Folklore starts from the blood god of Xiangxi

Chapter 381 There is no one good person

The person on the opposite side not only said so, but also did so. Bullets flew randomly, including iron sand flying across.

Even John angrily scolded for a moment: "Why are there so many prohibited weapons!"

He doesn't understand.

How come there are so many firearms here? Don't these people know that robbing a tomb with a gun and robbing a tomb without a gun are completely two punishments?
Mr. Luo glanced back, and suddenly grabbed a boy with a handshake, and ran towards it.

John also glanced back, and rushed up with his head down!

There is such a story in Strange Tales from a Liaozhai Studio.

In this story, there is a scholar named Tan Jinxuan, who is also a man of fame, and he puts it there to practice Qigong.

Then one day, while meditating, he heard someone talking in his ear.

He thought he was done.

Master has cultivated and has supernatural powers!

As a result, it was later discovered that he was still practicing the same way, but for some unknown reason, there was a villain in his ear, which looked very ugly, like a Yaksha.

Then, the villain in his ear was scared away, and then he went mad.

After half a year, I got better after taking medicine.

This is the famous story of "the man in the ear" in Liaozhai.This story comes from Pu Songling's Tales from a Liaozhai Studio. After the people around Xiao Qi were headshot, it seemed that something was caused by the smell of blood.

Beside him, a well-behaved person suddenly rushed over.

He opened his mouth wide, and in his mouth, ears, and mouth, a large number of villains rushed out.

People are still in the middle of the sky and children are summed up.

He is alive.

Every part of his body is alive, and every organ has its own thoughts, so they ran out, and a living person turned into a strange scene under Xiaoqi's nose. scattered puzzle pieces.

Yaksha scrambled to emerge from his body.

He was torn apart, turned into a little Yaksha, and gnawed at the living people around him.


A swear word with a straight voice.

Regardless of others, John drew out his weapon and hit the back.

These "little yakshas" not only pounce on the living people, but also kill each other. These little yakshas need a lot of nutrition, and the only ones who have nutrition here are the living people and the yakshas themselves.

Like a hungry ghost.

All of a sudden, the ground was covered with blood, and I don't know when they were hit, these people fell to the ground, and half of them died again.

Even Mr. Luo didn't find out how this happened.

A group of people rushed towards the side where the fire was fired. In the chaos, the people on the other side were shouting something loudly, but now the gunshots seemed to be firing.

Who can listen to their voices?
Now that the other side also shot, John, Mr. Luo and the others didn't care about it anymore. These shaman boys rushed over, and one of them was shot several times, but he ignored the pain and rushed over to kill him!
A lot of yellow silk and satin appeared in Mr. Luo's hand. He pulled out the yellow silk and satin from the bag behind the Fushi boy, and wrapped it towards the wound on the Fushi boy's body.

Then came two incantations.

"A virtuous person has a lofty filial piety, and the Dao is in harmony with the heaven and the earth, so the sky cannot kill, and the Dao cannot be destroyed."

"Water and fire do not invade."


As he spoke, he bit off his finger, and the blood flowed out, and a tadpole spell was written on the yellow silk.

Wrapped the wound.

It was a messy situation, and when it was over, there were a bunch of dead people here.

After doing all this, Mr. Luo was also a little bit strenuous.

As he gasped for breath, there was a strange smell here, if counted, it was a lot of blood smell, plus some weirder "rotten" and "fermented" smells.

Three flavors mixed together.

Somewhat disgusting.

Smell this smell.

Mr. Luo knew everything. He glanced at John, put away his canopy ruler, and checked the corpse here.

"Look where they come from."

John stood aside and asked, Mr. Luo's tone was very steady, he squatted down and checked and said, "I don't know, I really can't see it, what do you have a clue about?"

John had no clue either.

The people behind also caught up, covered in blood.

Regarding the changes just now, a group of people were in shock, they didn't know when they were recruited.

Mr. Luo glanced at the top of the cloud, stood up and said: "Gather up the leftovers, so many people died, we can't continue down.

