Chapter 225 The stock code of Galloping Pony!
Just after his birthday, Zheng Wentong and Xu Ru flew to Hong Kong Island together, and met Zhong Lifang, chairman of Galloping Pony and others, to participate in the roadshow of Galloping Pony.

The Hong Kong Stock Exchange listing process is divided into 6 steps: form submission, hearing, road show, prospectus, public placement results, and listing.

Submitting the form means that the company officially applies for listing. The time is generally 1 to 6 months. The second step is the hearing. 2 days.

Yanjing Galloping Horse has just passed the hearing of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, which means that the Yanjing Galloping Horse is not far from the IPO date when it can apply for shares. If there are investors who plan to apply for shares, they can make relevant preparations in advance.

Roadshow, a stock issuance promotion meeting held by a joint-stock company to communicate and communicate with investors, lasts about a week.

If Yanjing Galloping Horse's road show is popular, it means that investors are more optimistic about the stock of Galloping Horse. If the road show is cold, the probability of breaking the stock on the first day is relatively high.

Cheng Wei, vice president of Deutsche Bank Asia Pacific, held a small investor promotion meeting for the listing plan of Galloping Pony in Hong Kong Island, promoting and introducing the listing project of Galloping Pony to investors in Hong Kong Island.

After Zheng Wentong and his girlfriend Bai Xiaolu announced their marriage on Wei Toutiao, a Hong Kong media entertainment magazine published the love history of Bai Xiaolu and Zheng Wentong under the title "Mainland First-line Post-90s Actress and Ten Billion Internet Rich Boyfriend Get Certificate Next Year".

The more courageous employee in the Hong Kong Island office forwarded the screenshot of this report to the boss Zheng Wentong in the name of reporting work. Zheng Wentong expressed his gratitude to the employee and reminded him to send the report to the company mailbox in the future.

Zheng Wentong forwarded the screenshot to his girlfriend, "This is a first-line post-90s actress certified by the Hong Kong media. Our studio must not advertise that you are a first-line actress. Forcibly mentioning coffee is easy to make people laugh. How can you call yourself a first-line actress? Yes, we are not cosmic people who like to brag."

Xu Ru noticed the new watch on Zheng Wentong's left hand, "Birthday gift from Xiaolu?"

After Zheng Wentong nodded to confirm, Xu Ru couldn't help being envious, "My husband also likes the Audemars Piguet Royal Oak Offshore model very much. He said he expects me to buy him one with the year-end bonus after I get promoted. The year-end bonuses are all less than half, and last year it was only more than 5."

Xu Ru’s husband works in a state-owned financial unit in Puhai. The financial, tobacco, and customs units have good benefits. When the effect is good, three to six months’ salary is used as a year-end bonus. In order to enter tobacco, some doctoral students from prestigious universities, I am even willing to work as a tobacco factory operator working in three shifts. The punch card salary is only more than 8000, but the advantage is stability, and the hidden benefits are good. Sure enough, the end of the universe is the exam.

Zheng Wentong joked with Xu Ru, "Aren't you reminding me to give you a salary increase? Galloping Horse completed a salary increase last year, with a unified salary increase of 10%. 10% salary increase, 8% uniform salary increase for managers and above.”

The biggest source of income for Slope Investment this year is from the overseas branch of Blue Star Games. Currently, the sales volume of Steam statistics has exceeded 1500 million sets, and the cumulative game revenue has exceeded 30 billion. A new game company established for more than a year has already surpassed its revenue. A group of established game companies.

Xu Ruyan smiled at Yanyan, "Then I will thank Mr. Zheng on behalf of the other employees." Xu Ru is now the assistant to the president. If the salary is increased by 8%, it will be able to increase by 5 to [-] yuan a year.

After Zheng Wentong and Xu Ru landed on Hong Kong Island, the chairman of Galloping Horse Zhong Lifang and the person in charge of the Hong Kong Island office Lin Feng came to pick them up. Galloping Horse booked a room and conference hall at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel.

When Zhong Lifang saw Zheng Wentong, she congratulated Zheng Wentong, "The hearing of Galloping Horse has been passed, and it is only a matter of time before going public. Now we can consider using that number as our stock code."

The stock code of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange generally ends with 6 or 8, because the wealthy circles in Southeast Asia like auspicious numbers. Alibaba was listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in 07 with the stock code of 1688, and JD Health is 06618.
Lin Feng suggested, "Actually, Mr. Zheng's birthday is very suitable as the stock code 09128." The stock codes of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange all start with 0, 08 is the Growth Enterprise Market, and other numbers starting with 01 to 09 are the main board.

Zheng Wentong joked with everyone, "Penguin's stock is 00700, but I would like to get 00710, but I am also afraid that Penguin's legal department will sue me for plagiarizing their stock code, so think about it and forget it."

Zhong Lifang looked at the eloquent Zheng Wentong. She had known Zheng Wentong for two years, and she still remembered the scene when she and Zheng Wentong met for the first time. She drank tea with Zheng Wentong and Bai Xiaolu in a tea house by the West Lake.

At that time, Bai Xiaolu also played a guest role as Zheng Wentong's assistant. Zhong Lifang, who had seen countless people, knew that Zheng Wentong and Bai Xiaolu already had a good relationship with each other, but they didn't pierce the window paper.

