Chapter 395
Unlike the astonishment of the people around him, Lin Feng's first reaction when he saw the footprints was, "It's a bit weird".

The footprints of a four-meter humanoid creature, his footprints should be more like the legendary Bigfoot.

But what is the concept of a four-meter Bigfoot?
It's the amazingly wide and long footprints, not that they are all the same as normal people.

"A slender ghostly figure is watching us."

Lin Feng said in a low voice, "And I didn't realize that these things are really interesting. We are being targeted, so we should lead the team away! Xie Liu, call someone."

This is the most important thing, the "five ghosts" of the secret method of stealing the door, and the wind did not notice this thing, either because the strength of this thing is extraordinary, Lin Feng is not an opponent, or he has some unique concealment skills, here is its home field.

Either way, "lead the team away."

I can't stay here any longer.

Lin Feng asked Xie Liu to take the people away and there was no need to clean up anything. As for Hong Ni, Lin Feng also returned the dzi to Hong Ni.

Grabbing Teacher Xun tightly, Teacher Xun was very calm in the midst of the chaos.

He said quickly beside Lin Feng: "It's them, they are here.

It seems they don't want me with you.

Looks like they left on my behalf, they shouldn't kill me.

If we are separated, you don't have to look for me. If it is possible, I will come back and look for you. Do you remember what you said to me earlier?
Our time is different, if I can really live to your age, I will definitely help you. "

Teacher Xun's words were fast and urgent, like a machine gun: "Also, this place I deciphered last night, I have been to this place, this is the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, the Minshan Mountains.

I know this place, which has some peculiar funeral traditions, is where the boat coffins are.

And here, there have always been rumors that there are some people on the mountain, they are unusual, they are immortals who cultivated on the mountain before, and some people say that they are officers and soldiers who died on the mountain.

But because the physical body is gone.

All their souls come down and ask everyone, 'Have you seen my brain? '

Sounds like a horror story, I've heard it before and was going to check it out, but now it looks like it would be more appropriate for you to go.

The place where I deciphered it is there.

The information on this letter is more than that, but I destroyed it last night, and I recorded all these things in my mind.

When I decipher it, I will find a way to pass it on to you. "

While speaking, Lin Feng suddenly felt sleepy.

A burst of drowsiness that hadn't come suddenly appeared, and even Lin Feng felt lethargic for a moment.

Lin Feng fell into a deep sleep without even reacting to this strange smell.

It wasn't until he came to his senses that he finally realized that this was sacrificial incense!
At least it is a sacrificial incense at the level of wild gods.

Lin Feng has thought of thousands of methods.

But Lin Feng never expected that someone would use the method of offering incense here.

His eyes went dark, and when he woke up again, the time had passed within a minute.

A knife was on his neck, cutting half of his neck.

Someone wanted to chop off his head when he was "asleep", but unfortunately, his strength was not strong enough.

The more important reason is that even if he cut off Lin Feng's head, he couldn't kill Lin Feng.

Teacher Xun disappeared, and Hong Ni fell to the ground.

As for Xie's family and friends, everyone is there, but they are all dead, and their whole bodies are highly decomposed, as if they have been dead for hundreds of years.

Indiscriminate killing.

In an instant, everything was settled.

Like [Five Viscera Incense], sacrificial incense belonging to the gods cannot be "appreciated" by humans. He reached out and held the knife around his neck, and flicked it lightly.

With the other hand, he took out a few hairs from his clothes and lit them on fire!

A strange fragrance passed through the hair.

Shoubu powder.

Lin Feng cherished the treasures left after the Wutong Immortal was disposed of last time.

The sacrificial fire, as thick as oil, burned through the void, and a pile of "torches" suddenly burned not far away, with a scream, a piece of intestines suddenly appeared on Lin Feng's neck.

It was as if Lin Feng had inadvertently intruded into the stomach of a giant beast just now.

Behemoths are originally shapeless.

Like a ghost.

But now, under the life worm powder, it showed its own appearance, the intestines were next to Lin Feng's neck, Lin Feng held the intestines with his backhand again, and dragged them down!

Another breeze blew, and a "ghoul" appeared beside Lin Feng.

