LOL top single female devil

Chapter 640 The Self-Cultivation of Zhongdan

SKT gave Khan the last hand to win Aoun, and the lineups of both sides are determined

IG: Top lane vampire, jungle prince, mid laner Lucian, shooter Kai'Sa, support Galio.

SKT: Top laner Ornn, jungler Lee Sin, mid laner Clockwork, shooter EZ, support Titan

Guan Zeyuan worried: "IG's lineup has offensive pressure in the early stage, and Lucian may not touch SKT's Titan Aoun double front row in the later stage."

Remember to nod and said: "Yes, IG has to do things in the early stage, otherwise it will be more difficult to fight if it is delayed."

Doinb's lips moved, but he didn't say anything.

Compared with IG's lineup, SKT's lineup is more reasonable. In the early stage, Aoun can stick to the jungle and do things, and he can deal considerable damage in the mid-term team battle, and he is even more invincible in the later stage.

Compared with clockwork, the problem of Lucian's short hands and difficulty in clearing the line in the later stage will be infinitely magnified, and the other crispy EZ is not easy to touch, commonly known as untouchable.

However, IG, or Yu Hui's previous achievements are too dazzling, and the commentators have a kind of confidence in her, as if there is nothing she can't do.

Yu Hui himself is also like this. As the saying goes, if you don't have confidence in yourself, you might as well go home and farm.

As long as Lucian, an extreme hero who can be said to have almost no late game, is born to be the focus of the game.

The two sides started with a normal one-word long snake formation. IG's control chain is not enough, and it can disable the opponent, so it is difficult to keep people.

SKT chose to seek stability, so the two sides did not break out into a first-level group.

It was the first time he faced Yu Hui head-on in the arena. Faker played very cautiously. After learning the E-shield at the first level, he got stuck in Lucian's attack distance.

Although it was the first time he met Yu Hui, he had watched countless times of Yu Hui's game videos, and he knew that Asuna's ability to control the attack distance was different from ordinary people.

At least judging from the information revealed in his top laner Khan's countless Western Eights, the big and thick transparent holy light is a nightmare that will never go away in his heart~ He still dare not play Jess in front of Asuna ~
Therefore, in the early stage, Yu Hui's strategy of relying on the holy light through the body to take advantage of it rarely failed. Faker's position was erratic like a slippery fish, and it was difficult to hit him.

Fortunately, Yu Hui has always used supplementary damage as the main consumption, even if she didn't touch the opponent's HP, she didn't lose anything, and the line power was naturally in her hands.

However, Yu Hui didn't choose to block the lane. Clid blind monk red buff started the game, and the probability of catching and catching in the second speed was about 37. The 369 vampire was facing Ornn, and he was not very afraid of death.

Therefore, she has the highest probability of catching the middle lane. Lucian himself plays a burst game in the early stage. If the jungler kills him twice in the early stage, he will directly GG in the early stage. Clid will come to the middle lane to try his luck.

No matter how bad it is. He can also help Faker relieve the pressure on the lane~
After thinking about it for a while, Yu Hui started to push the line directly, trying to reset the pawn line push tower to push back when the cannon line was refreshed, so that the blind monk's gank would be self-defeating.Clid didn't dare to grab the chance even if he didn't have enough skills in the early stage

Yu Hui's thinking is very flexible, which is why she can switch to the middle lane

One disadvantage of this position in the middle is that if the opponent's jungler really wants to catch you, then you can't avoid it no matter what, but there are too many gank routes~
And the opponent's support can also seize the opportunity to gank you in the mid lane. This is the difference between the environment and play style between the top laner and the mid laner.

In the top lane, you solo kill, raise pigs, thread thread, and the opposite jungler wants to touch you, and he himself is very uncomfortable

Especially for teams that mainly focus on the bottom lane, the distance between the upper and lower lanes runs through the entire Summoner's Canyon, and there is no way to radiate their sense of presence to three lanes at the same time in the awesome jungler.