At that time, Zhong Lifang suggested that Bai Xiaolu go to a professional film and television school to study acting and hone her acting skills. She will first act in micro-films and then some online dramas. After she has accumulated audience popularity, she will then take on some large-scale TV dramas and finally enter the film industry.

As a result, Bai Xiaolu entered the performance training class of Puhai Drama Academy, starred in micro-movies, then starred in "Ode to Joy", and then starred in "Ordinary Glory". Now he is the boss of the studio.

Two years ago, Zheng Wentong told Zhong Lifang that she would lead Galloping Horse back to the market. She was skeptical. In July last year, Zheng Wentong became the owner of Galloping Horse. In September this year, Galloping Horse officially launched the listing plan. As the cornerstone investor of Galloping Horse, he will participate in the listing plan of Galloping Horse.

After Galloping Horse passed the hearing of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and the listing of Galloping Horse is a foregone conclusion, she is still living in a dream.

Before leaving Yanjing, Zhong Lifang took Ping Maotai to Babaoshan Cemetery to visit the big dog brother Li Ming, and accidentally ran into Li Ming's widow, Jin Yan, and her daughter. The daughter cuddled up in her mother's arms.

Li Ming liked to drink during his lifetime, and Zhong Lifang poured Moutai into the soil in front of Li Ming's cemetery.After pouring the white wine, Zhong Lifang was about to leave. Jin Yan said to Zhong Lifang: "The galloping horse can be listed, and the hard work of the big dog is not in vain. The 1% equity that Mr. Zheng reserved for us has already provided our mother and daughter with food and clothing for the rest of their lives. No worries."

"Compared with Big Dog, Zheng is always a more qualified owner of a film and television company. After the listing, Galloping Horse will not need me to continue to be the honorary chairman. I will resign as honorary chairman. My daughter will not join the small Ma Benteng goes to work, we just want to live a peaceful life and stay away from the entertainment industry, if possible, please help me convey my thanks to Mr. Zheng and Dagou." Jin Yan said.

"Okay." Zhong Lifang opened her umbrella and left first. Jin Yan and her daughter hadn't returned yet. Zhong Lifang looked at Jin Yan's mother and daughter. If Zheng Wentong hadn't been supporting her from behind, both of them would have made Galloping Horse the number one film and television company in the mainland. Ambitious, she is actually willing to retreat behind the scenes and enjoy a comfortable retirement time.

After Galloping Horse is successfully listed, Zhong Lifang will immediately start to acquire light-following animation and more FVX special effects companies. Zhong Lifang has cooperated with more FVX special effects companies, and Ning Hao used more FVX when filming "The Golden Heist" special effects team.

Although Galloping Pony has not been announced to the public yet, Liu Cixin's science fiction novel of the same name "The Wandering Earth" has been approved internally, and preparations for shooting have begun. After Galloping Pony completes the acquisition of more FVX, it will be announced to the public immediately. The casting of the film has Wu Lei, Wu Jing, Wu Mengda and Zhao Jinmai.Wu Lei will play the son of astronaut Wu Jing in the film.

Zheng Wentong will invite experts from the space agency to participate in the sci-fi settings in "The Wandering Earth", such as the Yanjing-11 planetary engine and the underground city with a height of 30 kilometers, a width of 50 kilometers, and a base diameter of [-] kilometers.

Zheng Wentong reserved a high budget of 5 million yuan for "The Wandering Earth", fully double that of "Crazy Alien".

Zhong Lifang is from Jiangchu, and Zheng Wentong is a native of Zhongchu. Although she expressed concern about Zheng Wentong's plan to invest tens of billions in the construction of the Three-Body Cinema, after witnessing many of Zheng Wentong's genius investment cases, she still believes in the vision of the boss without hesitation. .

The Three-Body Cinema project is also started to be built in batches. The construction steps are the same as that of Disneyland. The land is acquired first, and then gradually developed.

The first park of Three Body Studios is the Wandering Earth. The space station, planetary engine, and dungeon in the movie will be built in proportion to the movie effect, and then provided for tourists to visit.

Zheng Wentong has no plans to invest tens of billions at a time. If according to Zheng Wentong's prediction, he can prevent and control the epidemic in advance, then he will continue to build three-body I, three-body II, three-body III, supernova era and other parks. .

Because after the movie is released, Three-Body Cinema will start to build the corresponding park. According to the most optimistic situation, Three-Body Cinema may complete the first, second and third phases of construction planning before 2025 at the earliest. .

If the epidemic is still not under control and the film and television industry is generally sluggish, then Zheng Wentong will postpone the construction of other parks.Three Body Studios is the largest sci-fi film and television amusement park in China. In the future, Galloping Horse will focus on three types of movies: sci-fi, military and comedy. Science fiction has Guo Fan, military has Wu Jing, and comedy has Shen Teng and Ma Li.

Zheng Wentong, who holds the three trump cards, is not worried about the competition from other domestic film companies at all. His goal is to target the top six Hollywood companies of this level. profit.

Qizai in Zhou Xingchi's movie "Yangtze River No. [-]" is a small attempt, but unfortunately, the market is full of pirated toys of Qizai.After the release of The Wandering Earth, Zheng Wentong plans to co-brand with the space agency to launch toys around the movie. He really wants to see who is not afraid of death and dares to produce pirated toys
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(End of this chapter)

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