A ghoul is different from a human. It can be seen at a glance. Because a ghoul has eaten human corpses and corpses of the same race, his eyes are bloodthirsty and red. He is crazy all over, and his expression is ferocious. Incomparable.

The minions are sharp.

The canine teeth are also sharp.

He hid it well at first, but he didn't expect Lin Feng to have such a "big treasure" as Shou Chong.

He stretched out his hand, but before he could move it, it was crushed by Lin Feng's punch.

What is really worth noting is the mask "man" on the opposite side.

The four-meter-long slender ghost has a mask on his face. If Lin Feng is not mistaken, the mask is "Fang Xiangshi".

Next to Fang Xiangshi, there is a sign of burning, a head.

It should not be a human head, but a mixture of a sheep's head and a human head.

Uncle Gongyang, in the burning of this sacrificial incense, Fang Xiangshi is covered with bear skin, with golden eyes, dark clothes and bright red clothes, holding a spear and a shield.

This is Zhou Li's description of Fang Xiangshi.

But the description is one thing, seeing this thing with one's own eyes, the feeling is deeper.

The four-meter-long slender ghost is extremely uncoordinated, and his dance is a "dead man" dance.

One can see the horror and weirdness of the dance of the dead at a glance.

Because the dead person was stiff for a while, and his joints could not be bent, just like this slender ghost, he made many movements that a living person could not do.

There is no yin music.

The dead are dancing.

His lower back, his twist, every movement of his, it was as if someone had made him a puppet.

A taller existence hung puppet strings from his limbs, telling him to dance. These ghosts are ghost rhymes emanating from his body.

He is constantly approaching Lin Feng, and his dancing is infecting Lin Feng.

Lin Feng tried his spell.

【fa】The sound has no effect.

【bo】The sound has no action.

【da】Sound is the same.

Lin Feng's eyebrows opened, and he couldn't see Fang Xiangshi in front of him, as if there was nothing.

This is the real high-ranking hunter.

Lin Feng thought about it, this is the situation of the hunter, for the hunted, they enjoy natural suppression, Lin Feng thought of a lot at this moment, but he learned more than that.

Fang Xiangshi's methods are all about exorcising ghosts. The Fang Xiangshi who appeared in front of Lin Feng now, the Fang Xiangshi under normal circumstances, is no longer the current situation. He is more like a tool used to deal with others.

To deal with it, the tool of the historian, and he is not afraid of the general land curse.

The chain on his forehead flew out, the treasure that Lin Feng had hidden for a long time finally came out this time!
Breeding Thunder.

Lin Feng hadn't taken out his chain for a long time.

His chain was in his body, and Lei Yin was branded on it. When Lin Feng found out about it, he chose to kill it.

Using it at this moment feels like a trump card.

The three pills on his body fell into his hand.

That mysterious and mysterious feeling.

A simulated "will", the will of the black light, the sound of thunder, and a palm!
Push it out!
A situation that no one could understand happened, the "Fang Xiangshi" in front of him seemed to exist, but also seemed to not exist.

Weisi connected to Lin Feng's body.

various parts.

Still dancing, Lin Feng's whole body became stiff.

More Fang Xiangshi jumped out and surrounded Lin Feng.

These attacks did not hurt "Fang Xiangshi". The spear in Fang Xiangshi's hand pierced Lin Feng's stomach with a rotation that did not conform to the laws of physics.

Lin Feng looked up and saw a "Fang Xiangshi" on a tree not far away.

Everything seemed like a dream.

It was very strange that at this moment, this idea broke into Lin Feng's mind so unreasonably, it was so rude and reckless.

So much so that Lin Feng realized something was wrong immediately.

After he noticed it.

Lin Feng grabbed Chang Ge again, and suddenly there was a thunderous sound.






The heart mantra of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva reached his ears, Lin Feng suddenly shook his body, and the world in front of him seemed to be shattered like a mirror.

Lin Feng opened his eyes, he held Hong Ni with one hand, and held Teacher Xun's hand with the other, empty.

Whether it was Xie's family or Teacher Xun's associates, they all disappeared.

15 minutes passed.

