Seeing Lin Feng looking down, Qingshan Jijiu said with interest: "Why, you haven't seen this scene before?"

Lin Feng said: "I have seen many more tragic scenes than this, but I never thought that there would still be monsters near Zhang Daoling's Heming Mountain Dojo."

"Oh, you don't know now, in this era, heroic spirits, witches and ghosts, and various beliefs emerge in endlessly.

Even Zhang Daoling's Heavenly Master Dao is not a famous big shot now.

He hasn't smashed mountains and temples yet, and his influence hasn't spread out of Sichuan.

What is chaotic now is not one place but two places, but two countries are corrupting.

Under such circumstances, isn't it normal that the country is full of bandits, bones and demons are rampant?

This time when Zhang Daoling leaves the customs, the first problem is to eliminate all the evil spirits and monsters around him.

Otherwise, who would believe that he is a person with great ability?There is a monster at the door, and if you say you are not a monster, no one else will believe it. "

Not an illusion.

Lin Feng could see very clearly that Qingshan Jijiu was simply watching the excitement and it was not a big deal.

On the one hand, he maintained Qingshan.

On the other hand, he is likely to be a person who likes to watch fun.

Speaking of the situation Zhang Daoling encountered now.

He seemed to hope to see others destroy mountains and temples.

He smiled and said: "You will know where we are going when you arrive.


I also know that Zhang Daoling has been dissatisfied with this place for a long time, mainly because of the people here, who have some minor problems.

Zhang Daoling is now borrowing Lao Tzu's fame, and it is Lao Tzu who taught him the 'Tao'.

So, guess what kind of feelings Zhang Daoling has for Lao Tzu? "

"No profanity."

Lin Feng said.

"That's right, that's right, that's right, you're right, you can't blaspheme, even in Confucianism, there are people who scold their fathers at their sons, and that's rude.

The place we are going to, although Zhang Daoling said it is a ghost city.

But in fact, it should be regarded as a Yin market.

The biggest difference between the Yin market and the ghost market lies in the degree of difference.

A ghost market is a place where too many dead people cause too much yin, and a group of ghosts gather together to form a market.

Say big or not, say small or small.

Even if the sky is blue and white, it will not cause any major harm.

But the underworld market is different.

The underworld market is the underworld of the underworld. When it comes to the underworld, the most important thing is the owner there.

The old ghost we are going to meet is extremely difficult.

Rather than saying that he is an old ghost, it is better to say that he is the first group of old antiques who entered the Netherworld alive.

It is said that this person was a servant of the Zhou Dynasty, which also means that he had met Lao Tzu, and even asked Lao Tzu about his problems, or Lao Tzu asked him about his problems.

It's all unknown.

But one thing I do know is that this old ghost doesn't think much of Zhang Daoling, and he seems to have academic disapproval of Lao Tzu.

It now looks like Zhang Daoling has gained a lot of confidence after leaving the customs, and he has found a strong opponent for himself, and wants to stand up.

Let's go over this time to see if Zhang Daoling is tough, or if the old ghost is taller.

There is a lot of fun to watch! "

Qingshan Jijiu said gloatingly.

Lin Feng heard this, looked at the scene of the light boat passing the Ten Thousand Mountains, and thought twice.

He said carefully: "Actually, there is one more thing I want to ask, and this question has always been lingering in my mind.

That is, how many schools are we historians divided into?

If I am Aoyama and I am also a historian, then what are Teacher Xun and Professor Han?
Aren't they Qingshan? "

"Yes, they are not Qingshan, take it easy, you have to be clear about one thing, we are historians, and they are historians too.

The historian isn't just from our lineage?
Even brothers have different ideas.

Even if it is a person, when he is young, in his prime, and in his old age, he thinks from different angles and gets different results.

Different ways do not seek each other, we are us, they are them, but we go to the same goal by different routes.

Even if the family is separated, it is still a family, so there is no need to worry about such things. "

While speaking, a darkness struck in the distance.The talisman hanging on the flagpole automatically defended against the enemy, and suddenly emitted a faint light, blocking the black light.

Lin Feng glanced down, and saw that there was another huge ghost market underneath, where gods and ghosts mixed together.

Qingshan Jijiu opened his mouth a little bored and said: "Take a rest, if you fight, you will go to that old ghost's place, you will suffer!"

