Folklore starts from the blood god of Xiangxi

Chapter 223 South Gan North Xie, a withered craftsman

Chapter 223 South Gan North Xie, Withered Craftsman (4K)

"I have used the trick of a fox pretending to be a tiger more than once.

Every time there is a new experience.

It can be seen that you are not very skilled in this hand.

Your performance is still too immature.

You have a kind of sharpness drilled from the bottom of your bones, but you don't have a trace of extravagance and arrogance.

Pride is not looking at people from under their noses.

I teach you that arrogance means not treating people as human beings.

Don't treat them as human beings, treat the rest as animals, no different from pigs or dogs.

That kind of natural arrogance will appear from anywhere in your body.

Even if you want to hide it, it will emanate from your every word and action, from your eyes, from every pore of yours.

Others will feel this kind of contempt, and this is the fake tiger's prestige coming out of the bones.

If you still have hole cards, you should reveal them now.

It's a pity you can't take it out.

You didn't, you were just defrauding me, and you didn't mean to defraud me. "

with his words.

Under his feet, the big snakes in the shadows were about to move. Fifth Uncle stopped in front of all the big snakes and was gradually swallowed into the darkness.

When he was speaking, his whole body was swallowed by the shadow into the belly of the big snake and disappeared.

Human nature disappears.

The darkness under his feet squirmed continuously, soaking the incense in it, and the incense burned faster.

Burn like this.

Let alone 15 minutes.

Thank goodness for these incenses that can be burned for 10 minutes.

Uncle Wu, he really did bad things openly in front of others, and he didn't hide his malice at all.

Lin Feng tapped his teeth.

Then use the method of observing the breath.

Uncle Wu noticed Lin Feng's movements, and there was a ripple in his eyes.

Lin Feng felt that there was a sledgehammer in his head, hitting his head hard, trying to break his spirit.

With a strong sound, Lin Feng shattered the hammer that suddenly appeared in his mind, his whole body shook slightly, and then he returned to normal.

His insight into Qi has been noticed by others.

But it has never been counterattacked like it is today.

It seems that Uncle Wu is also the Fang family of this way.

Uncle Wu also knows how to observe Qi.

Uncle Wu and the big snake were entangled together, like a mass of mud like ink.

Uncle Wu looked at his nephew who was trembling slightly, and even his voice became sinister: "If you continue to delay like this, you won't be able to leave."

Lin Feng was as immobile as a mountain, he picked up Wang Xiangzi and said, "Fifth Uncle, are you also a qi watcher?"

Uncle Wu was not in a hurry to see Lin Feng.

He is no longer in a hurry.

"Me? I'm not a breather.

I am the technique of watching mountains and walking pulses that I caught a group of Tu Fuzi who were fishing for sideways near Fukou.

From this group of Tufuzi, I have indeed taken a lot of benefits.

If this group of people had appeared earlier, I might not be an opponent.

But Huang Tian bless me.

The timing is right.

They are the treasures specially given to me by Huang Tian.

At that time, I hadn't found a way to leave home, so I searched for a way all day long, searching all kinds of teachings and teachings.

Just be in a few words.

Get a way to survive.

Finally, on the barren mound outside the mountain, I saw them.

Dying Tufuzi.

This group of local masters fell in love with a secret place in the barren hills outside Fukou City.

If you want to change your fate against the sky, you will fight desperately.

They gathered the last hundred people and went into the mountain together, but they met misfortune in the mountain.

Those who come out are only a few people.

They are all outside responders.

In other words, among this group of people, none of the people with the most profound skills have ever come out.

But there are a few little ones left.

I saw the few remaining people and found that they were cursed by the family, and they were tortured so much that they couldn't bear to live.

The method you mentioned of the qi watchers should be the art of watching the mountain and walking the pulse that I got from them.

It's not just the technique of watching mountains and walking pulses.

I heard many things I had never heard of from the mouths of those local masters.

One of them is the inverted bucket.

They said that the Daodou in Laopianmen is also divided into north and south, with eight veins and three branches. Since the Qin and Han Dynasties appeared on a large scale, and now, the entire Daodou pattern is bounded by the river in the north and south.

The eight veins are rooted in skills.

The three branches are the three families that are detached from the eight north and south veins, named after birds, snakes, and squares respectively.

The southern vein is dominated by the Gan family.

The Xie family is the leader of the Northern Meridian.

However, after the Ming Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty, these inverted families had long since withered.

The people I caught are the remnants of the Gan family.

It is fitting that they should perish at my hand.

Although it is said to be the rudder master of the South, the whole family has long been entangled by unknown weirdness.

