the trouser pocket , Put the lighter in the shirt pocket, done, look around in the mirror, there is nothing unusual, you can go out to eat.

While walking on the street, I was looking for a place to eat. Even though it was noon, the traffic was still heavy. It seemed that the traffic in Manhattan was not easy. The sound of Didi sounded one after another, and I felt that every driver had road rage.

Jimmy looked at the situation on the road. It seemed that he had never had such a leisurely time before. At this time, he still had to be thankful that he did not drive that second-hand Mercury to New York. According to his previous driving habits, he would have started cursing a long time ago.

I found a cafe to have a light meal, and continued to stroll on the road. Looking at the busy road, Jimmy thought about it, and it would be good to get a motorcycle instead. The key is that it does not take up space, and it can also walk through the traffic , although it is a bit dangerous, as long as you pay attention, the problem should not be big.

But now there is still a big problem. There is no parking lot in the apartment he rents. If he really wants to buy a car, whether it is a motorcycle or a car, he will always need a parking space, especially a motorcycle. There is no safe parking The field, to ensure that he spends the night, the car is gone.

While wandering around, Jimmy's phone rang. "Hi Peter, what's the matter?"

After Jimmy answered the phone, he hung up and prepared to go home.

Just now Peter was also asked by the OPR about Jimmy's work in his team, so he called Jimmy and asked him to go to his house for dinner in the evening, wanting to enlighten Jimmy, being investigated is not the end of the world, there is no need to be depressed .

Peter is actually a very good leader. Although he has a little trouble, he has principles and will block some of the pressure from above for his subordinates. Jimmy still likes such a boss. Since Peter called and asked him to go to his house for dinner, he must give Save face.

Jimmy went back to rest for a while, took a shower, changed into his suit in the evening, took a bottle of wine and went out.

Jimmy took a taxi to Peter's house, rang the doorbell, and Elizabeth came over and opened the door.

"Jimmy, long time no see." Elizabeth welcomed Jimmy with a smile when she saw Jimmy outside the door.Jimmy gave Elizabeth the wine and went into the house.

"Elizabeth, hasn't Peter come back yet?" Jimmy always asked when he saw that there was only Elizabeth and a dog in the house, and Peter was not there.

"Should be back soon, he called before. Sit down first." Elizabeth turned around and put the red wine on the wine rack, and sat on the sofa chatting casually with Jimmy to kill time.

Not long after, Peter came back, and Elizabeth went to work in the kitchen. Peter took off the holster and put it in the drawer, and came over and sat in the seat before Elizabeth.

"Peter, have you been questioned by the OPR? What did they say?" Jimmy still couldn't hold back and asked this question.

Peter: "It's nothing special, it's just your performance in the previous case handling process. Don't worry, you're fine."

Jimmy shook his head and smiled wryly: "How can I feel at ease? I'm not worried about being reassigned by OPR all of a sudden. I'm not worried about being transferred, but whether I won't even have FBI agents to do it."

Peter raised his eyebrows: "Why do you think so?"

Jimmy: "Garrett Fuller of OPR has been asking me about the details of the shooting. If he was just asking about a few cases I was involved in, it could be done in 10 minutes, but it took an hour. Although That's not right, I really suspect he seems to be targeting me."

Peter: "That's just because you killed a little too many people, don't think too much, I won't fire you directly."

Elizabeth came in and out a few times, and came out with a plate, "Okay, stop chatting, come and sit."

Peter shook his head and signaled Jimmy to sit down. The three sat down, and Elizabeth poured wine for the three, "Welcome Jimmy."

"Thank you." After clinking glasses, the three began to eat dinner. Peter and Elizabeth were not believers, and there was no pre-meal prayer session. This is really good. Although Jimmy was apparently a believer, he rejected Peter's request to pray first. process.

During the meal, Jimmy suddenly said, "Peter, is there any familiar agent in the bureau? I want to buy an apartment or a house."

Elizabeth and Peter suddenly stopped what they were doing, and looked at Jimmy in surprise: "What? You want to buy a house?"

Jimmy blinked, why do you feel that the expressions of the two of them are not right? "Yes, in our Chinese concept, having your own house is your home."

Peter put down the tableware and wiped his hands, "You have just started working, if you buy a house now, you will be under great pressure to repay the loan."

Only then did Jimmy realize the reason for their surprised expressions just now, "It's okay, I still have some savings, as long as it's not a particularly expensive house, it should be fine."

Peter: "So where do you want to buy it?"

Jimmy: "Somewhere nearer. Manhattan probably can't afford it. Brooklyn is close to Manhattan. If you have a budget, 30? 40?"

Now it wasn't just Peter, Elizabeth put down the cutlery.Peter narrowed his eyes, "Jimmy, what did you do before? Where did you get so much money?"

Jimmy waved his right hand, "Calm down, don't get excited, my money is legal. I have a company in Little Rock, and I can charge hundreds of thousands of patent licensing fees every year. It's not doing anything illegal."

Peter and Elizabeth looked at each other, and said to Jimmy: "If there is no problem with the source of funds, I can help you contact the relationship in the bureau, but you need to wait, this matter will not be settled in a short time."

Peter is going to take a new look at Jimmy, a new trainee detective. It seems that his previous investigation was too biased towards professional investigation, and he ignored some things instead.

No matter how Jimmy says that he is legal, he needs to conduct a detailed investigation again. Then think about the sudden start of the investigation of Jimmy by OPR, did they find anything?
Jimmy: "Huh? Isn't buying a house finished after finding the payment and going through the formalities? What else do you need?"

Peter: "Of course it's very troublesome. The intermediary finds a house, assists you with procedures, applies for a loan, etc. The process is very long. Anyway, don't worry about it, I will help you get in touch."

Jimmy: "Well, I want to pay the full price directly to buy it. It's only a few hundred thousand. There should be enough funds in my account."

Peter was speechless, buying a house with all the money, what a rich way of doing it, Americans with fixed assets usually have several loan projects on their backs.

 When I go to work during the day and work overtime at night, I feel a little confused when typing. If there is a typo or something, remind me, and I will correct it during the day.

  In addition, the monthly pass is useful after it is put on the shelf, and the recommendation ticket is basically useless. It is better to give the recommendation ticket to those new books that are not on the shelf. For them, the recommendation list is also an opportunity for exposure, so just give me the monthly pass. . .

(End of this chapter)

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