Chapter 330 The official mission to maintain world peace, Daming!

"Your Highness, Chief Zheng is calling!"

Gulf of Aden area, off the coast of Oman.

Ten warships with pirate flags sailed through the waves. Zhu Zhangui, wearing a ship-shaped pirate hat and a western-style gentleman's suit, was observing the surrounding situation against the chart.


Zhu Zhangui raised his hand, signaling to the messenger to read it directly.

"Our Ministry has successfully conquered the Aden Wharf and has established a firm foothold here. The invitation letter for the military expo has also been sent out, and we have sent people to spread the news of the prosperity and prosperity of our Ming Dynasty. I believe that this expo will be very successful."

"I see, tell him, just follow the plan."

Zhu Zhangui and Zheng He's plan is very simple. Zheng He acted on the surface, while selling arms to various countries, while mobilizing the right and wrong of all parties to make them mess up, thus causing greater military conflicts.

Naturally, weapons are needed to fight a war, and if one wants to make money by selling arms, there is no chance if one does not fight.

The population of Oman is composed of Turkic Arabs and part of the population of Asan Mongolia. In addition, it was once considered a large ocean country. Under the intersection of various cultural spirits, many strange festivals have been born, and there is a festival almost every month.

"So, as a qualified pirate, after one round of harvesting in one place, it is natural to go to another place to continue harvesting, so as to give the harvested place a little chance to recover."

When sailing at sea during this period of time, he listened to those old sailors.

In addition, his other task is to rob the money from selling arms.

"So for long-term profit, being a thief can't be exhausted."

"And other countries don't dare to have any opinions. After all, this guy who was wiped out by us dares to intervene in our Ming Dynasty to suppress pirates today, and dares to invade our Ming Dynasty tomorrow. We killed this guy to prevent it from happening. For the sake of world peace, this is great benevolence and righteousness!"

Later, Zhu Yuanzhang rebelled, and his great-grandfather didn't want to be involved in the war again, so he took his family all the way westward, went to Jinzhang Han Kingdom to seek refuge with relatives, and then crossed the sea to Oman, where he chose to settle down.

Otherwise, if this side is taken down, and the other side is taken back by the enemy, how can this area of ​​Oman be controlled? It is impossible to fight the enemy every day.

Isn't a certain beautiful country in the future just making money selling arms while sowing discord?

"Praise be to Allah, hope to find a good buyer today."

Although he is a general, he also knows that if a place goes to war for a long time, the economy and people's livelihood will never be restored.

Therefore, when Qi Yuan deals with some things, his thinking will be based on previous knowledge and experience.

"Please advise, Your Highness!"

"Your Highness' words are really warning words, and my subordinates admire them!"

Although Qi Yuan was born in the Japanese army, he was a general of the imperial court. In addition, after they were formed, the Japanese pirates were wiped out by Li Hu's navy, and he had no contact with pirates at all.

After all, items are subject to wear and tear. If I, Daming, buy them and ship them back, there will definitely be some losses.

In addition, it is now in a semi-nomadic state, and the exchange of various commodities is not convenient, so Omanis will hold a big market at a fixed location every month during festivals.

"Old Qi, if your words are heard by those countries that have been attacked by hundreds of pirates all year round, they will definitely spit on you."

"This is the official language of Ming Dynasty!"

Seeing that the grazing is about to go bankrupt, after a few days of careful consideration, Amo finally decided to sell the only camel, exchange some money to buy a weapon, and go north to the Golden Account Han Kingdom to take refuge in the distant house that does not know if it still exists. cousin.

Although Amo grew up in Oman, he should be a Mongolian in detail, because his great-grandfather was a Mongolian.

Daming sells arms and needs cash to buy, and does not accept any IOUs. Buyers must go to the Gulf of Aden to trade. Daming does not deliver goods to the door, and there is no return or exchange after going out.

"We've all been slapped in the face. For the sake of our own dignity and face, even if I don't clear up the pirates, I have to kill this guy who provoked Daming first."

"You are still limited by your thinking."

As long as these two areas are taken down, the entire West will be like a little girl trapped in a corner, without the ability to escape and resist at all.

If these countries that buy arms really don't have the cash to buy arms, Daming can reluctantly accept other items in exchange, but the price may have to be renegotiated.

Seeing that the camels hadn't been sold until noon, Amo rubbed his growling stomach and felt worried.

Coincidentally, Amo's great-grandmother was a woman from the Han family brought out from the Central Plains by the Mongolian great-grandfather.

One or two wanted to pick up cheap ones, but Amo felt that the price was too low and he was unwilling to sell them.

Realizing that his thinking might be deadlocked, Qi Yuan hurriedly asked for advice

At the beginning of January in the third year of Hongxi, the Planting Festival in January came again.

For example, major important ports, various rich minerals, and homeless people who commit crimes or are doing nothing in various countries.

"At that time, we will be Ming, and we can send troops to help eliminate pirates for the sake of world peace and to save the Omani people from the pain of war."

