Chapter 314 2017 is about to pass!

On December 12st, Zheng Wentong rushed to the Tangcheng film and television base in Nanjun City. Bai Xiaolu's part of today's scene has not yet finished filming, and Li Huayan is watching from the side.

Zheng Wentong and Li Huayan greeted each other, Li Huayan looked at Zheng Wentong, "The temperature is already zero today, why don't you know how to wear a thicker down jacket, what if you catch a cold?"

A little cold is because the elders think you are cold, of course Zheng Wentong didn't dare to refute, watching Bai Xiaolu filming.Now we are filming the scene where Hua Mulan wins and returns to court, accepting the emperor's award.

The emperor pardoned Hua Mulan for concealing her daughter's identity, and planned to stay in the court as a high-ranking official, but Hua Mulan declined the emperor's appointment on the grounds that she needed to go home to serve her parents.

The emperor suddenly had an idea, "Hua Mulan, since you don't want to be an official, I won't force you. There are many good men in our Wei army or in the court. I don't know if you have someone you like. I can make the decision for you." Give me a marriage."

Hua Mulan's comrades-in-arms looked at her nervously, wondering if Hua Mulan had someone she liked, but in the end Hua Mulan refused the emperor's offer of marriage, and today's scenes were all completed.

After Bai Xiaolu finished filming, seeing Zheng Wentong, he happily waved his little hands with Zheng Wentong.She motioned to Zheng Wentong to change clothes first, and come back to him later.

Ang Lee is very satisfied with the costume design of "The Legend of Mulan". The film well restored the local conditions and customs of the Northern Wei Dynasty. Zheng Wentong invited historical experts who studied the Southern and Northern Dynasties as film consultants.

Zheng Wentong and Ang Lee discussed, "Actually, in our 5000-year history of China, there are many stories that can be unearthed. Hua Mulan is just one of them. As long as you shoot with your heart, the audience is still willing to pay for it."

"For example, the TV series "Daming Dynasty 1566", although it was not broadcast at the beginning, has been played a lot on video sites every year, and Douban has always ranked No. 1 in domestic TV dramas." Zheng Wentong said.

"Investors nowadays are quite impatient. When they make a movie, their first consideration is whether the movie can make a profit. They don't care about the quality of the movie."

"A movie with a mediocre reputation and a good box office is a good movie. No matter how good a movie's reputation is, if it doesn't do well at the box office, it's a bad movie. Assuming "The Legend of Mulan" has a mediocre box office but a high Douban score, you are still willing to continue making it A sequel?" Ang Lee asked Zheng Wentong a sensitive question.

"It's not up to me to decide whether to make a sequel to "The Legend of Mulan". I will also consult the opinions of other shareholders. Personally, I certainly hope that the box office of the movie will be a big hit, so that the movie market can The types of films are more diversified, and it can also broaden the acting paths of the actors." Zheng Wentong said.

After Bai Xiaolu changed her clothes, Li Huayan told her daughter, "Now that the child is still young, remember not to have sex with Wentong. The first three months are more dangerous. It's okay to pay attention in the middle months."

Bai Xiaolu's strange knowledge increased again, and Li Huayan's face almost turned red, "Wen Tong's business trip to Nanjun this time is mainly for business, and then he came to visit me by the way, he is not the kind of impatient person."

Li Huayan taught her daughter seriously, "I'm talking about business with you, don't think I'm joking. I know Wen Tong is good, but you can't be careless, there are many men who cheated on their wives during pregnancy."

"Nowadays, the little girls are too powerful. They know how to be three, and when they see that a man is rich, they rush to post it. They also like to pour ecstasy soup on a man, saying that they don't want to hurt his family, and they just want to share a small part of him. Love, just be the woman behind him silently. Wasn’t there a little girl who worked in finance in Wentong Company before?” Li Huayan said vigilantly.

"That's Yu Qiao. Later, she got involved because of suspected job occupation. She should be able to come out next year. Wen Tong's current secretary, Zheng Yaqing, is best friends with her." Bai Xiaolu said.

Li Huayan sighed, "You said it's not good for Wentong to use someone as his secretary, but he insisted on using such a beautiful little girl as his secretary. As the saying goes, those who are close to Zhu are red and those who are close to ink are black. If this Zheng Yaqing is like Yu Qiao, At that time, you and Wen Tong will not be able to make a fuss?"

Bai Xiaolu has a good impression of Zheng Yaqing, knowing that Zheng Yaqing is not that kind of person, "Mom, Yaqing is not that kind of person. When Yu Qiao and Zheng Anguo were together, Zheng Yaqing threatened her to break up with Zheng Yaqing, but Yu Qiao and Zheng Anguo broke up. Yu Qiao was obsessed with ghosts at the time, and refused to let go of life and death, and finally let himself be imprisoned."

Li Huayan's worry was lessened, "Wen Tong's previous two female secretaries were married after all, but this time I suddenly found an unmarried girl. I still feel a little uncomfortable. Can't he find a male secretary?" ? You must know that women are prone to cranky thoughts during pregnancy, so it will give you more sense of security."

Bai Xiaolu explained to Li Huayan, "Mom, a woman's sense of security is given to her by herself, not from others. If you place your hopes on others to give you a sense of security, it means that you are in an unsafe environment."