Who knows what will happen next, bury the pot and make a meal, eat enough first, and then you will know how to solve the matter. "

Mr. Luo said that the leader of these Black King Kong men died on the road again.

Now their morale is terribly low.

Mr. Luo's expression was very indifferent. These people who fell on the ground were a group of local masters, but Mr. Luo saw very clearly just now that the clothes of these people were not what they planned now.

More importantly, he saw a pager on one of them.

Pagers are older than PHS.

I don't know how long it has been eliminated.

Several of the firearms on them were shotguns, which had a strong sense of age. More importantly, he saw a train ticket on these people.

The time is written on it.

Judging from this time, they are people who came here a long time ago.

If so.

These people should be regarded as the ancients, they met the ancients here!

Time has gone awry here!

Mr. Luo concealed these news, but when he saw these things, his heart became more stable.

Unlike others, as a secret Dharma preacher, he firmly believed in these things.

It's only time.

It is not just some secret private conversations that are only circulated among the Dharma teachings and a few people.

Even in folklore, such stories are actually hidden in legends.

This phenomenon has been mentioned more than once in previous classics, and the most well-known one may be the story of going to the mountain to watch chess, and watching chess badly played.

It is also the so-called 'half a day in the mountains, thousands of years in the world'.

There is even a saying of 'one day in the sky, one year on earth'.

After absorbing some Buddhist sayings, the time flow rate of the eighteen hells is also different from what normal people perceive.

Stories like this, listen, are scary.

But after really meeting.

more terrifying.

'Live forever. '

Mr. Luo ate some food to preserve his strength. When he came here, he felt that some of the secret transmissions of the teachings were gradually recovering.


Mr. Luo is not complacent, he is self-confident. The Dharma teachings he passed down do not belong to the traditional family Dharma teachings.

His family is much longer than some people think.

more importantly.

One of his ancestors really took the "elixir of immortality", but unfortunately, his "immortality" would not die due to aging.

After the ancestor died in an accident, his body was dried in the shade.

Made into medicine.

Another kind of "Pengzu", every descendant is a part of the ancestor, so the Luo family has a very long life span.

But this is not without cost.

Mr. Luo saw that John was very interested in his shaman boy.

He sees through but doesn't tell.

At night, he and John deliberately stayed away from the crowd, and the two went down the mountain road. After a while, they heard a strange sound.

Like a cat whimpering.

The two looked at each other with excitement in their eyes.

In the night, a strange-looking beast was eating the corpse of Heijingong on the ground. After eating for a while, it fished up the remaining corpse and walked up the mountain.

The two followed him, and the way it walked was even more strange. While walking, this strange beast ate the whole corpse, its nose twitched, and soon found the corpse again.

Feast on this strange beast.

It was the corpses there today. This time, the number of corpses was a little beyond the limit. This strange beast was full, and no longer coveted the corpses that went today. It started walking towards its lair with these corpses in its mouth.

This is also the plan of these two people!

The two followed this strange beast. It was very strange. On the same road, this strange beast walked on the road, which was different from theirs. They followed this strange beast on the uninhabited mountain road. line ahead.

Two people with ulterior motives walked on the road, completely ignoring the guy above.

The smell of blood here will attract the rest of the beasts.

But it doesn't matter anymore.

Once the goal is achieved, everything is not important.

Their life and death have nothing to do with the plan.

This strange beast walked in the mountains, found a cave after a while, and got in.

Seeing this cave, both of them knew that this was the place Xun Yanyu recorded.

The two also followed in. Who knew that just after entering, this strange beast had been waiting for a long time, and suddenly rushed over!

This is a trap!
John never expected such a trick at all, but what surprised him even more was that Mr. Luo, who was beside him, was completely ignored by the strange beast.


John only had time to say you, and his clothes were torn off, and a large amount of skin on his body was rotten!

In his body, almost all the internal organs were decayed, only the bones of the body were engraved with a large number of blasphemous spells!
His whole body has become a corpse, a corpse demon!
It was a potion that kept him alive.