Qi Yuan scratched his head, but didn't understand what was wrong with his question.

Qi Yuan, who heard such remarks for the first time, was stunned.

In the future, if I don't serve as a soldier, I can go to sea as a pirate according to this method, and I can spend the rest of my life comfortably.

In the plan, Zheng He will establish a Ming colony in the Gulf of Aden as an official of the Ming Dynasty, which will serve as a port for arms trading and commodity trading in the West in the future.

"Farmers mainly rely on the land. They plant in the spring and harvest in the autumn. They are busy day and night in order to have a harvest that fills their stomachs."

"Reply to Qi Yuan,..."

As the saying goes, a man can't get rich without windfall, and a horse can't get fat without night grass.

"As the saying goes, you don't slap people in the face when you beat them. If they intervene in the suppression of pirates, they are slapping our Daming in the face."

Daming controlled this place, and together with the Aden port that Zheng He took over, in this way, the gateway to the west of the ocean was tightly held by Daming.

Thinking of the dozen or so maids from the Japanese country that the crown prince rewarded after defeating the Japanese pirates, Qi Yuan showed a smile that men could understand.

"Your Highness, Oman's area is so big, I'm afraid we can't control thousands of people! It's really impossible, we are not far from Ah San, you can consider sending some soldiers over from there, so that our manpower will be sufficient. It’s easier to control the area.”

"At that time, as long as the war of suppression does not stop, this place will always be under our control."

Just when Amo was thinking about whether to sell the camel cheaply, his sensitive ears suddenly moved.

His subordinates respectfully asked for advice, and Zhu Zhangui was also willing to share some of his life experience. After taking the tea handed over by the monkey next to him, Zhu Zhangui looked at the sea in the distance, sipping tea while talking about his understanding of pirates.

The prince in front of me, although he is only in his early 20s, he has been the leader of the old pirates for more than ten years.

"And more importantly, if you don't want to do the one-shot deal, don't do the killing."

"Your Highness, the fleet has arrived at the designated location. General Qi Yuan asked when the attack will be launched."

The arms sales and the land annexation plan cooperate with each other. After the Mamluks and Ottomans fight each other in the future, Ming can jointly attack by sea and land, and take these two countries in one fell swoop, reaping the benefits of the fisherman.

"For pirates, people are these grains. After harvesting a batch, it is natural to wait for the next batch to grow before continuing to harvest."

"And other countries don't dare to intervene. Whoever dares to send troops to wipe out the pirates will distrust Daming."

In order to punish those pirates for hurting the common people of Ming Dynasty, this master unexpectedly cleansed all the men and sent them to the north to grow potatoes. As for the women...

Zhu Zhangui will control the Oman region as a pirate, and then fight against the Ming officials in Yemen as a pirate, pretending that the two sides are incompatible.

Zhu Zhangui's theory of power made Qi Yuan and the guards around him dumbfounded.

Holding back the fat camel and looking at the bustling market, Amo prayed worriedly.

And Zhu Zhangui's task is also very simple, that is, to rob the Quartet as a pirate and collect more funds for Daming.

After the telegraph operator left, Qi Yuan, who was holding the map beside him, looked at the area of ​​Oman and raised his concerns.

The Nabuhani dynasty is said to be a dynasty, which itself was influenced by Mongolian culture, coupled with the poor environment and scarce cultivated land, the living conditions of the people here are still mainly nomadic.The dynasty is also full of various contradictions, and power struggles are very frequent.

His grandfather was born in the Eastern Central Plains, when the Central Plains was ruled by the Yuan people.

"But this kind of food, he has legs and brains. As a pirate, if you stay here for a long time, you will not dare to come if you lend 10 guts to those people."

As long as it is something that Da Ming chooses, it can be exchanged for weapons, but at this price, it may be calculated as a depreciation fee.

If you have no money, what kind of ammunition do you buy?
Of course, Daming is not non-negotiable. As a benevolent Ming Dynasty, it is very considerate of the difficulties of those needy households.

Listening to what you say is better than reading ten years of books.

"So that's the case, the general will understand."

"As long as we come a few more times in the future, the surrounding forces will paint this area of ​​Oman with the logo of the hardest-hit area by pirates. In this way, this place belongs to us in name."

As for the unlucky encounters with pirates and robbers on the road, that's because you didn't protect yourself well.

For the sake of their own interests, those big figures are fighting to the death, and no one cares about the life and death of ordinary people.

For this westward trip, Zhu Zhangui and Zheng He's plan is to eat the bright side and eat the dark side. If they don't drain the last drop of oil from these guys, it is Zhu Zhangui and Zheng He's incompetence.

In Qi Yuan's mind, if Zhu Zhangui wants to control the Oman area, he must send a large number of troops to garrison.

Zhu Zhangui wanted to collect enough money to lay the telegraph network in a short period of time, and he couldn't do it without using some special means.

"After all, if you kill too hard, no one will dare to come to the looted area."