Not far away, there are six traces of burning incense. These incenses are still burning. Every incense here is much more perfect than the Muke incense made by Lin Feng.

There was a note of paper under it.

Lin Feng could even assert that even Di Xin might be reluctant to use such sacrificial incense at the end of his reign.

In order to stop him, these people used this method...

Their attackers have left.

There are only two people left here.

Lin Feng, and Hong Ni.

Hong Ni's "listening pendant" protected her. She looked very safe. Lin Feng stepped forward and extinguished all the sacrificial incense.

With these sacrificial incense and the "Heavenly Fire", Lin Feng will be able to carry out a more powerful sacrifice if he finds another sacrificial offering.

Such a precious item.

But more is, "These people have studied the soul very deeply."

Someone forcibly took Teacher Xun away, but Lin Feng was not discouraged.

Because this matter itself represents some information.

Also, the flow of breath here.

Lin Feng's bloody eyes could see that the time here had changed.

Someone took advantage of his fainting and changed the time. That is to say, when he goes out now, he may face the time he should have, because the time here has changed more than once, and the last change was made by Teacher Xun.

Lin Feng picked up the note, and on it was the teacher's flamboyant words: "Leave it to you."

Lin Feng burned the note, and the medium broke in the space in front of him, and nothing could be detected.

In this way, Lin Feng felt relieved.

During the time he was unconscious, someone must have done something.

As for who wins and who loses, it seems that Teacher Xun and Lin Feng won the match, and the mastermind behind the scenes lost.

Otherwise, there would not be six incense offerings left here.

There are not many sets of sacrificial incense of this quality, even if it is the mastermind behind the scenes, and these items are left behind, and they have suffered heavy losses.

But this is not a good thing.

Teacher Xun made it very clear that these people were originally to deal with Teacher Xun, and with Teacher Xun as a "parasol", the sun would not be able to shine on Lin Feng.

Lin Feng had never been attacked by these people before.

But now, they appeared. Originally, Lin Feng thought that the owl with human face and the moon came from the deep mountains in Sichuan.

It's because of Professor Han.

Walked out from the deep mountains in Shuzhong, and found that it was not.

It was because the umbrella held by Mr. Xun leaked.

Teacher Xun is powerless, there is a loophole in his protection!
Thinking along this line of thought, Lin Feng can infer even more terrifying results, which is the current state of Professor Han, and it may also be the result of the failure of Teacher Xun's protection!

Teacher Xun worked extra hard to protect his students from the people behind the scenes, so for so many years, Professor Han carried out his teaching career safely and steadily, until the tomb robbery happened in Xiangxi.

It was a conspiracy, and the conspiracy was directed at Teacher Xun!

Professor Han took his students to go to Xiangxi for archaeological excavation, and finally saw [Xiangxi Blood God]. The whole team was almost wiped out. Since then, there have been many incidents on Professor Han's side.

Until now...

He is missing.

Lin Feng stood up, ready to leave here.

The most important things are still in his hand.

This time, he was the one who benefited the most in Shuzhong, and he needed to find a place to count his gains.

But not here, he is very distrustful of this place.

There is nothing more suitable than Guanshan Kiln Factory to observe these things that should not exist.

"Let's go."

Lin Feng was beside him, waking up Hong Ni. Hong Ni didn't understand, and she looked around.


Hong Ni asked.

Lin Feng said: "They're gone, let's go too!"

Hong Ni had a lot to ask, but if Lin Feng didn't answer, she couldn't ask anything.

No words were spoken on the way, and no waves were encountered.

When she came to Guanshan Kiln Factory, Hong Ni looked at Guanshan Kiln with some curiosity. She always felt that this Guanshan Kiln was not normal.

Even in broad daylight, the outside is a bit gloomy and creepy, as if there is something outside.

"Don't worry about what's outside, here is the safest place for us!"

While talking, Lin Feng took out the Tiger Talisman and borrowed her pendant. With these things, Lin Feng took out Taoist Iron Crown, Taoist Iron Crown, who is now in a coma.

What was also taken out was the corpse, which should be the corpse of the historian!

It is also the most important treasure!
The corpse of the historian is a treasure!

(End of this chapter)

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