North American Gunslinger Detective

Chapter 206 Career Crisis!

Jimmy returns to the gallery door and waits for Peter.

Peter's investigation was obviously more detailed than Jimmy's. It took him nearly 40 minutes to return, and during this time, Diana and Jones had already arrived at the door and joined Jimmy to wait for Peter.

Peter: "Is there any gain?"

Diana: "Rachel is not from New York. There are only a few unfamiliar friends here. I need to go back and check the information of these people."

Jones: "The last gallery worker left at 9 o'clock yesterday. She locked the front door first, then changed clothes in the back lounge, and left through the back door. The surveillance video was also correct. The two thieves entered through the front door at 1 o'clock in the morning. Gallery, there was no staff on duty at the gallery at the time. The lock on the front door was not broken, it should have been opened with a lockpicking tool.”

Peter: "Jimmy, is there a monitor on the left that can see the gallery?"

Jimmy: "No, the surveillance in these stores is all internal surveillance, and I didn't look outside. But I found an ATM on the opposite side." Jimmy pointed to the ATM he found last, "I don't know if the ATM surveillance can see a little , This needs to be checked with the bank.”

Peter: "Let's go and see."

Jimmy took Peter across the road and came to the ATM. Peter looked at the position of the ATM camera and shook his head, "You can't directly see the door here."

Jimmy: "At least it is possible to see the thief's vehicle, and then call the intersection traffic camera for comparison, at least it is a clue."

Peter: "You're right, Jones, write down the ATM number, go back and adjust the monitoring. Let's go back first." Jones nodded, took out a notebook and pen from his pocket, and began to copy the number on the ATM and mark the location.

Peter and the others drove back to Federation Square. Jimmy, Jones, and Diana returned to their seats. They began to check the information, and Jimmy, uh, started to be in a daze. Because of the investigation in the morning, there was really nothing to say about what he participated in.

Peter went upstairs, returned to his office, operated on the computer, and then took a few printed documents from the printer, and went to the office of Assistant Secret Service Supervisor Rhys Hughes.

Peter: "Hughes, look at this." Peter put the information in front of Hughes.

Hughes picked it up. This is Jimmy’s file in the Pulaski County Police. The FBI naturally has all the information. It was originally pushed internally. At that time, Harden provided the information to the FBI. As for why Harden has All the information, of course, is obtained directly from the county police.

In this day and age, not all information is entered into the computer system. Many times, it is a handwritten report. After archiving, it will be entered into the system again as needed. If you are lazy, it is normal to not enter a single item. .

And when Jimmy came to report to the FBI Manhattan office, what the college gave was the college report, and naturally there were no previous ones. What Peter had read before was the information provided by the college.

The gap between the two documents is really too big. Just looking at the college documents, Jimmy is only stronger in actual combat cases, and the others are slightly weaker. After accumulating the records of the county police, Jimmy is a purely operational person, and he is an elite-level operator. group.

Hughes: "Great record, is there a problem with this policeman? We need to investigate? This is the case that the Arkansas State Office should be responsible for."

Peter was speechless, "This is the new trainee detective Jimmy Yang from our department. This year, Quantico has added a new group of trainees urgently. He just came to report to us yesterday."

Hughes: "Any questions?"

Peter: "There seems to be something wrong with the arrangement of personnel at the academy. Such people should go to the organized crime investigation, not our group."

Hughes: "May I ask the Academy, is there anything else?"

Peter: "No more."

Hughes waved his hand, and Peter left his office.Hughes picked up the phone on his desk, called Quantico, and then went straight out of the office to Peter's office.

Hughes: "Peter, keep taking him with you, we'll see what happens."

Peter: "OK, I see."

Hughes left Peter's office, and on the way back to his own office, he turned his head and looked at Jimmy sitting below. There were two blacks and one Chinese. Peter's group was really a bit dazzling, and it seemed that something needed to be done.

Jimmy didn't know about the conversation between Peter and Hughes, and he didn't know that he was almost kicked out of the elite group.He was still flipping through the surveillance video of the gallery on the computer.

Perhaps because of the frequent use of the mind-eye function, Jimmy’s space composition ability is now very strong. Today, the monitoring position of the exhibition hall has been determined. Now when watching the video, he has directly constructed the structure of the entire gallery from the front door to the back door.

The two thieves entered through the front door, and took down the paintings on the wall in order from right to left. They were all directly with the frame, and they were not dismantled, but piled up in the middle of the exhibition hall, and they were carried from the door for the last time. out.

The frames of the 10 paintings are not thick. After they are stacked together, two people carry them out, so they have a variety of transportation options. According to the size of the paintings, if the requirements are not high, they can even drive a car behind. The seat space can be put down.

Diana has already checked out the information of several of Rachel's friends and printed it out. She integrated the gallery staff information printed out by Jones, walked to Peter's office, and handed it to Peter, but Peter did not call everyone to discuss it. Probably still waiting for the ATM video.

I went out to eat fast food at noon, and Jimmy and the others returned to the office early, because they had already contacted the bank for monitoring in the morning, and they should be able to get it in the afternoon.

Jones checked his computer, and the video was already in his e-mail.

Jones: "The bank monitor is here, let's go to the conference room." Jones went upstairs with the computer, "Peter, the ATM monitor is here."

In the meeting room, the projector started to broadcast the monitoring, because the main target of the ATM monitoring is the people in front of the ATM, so it is obviously not as good as other monitoring in terms of clarity and coverage.

Jones cooperated with the operation until 0:0 in the morning. Since it was already midnight, there were not many cars on the road. From 1:[-] to [-]:[-], dozens of cars were seen on the road.

Peter: "Jones, please contact the 911 dispatch center, get the monitoring of the intersection on both sides, compare the vehicle type and time, exclude all the cars that leave for a short time, and focus on the rest."

Jones: "The dispatch center has been contacted, but the video has not yet been sent."

Peter: "OK, let's look at these people, more than 90% of art thefts are done by insiders, employees, acquaintances of painters, blah blah blah, so let's start with these people. Diana."

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