Folklore starts from the blood god of Xiangxi

Chapter 392 The Lost Ancient Book

Chapter 392 The Lost Ancient Book

She calculated the time of waking up, thinking it was the time for them to chrysalis into butterflies.

But actually, that's when the "black light" wakes up.It is millennia, and even, this may not be its awakening.

That could be that it moved a little bit.

The two things that Zhuangzi used to compare, "The fungus in the court does not know the dark age, and the cricket cricket does not know the spring and autumn, so is this young year.

In the south of Chu, there are ghosts, who regard [-] years as spring and [-] years as autumn; in ancient times, there are big toon people, who regard [-] years as spring and [-] years as autumn, which is also a big year. "

The difference between big and small years is that "one year" is based on their own feelings.

In Zhuangzi's narration, the new year and the small year are also measured by the perspective of a person's age.

The small years of small bugs are very short because they live very short.

The big year of big trees is because they live for a long time, so they are very long.

Whether it was the latecomer "Silkworm", the later King Mu of Zhou, or the "expedition team" sent by the monarch of Qi, their arrival was a little powerless and ridiculous in the face of the doomed result.

The agency is too clever.

Instead, Qingqing's life was missed.

More importantly, it was actually Lin Feng who discovered that he was not without natural enemies. Now it seemed that someone was hunting the historian.

They regard historians as "materials".

Telling him to die is not a great pain, but telling him not to live or die is a great hatred.

Lin Feng stood aside, and Teacher Xun said in a low voice: "Human beings are too arrogant, they always think that they can control everything, control everything...

Human beings are too stupid, want to know everything, want to obtain all knowledge...

Even if you know that there is a bottomless abyss in front of you..."

His voice was getting lower and lower.

Unfortunately, Lin Feng couldn't hide it.

It's hard to say these words, is it talking about these people, or Teacher Xun is talking about herself.

Inside this story.

Looking at the appearance of "Silkworm", he wants to take back what he once owned.

As for the rest of the people, they are all too arrogant, thinking they can control this piece of black.

On the contrary, only the sages of the Lei tribe were the most sober from beginning to end.

The sage left with the tribe.

No nostalgia.

Because the sage knows.

The Lei tribe has mastered the technique of raising silkworms and reeling silk, so they can survive no matter where they are.

"Shenquan" is a curse, its power is too strong, so strong that the current ability of the tribe cannot grasp and understand.

For example, the complete metamorphosis, the characteristics of insects, has nothing to do with insects.

But when it is used on humans, it is so nondescript and fails.Even this kind of failure, Lin Feng felt it was inevitable.

It's not that this kind of power cannot be used to "fly immortals", but Lin Feng feels that this kind of situation does not meet a kind of "expectation".

That is to say, although in her time, becoming a mothman did not seem to be a big deal, and the concept was different, but now, this phenomenon can be seen from Teacher Xun's buddy.

Obviously not in line with the concept.

This is an extremely strange idea. Lin Feng's fleeting concept was forcibly grasped out of his thoughts by Lin Feng.

There is no nonsense.

Lin Feng knew that many of his current thoughts were not "flying rainbows in the sky", but "subconscious thoughts" of many ideas colliding together.

If he has such an idea, there must be a reason for such an idea.

After all, "there is no bodhi tree, and the mirror is not a stand. The heart is the bodhi tree, and the body is the stand of the mirror.

No Bodhi tree, nor stand mirror.There is nothing, where is the dust!
Bodhi only seeks from the heart, so why bother to seek mystery from the outside?I heard that according to this practice, the West is only at present! "

At this level of practice, every thought of theirs has a reason.

That is control.

You can control your own thoughts.

"Then what is this blackness?"

After muttering in a low voice, Teacher Xun asked in a daze. He looked at Lin Feng's one-to-one restoration of the screen, almost "greedyly" looking at the knowledge, and wanted to engrave this knowledge deeply into his mind.

He asked Lin Feng subconsciously, wanting to know what it was, and Lin Feng replied: "This may be a natural phenomenon."

The reason why he said this is because Lin Feng thought of the Chengtian Temple he saw. He buried himself in the kiln soil. When he was smelting, he heard the sound of thunder in his ears day and night. .

In the "game".

Thunder is also a natural phenomenon.

He feels that this group of light, like thunder, is a natural phenomenon, and it is a place where Chengtian Temple will be built for observation after it was discovered in ancient times.

"Is it a natural phenomenon?"

Teacher Xun said, it can be seen that this former great professor is trying to understand all of this, merging what he has seen and heard with the news he has received, and confirming each other.

After a while, he came back to his senses, and there was an untimely sound in his stomach.


The big guys are all mortal bodies, as soon as the stomach rumbles, as soon as they are out of danger, the effect of adrenaline goes down, and for a while, everyone is in unbearable pain.

The problem is, there's nothing to eat!
Almost all their food has disappeared from the "black tunnel". Now everyone is considered to be out of ammunition and food, but fortunately Lin Feng still has food. He asked Hong Ni if he could send out some food first , Help everyone tide over the difficulties.

After getting Hong Ni's approval, he took out the food, and someone planned to build a fire to roast the dry food.

Eat something hot. At this time, hot food can always boost morale.

As the boss, Mr. Xun has "labor immunity".

Seeing the rest of the people busy, Teacher Xun went over to boost their morale.

As for Lin Feng, they didn't dare to force him.

This little brother is too evil, if you don't provoke him, don't provoke him!

Hong Ni was with them, ready to start a fire, Lin Feng told them not to be afraid, this place will not burn.

And tell Hong Ni that Lin Feng will tell her about her Tianzhu later.


Teacher Xun and Lin Feng stood aside, he sighed and said, "I know you must have a lot of things to ask me."

Lin Feng directly pointed out: "Mr. Xun, what I want to ask most is, what exactly did you dig out in the tomb in the Central Plains?"

Lin Feng doesn't think that Mr. Xun's digging is the "reason" for him to get the game console.

But he believes that what Teacher Xun dug up is something that changed his life.

Even this matter is related to the fate of many people. What does it mean to be a high-level intellectual who is reckless and deviant, abandons his favorable environment, and goes crazy?

"It is the tomb of a Yin Shang nobleman. It seems that this Yin Shang nobleman's status is not low. From their funeral objects, I also saw many ritual vessels.

Originally, I thought that this was an ordinary excavation, but I didn't expect that it was a multi-layered tomb.

Generally speaking, according to our experience at that time, several layers may be excavated in this kind of sacrificial area in the Yin and Shang Dynasties. At that time, due to engineering reasons and heavy rain, our excavation actually did not go smoothly.

Especially at that time, I rarely saw the biggest rain I have seen so far, and even now I have a trance feeling that when we were digging, there seemed to be something hidden in the rain clouds.

Especially when we found the new, stacked tomb, it was daytime, but it was very windy and stormy, and I thought we were at twelve o'clock at night.

do you know?The electricity we pulled leaked, the battery was struck by lightning, and even some students and workers who were called together were inexplicably injured. At that time, someone asked whether the excavation should be delayed.

This kind of bad weather is really inconvenient to continue, but at that time, I made the decision that I probably regret the most in my life.

At that time, the leader also agreed with me, because I felt that under such weather, it would not take much time for the place we dug to collapse. I mean, it can Save some, save some.

Then, we see the buried truth. "

(End of this chapter)

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