In order to sell the camels early in exchange for money and set off early, Amo set off before dawn and felt the market at the moment the sun rose.

In addition to robbing money, the two actually have another important task, which is to control the two important western gateways of Yemen and Oman, so as to make advance preparations for the future conquest of the West.

In addition to shopping for various items, you can also celebrate the reunion with relatives and friends.

In order not to let her descendants forget where her roots are, the old lady wanted to have a chance to return to her roots after her death, so after her husband died, she asked her children to speak the Central Plains dialect, so that she could be sent back home in the future. Township.

He came early, but because of malnutrition and emaciation, no one cared about his camel.

In addition, Daming's control of Oman not only allowed him to control the outlet of the Persian Gulf, but also launched an attack on the Timurid Empire, which was in a stalemate with Daming in the Asan area.

As long as the Timurid Empire is settled and the two sheep are slaughtered, Ming can contain the most powerful Ottoman Empire in the West by land.

As long as Da Ming controls this place and stands firm, he can send troops from Oman at any time to divide the Timurid Empire into two, cut off the connection between the east and the west, and make it careless of the head and the tail. destroy it in one fell swoop.

Reaching out to pat Ai Jiang's shoulder, Zhu Zhangui continued: "As for the control issue you are worried about, you can rest assured."

Hearing this, Zhu Zhangui was stunned for a moment, looked at Qi Yuan and asked in doubt: "Do you have any misunderstandings about pirates? Five to six thousand people, 6000 large ships, and counting 10 small warships, the scale of pirate forces is already overwhelming. It’s scary, but you actually said that there are few people.”

In the future, if people in the West want to advance eastward, in addition to traveling thousands of miles by land, they will have to detour from the Cape of Good Hope by sea.

Seeing the other party's confused face, Zhu Zhangui smiled and nodded Qi Yuan.

At this time, Oman was under the rule of the Nabuhani dynasty.

"What is robbery? Robbery uses its own force to rob other people's treasures. It is a business without money."

"few people!"

The protruding position in the area where Oman is located, Amu Zabi, is like a dagger, firmly resisting the lower abdomen of the Timurid Empire.

In Qi Yuan's impression, pirates and bandits just go down the mountain to rob, kill, kill and rob women, these things.

Houzi, a sycophant, gave him a thumbs up after Zhu Zhangui finished speaking.

The people live in hardship, the national defense force is weak, and internal struggles are frequent. At this time, Oman is the best time to control.

Our Daming transported the weapons so far away, and sold them to you at such a cheap price, we are already losing money and making money.

If none of these are available, real estate and minerals can also be exchanged, or even people.

As one of the sellers, in order to ensure the safety of funds, it is reasonable for me to send someone to your country to go to the trading point with the money.

Also, because of my lack of experience, the animals I bought were not good. Almost all the animals I bought with my sister’s money died, and now there is only the only camel left behind.

The reason why Zhu Zhangui controls Oman without an official identity is mainly to prevent people from the West from secretly resisting after discovering Ming's intentions, and even unite to fight against Ming.

But now after what Zhu Zhangui said, he realized that being a bandit is not that simple, and there are many ways to do it.

Early morning, Dhofar Hasik.

When it comes to robbing and being a pirate, the prince of my family is the second in the entire Ming Dynasty, and no one dares to claim the number one.

They never thought that such shameless words could be said in such a dignified and righteous way.

Even those pirates who were rampant in Daming were all shot to death by this master, and Penglai, the pirate's lair, was even taken over by this master.

"Although our Daming is a country of benevolence and righteousness, we still need face and temper. If they dare to intervene, they will not give us Daming face, and they will look down on our Daming."

He is an Omani with Mongolian ancestry. A few years ago, because of the little land left in his family, he was looted by those nobles. Amo had to leave his hometown, taking the money exchanged for his sister, and bringing a few animals. Lived a nomadic life.

Although the Oman area is close to the sea, the natural environment is not very good. Many of them are in the Gobi desert area. In addition, there are too many people grazing. Amo is alone and weak, and he cannot grab good pastures.

Daming's current strength in this area is still very weak, and it is necessary to wait for a while before the strength develops.

Gold, silver and various precious stones are the first batch. Without these things, various spices can barely be accepted.

Oman is located in the southeast of the Arabian Peninsula, on the main route from the Persian Gulf to the Indian Ocean, and is connected to Yemen, the gateway to the Red Sea.

I, Daming, are so righteous, if we are asked to pay the wear and tear again, don’t you all feel embarrassed?
In terms of items, Da Ming also has requirements. Da Ming does not collect junk, he wants everything.

It is also for this reason that Amo can understand the source of what he said just now.

"It's my own!"

Thinking of his father telling him his grandma's last wish to return to his hometown before his death, Amo jumped up excitedly, and ran towards the group of people who were about to leave after speaking just now.

As soon as he ran away, he waved and shouted, "Don't go, fellow townspeople, wait for me. Are you planning to attack this place? I grew up here. I am very familiar with the terrain here. I can guide you!"

(End of this chapter)

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