Many die in every generation.

In modern times.

There are very few remaining bandit chieftains who once responded to everyone.

He was about to disappear into the rivers and lakes.

Speaking of which, our Li family made their fortune from driving corpses in western Hunan, and the Gan family started from mounds and mounds in the past generations, with a long history.

They said that their ancestors can be traced back to the turn of the Qin and Han Dynasties. They were noblemen with the surname Xiong in Chu State at that time, and they could even have a relationship with Qu Zi.

After the fall of Chu, they followed Xiang Yu and invaded Xianyang.

After entering Xianyang, Xiang Yu burned down many palaces. Their ancestors were clever. Although the first emperor burned hundreds of books to defraud alchemists, those burned books were all in the palaces and backed up.

The ancestors of his Gan family hid some books. After searching through the books, the Gan family said that their ancestors found some methods of longevity that were 'abandoned' by the first emperor.

They wanted to dig out the first emperor to see if the former tyrant, the king who destroyed the state of Chu, was still alive.

They spoke to Xiang Yu, and Xiang Yu readily agreed.

The Gan family said that it was his ancestor who took people to dig in Qin Shihuang's tomb.

It's a pity that I missed the auxiliary car.

Not only did they fail to find the place of the First Emperor's Mausoleum, but they dug out other things.

With heavy losses, things had to stop.

The ancestors of the Gan family got some answers they wanted, created a fake death that was not acclimatized, and disappeared under Xiang Yu's hands since then. "

Uncle Fifth's voice became more and more indifferent as he narrated, and the incense burned faster and faster.

Lin Feng's feet seemed to be rooted.

Not moving.

Quietly listening to Uncle Wu's previous stories.

He didn't expect that fifth uncle's experience would be so useful to him.

In the north and the south, there are eight veins and three branches.

Lin Feng had indeed never heard of the Gan family in the south.

But the Xie family, Lin Feng really knew that there was a Xie family.

It is the Xie family who followed Teacher Xun.

Every time something happened, Xie's family was buried in a secret place.

They are about to become sacrificial offerings.

Every time I go to the secret place, the Xie family will stay there forever.

If the Xie family were the leaders of the Northland, it would make sense.

The leader of the Northland.

Helmsman of the South.

In the mysterious era when anyone would suffer backlash if they tried to find a way out.

Even outside the game, this mysterious power is about to be reduced to the extreme.

But there will be.

The Xie family was attacked by unknown injuries.

When Teacher Xun noticed something, Teacher Xun and Xie Jia hit it off.

Not impossible.

As for the three.

a snake.

a bird.

Fang Xiang one.

Lin Feng remembered seeing snakes.

Ouroboros is considered a snake, right?
"Do you still want to listen?"

Seeing Lin Feng listening to the message without moving, Uncle Wu glanced at Xiangtou.

Taking another look at Lin Feng and the Wangxiang boy in his arms, Uncle Wu continued to talk.

The darkness beneath his feet seeped into the river.

Constantly swaying.

Lin Feng saw the darkness gathering around him, even the sacrificial fire on Lin Feng's head could hardly suppress the darkness that was about to move.

"Later, these members of the Gan family couldn't stand the torture, and they said everything they could.

In the subsequent large-scale inversions, whether it was the Red Eyebrow Army, or the later Huangchao, or even in the Jiangnan Sanger side of Mengyuan, their traces had appeared.

They traveled all over the mainland of China, and they seemed to be looking for something.

In troubled times, people are like ants, even in these families.

The inheritance of these people was cut off several times, and these Gan family members didn't know what they were looking for in the end.

The inheritance is about to be cut off, but the curse is like a tarsal maggot, catching up and losing the inheritance. The Gan family doesn't know how to fight against these strange things. "

Speaking of this, Lin Feng saw the heads of snakes raised around him.

Feel the chill everywhere.

"As for what you want, the means of the qi watcher are also available here.

I once met gas watchers on the island. Some of them were gas watchers when Zheng He sailed to the West, and they used them to observe the ocean.

Relying on these people several times to turn danger into fortune.

In the southern land, there is a branch called the Jiao family, and what they are best at is fighting upside down in the sea.

If you enter the primeval forest.

Maybe you can meet them.

But I remind you, if you go into the forest, you still have to be careful.

The danger inside is far from what you see now. Some places in the primeval forest are real forbidden areas.

If you make a wrong step. "

Uncle Wu signaled Lin Feng to look at the incense sticks on the ground, "Bones are smashed to pieces."

