Folklore starts from the blood god of Xiangxi

Chapter 152 The Secret of Fukou

Chapter 152 The Secret of Fukou (3k)

Old man Zhou silently watched Lin Feng act according to the law. His hands merged into swords several times, and every time he merged his hands into swords, the dark shadow beside him would sway.

In the end, he still sighed, clenched his hands into fists, and took two more puffs of tobacco with a "ba da bada". This puff of tobacco, including the smoke and the spirit of his heart, was swallowed into his stomach, and his whole body became sluggish.

Xiao Miaozhu kept his head down and didn't speak, pretending that he didn't know that the surroundings were getting dark and he was a fool.

Only the old sour Confucian still wants to talk, looking at the way he is talking with his sleeves pulled up, and looking at the way he is pointing like a sword, he is afraid that there will be endless words coming out of his mouth.Who knew that before he could speak, he was hit on the head with an iron ruler by the guard behind him, blood flowed down, and he fainted.


Seeing this, Xiao Miaozhu sighed and knelt down to take care of Suanru, but the guard didn't say anything, as long as the old Suanru didn't speak.

Lin Feng was casting a spell.

He also saw countless black shadows, from the gutters, from the shadows, from under the suppressed tombstones, from the mountains, from the city, from the sea, and from the pier, spreading towards this side.

The world seemed to have turned black.

The people who have died in Fukou these years are like earth-bound spirits, they have never left Fukou at all.

They turned into water ghosts looking for a substitute, into blindfolded ghosts who stayed on the mountain, into simple ghosts walking on the street at night, and more, wandering between the sky and the earth in a daze, Not only what goes, not only what ends.

The hairy moon in the sky was infected by Lin Feng's blackness.

A gust of wind blew past, and the things that had been suppressed and buried began to recover.

Putuo Temple, which was originally calm, started to shake the statues of Vajra and Arhat. There were still monks here, but now, there is no one in the temple.

Daoist Pyrotechnician who slept on the Datong bunk was suppressed by a shadow at some point on his body and slept soundly.

Among the Sixteen Arhat Halls.

The statues of sixteen arhats, eight on the left and eight on the left, began to tremble continuously. The skin on the outside was chapped, and finally the mummy inside was exposed.

These mummies did not die, and they broke free from the shackles of the "Buddha skin". They walked out towards the bottom of the Buddhist hall, but when their feet touched the ground of the Buddhist hall, they all "boomed", and were burned to the soles of their feet by the unknown Buddha fire. .

The reappearance of the Buddha's fire burned the corpses clean, and there was another force. A gust of wind blew over to make up for the broken Arhat statues and healed them as before.

But this mummy is not the original owner of this place.

They are nothing but demons and heretics sealed here.

The place where Guanshiyin Bodhisattva is worshipped is the real dangerous place here.

In the main hall, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva kept weeping, and the surrounding lamps burned faster, leaving wax tears behind. The darkness continued to erode towards the Avalokitesvara statue. There was no one in the hall, but someone seemed to be reciting the Lotus Sutra nearby.

The voice of his chanting was urgent and fast.

【...Hearing that it is Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva, name it wholeheartedly, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva will be liberated immediately by watching his voice】

【If anyone upholds the name of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, let him be put into a great fire, and the fire will not be able to burn him】

[Because of the bodhisattva's supernatural power, if you are drifted by the great water, you can get to the shallow place by calling his name]


[If someone is about to be killed and calls the name of Guanshiyin Bodhisattva, he will be liberated by searching for pieces of the knife and stick he holds.]

【If the land of the Three Thousand Great Thousand Kingdoms is full of yakshas and rakshasas who want to come and annoy people, and hear him call the name of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, the evil spirits will not be able to see him with evil eyes, let alone do harm? 】


Under the blessing of the Lotus Sutra, the statue of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva once again released the divine light.

Against the sudden darkness outside.

The yin and yang, good and evil in Fukou have always maintained a minimum level of balance.

But now, there is a reckless person who broke all the tacit understanding.

The first among them are these temples, Taoist temples, and palaces.

There are countless incarnations of Avalokitesvara, and the most enshrined in many temples is one of the 32 images of Avalokitesvara in the Lotus Sutra, which focuses on salvation.

Although Putuo Temple has now turned into a ghost, its origin is quite extraordinary.

In the Ming Dynasty, an eminent monk of the Tiantai sect in the south of the Yangtze River personally went to the Mount Putuo Dojo and brought back a jade statue of a Bodhisattva. Later, wealthy businessmen there raised funds and donated [-] yuan to the eminent monk.

The eminent monk thanked you all and declined their method of donating again. One person, one night, built the Putuo Temple in Fukou.

It is said that that night, half of the people in Fukou saw the goddess scattered flowers.

Bodhisattva manifests.

Like a miracle.

On the second day, even the magistrate at that time was alarmed. Both the rich merchant and the magistrate wanted to see this eminent man. Who knew that this eminent monk floated away and left [-] yuan to pay the stonemason who carved the statue of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva. Salary, as well as many mundane things, this Putuo Temple fell into the hands of the local monks. As for the eminent monk, he passed away within a few days after returning to the original temple.

