Here Ye Ming and Ita were chatting, and Director Niu pushed the door open and entered.

Seeing Ye Ming's contemplative expression, Director Niu, who had a cheerful face, raised his eyebrows in surprise: "You feel like you're not in a high mood?"

"What? Oh, no, didn't you say you were going to Ella Star? Why haven't you set off yet?" Ye Ming came back to his senses, stood up and walked to the sofa with a smile.

Although Lao Niu has resigned as director of CNY, as a "veteran cadre" in the prime of life, his burden will only become heavier and heavier in this special period. He is currently also responsible for the reform of the Virgo Local Super Galaxy Group. And the director of the development office - it seems that he can only be called director for the rest of his life.

The Office of Development and Reform is naturally based on Earth, but its current main mission is to face the planet Ella and several surrounding former slave galaxies.Therefore, there is also a bureau-level office on Ella Star.

"We have to wait two days to give the boys some time to wipe their butts." Director Niu sat down on the sofa with a smile, and then crossed his legs: "I'm not the kind of person to conduct surprise inspections."

Ye Ming laughed loudly.

He has stayed on Ella Star for almost two months and knows the overall situation there.

So... how do you say it?

The sky is high and the emperor is far away. In many cases, in the dispatched departments of Ella Star, discipline will certainly not be able to withstand strict investigation - but one thing that reassures the top management is that the dispatched staff cannot have financial problems.

And as long as there is no problem with the economy, if you are greedy for small gains under harsh conditions, as long as you can return to your original position during the inspection, then everything will be fine.

After laughing, Eta also served tea to the two of them, and then sat aside obediently.

"This time, the main thing is to summarize the experience." Taking a sip from the tea cup, Director Niu sighed: "We have a lot of experience in national governance, but we still lack experience in ruling the universe, especially the different customs and cultures of various civilizations. There are many differences in technological level, social cognition, etc.”

"It seems that the tone above has been set?"

"What tone?"

"The tone is poverty alleviation."

Director Niu was startled, then laughed. He shook his head while laughing, and sighed again: "Yes, let alone governing the universe, even the current earth... many places have just been lifted out of poverty, and it was not until this year that the last one Primitive tribes move into new homes.”

Ye Ming nodded approvingly.

Even though mankind has now reached the threshold of level four civilization, you must know that no construction can be accomplished overnight.Especially in the past ten years, most of human resources and productivity have been consumed in war.As a result, only China is a bit like a highly developed space civilization.

In places such as the United States and Europe, on the one hand, the spark of technological explosion was ignited in the East, and on the other hand, because of respect for the cognition and destiny of their citizens, life in these places has not been special in the past 20 years. significant change.

It's nothing more than having some cheap technology products and housekeeping robots, making traveling more convenient, and not having to worry about food and clothing.

In comparison, the third urbanization in China has gradually come to an end.

Take the provincial capital as an example. Today, the provincial capital has become a super city with an urban population of more than 3000 million. Not to mention that it is a pure ring-shaped jungle of high-rise buildings, the provincial capital has also begun planning and trial construction of aerial lanes - yes , it is the kind of multi-storey sky driveway that Kerong people use to shuttle between floors and even drive directly into the home.

These aerial lanes are of course not prepared for ordinary cars, but for future fully suspended "flying cars" - if they do not run on rail lines, this car may not even have a chance to drive into the city.

The emergence of aerial lanes has also given rise to a new design - maglev cars. Although this kind of car cannot "fly", it can completely obtain energy from the track to achieve high-speed urban passing performance.

Once they drive out of the city, these maglev cars can become ordinary cars and travel on land. The fourth upgrade of the province's highways has already begun. According to the plan, they will be built to be more than 80 meters wide and have more than [-] lanes in the future. of super highways.

The reason why such a wide highway is designed is that in the future, people's cross-urban travel will probably be carried out between several super cities.

These changes are rarely seen in the West.

In many countries and places, the most "original" drone centralized control platform has just begun, which is to allow drones to undertake various daily express delivery, takeout, shopping, intra-city delivery, warning and other functions.

Now, the development of the earth is not yet balanced, and the development of the entire universe... is even more unbalanced.

"But no matter what, under human governance, if starvation still occurs, it is definitely not appropriate." Ye Ming also sighed.

"That's natural." Director Niu smiled and nodded: "But there is a good thing. The more backward the planet, the richer its resources, especially oil and gas resources, which are very expensive now."

"Oh? The oil on the earth has been exhausted?" Ye Ming thought of the famous saying about oil depletion: "Now that we are all in the electrification era, we don't use so much oil, right?"

