Folklore starts from the blood god of Xiangxi

Chapter 333 Source Seed: Traces in History

Chapter 333 Source Seed: Traces in History

The original seed, a truly precious thing, almost appeared in some ancient legends with a different appearance.

Its transformation was so successful that after people saw it, they would never have thought that this thing would be the source seed.

More importantly, there are not many people who know the source species.

One of the most well-known sources may appear in the novel Journey to the West, which has been processed through many folk legends.

Journey to the West is not an overnight novel.

It has gone through a lot of word of mouth, and finally integrated and turned into a novel. During the dissemination, it had some jokes that "the people like to hear and see", and some of them are not suitable for wide dissemination, and they are on the hall of elegance. Words, in the end, these things come together, cut and added, and become the Ming Dynasty version of Journey to the West.

The Golden Cudgel, one of the treasures of the Dragon Palace, is an instrument used by Dayu to measure the depth of the river when he controlled the water.

This kind of instrument has been around since ancient times, and now it is called a hydrological benchmark. It is better than Zhu Bajie's nine-tooth nail rake. Everyone has their own opinions, but the golden cudgel was indeed used to measure hydrology in the first place.

It can be long or short, light or heavy, this kind of situation that is extremely contrary to the common sense of normal people is also one of the charms of cultivating immortals.

Everyone didn't know that the one he described, which was as important as a hundred and eight thousand gold, could be as large as Optimus Prime, and as small as the golden cudgel for ear picking, was also a kind of source species.

Not just source species.

Many things that exist will always leave traces, in various ways.

For example, the myths of various countries.

Three Sovereigns and Five Sovereigns, the era before Xia, this era is unclear, and the records in each document are different. There is no conclusion as to whether the Three Sovereigns and Five Sovereigns are eight people, or eight seats, and which eight these eight are.

The father of the emperor of the Xia Dynasty was Yu, the owner of the "Golden Cudgel" that Dayu controlled the water, and also the owner of the legendary "Xi Soil".

The suspected source species of the "Golden Cudgel" was mentioned earlier.

"Xi Soil" is also a treasure in the mythology. Its function is to place it on the ground, and it will start to multiply infinitely.

If the word self-propagation can be used.

The original species, one of the Xia Dynasty lineages, one of the treasures of bronze ware, is one of the manifestations of Xia Dynasty people's cognition of heaven and earth. After the disappearance of the Shang Dynasty, the "Lishan Old Mother" group has been preserved, but there is no thorough research.

Before Lin Feng began to refine himself into a great medicine, Lin Feng did not understand, or in other words, never understood Yin Shang's fear of Xia Dynasty bronze wares.

Until he somewhat understood what the source seed was.

Yuanzhong is the same as the priests of the Shang Dynasty, they are all ancient people, and their understanding of the world.

The source seed in his hand does not belong to the "mother".

The only reason why this kind of source and him stick to each other is because he is also a source of kindness.

The ancestral hall behind the Li family, the remnants of the Yin and Shang Dynasties who fiddled with time, he would never have thought that the thing in his hand was part of the "source seed", which could not be refined, but could be "assimilated".

Same as "Xi Soil".

It is alive, a horrific experiment by the Xia Dynasty, giving life to inhumans.

Gammalan psychic potion plus "source seed fragments".

Created another "source species".

"What is the difference between the bronze of the Xia Dynasty and the group consciousness of the 'Lishan Old Mother' group?"

Lin Feng has never faced the Xia Dynasty directly, and he doesn't know the way people in the Xia Dynasty think.

What kind of views do they have?

Yin Shang did a good job!

The monopoly of China is so successful that people still have vague memories of the Yin and Shang Dynasties. The Xia Dynasty is almost regarded as the time of myths and legends. There are more records about myths and legends than historical records dug up. This kind of truncation is not From the truncation on the cultural level, on another level, in terms of time and space, Yin Shang also succeeded.

What god did the Xia Dynasty worship?

What was the great festival of the Xia Dynasty like?

What was the Xia Dynasty's bronze smelting technology like?

Are they cruel butchers, or artisans dedicated to research?

I don't know, I don't know.

For a dynasty like the Yin Shang that killed people like hemp and ignored life, the fear of the previous dynasty was never unreasonable. Now, Lin Feng has a little understanding.

In the eyes of Yin merchants, Xia Dynasty may be some "scientific lunatics", or "theological lunatics".