Mr. Luo has vaguely heard of this. Red wine has also become a fountain of blasphemy. Portugal and Spain have seen this thing in the sea in the era of great voyages, but it is defined as "evil" by the doctrine. "Profane".

This kind of thing can make people immortal.

Mr. Luo set his eyes on John's temple, which is where the temple of secret religion is located, as well as the center of the eyebrows and the pineal gland. He is not as "closed" as he has shown.

Because these people have always existed, and Mr. Luo’s ancestors have also come into contact with these people in history, and their ideas have never changed. Because of the special reasons of Mr. Luo’s ancestors, he believes in the words of these people.

"It's just a rotting corpse."

Mr. Luo glanced at John with some disgust, turned his head and walked into the depths of the cave.

John was wailing.

Soon, John was completely killed, and his method of "immortality" was different from the general method.

The fountain of eternal life, the wine of eternal life, this group of people turned their backs on God and formed a terrible satanic sacrifice.

There is a strange theory that exists all over the world.

It is called complementing form with form.

In the wine of longevity, there is the fountain of life of others.

The strange beast quickly swallowed John, and then walked past Mr. Luo, completely ignoring Mr. Luo.

Mr. Luo was not surprised by this either.

He observes the cave.

The cave was entirely man-made, and judging from the rotting trees kicked aside around it.

This is where you zoom things in.

These logs are the logs.

Mr. Luo doesn't care about the rest of the news, as long as he can go deep, he can find the place and understand the problem.

At that time, Xun Yanyu, that poor guy who bumped into this place at some point, his notes were useless.

Anyway, continuing to walk down, Mr. Luo put the canopy ruler beside him, and he smelled an extremely sweet smell in the air. Under this smell, he felt that all his organs had " Soaring in the daytime", the impulse to "be the master of the house".

This is why those people in front suddenly changed!
"Excessive vitality," Mr. Luo showed a pleasant expression on his face, because this is the "yaochi" of "fine nectar and jade liquid", and the drinks it carries have some side effects.

The Luo family had thought of this a long time ago. The so-called Fushi boy was used for this purpose. He speeded up, took out a ball, and swallowed it into his stomach.

While chanting a mantra, he walked inside.

The ball that he swallowed just now began to squirm in his abdomen as if it were alive.

Farther away, the two Fushi boys that he deliberately left outside, their wounds wrapped in yellow silk and satin began to heal.

Not far from them, all of Black King Kong's men died.

The same goes for a few foreign devils.

Blood splattered, and it was these two shaman boys who did it.

Mr. Luo didn't even think about keeping anyone alive.

The cave in front of him was dim, but Mr. Luo seemed to be able to see it, and he ran very fast.

Up and down the road.

Don't worry about things like going the wrong way, the corners of Mr. Luo's lips are already curled up. After all, he is not a real saint, and he can't show his emotions and anger.

He didn't stop until he came to a deeper place and saw a "spider nest".

This is the spider's lair, and behind it is an extremely disgusting scene.

It is a densely packed "worm nest" that has been magnified countless times. This should be a huge stone. On this stone, it is full of huge cavities.

There are densely packed spider grandmas sleeping here. They spit out silk from the back of their buttocks, hang upside down on the ceiling, and stop on the side, as if they are hibernating.

Occasionally, there are living and moving spider grandmas. They glanced at Mr. Luo, as if seeing the same kind, without any movement.

Mr. Luo stretched out his hand and began to calculate. This is an extremely complicated form of calculation. Mr. Luo calculated for a long time.

If it weren't for his family's profound knowledge, he might really not be able to find a place.

Along this ten-meter-high, ten-meter-wide, densely packed and hollow insect nest, he got in. He didn't know the depth at the top and the depth at the bottom.

It was dark.

Even the knees are about to wear out and bleed.

Mr. Luo was a little nervous. He knew that he couldn't bleed. If he bleeds, he would be caught by the group of spider monsters behind and stored as food reserves!

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