From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 86 The Real Brain Machine

Chapter 86 The Real Brain Machine

In the golden autumn season, the temperature of the open-air balcony is pleasant, and the occasional breeze does not feel cold.

The surrounding green plants are even more lush and lush, and there is no sign of decay at all. On the contrary, it gives people the illusion of vitality like early spring.

It's like lacquer and ink staring at the monitor with a look of concentration.

The illusion is that she is immersed in pleasant thoughts.


Only she knew that she had been paying attention to Ye Ming from the corner of her eye.

She saw with her own eyes that Ye Ming's expression and posture changed from relaxed and joyful to focused and contemplative, and then became...

A face full of food.

That's right, it's just the expression on his face.

Is there something wrong with this "Linear Algebra"?
He can not understand?

Not so much...

With doubts, Qi and Mo finally raised their heads and looked at Ye Ming curiously.

"what happened?"


Ye Ming turned a page, smiled at Qi and Mo and exhaled slowly.

He needs to calm down.

Antimatter, a word often seen in science fiction works, if it has to be is very simple, it is the anti-state of "positive" matter in reality.

For example, everyone knows that electrons are negatively charged, and protons are positively charged. The two form atoms and because the positive and negative charges are equal, the atoms do not show electricity and are electrically neutral.

And antimatter is, if the electrons are positively charged, and the protons are negatively charged...they become positive electrons and negative protons.

Somewhat like a positive number and a negative number equal in absolute value.

When positive and negative numbers meet, they become zero, and when antimatter and positive matter meet, they annihilate.The difference is that annihilation releases full energy.That is, it follows exactly E=mc2
It was proposed from the solution of Dirac's equations, and it has been confirmed and even manufactured.

——As early as 1995, CERN, the European Nuclear Center, produced an antihydrogen atom.

Since it can be produced, there is a way to restrain it.

"Universal" magnetic field!
The current mainstream controllable nuclear fusion route, the tokamak device also relies on a superconducting magnetic field to confine the fusion reaction.

As for the [Antimatter Confining Force Field] plan given by the system, Ye Ming did not see that it had a superconducting strong magnetic plan in its design.

Ita has demonstrated the structure of this scheme in a super simulation.

Ye Ming's eyesight is dull, he can't even see what parts are in this design structure!

He could only recognize that it was a test tube-shaped "hollow" structure with walls, cavity and bottom.

However... even if Ye Ming can recognize these things, what's the use of making them?

What he wants is not an antimatter binding force field, but a cheap, convenient, and large-scale antimatter manufacturing method...


After unscrewing the water bottle, Ye Ming took two sips and continued to turn the pages of the book.

Seeing that the paint and ink on the opposite side continued to write questions after a smile, Ye Ming took a few breaths and said softly to Ita: "How many random drawings are there?"

"Using vague concepts, you can understand it as countless."

"It seems that I was lucky to win the dimensional wave and bioelectric resonance interference technology last time?"

"Probably so."

"Very good." Ye Ming looked at the remaining random drawing, and after a few seconds of silence, he gently raised the table.

"Plucking a goose's feathers is the best virtue..."

"That's not a virtue, I'm afraid."

"No, for the system, it is." Ye Ming coughed lightly: "My current state of mind is not enough to support me to conduct a microscopic analysis of this design, but from the most basic point... can I think that , in your civilization, the use of antimatter is routine?"

"The logic is fine."

"Very well, the antimatter cannon and antimatter engine are fine, right?"

"There is a problem with logic."

"... Well, it is true that the energy produced by the annihilation of antimatter can indeed do many things. But if I draw it, it is no less than sending a blueprint of a rocket engine to the Ming Dynasty—even if a genius knows that it is Artifacts that allow people to fly into space are useless."

"The analogy is accurate, but it's not accurate enough—you have the ability to do science."

"That's right, I have scientific ability and thinking." Ye Ming narrowed his eyes slightly and took a deep breath: "Come on, keep smoking?"


"I really want to believe in metaphysics. Don't come to this kind of coveted but useless technology anymore. Thank you... sure."

"Obtain [programmable polymer neuroepitaxy material GTRGD synthesis process drawing]"

Seeing the name rising in his mind, Ye Ming remained calm enough.

Because he knows all these words, and he can understand them when they are subdivided.

Programmable, he can understand, that is, it can be programmed... and can be controlled according to human will.

Macromolecules, he knows, are relatively speaking, compounds made up of hundreds of thousands of atoms connected to each other by covalent bonds-from plastics to rubber to various fibers...all of them.

Neural extension... He has read a few bioengineering books anyway. Although there is no such term, it is not difficult to understand. It means to extend the nerve, to extend...

The only thing I don't understand is GTRGD - this is obviously the name of the material, but what is it?

"The material used to connect nerves, the growth substrate is a carbon-based compound." Ita's voice was the same as before, but with a hint of excitement: "It is the core material to realize the nerve takeover function!"

"and many more!"

"No need to wait, it can accept the programming of the carbon-based chip, and then follow the program to control the growth and fusion of directional nerves."

"...Let me understand."

"It's easy to understand, it can perfectly integrate people and machines."

"You...fuck!" Ye Ming couldn't hold back his swearing: "Give me a demonstration!"

"Enter the simulation space."

"Turn on."

With a star shining, Ye Ming entered the simulation space again.

In the space, there is still the sea of ​​stars in the universe before.

"How to stop this thing?"

Before he finished speaking, he saw that the simulation space had returned to its initial pure white.

Ita's voice resounded in the void, and following the sound, a constantly intersecting red network structure appeared in the space.

"This is the optic nerve structure."

"This is a GTRGD epitaxial material and a carbon-based base, and below the base is a chip that adopts bioelectric control."

Following Ita's demonstration, Ye Ming also saw dense circuits similar to logic gates.

Immediately afterwards, the connecting material extended in the void as if it were alive, and then accurately "captured" the neurons, and then...under Ye Ming's eyes, they merged with each other.

As an electronic information engineering master who has been exposed to a lot of bioengineering, Ye Ming easily judged that the signal from this carbon-based chip can be directly recognized by the nerves. the real brain machine.


(New group 157624670)

(End of this chapter)

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