Qingshan Jijiu looked very open: "According to our itinerary, we should be able to find those people at midnight tonight.

At that time, you will know how difficult the old ghost of Zhou Dynasty is.

A servant like him pays attention to the rules the most. Do you know Zhou Li? "

Lin Feng: "Do you think I seem like someone who knows?"

Qingshan Jijiu smacked his mouth and said: "No, if not, it will be a little troublesome, so do you know how to fight?"

Lin Feng: "It's okay to fight."

Qingshan Jijiu smiled happily.

"It's okay, as long as you can fight, what you want is your reckless energy."

Lin Feng said: "Then why didn't we just send reinforcements?"

Qingshan Jijiu said: "Because you are good enough to fight, alas, we asked others to help, they are masters, we are grandsons, now we can do it ourselves, why are we pretending to be grandsons?"

Seeing Lin Feng's meaningful eyes, Qingshan Jijiu sneered: "Why, you also want to turn against Tiangang?"

"No, just kidding."

Lin Feng said: "I close my eyes and take a rest, ready to work."


No matter what Qingshan Jijiu said, the time he calculated was extremely accurate, and it was really midnight.

far away.

Just saw the Yin market.

It's a city!
Qingshan Jijiu said that the old ghost camp of the Zhou Dynasty, which was difficult to deal with, looked very extraordinary from a distance.

It is neat and tidy, and more importantly, it is very big. Lin Feng knew when he saw this that the Han Dynasty was really about to end.

Because of such a huge city, no one cares about it, and it is surrounded by deserted villages and fields.

Here comes the question.

What about people?

People, dead.

It's that simple, two celestial masters, one is Zhang Daoling, who is now Taoist, and the other is a celestial master, who can instantly coerce so many refugees, even with the support of aristocratic families, it is true that the people are living in dire straits.

In the last years of the dynasty, mud and sand fell.

Humans and ghosts are mixed together and cannot be clearly distinguished.

This city is located on top of a mountain.

In the moonlight, looking at it from a distance, the layout of the entire city is extremely reasonable.

Looking further inside, it was foggy, and I couldn't see clearly.

If someone hadn't told Lin Feng in advance that this was a city built by old ghosts, maybe Lin Feng thought it was an ancient ancient place for humans.

The entire building specification is exactly the same as Zhou Li.

Even the specifications of this city are more up to standard than the eight-armed Nezha of the Yuan Dynasty.

It just lacks some popularity.

There are all kinds of people coming and going here.

There are human alchemists, some early Taoist priests, and some historical residues that dare not even reveal their names.

The old ghosts inside treat all of these equally.

This is what Lin Feng saw when he came over.

The whole ghost town was pitch black, and the two landed in front of this place. Lin Feng looked at Qingshan Jijiu next to him. Qingshan Jijiu shook his clothes, and said very calmly: "Look at what I am doing, let's go, go and see look."

No one is blocking the way.

At the door is a huge stone sculpture, which looks a lot like Tubo from the image point of view.

That is the earliest land, aggressive and dangerous.

Not only dead souls, but also living things will be torn to pieces by Tubo.

Compared with Lin Feng, he should be regarded as a peer.

Lin Feng is much gentler than Tu Bo.

Tu Bo glanced at Qingshan Jijiu and Lin Feng, then turned away and stopped paying attention.

"Who are they guarding against?"

Lin Feng asked Qingshan Jijiu next to him, and Qingshan Jijiu said familiarly: "Who else, of course, is such a malicious person as Zhang Daoling, could it be you and me!
You see how I walked in, as if I wanted to destroy this place? "

"Not like."

"That's good, do you want to destroy this place?"

"Ah, it's quite open."

"Otherwise, how can it be called a market? The market, people come and go, and the visitors are just customers. The old ghost of Zhou Dynasty still has a heart here. Look, I said old ghost of Zhou Dynasty, the old ghost must be able to Heard it, but he didn't care."

Qingshan Jijiu talked eloquently, as if he had returned home.

It is someone who has seen the big scene!

The two looked at the front at the same time, the most noble and highest place in the whole city.

It is the place where the servant is.

And the place where the servant is, you can also watch the stars.

Qingshan Jijiu is familiar with the way, and he seems to be very familiar with Zhou Li.

Reading the scriptures and walking on the street, it is true that no one pays attention to them.

The rest of the people may be secretive, but these two people are unscrupulous.