Most of them radiate in the upper middle, or in the lower middle, or add half of the wild area.

All of these playstyles and routines cannot avoid the mid lane, so the compulsory course for mid laners is to grasp the dynamics of the opponent's jungler, and use their own advantages to disrupt the rhythm of the opponent's jungler, so that teammates can play more comfortably.

Just as Yu Hui expected, Clid went straight to the middle lane after brushing the red and F6 to win prizes. When he saw that the pawn line had no chance, he retreated to the river crab in the wild area for the next best thing.

However, Xiangguo, uncharacteristically, did not attack and seize opportunities, but planned a route early in the morning to scan the entire map.

Because IG's team rhythm point can be said to be a clear card, it is clear that the game is in the early and mid-term, and the success rate of gank will be very low when the opponent is prepared.

So from the very beginning, Yu Hui reminded him that he could make appropriate changes in the early stage of the game.

The blind monk returned without success in the middle and lost part of the time. When Clid turned back to fight the river crab, the prince of Xiangguo just rushed over. At this time, he was already level three and had one more skill than the blind monk.

Remember: "Clid wanted to try to catch Asuna, but he didn't find a chance. I was going to hunt river crabs later, but Xiangguo also came!"

When the two met, Xiangguo didn't hand over EQ to fight Clid immediately. The prince's most threatening early stage was EQ, so he chose W to slow down the blind monk and take the basic attack, and dealt the damage of the passive war rhythm at the same time. Slowed down the burning of the red buff.

At the same time, Yu Hui, who had the right to wire, also rushed towards the river immediately, shattering Clid's idea of ​​taking a shortcut to retreat and join Faker.

Clid just turned around, and was stabbed twice by Prince A, so he could only bite the bullet and W touched his eyes to distance himself while moving wildly, hoping to twist the prince's EQ.

Xiangguo ignored Clid's coquettish movement, and sprang out with precise EQ. Clid flashed in an instant to avoid the damage, and his face immediately turned black.

Guan Zeyuan: "Dodge and dodge! This wave of Clid caught something wrong~ I was squatted by the incense pot!"

Doinb shook his head: "The first wave of gank in the jungle is too important. Once exposed, you have to accept the potential risks that follow~"

Guan Zeyuan nodded: "Yes! After all, the opposing jungler is not a vegetarian. The flash of Clid is the tuition~"

Previously, Clid had hoped to run away after merging with Faker, but in the end, Lucian got stuck and missed the opportunity to evacuate safely, so he had to pay Blink as a tuition fee.

This dodge is not enough, the most uncomfortable thing for him is that he has to do well to survive, if he is successfully provoked by the prince's EQ, it will be too late in the dodge, the prince can flash and catch up with the basic attack until he dies!

This wave of mistakes greatly reduced the combat power of the blind monk in the early stage, because Clid couldn't change the scan in the early stage, and he couldn't help his teammates to ward off without scanning. The prince can normally help his teammates to ward off.

There was a natural hole in SKT's vision.

Xiangguo knows how to raise a mother very well. After playing the blind monk's flash, he turned around and wiped out the river crab on the other side. He started the game with two river crabs. After returning to the city, he directly filled the middle lane with a river crab.

The field of vision was sufficient, most of the pressure from Yu Hui's push line disappeared, and the operating space was much larger. Faker immediately felt that the pressure from Lucian had risen to a new level.

Lucian, who was originally relatively conservative, had increased his aggressiveness visible to the naked eye. From time to time, he used the holy light to consume some of his blood. The clockwork shield was not available all the time, and the mana consumption could not last.

For Yu Hui, it's meaningless to coax her in front of her, unless you don't make up, as long as you make up, she has a lot of room to maneuver.

The second-stage range of the penetrating holy light is enough for Yu Hui to penetrate Faker's body when he makes up the knife~

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