Chapter 258

Such words carry a breathtaking force, so to speak.

This is weird talking.

Those who hear these voices will be hated strangely.

Covered with red mud.

Suffocate alive.

Lin Feng pinched his fingerprints, but he stopped immediately after pinching.

Because the strange ravings were completely shattered with the sound of orderly footsteps.

The poor strange language was smashed into pieces amidst such neat footsteps!
There are still people singing, but it is not similar to the current singing, it is similar to poetry like the Book of Songs, and it is made with "roar", which contains extremely strange power.

Lin Feng could hear it very clearly, he didn't understand what the lyrics were, but he could hear the "dominant", "joy", and games in these songs?What about translation?Translate it!

No one interpreted for Lin Feng.

It seems that there are thousands of troops and horses walking in this remote backcountry, the "chirp" sound of the stallion, the sound of the chain shaking, and the equally terrifying sound that is no less than the sound of hell, the sound of the martyrdom.

That desperate cry.

Hearing these footsteps, Lin Feng unconsciously got goose bumps all over his body.

That's a sign of danger.

His first reaction was, Yin soldiers are coming!
[Unyielding] There is no response, which means it is not a mental attack.

[Jian Xin Tong Ming] made him suffocate, indicating that it marked his danger, which is fatal enough.

Just when he was about to make a forceful blow with the seal of the law, Sangouwazi next to him quickly threw himself on the ground. He covered his head and face with the red mud on the ground without any scruples, not letting any loopholes go, and he was dumbfounded in front of him. Silly looks completely different.

Here, he is a "normal person".

Seeing Lin Feng looking at him, he quickly tapped his fingers randomly, meaning to ask Lin Feng to follow him.

Do this with him, you can save your life!
Seeing this, Lin Feng also chose the same action as Sangouwazi.

He also threw himself on the ground, spreading red mud on his body continuously. As the footsteps got closer, the smell of blood became stronger and stronger. Even the red mud seemed to be full of blood, and he stretched out his hand With one grip, the red mud turned into blood mud!
Blood flowed from his fingers.

Unspeakably disgusting.

He heard people's wailing, and the sound of this wailing made him feel a little creepy, and he even smelled an extremely familiar smell, which was the smell of sacrificial incense.

The sacrificial incense flavor is at the penultimate level.

Here are the ruins of the Shang Dynasty!
Lin Feng wanted to scold someone.

His place is in the northwest, not in the Central Plains, why are there relics of the Shang Dynasty here!

Lin Feng's whole body was stiff. He heard a familiar wail. The reason why this wail was familiar was that among those voices, there was a woman's voice that she was very familiar with. It was the peasant woman Lin Feng saw this morning.

She is among them.

That kind of pain doesn't seem to be fake.

And the sound of cows.

At this moment, Lin Feng thought of what the peasant woman said.

"God has accepted."

How could God accept people?
How did he earn it?
He didn't know why the peasant woman said that God was accepting people, but someone was indeed accepting people. For a while, Lin Feng suddenly understood part of the peasant woman's meaning.

If such a strange army came to arrest people at night, then to others, it would indeed be like God accepting people.

The peasant woman mistook these people for God's people?
The sound of footsteps stopped not far from them, followed by the wailing sounds of people and animals.

Someone is digging a pit, which should be a sacrificial pit.

This is a tyrannical massacre, with a certain performance nature, which is different from the Aztecs who cut people open and dedicated their hearts to their Feathered Serpent God, the sacrifice of merchants, which is more brutal and systematic.

They regarded howling as a part of "joy" and as an accompaniment. The more this happened, the more it made Lin Feng's heart shudder, just like when the Yin Shang priest took out the girl's head, he divided it into pieces.

They really don't treat people as people.

They are holding a sacrifice suitable for businessmen, starting from the first tune, enjoying in the middle, and ending in the later period.

Someone was laughing and cheering.

To torture, to please, to offer incense, to please God.

In the eyes of businessmen, there is no difference between humans and animals.

It's all sacrifices.

Because the number of sacrifices is seriously insufficient, "they" can only prolong the survival time of the sacrifices as much as possible.

This is definitely not a good thing for the "sacrifice".

This is the essence of this sacrifice, Lin Feng could feel that Sangouwazi was holding onto his hand tightly, extremely nervous.

Lin Feng signaled that he was fine.

The two of them waited through the middle of the night amidst such inhuman wailing.

Then, after the wailing ended, someone began to finish.

Lin Feng's tongue sensed the smell of cinnabar and a large number of other herbs. Someone started talking to himself, and Lin Feng felt that the blood in the red soil on his body was getting thicker and thicker.