No one provokes them.

Lin Feng's aura is extremely restrained. After the sixth rank, he can be like a stone.

No breath can escape.

These people can't feel the slightest bit.

But the smell of incense on his body will not deceive people.

As for Qingshan Jijiu, the left and right scrolls of Qingshan Jijiu, and the right scroll, Lin Feng looks very familiar, these are all good goods from Zhang Daoling's desk.

If Lin Feng remembered correctly.

He should still be carrying the jade seal in his arms.

The two swaggered.

The remnants of history are coveted, but they dare not approach.

From the perspective of the market outside, it is very prosperous here, and it does not have all the weirdness of the underworld.

But this came to the place where the servant was.

They were stopped.

What stopped Lin Feng and the others was the strangeness of the underworld, and the strangeness of the underworld had an ominous smell lingering on them.

This is where the weirdness should look like.

Chaotic times, forgotten and abandoned customs, gods who once entwined incense, and losers in struggles.

And only in this kind of place.

Only Lin Feng could see that this was a strange place.

It's not safe here.

On the ground, Lin Feng saw a large number of corpses. These corpses had been accumulated for an unknown number of years, and one of them touched Lin Feng's body to give him a nightmare.

There are also natural phenomena here, as for what it is.

Lin Feng's eyes were on these bones. These bones were slaughtered, not by Yin Shang, poor people who are not sure when.

Underneath, there must be something.

"Don't look closely to see what's underneath.

After all, it's all forgotten.

So much has been forgotten these days.

There is no need to grab them out of the pile of old papers of history. "

After finishing speaking, Qingshan Jijiu put his hands on his mouth and shouted: "Hey, I have ordered you to go to Heming Mountain to guard the gate under Zhang Ling's order from the Heavenly Master!

I know you are at home, you come out! "

Lin Feng: "???"

Qingshan Jijiu winked.

As he shouted, several eyes swept over.

But no one said anything.

"Come on, it doesn't seem to work." A little regretful, Qingshan Jijiu saw Lin Feng's gaze and said naturally: "Don't look at me like that, we are here to make trouble today, not to treat guests to dinner.

You see, the way of propaganda is no longer feasible, so at this time I suggest that we start fighting. "

Qingshan Jijiu rolled up his sleeves, and then stood aside with his waist in his hands.

That meaning is obvious.

It is: "Brother, you go up, I will just watch from the side."

Lin Feng shrugged his shoulders helplessly, he could see clearly what was in front of him, it was a strange and forgotten thing in the underworld.

Each of these forgotten things can be communicated, but it is difficult to communicate.

As long as you follow what they say and agree to their conditions, you can save your life.

Naturally, this is not a good phenomenon.

Because if you save your life, you may lose more.

Fortunately, Lin Feng no longer needs to communicate.

He directly took out a clay pot, and with a slap, the mouth of the pot opened.

It was easy to seal these ghosts in the earthen pot. In order not to hurt the harmony, Lin Feng didn't even use the copper urn he recast.

He took out the clay pot, and easily collected the ghosts in the underworld, and then flames spread out at his feet.

There is no reason to talk about the way of the underworld. It is more troublesome than "ghosts cover the eyes" or "ghosts hit the wall".

Obviously, I saw a building right in front of me.

But no matter how you go, you can't go through.

Because it is possible that the two things are not in the same space, or not in the same time, when Lin Feng's flames spread out, Qingshan Jijiu showed envy for the first time.

A strange breath slowly spread out from these flames.

It's not a fight.

It was the Soaring Snake, and the aura of the Soaring Snake became even weirder.

This is not a very good "mysterious thing" in the first place. The Teng Snake is not the same as the disaster fight. The Teng Snake is not considered "auspicious", it is "bad", or even "disaster".

After the Soaring Snake appeared in the flames, the whole surroundings became unreal. Above the sky, vaguely strange faces and wailing appeared.

It was as if a terrible sacrificial slaughterhouse had appeared here, and the soaring snake appeared, and the old servant and old ghost inside finally succumbed.

"Enough, take it back, I'll see you!"

The star shifting in front of his eyes is the change of time and space, Lin Feng didn't take it back.

The terrifying scene was like a nightmare, and there was a strong reprimand from here, Qingshan Jijiu made a small jump, stood in front of Lin Feng, and stretched out his hand to block the talisman in front of Lin Feng!

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