Two groups of people are out of tune.

Among these merchants in Shangqiu, the merchants who traveled through mountains and rivers and finally captured the Xia Dynasty's national tusks were so shy about the bronze wares that looked "harmless to humans and animals" because they had seen the horror of the Xia Dynasty bronze wares. Lin Feng didn't know that the Xia Dynasty built the bronze wares into What it looked like, but according to the memory fragments obtained at the end, after the landslide, the coffins of the Xia Dynasty people who were sent to the Yin and Shang capitals caused such an uproar.

This happened to illustrate the horror of this group of "scientific lunatics" in the Xia Dynasty. This fear was deeply engraved into the bones of the Yin and Shang nobles, and it has not dissipated after hundreds of years.

Unlike the Yin and Shang Dynasties, Xia's bronze wares were never circulated outside, and they were the top secret of the entire civilization.

The Xia Dynasty is the co-lord of the alliance.

A city, several tribes together.

The Xia Dynasty is their nominal co-lord. With the bronze ware, Xia crushed the rest of the tribes with strength, and lived like this for countless years. The secrets of the Xia Dynasty were not passed on, even if the Xia Dynasty also experienced moving the capital. If it is firmly in the hands of the nobles of the Xia Dynasty.

When thinking of this, Ji Xiaodaoren tightly pursed his lips, telling himself to calm down!

Because when he saw in front of him, all the divine cards were on fire!
He doesn't understand what's going on.

But the divine cards in front of him burned and turned into ashes in an instant.

Where he could not see, the "Old Mother of Lishan" who had been slandered by Taoist Tie Guan was also reduced to ashes.

Turned into food, disappeared.

At the same time, Xiao Daotong blinked, he felt that he seemed to have misread, but after a few more glances, he found that he was right.

The appearance of Prince Zhuan was gradually changing, and strange noises came from outside.

Someone whisper in their ear?

Xiao Daotong swallowed his saliva, and continued to be distracted, trying to recite the mantra, but this time, he couldn't continue.

The sound hit his ears like a Honglu bell.

It seems that someone else's thinking has forcibly broken into their brains.

Call them "synchronized minds."

Xiao Daotong "felt" a burst of cold thinking, which was a kind of speculation following the trend.

The fear of bronze wares is not in the sacrifice. In fact, the Xia Dynasty was not so obsessed with the blood sacrifice of humans as livestock. At most they killed a person, or killed a few dogs. When the furnace was opened, it meant mean.

Or when the smelting is extremely difficult, a few living things are thrown in.

It wasn't just the Xia Dynasty that did this.

Using metaphysics to obtain a future that might be better, this custom has continued until the end of the Qing Dynasty.

There are also many stories in the smelting process, such as the general Mo Xie, and some evil customs, all of which are related to this "sacrifice".

After all, you can throw the enemy's head and your own head into the boiling cauldron. In the age of biting each other, in such a tough situation, you don't take your own life as your life, and you don't take other people's lives. Fate is life, and it is reasonable to throw a living person into the furnace that has cost an untold amount of effort.

During this period, even if the imperial court made repeated orders not to allow living people to be thrown into the furnace during smelting, it would not help.

Smelting is an extremely dangerous business.

After all, no one can stop an accident.

So as long as it is not too much, the higher-ups will let it go. This kind of thing, the sky is high and the emperor is far away. Even if you, a chief official, want to object, you can't do anything big.

"That's why, if you want to refine something like a source seed, there is one thing that is necessary, just like me at this time, it is the bad land.

It's the ashes, which endow the bronze with power. "

The kilns that the Xia Dynasty relied on, and the soil used to make molds were all unrefined bad soil, that is, the ashes of Ran Yiyu.

Ran Yiyu, this kind of "monster" recorded in the Shan Hai Jing that has long since disappeared, the effect of their ashes is extremely paradoxical.

I don't know how many years later, even the plateau has changed from the ocean to the plateau mountains, and when those marine creatures turned into fossils, the ranu fish still had ashes. The flesh and blood of Ran Yiyu came out, "If you eat it, you won't have nightmares."

When one sees blood, it will assimilate the "ashes" of other creatures, eat them, and use them as sleeping pills. Although everything can be used as medicine, is it really okay to swallow such "sleeping pills"?