Li Huayan looked at her daughter, unknowingly Xiaolu had grown up and no longer needed her protection, and her little padded jacket could become her reliance.

Zheng Wentong didn't know about the conversation between Li Huayan's mother and daughter. He chatted with Li Huayan about the daily life: "Auntie, since you have already retired, it is not a problem for uncle to work in Longcheng alone. After the Spring Festival, let uncle also retire After the formalities, our family will live in Puhai."

Li Huayan said: "Your uncle has a quiet personality and doesn't like to move. He has a large number of fishing friends in Longcheng as company, and without me watching over him, he lives quite comfortably. If he comes to Puhai, he won't even have a fishing place." None can be found."

"If my uncle is willing to come to Puhai, I can go fishing with him when I have time on weekends. There are also many colleagues in my company who like fishing. The whole country is a family of fishing friends." Zheng Wentong said.

"Forget it. This year's situation is special. Xiaolu is just pregnant, and you are very busy with work. I will help take care of it for a year first. After the child is born, I will go back to Longcheng to accompany your uncle. When I was young, my husband and wife came to accompany you, and I couldn't bear it." Leave your uncle alone in Longcheng." Li Huayan said.

Li Huayan rented a house around Tangcheng Film and Television City in South County, specifically to take care of Xiaolu's daily necessities. Now Bai Xiaolu is almost living a fairy life of stretching out his hands for clothes and opening his mouth for food.

Bai Xiaolu said to Zheng Wentong: "Before I was filming "The General Is Next" in Hengdian, Sister Wan went to cook for me, and I was very satisfied. But this time my mother came to take care of me, I feel that I am living a fairy life now."

Li Huayan snorted, "Don't flatter me, I told you that pregnant women can't drink milk tea, and I ignored my words. Hehe, yes, if you want to taste it, she will give it to you. Why are you young people so ignorant?"

Bai Xiaolu pulled Li Huayan to beg her for mercy, "Mom, I was wrong, and I really realized that I was wrong. I promise not to drink a drop of milk tea during pregnancy. Hehe, I didn't do it on purpose last time, so don't blame her."

Zheng Wentong said to Bai Xiaolu: "Milk tea contains sweeteners, caffeine, and trans fatty acids, which are not good for fetal development. For the sake of the baby's health, let's quit milk tea first. After the baby is born, I will open a restaurant for you in Puhai. Milk tea shop, let you drink as much as you want at once, okay?"

Zheng Wentong said to Li Huayan: "Last time I told my mother about Xiaolu's pregnancy. Grandpa and grandma were very happy when they found out. They planned to visit Xiaolu in Nanjun, but my mother persuaded them. My grandmother still has some pressure The old object at the bottom of the box is probably intended to hand over the jewelry to Xiao Lu in advance."

Li Huayan said: "The two old people are not young, so there is no need to toss so much on the road. As for gifts, even if grandparents want to give them, you have to help Xiaolu refuse them. The emerald phoenix that your grandmother gave Xiaolu last time Hairpins are too precious."

"This is what I think. Before the Chinese New Year this year, I will bring my grandma and grandparents to Puhai, and we will have a lively New Year together, so as to avoid the fatigue of the old people." Zheng Wentong said, if the elders are interested During the Spring Festival, everyone will fly to Sanya for vacation together.

Bai Xiaolu thought that there was nothing wrong with Zheng Wentong's arrangement, and she and Zheng Wentong chatted about Yuan Li tearing up the "The Birth of an Actor" program group.Yuan Li participated in the program "The Birth of an Actor". Under the malicious editing of the program group, Yuan Li's performance was like a fool. It is worth pondering that Zhang Ziyi is the judge of this program.

Li Huayan didn't know who Yuan Li was, Bai Xiaolu said, "It's Du Xiaoyue in "Iron Teeth Bronze Teeth Ji Xiaolan", but she doesn't seem to have any film and television works in recent years."

Zheng Wentong agreed, Yuan Li's works over the years have become less and less like the clothes she wears on the red carpet.At present, middle-aged actresses are in an acting crisis, and there are fewer and fewer roles suitable for them. It is undoubtedly a lose-lose choice for Yuan Li to tear up the "The Birth of an Actor" program this time.

Bai Xiaolu said: "Actually, I now realize that actors should participate in variety shows as little as possible and maintain a sense of mystery to the audience. Look at Yuan Quan, and Zhao Liying rarely appears on variety shows. If you always go to variety shows, the audience will watch For example, fans say that Brother Teng's performance in "The Richest Man in Xihong City" is not as funny as "Charlotte's Annoyance". It may be because Brother Teng and I recorded the first episode of "Ace vs. Ace" together. Season two."

"The main reason is that the money from variety shows is easy to get. In the last variety show, we chatted, just broke a story or two, ate, drank, and played, and we could get millions of dollars in salary. It's much easier than filming. Of course, there will be fewer actors with pursuit in variety shows. The number of appearances in the program." Zheng Wentong said.

While Bai Xiaolu was chatting with Zheng Wentong, Li Huayan began to remind Zheng Wentong, "Andy Lau's New Year's Eve concert at Weiyin has officially started!"

At this time, Andy Lau was wearing a Tang suit, holding his fists in his hands, and greeted the users of Weiyin, "Friends of Weiyin, good evening, everyone, I am Andy Lau. The arrival of , I hope to bring you a different audio-visual experience."

(End of this chapter)

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