The ghosts behind Lin Feng had long since disappeared in the virgin forest. Right after Uncle Wu finished speaking, darkness appeared, and the little star of the incense went out.

Return to the darkness, the big python swallows the sky!
Lin Feng hugged Wang Xiangzi in his arms tightly.

In just an instant, [Earth Dungeon] made him disappear in place.

Several boa constrictors lost their target and made a fool of themselves. Uncle Wu was not discouraged at all, he was used to failure.

The big dog wrapped in the darkness rolled over and chased into the woods.

Lin Feng appeared again, another flicker!
This is the unique technique of being an earth god!

The boa constrictor was like a tank, and it went on a rampage, breaking all the big trees in the middle.

Meanwhile the hounds barked.

They seemed to smell Lin Feng's scent.

Hot on the heels.

After two periods of earth escape, he did not get rid of the fifth uncle who was chasing after him. Lin Feng sensed that the fifth uncle was in an extremely strange state.

He is no easier to deal with than a corpse.

The right time, place and people, among the three things, Lin Feng took advantage of a little bit except the location.

The rest are not very good.

It doesn't make any difference to him whether fifth uncle is sixth grade or fifth grade.

All of them can be killed in seconds.

It's a pity that Lin Feng's state seems to have reached a critical point at this moment. His strength is divided into two parts, one part is in the darkness, and the other part is on him.

Until the two are mellowly merged into one.

He will reach the top.

Uncle Wu at this moment is full of contradictions, the contradiction between humanity and beast, the contradiction between divinity and beast...

These contradictions come together.

It's just a word.

Not perfect.

Because he is not perfect, no matter what Uncle Wu wants to accomplish, he is powerless. Lin Feng can tell from the fact that he needs a lot of blood descendants.

He is using blood descendants to maintain his humanity and human form.

This might be the best time to deal with him.

Lin Feng chose to avoid the edge for the time being, because he had seen a fairy fetus.

According to Uncle Wu's character and among the immortal fetuses, the heir of the Chufu's weariness technique who cursed and killed princes.

They can never live in harmony.

Lin Feng is waiting for them to make a good life!
Before starting the next stage of escapism, a golden "firefly" floated up from Lin Feng's hand, gradually condensing into the appearance of a monk.

Wang Xiangzi looked at all this in surprise, especially the monk.

Lost Fifth Uncle's suppression.

The monks finally took the final step.

Dust to dust.

Earth to Earth.

The monk didn't speak, he just pointed in a direction, and then turned into a faint light again, and cast it towards the darkness in the distance.

The Wangxiang cub stretched out his hand, as if he wanted to catch these golden fireflies that flew away.

how can that be.

Lin Feng touched his head.

"Cousin, what is that?"

Wangxiang cub asked.

"That's the ashes of the sages."

Lin Feng replied calmly: "There are always people who will leave some traces in time, even if they sacrifice their lives, there will always be something left behind.

We are just standing on the shoulders of the sages and helping them complete their unfinished business.

In fact, we are just paper makers, new for three years, old for three years, and sewing for three years. "

After Lin Feng finished speaking, he lifted Wang Xiangzi on his shoulders and walked towards the direction pointed by the monk.

His footsteps left traces on the ground strangely.

Golden flame.

For a long time.

He seemed to be walking on a "God's Way".

The more you walk, the more you feel the road ahead, where reality and illusion are constantly overlapping.

The figures of him and Wang Xiangzi also became illusory and mysterious.

The boa constrictor and the big dog behind rushed over, but lost their target.

As for Lin Feng and Wang Xiangzi.

They were on a road that no one noticed.

Every time they walk a certain distance, a section of "fireflies" will appear to guide them on the way.

Lin Feng came to a withered mountain forest.

Originally, there shouldn't be a road here, but after so many years, a living person finally ushered in along the road that hides mystery here.

After the guidance along the way.

The "fireflies" in Lin Feng's hand also gradually went out, and only a wisp of the remaining fireflies remained, and the rest floated towards his eyes.

A dilapidated temple appeared!

Dora Maha.

For some reason, the temple in their memory is not a sacred place for worship, a dojo for exorcising evil spirits, and performing rituals.

Quite the opposite.

Lin Feng looked at the Taramah Temple in front of him and felt a deep fear.

From the heart, the construction of the Dora Maha Temple is very artistic, and the three-in-one style of the Western Regions, Nanzhao, and Nanyang makes this building have a unique taste.


Lin Feng looked at the bloody footprints left in front of his eyes by an empty one, and remained silent for a long time.

[Do you enter memory fragments? 】


(End of this chapter)

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