From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 6 The Virtue of Sharing

Chapter 6 The Virtue of Sharing

"... There are many open source algorithms for 3D machine vision with binocular cameras, and there are more and more application scenarios for 3D machine vision. It is my honor to contribute to the open source community. If this project can help friends who need related applications It would be great to provide some useful ideas.”

"In addition, I also uploaded all the PCB layout and mechanical drawings of this robotic arm to the GitHub account YM_ddddd simultaneously."

"As for why there is only the assembly process and no design process in the video, it's because I didn't think of posting the video at first."

"Finally, I wish you all a happy weekend."

"by: tick tick tick tick."


After careful consideration, Ye Ming finally did not listen to Li Dongsheng's suggestion to only open source the part and keep the visual part of the code - Captain Li was afraid of being "poor", and he was afraid that others would be the same as him.But in fact, the plan of the strong team has been finalized long ago, and only the debugging and training process is left.

How can there be a temporary system when the competition is only two months away!
So Ye Ming simply sent the Buddha to the west, and let it all be open source.

Finally, after checking the copy again, Ye Ming posted the content and related links to the dynamics of station B.

As for Zhihu...

He doesn't want to have high blood pressure at a young age, so forget it.

After waiting for a minute and finding no reply, Ye Ming laughed at himself, closed the webpage, and threw the notebook aside.

Then he picked up the tablet, clicked on an e-book called "Integrated Circuit Technology and Devices", and read it quietly.

This book can be regarded as a standard postgraduate textbook on integrated circuits. Of course, with the popularity of chips, many schools are now decentralizing it to the undergraduate level.Moreover, there are no free e-books on the Internet at all. He took pictures of this book and made it himself after borrowing it from the library.

Time passed quietly.

When the noise outside the window gradually disappeared, it was already twelve o'clock at night.

Ye Ming also just turned to the last page.

He turned off the tablet and put his hands under his head.

In the dark night, the roommates are already asleep.

Well, it seems that only Peng Xiaofei still has a little glimmer of the phone.

But this does not prevent Ye Ming from widening his eyes and thinking quietly.

This book is the second edition, which was completed in 09, and Ye Ming didn't borrow the latest third edition—but it doesn't matter, because teaching materials can never catch up with the progress of craftsmanship and technology.

The last few chapters of the book do not involve knowledge, but are all kinds of pure technical prospects.

For example, the development trend of SoC technology, the development of CMOS device technology in the nanotechnology process, the development of nanoscale integrated circuit materials and process equipment, etc.

Thirteen years ago, naive professors had great expectations and confidence in the future of the information age. They believed from the bottom of their hearts that technology is the crystallization of human wisdom without borders and discrimination, and it can benefit everyone without distinction. great progress.

However... who would have expected that ten years after the publication of this book, a state-of-the-art EUV lithography opportunity would not be able to come to China for three years.

After a long silence, Ye Ming pursed his lips and called out from the bottom of his heart.



【Super Engineering System】

[The system has been launched: six months and nine days]

[Host: Ye Ming]

[Theory: 3 (1910/30000)]

[Engineering: 4 (1250/50000)]

[Free experience: 0]

【Current Enhancement Status: None】

[Available exchange points: 30]


Seeing that he had been reading for two hours, except for theory and engineering, which had increased by 200 points and 100 points respectively, but nothing else, Ye Ming was suddenly depressed.

"Can you stop being so picky? You stuck me on the level, you have the benefit of fart?"

Naturally, there was no response from the system.

Ye Ming sighed, glanced over the point exchange store, and then stopped at the [Smart Assist] at the bottom with up to 2000 exchange points.

Is it possible that you have to exchange this thing yourself to communicate?

Thinking of this, Ye Ming began to calculate his exchange point income.

Of course, exchange points can't be earned entirely by automatically accepting tasks—that would be too slow.In fact, Ye Ming has accumulated more than [-] exchange points since the system was launched to the present, with an average of almost [-] points per month.

Some of these are "rewarded" by the system after he has mastered new knowledge, and some are rewarded after the theory and engineering upgrades.

It's just that Ye Ming "wasted" all these thousand points!

But don't blame him - who made the redemption store only have those few enhanced BUFFs at the beginning?
"It's definitely not so fast to upgrade now. Even if I regard myself as blind, if I don't need to enhance my understanding, I need to upgrade my theory at least... Let's say it's a month, so I can save almost 200 every month."

"Combined with the mission... I will be able to change the assistant in about next year."

"But in this case, it means a year of hard life..."

In depression, Ye Ming fell into a deep sleep.


At a quarter past seven in the morning, Ye Ming woke up on time under the law of the biological clock.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw a head lying on the head of his bed in the morning light.

"Fuck!" Ye Ming was so frightened that he rolled to the wall in an instant: "Peng Xiaofei!"

Following Peng Xiaofei's silence, Ye Ming lowered his voice and gritted his teeth: "You're going to scare people to death!"

"Hush...Brother Ye, what do you want for breakfast? I'll bring it to you."

" the sun coming out from the west?"

"Hey... don't you eat early, let's go to the laboratory early!"

Ye Ming: "... As for it?"

"As for, very as for!" Peng Xiaofei laid his hands on the bed, although his eyes were red all over, but his eyes were burning: "Stop rambling, what are you eating?"

"...Anything, youtiao milk, an egg."


Peng Xiaofei turned and left.

He didn't sleep much last night.

The reason, of course, is because... Last night, after Ye Ming released the open source code, the team leader Li Dongsheng, who was ready to rest, went directly to the laboratory, downloaded the source code, and... went to debug it all night.

In the middle of the night, Li Dongsheng privately told Peng Xiaofei to drag Ye Ming to the laboratory early this morning to complete his "unfinished business".

And when Peng Xiaofei asked Li Dongsheng, Ye Ming's open-source projects... how awesome are they?

Li Dongsheng only answered him with four words.

— Elephant leg, hug it well.

Just as Peng Xiaofei closed the door, Ye Ming's growl suddenly came from the dormitory.


The two roommates on the opposite bed opened their eyes at the same time.

"It's okay, it's okay..." Ye Ming waved his hands quickly: "You guys sleep."

"Ye Ming, what have you and Peng Xiaofei been doing these two days?" Roommate Zhou Xiaochun rubbed his sleepy eyes with doubts on his face.

"Eh... nothing, just join the robot team and prepare to play a game." Ye Ming smiled perfunctorily.

"Team RC? I heard it's what..."

"Yeah, it's quite good." Ye Ming smiled while putting on his clothes.

— but the food will be gone soon.

Ye Ming said in his heart.


The system rewards.

[Current task: The virtue of sharing—knowledge is the ladder of human progress, share your knowledge, and become a giant who lifts others up! 】

[Task level: E]

[Task progress: long-term]

[Task Reward: Each successful knowledge sharing will be rewarded with redemption points]

[Available exchange points: 100]

Overnight, 70 more.

(End of this chapter)

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