Cinnabar is not for sacrifices.

Cinnabar is for something else, and they keep coming up with a name among the priests.


Lin Feng didn't understand what the words were. The words had strange magic power. The pharaohs in ancient Egypt had a different understanding of names. They thought that as long as someone pronounced their names.

They will not die.

They will return from the underworld and return to their mummies.

I don't know if businessmen also have this rule.

Lin Feng didn't even know which god they worshiped.

As they sacrificed, blood was constantly oozing out of the soil, as if the soil had turned from yellow mud to red mud because it was full of blood.

Could it be that this is how the yellow mud came from?

Under such circumstances, Lin Feng didn't open his eyes until a rooster crowed from nowhere, and a bell and Sanskrit sound rang together.


He didn't even notice the passage of time.

Beside him, Sangouwazi had already fallen asleep, Lin Feng's net was tied to his body, and he realized that he really lacked a soul.

What happened last night...

Lin Feng got up from the ground, but found that he was not in Yangjiacun.

He is in Yazigou.

Lin Feng brought Sangouwazi up, looked down at his bare feet, and found that there was no soil on them.

Wangtian, the time is about in the morning, at most eight o'clock, he was originally in Yangjiacun last night, but now he appeared in Yazigou.

With a slight movement of Lin Feng's feet, the ground stick technique appeared, and two corpses were spit out.

One was the body of Sangouwazi's mother, who was hanged on a locust tree.

The other is the corpse of a Western explorer.

Although there are a lot of things on the body of Western explorers, none of them have magical powers that cannot be collected.

These are common items.

Including the drawings from the Jiajing period.

What matters is the information carried on it.

Not the rest.

Its material is sheepskin tanned with secret medicine.

Lin Feng picked up the body of the western explorer, and soon found more information on the body.

Concentrate mainly on his left and right arms.

He wrote some information on it. I don't know if it was to prevent himself from forgetting, or to tell his companions to find the body after he died, and he could find the information from the body.

It can be seen that he is a cruel man.

The body is fresh.

Lin Feng looked at these lines and fell into deep thought.

Because of this thing, Lin Feng looked very familiar.

On the left arm, there are cloud patterns, and on the right arm, there are snake patterns. Lin Feng squatted down, observing the patterns, and finally swallowed the corpse.

Brother, this is the Taoteng bronze wares.

Before you die, you have to leave a message. Is it because the money is too touching, or is there another reason?
But there is one thing to say.

die well.

On the other side, his snare took root in Sangouwazi's mother's body, and it was determined that she hanged herself to death.

The soul is gone.

Lin Feng put her away, Sangouwazi had already woken up, he looked at Lin Feng stupidly, and Lin Feng carried her on his back.

Judging from the known conditions, he already has traces of tracing.

a line.

With praying for rain as a line, more than two months of drought—the county gentleman’s self-rescue—people from the west of Taihang Mountain came here, and it rained heavily—the children began to lose their souls.

The abnormality was caused by the heavy rain. Is the reason for praying for rain?

Never before have so many children lost their souls.

With the child on his back, Lin Feng walked like flying, walked out of Yazigou in one direction, and then did not return to Yangjia Village. He remembered clearly that there were several villages in this mountain at least.

"Yangjiacun, Lijiacha, Liujiagou."

The places of these villages are easy to find, because their village names almost represent the places where they are located. When he came to the fork, Lin Feng saw the person who hanged himself on the beam of his house.

In the entire Lijiacha, there are no living people left.

And this time should be moved forward.

At least half a month ago, people here fled and died.

Some old people and children who couldn't walk all died here. They were killed by others, but the person who killed them should be the young and strong in this village?
Not like bandits.

Most of the wounds were caused by agricultural tools, and there were stables, but no animals.

Others hanged themselves.

Some of the villagers had their upper and lower bodies separated.

There are no wolves to eat carcasses, no crows to eat carrion.

With the child on his back, Lin Feng went to Liujiagou again. Liujiagou, as the name suggests, is in the ditch.

The situation is similar to that of the village next to the fork.

Dead clean.

They committed suicide in the village just like that, without even a thin coffin.

Lin Feng was not in a hurry to go back, he walked around the entire mountain ridge, and found a village, and the people in a village were almost clean.

Only the Yangjia Village he went to had some living people.

Is Yangjiacun special, or is it all caused by Yangjiacun?
Lin Feng finished his investigation.

Finally, in a small courtyard in Liujiagou, half a bun was found.

He clapped his hands lightly, and the wind blows through here everywhere, seeing the secret room here, the well here, the leaves here, and the child hiding here.

(End of this chapter)

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