From the Ming Dynasty to the present, Putuo Temple has been very popular with incense.

It is still the same until now. Those monks with extraordinary appearance came from Putuo Temple.

But later, the statues of Guanyin Bodhisattva that everyone saw were also carved in stone.As for the jade statue that was invited, they couldn't find it no matter what. In the end, everyone could only say that the incident was just a legend.

Later, in the Kangxi period, Kangxi established Lamaism as the state religion. During the Qianlong period, Lamaism reached the point of complete victory. There was a lama master who made offerings to the six-armed Mahakala Dharma. , passed the capital, and came here, wanting to see the Jade Avalokitesvara statue in Putuo Temple, but unfortunately I didn't have the chance to see it.

Originally, he wanted to continue to visit the Putuo Mountain Dojo, but who would have expected him to disappear in Fukou without a trace.

This incident also caused an uproar in the court.

A Lama Tsochen, who had seen the emperor, was missing, still missing in a Buddhist monastery.

Even the abbot of Putuo Temple at that time broke out in a cold sweat with fright when he heard the news.

There was no need for the emperor's order, and the locals searched vigorously, but no matter how hard they searched, they could not find this Lama Tsochen. People from the Western Regions also came, and the matter was at best let go.

The reason for saying so much is.

At this time, with the invasion of darkness, the sculpture of Guanyin Bodhisattva in the main hall began to gradually shatter, revealing the contents inside.

Unlike the statue of Arhat outside, what is imprisoned in the sculpture of Guanyin Bodhisattva is a mass of living flesh and blood. These flesh and blood are still struggling, as if they are about to get out of it, wriggling and turning into the appearance of Guanyin Bodhisattva.

A terrifying voice came from inside, and I listened carefully. This mass of flesh and blood was also chanting the Lotus Sutra.

Avalokitesvara with thousands of people and thousands of faces, this mass of flesh and blood is constantly turning into various faces, male, female, living, and dead. These faces have different shapes, but they all recited the Lotus Sutra in unison, with clear articulate words , and among these flesh and blood, a face that all Putuo eunuchs are extremely familiar with is taking shape.

That compassionate temperament, that kind and kind face, is impressively the Avalokitesvara who has been enshrined here for hundreds of years.

Feeling the relief of the squirming flesh and blood, the darkness became more and more rampant, and even the urgent and fast Lotus Sutra was temporarily suppressed.

The candle, suddenly extinguished!
In the Buddhist hall, darkness has the upper hand, and everything is over.

With the last bit of blood and tears streaming down, the statue of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva completely collapsed.

Afterwards, flesh and blood revived.

The surrounding black shadows, like fluid, continuously poured into the body of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, turning into tumors one after another. These human head tumors continuously sprayed out foul-smelling pus, and within a short time, the entire Buddhist hall It stinks beyond words.

The same is true, the more joyful and joyful this "Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva" is.

It also recited the six-syllable mantra.

Just at the end of this flesh and blood recovery.

A skeleton hand suddenly came out from the ground, and the hole made a sharp and harsh sound, which overwhelmed the sound of the Lotus Sutra. The Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva covered his ears in pain, and opened his mouth full of teeth. mouth!

At the same time, another skeleton hand also emerged from the ground.

It seems that there is an extra bright moon here.

A palm-sized Jade Buddha appeared in the hand of another skeleton hand, and the bright white moonlight shone out, driving away all the darkness around it and illuminating the entire Buddhist hall.

A skeleton crawled out from the ground of the Buddhist hall. His whole body was in tatters, and even the yellow clothes he was wearing were turned into tatters.

He is holding the palm-sized Jade Buddha in one hand, Gangdong in the other, playing the flute, the Gabala bowl in the other, the small drum in the other, and the unfolded elephant skin with the last two hands.

On his forehead, which had turned into a skeleton, there was a hole, which was his third eye.

The fire of destruction frequently appeared in the third eye, burning on the flesh and blood.

The skeleton stretched out one hand, holding the Gabala bowl, raised it slightly, and pointed it at the flesh and blood in front of it.

【Rat Emperor Mahakalaya】

A beam of light flew out from his hand and shone on the "Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva". Throw it forward.

[Nang Mo San Man Duo No Tuo Nan]




He recited the mantra, and the elephant skin flew out of his body, covering the mass of flesh and blood. The mass of flesh and blood was wrapped in the elephant skin. The dark Buddhist hall suddenly became brighter, and the candle that had been extinguished was re-lit. up.

The Buddha Hall regained its light.

The skeleton walked forward slowly, and enshrined the jade statue of Guanyin Bodhisattva in front of the flesh and blood.

Again, that lump of flesh and blood turned into a stone statue of Guanyin Bodhisattva, but this time, the elephant skin of the skeleton was also gone.

The skeleton twitched slightly between his ribs, and pulled out a piece of human skin.

He grabbed the human skin with both hands and unfolded it. Inside was a six-armed Mahakala Dharma banner. He sat down cross-legged, resting and recuperating.

After a while, he reached out and grabbed the jade statue of Guanyin Bodhisattva, and dived into the ground again.

Those broken bricks and tiles have returned to normal.

However, the jade statue, which was originally somewhat dim, now has several cracks.

(End of this chapter)

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