Chapter 95 What? !

Ye Ming stayed at Mogu until the afternoon of the [-]th before returning to school with Qi and Mo. On the [-]th, he took a day off and participated in the final training camp of the ACM regional competition in the last two days of vacation—it was said to be a training camp, but it was actually just a training camp. The instructor taught the two seeded teams the skills and mentality of playing games.

But for Ye Ming, these skills... are better than nothing.

Anyway, when the time comes, it will be enough to perform miracles vigorously.

After taking leave, he put most of his energy on quantum physics, Riemannian geometry and general relativity, for which he did not hesitate to use the learning BUFF again.

But facing the most cutting-edge field of human science, even with BUFF, Ye Ming still feels a little powerless-this is still under the premise that he has the help of Ita, the "super housekeeper".

After entering the quantum field, or in other words, after being exposed to the "unmeasurable" field, Ita can no longer use her nearly infinite computing power to "perform miracles" like learning European geometry, elementary algebra, and classical physics. Create understanding and logic.

In other words, even though she can memorize the formulas fluently, she is still a bit short of actually applying them.Therefore, what she assisted Ye Ming the most was to act as an encyclopedia for Ye Ming that could be responded to anytime and anywhere.

Through her relentless galloping and intrusion on the Internet, she searched for many books, papers, and materials that she could not find on weekdays.It’s just that due to the speed of the small water pipe network, she couldn’t move the information back, so she had to move some important ones, and built an index for the rest—equivalent to creating a favorite folder. As long as Ye Ming is connected to the sensor, she can immediately turn up.

Even GreatWall couldn't stop her.

In the busyness, time flies, and it is late October in a blink of an eye.


Ye Ming sat in the library, looked at the QQ messages and two manuscripts on his notebook and smiled slightly.

"Sister Mo, you've worked hard."

"Hey, stop the polite words, I admire myself so much for writing two papers in half a month!" Mo Gu's QQ name is also Baidie Zhenjun.

Compared with WeChat, the emojis on QQ are much richer... She posted a "beautiful" emoji and quickly said, "Hurry up and take a look. If there is no problem, let's go to arXiv first to occupy a hole."

arXiv is a paper preprint website run by Cornell University.

Here, researchers can freely publish papers, publish research results, and seize the right to discover without peer review.

And those published papers can also be posted on arXiv, so that more research colleagues can understand, communicate, and expand their influence.

For more than 30 years, arXiv has had more than two million papers and has become an important academic exchange platform for mathematics, physics, astronomy, computer and other disciplines.

For example, Ye Ming, his paper on the binocular vision algorithm was posted on it.

It's just that at that time, the other person spoke lightly and there was no sound, and he didn't care much about it later.


Ye Ming thought for a while and replied: "Sister Mo, if the patent comes first, the application should be filed earlier than the thesis, right?"

He doesn't know anything about applying for patents, and it all depends on Mogu to help him take care of it. Don't say it's a coincidence, Mogu actually applied for patents for the group...

So Ye Ming also knew that it has become standard for research groups in certain fields in China to apply for patents before publishing papers.

"Well, don't worry, patent applications are based on timestamps."

Ye Ming smiled: "Thank you, Sister Mo."

"Don't ink it, check it quickly, I still have to write a review."

"Well, good." Ye Ming pressed Enter, and suddenly froze for a moment: "Wait, what does the review mean?"

"It's a violation of the laboratory management system. In fact, it's not a big deal. The main reason is that our paper was discovered by the boss. It's sad... You're better, you are the boss who can't control it. My boss can control my future. Yes!"

Seeing this, Ye Ming laughed: "Didn't it be agreed, you can push it on me. And after the paper is submitted, I will help you get out the experimental materials first, plus what we discussed earlier In this way, your boss can at least grab the opportunity for further research, right?"

"That's what you say...but this feeling of working behind the boss's should I put it?"

Ye Ming: "Stimulation?"

"Haha, it's really exciting. Flash!"

After closing the chat window, Ye Ming opened the paper.

Just because he's bad at writing things doesn't mean he's bad at understanding papers.

Since the last semester, he has written at least hundreds of papers. Not to mention that he knows the way of papers like the back of his hand, but it is no problem to see whether the papers are good or bad at a glance.

There is no doubt that Mo Gu's thesis is beautifully written, comparable to that of Yang Chaoxiong.

Moreover, both papers are based on experiments. To put it bluntly, they are biased towards experimental reports.

Write an academic paper as an experimental report, and it may be brought back directly by the editor in another field.

But this is a new compound!And it is a new compound with huge application scenarios!Even the most hairy editor has to consider the consequences after the manuscript is killed.

After a quick check, Ye Ming replied "No problem" to Mo Gu

"Which person will occupy the pit first?"

"it is good!"

Ye Ming exhaled lightly, opened, and posted the first article "Synthesis Theory and Molecular Motion Conjecture of a New Polymer Compound GTRGD" on it.

He chose materials science, a branch of physics.

After uploading, he glanced at the time, closed his notebook, and walked out of the laboratory.

Mo Gu wants to hide from her boss, but on his own's not very easy to hide, and I'm embarrassed to hide it, and there's nothing to hide.


Professor Tang's office.

Professor Chen was sitting opposite Professor Tang, with his legs crossed, drinking tea happily. Seeing Ye Ming push the door in, he joked directly: "You boy, you are going to the Shanghai stock market tomorrow, why don't you come?" What are you doing jogging?"

"Uh... Hello, Mr. Chen."

Ye Ming coughed and said hello.

He didn't expect that Lao Chen was also here...

This... what should he say?
Professor Tang looked at Ye Ming with a smile: "What's the matter?"

He knows that Ye Ming is an out-and-out actionist, whether he is a mentor or in the name of the company, there is nothing wrong with what he tells him....

When I came to my office, I always went to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, or in other words, every time I asked him to come, he would come.

Usually, if you inquire, this person is either taking classes everywhere, reading books in the library, or writing code in the dormitory.

To put it in a fashionable way, he is the king of volumes!

And the terrible thing is...he is not the kind of scroll king who usually only knows scrolls, he is a god-level, genius-level scroll king...

How do you say that?

It's not scary to be smarter than you, but it's scary to be smarter than you and harder than you.

"Well... a bit." Ye Ming hesitated for a few seconds, then coughed quickly.

We have to face it anyway.

Professor Tang raised his chin at him, signaling him to speak quickly.

"It's like this..." Ye Ming pursed his lips and said softly: "I was on a business trip with Senior Brother Yang some time ago, and he chatted for a while... um... it was about the brain-computer wheelchair project."

How shrewd are Tang and Chen, they immediately knew what was behind Ye Ming's words.

Obviously it was Yang Chaoxiong who talked about Professor Tang's son.

Professor Tang's eyes darkened a little, and then he smiled calmly: "Well, there are factors in that, but in essence... this is indeed a topic worth investing in."

"Yes, so I thought, is there a material that can be directly connected to the nerve and then connected to the chip."

Professor Chen was startled, and was about to say something, but Professor Tang raised his hand at it, and then narrowed his pupils: "And then?"

"Then... I created a new material that can be programmed and controlled by the chip, can conduct information, and can be perfectly integrated with nerves."

After two seconds of silence.

Tang and Chen got up at the same time.


(End of this chapter)

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