But Lin Feng didn't know that he was "Ran Yiyu" - he only knew that it was the ashes of a certain creature. Obviously, when the elder of the Xun family became unknown and strange, it was not "decrypted" and it was revealed. If you tell it, something incredible will happen. It is completely declassified, and it is connected with the real "Ran Yiyu". Walk.

In this way, is its owner really dead?

"The fortune that seizes the heaven and the earth."

The entire Jinjia Town has a will.

In the green fire, that kind of fluctuation is the embodiment of will, and it is also the embodiment of "will". Now, it is Lin Feng's "will".

Unlike the later heavenly court system, the shaman system of the Han Dynasty, compared with the later heavenly court system, did not hide one thing, that is, "the big fist is the truth."

The heavenly court is the overall combat power, and there is a certain amount of civil service system. From top to bottom, fight and shake people away. During the period of cutting mountains and destroying temples, it is the transformation of the whole system. , The middle ranks are also very capable of fighting, but there are those who cannot fight, but they can shake the generals who can fight.

This is a very systematic system.

During the period when the mountain was destroyed and the temple was destroyed, those evil gods suffered losses here. They fought on their own, and eventually lost. All of them are called evil gods, sacrificed, not recognized, and suffer blows.

This method, used in the human world, is called "recruiting security", but it is not Da Song's recruiting security.

In the kingdom of the gods of the witches, each of their chief officials is the same as the dynasty at that time, "going out and entering the phase", paying attention to a "both style and style", gentleman etiquette, driving a chariot, holding a long spear, and being able to compose music The same is true for the chief officer when writing poems. The Taishan Mansion Lord gives people the impression that he is not a good servant, not a good official, but a good chief official.

Taishan Mansion Lord is the Dinghaishenzhen of the entire Taishan Mansion Si Yamen.

From top to bottom.

Lin Feng comprehended the "order" after the collapse of the Kingdom of God. Every thought of Lin Feng was blessed by "meaning" and spread in Jinjia Town.

A large amount of resources entered, and only then did Lin Feng realize what a "beggar's chicken" is.

The source species still hasn't changed.

But his whole body began to be covered with lines. When he "condensed" his "mind", among the three of his body, speech and mind, "mind" was the most vulnerable.

The source seed is placed in the clay pot, so there will be no aura leaking out, but it must be brought out for the final tempering.

At this moment, the source seed was floating in front of Lin Feng. Countless "clouds" and the remaining "maliciousness" in the Shattered God Kingdom of Wu Zhi penetrated into the source seed, and then were ignited.

Turned into firewood!
For the breath, the "Lishan Old Mother" group has always been paying attention to it. When they smell it, they are like sharks smelling blood in the sea, and they almost come out of their nests.


Lin Feng opened the "eye of observing qi" between his brows. Under such circumstances, "eye of observing qi" is a good way to vent his pain.

He saw what the "Old Mother of Lishan" had turned into outside.

It is "uninterrupted".

Continuously, without any gap, continuously, without distinction.

It appears in the world, and it is revealed as a mirror.

The real one does not exist in the real world, just like the gods and demons recorded in many classics. According to their appearance, it is impossible for them to appear in the real world, but they all really exist, Nagarjuna The Bodhisattva brought back the scriptures of the Buddha from the Dragon Palace, and some monks entered the Tushita Palace while meditating and heard Maitreya Bodhisattva's lectures.

The Dragon Palace cannot be found in the sea, and the Tushita Palace cannot be found in the sky.

But they are all real, and they appear in the secular world, which is another situation, appearing in a situation that "the people like to hear and see", such as mirrors.

Under the fluctuation of Lin Feng's memory, the ghosts and ghosts that had been cut to death began to gradually come back to life, and the authority that remained on Shenhuai still existed.

In Lin Feng's eyeballs, a large number of chains broke, and they were fished out from the Yellow River. The eyeballs, which had been suppressed by Xixia for an unknown number of years, began to rotate vividly.

Then, the eyeballs flew away and landed on Shenshui.

An eye grew out of Shentui's brow, and this eye looked around slyly, and then Lin Feng had an extremely strange feeling, he "saw" a person not far away, his whole body showed a metallic luster.

On the forehead, a piece is missing.

That piece should be where the eyebrows stand vertically.

The source seed landed on the spot between his brows and eyes, and the accumulation turned into ruins. Shenhuai stood up and reached out to grab it.

Lin Feng's dharma sword flew up.

Shenshui grabbed the dharma sword.

(End of this chapter)

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