"More. Nowadays, the production capacity in the chemical industry is exploding. In addition, internal combustion machinery has been transferred to the Triangulum Galaxy and the Triangulum Galaxy. More oil is used than before, and it has even doubled several times in the past few years..."

"Well, I really don't understand this very well." Ye Ming chuckled: "I used to watch science fiction movies, and aliens always came to the earth to grab water resources and so on. I was very puzzled. Water is everywhere in space. All, if you have to come to Earth to grab it, then you have nothing to do. If you want to grab it, you should grab the oil and gas resources that are unique to habitable planets!"

"Hahaha, we are not robbing, we can only say that we are taking it from the people and using it for the people." Director Niu said, raising his hand and looking at the time, then stood up and looked at Ye Ming meaningfully: "I am leaving."

"Walk slowly - wait, what's your expression?"

"It's nothing."

Although he said nothing, Director Niu still looked at Ye Ming, finally exhaled softly, and a smile slowly appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"When are you leaving?"

"About half a month later. What's wrong?" "Well... although some issues should be avoided by the parties concerned, since we have been friends for 20 years." As Director Niu slowly shook his head, his expression changed. Get serious.

Ye Ming looked at Director Niu with a puzzled look on his face, his brows furrowed, and after a moment, his eyes suddenly opened wide: "It's not about discussing the issue in case I fail, right?"

"Haha... It's just a precaution." Director Niu breathed lightly, with a very cautious expression on his face: "Mr. Ye, you must pay attention to safety. The peace of the universe depends on you."

Ye Ming closed his eyes. After a moment, a smile appeared on his face, and then he nodded slowly.

It would certainly be inconvenient to tell him these plans.But he can probably guess... Once the empire really wants to go against him, then the earth will definitely use thunderous methods.

"Although I am also worried, I still believe that the empire is not that crazy - they have lived a stable life for tens of thousands of years and know the value of life better than any intelligent creature."

"This is also the fundamental reason why they chose to surrender."

"The richer you are, the more you fear death. That's just the way life is."

"I think so too." Director Niu smiled and nodded again: "But no matter what, I wish you a safe journey."


Three days later, the Lunar Hyperaccelerator Experiment Center.

The third inter-dimensional travel experiment has officially begun.

Different from the small position generator used in the previous two times, this time, Ye Ming specially designed a car-sized crossing experimenter.

"Are you coming?" Mr. Huo Laien, who was standing on the podium, turned around and handed the microphone to Ye Ming: "Try your luck."

Ye Ming was looking at the time-travel machine displayed on the projection light screen. Hearing this, he was very happy: "...Old man, are you a little too superstitious?"

"Superstition also follows the principle of uncertainty." Mr. Huo was energetic and laughed: "Come on, maybe the data you get will be cleaner."

Ye Ming shook his head, but no longer delayed, took the microphone and stood in front of the podium.

"Pre-experiment process check."

"Process checked."

"Experiment countdown is 1 minute to prepare."

"Countdown is 1 minute and ready to start."

As his and the commander's voices sounded alternately, a countdown also appeared on the big screen in the experimental center.

Ye Ming lowered his head and quickly operated the tablet a few times, and the current status of the accelerator was displayed on the big screen - a two-dimensional space membrane with an area of ​​approximately one thousand square meters was quietly constrained in the central ring of the accelerator. About 50 meters above it, there is a huge mechanical arm, using multi-functional clamps to clamp a flat tester the size of a car.

The countdown slowly reached zero, and the entire hall fell into silence.

"Start the membrane insertion process."

"The film insertion process is starting..."

Aita's voice was as steady as ever, and then everyone saw the experimental equipment slowly opening.

The traversing experiment began to fall rapidly under the influence of the moon's gravity.

And when it fell to a distance of less than ten meters from the two-dimensional membrane, a bright aperture instantly enveloped it, and then its falling speed suddenly slowed down, like a fallen leaf.

Ye Ming took a deep breath, and then held his breath.

Gradually, the traversing experimenter submerged into the two-dimensional membrane.

The camera quickly turned around and began to view the two-dimensional membrane from various angles.

It was as if a white spot appeared out of thin air in the two-dimensional film - to be precise, it was a cross-section through the experimental device.

A burst of uneven applause immediately erupted in the hall.

This indicates that the entry into dimension has been successful.

"Receive status signal and perform displacement test."

Seeing the white spots slowly moving in the two-dimensional membrane, Ye Ming's pupils narrowed and he took a deep breath again: "Chu Wei."

As soon as he finished speaking, without any warning, the time-traveling tester instantly appeared above the two-dimensional membrane again.

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