I just want to make money

Chapter 14 Investigating Hanzheng Street and researching new businesses

Chapter 14 Investigating Hanzheng Street and researching new businesses

Hanzheng Street is located in Qiaokou District, Jiangcheng.

Bluestone slabs, white walls and gray tiles.

Located in the prosperous area of ​​Jiangcheng, it has a history of more than 500 years. Its business is very developed, and it is known as the "No. [-] Street in the World". However, within ten years, all private businesses stopped, and the merchants on Hanzheng Street disappeared. Even the name was changed to " Xingwu Street'.

It was not until the country announced the reform and opening up that the name of "Hanzheng Street" was restored, and more than 100 households were issued self-employed business licenses.

The bicycle is parked at the parking booth at the intersection of the street, and the number plate is exchanged for 2 cents.

It's not safe at this time, it's common to lose your car, even if you don't steal the car, twisting your bell cover won't bother you.

Walking into Hanzheng Street, you can see a series of bamboo bed stalls. The shops on both sides are open for business. Many people come to buy goods with canvas bags on their backs. They have various accents. There are many foreigners. Hanzheng Street has shown signs of prosperity.

From the fact that there are so many foreign merchants, it can be seen that the business in Hanzheng Street has already been done.

needle thread brain,

button zipper,

children's clothing,

handkerchief scarf,

Bamboo Basket Bamboo Stool,

Lace elastic band.
In short, they are all small commodities.

There are restaurants, tailors, soda stands, cigarette stands, old books stands, sugar man stands and so on.

Lin Yi walked around and got a general impression of the current Hanzheng Street in his heart, but he knew that walking around can only see the surface.

Seeing a comic book stand, I thought about it and walked over.

The owner of the book stand is a middle-aged man with a thin build. Lin Yi asked, "Are the villain books rented or sold?"

"It can be rented or sold, and it costs 2 cents a copy. If you read it here, you can read it for [-] cents." The stall owner said.

There were several bamboo stools in front of the bookstall, Lin Yi took one and sat down, found a random Journey to the West, and handed a two-cent coin to the stall owner, who happily accepted it.

Lin Yi glanced at the book, then raised his head and said to the stall owner, "Brother, how is the business on Hanzheng Street?"

The stall owner looked at Lin Yi and said with a smile, "It's very good. It seems that Hanzheng Street is the busiest place in Jiangcheng right now with these people coming and going."

"Did brother get a self-employed business license?" Lin Yi asked.

"That must be done. To set up a stall on Hanzheng Street, you must apply for a license."

"I don't know what to do with the business license. What are the rules for doing business now?" Lin Yi asked.

The middle-aged man looked at Lin Yi and said with a smile, "Young man, I don't think you look like someone who reads comic books. Are you planning to come to Hanzheng Street for business?"

There are not many fools these days, and the first batch of people who dared to eat crabs to do business in Hanzheng Street were all shrewd people. The middle-aged people could hear Lin Yi's intentions in a few words.

Lin Yi smiled, took out a pack of cigarettes from his body, popped one out and handed it over, the boss took the cigarette, Lin Yi wanted to light it for the boss, the boss waved his hand and took out a match and lit it.

Tobacco and alcohol are the easiest way to get closer,

After taking a puff of cigarette, the owner of the bookstall opened up the chatterbox.

"Last year, the country said that we could do business, and those of us kept beating drums in our hearts. We smashed so hard back then, and we flew on the plane with our hands tied to criticize. Who knows if we will come back again, but there is no way. The poor at home can't eat or drink. In the end I joined in as soon as I gritted my teeth, and it has been a year now."

"Now the business in Hanzheng Street can't sell everything. There are instructions on it that the sale of large-scale commodities is not allowed. The commodities should not conflict too much with the commodities of supply and marketing cooperatives and department stores. They can only conduct supplementary operations of state-owned businesses. To put it bluntly, You are allowed to do what other supply and marketing cooperatives and department stores are unwilling to do."

"You can sell children's clothes, but you can't sell shirts, you can sell batteries, but you can't sell flashlights, don't even think about those big-ticket items such as bicycles and sewing machines, and you can't transport them over long distances, you can only sell them nearby..."

"Brother, how far is long-distance transportation?" Lin Yi asked.

"It's fine if you cross the province."

Speaking of this, the boss lowered his body and whispered through the bookstall: "Actually, there are also many people who secretly transport things across provinces. After all, how many goods can we have in one province? Communication between the north and the south is called business."

"The Industrial and Commercial Bureau doesn't care?" Lin Yi asked in surprise.

"Hey, turn a blind eye. As long as things come in and don't have too much conflict with the supply and marketing cooperatives, basically no one checks them. In fact, the road is the most troublesome. The checks are much stricter than those in the local area. If you catch them, you will be fine." confiscated."

Lin Yixin said, if it's just confiscated, then it's nothing to worry about.

These days, I went to sell goods four times and got arrested three times. As long as I succeed once, not only can I plug the holes of the previous three times, but I can also make money. If I succeed twice, the profit can be doubled.

After chatting with the book stall owner for more than an hour, Lin Yi had a better understanding of the business situation in Hanzheng Street.

Farewell book stall owner,

Seeing that there was still time, he rode his bicycle to the Administration for Industry and Commerce of Qiaokou District, knocked on the door and entered, "Comrade, I want to apply for a Hanzheng Street individual business license."

Applying for a self-employed business license is naturally not that simple. You need to go to the street to obtain a certificate. If you have a formal job, it will not be issued to you. However, Lin Yi, an educated youth who has no job and returned to the city from the countryside, is encouraging them.

"What are you going to do?"

"Clothes, groceries."

These days, the scope of business is not so strict, and groceries can be described as all-encompassing, including needles, threads, brains, and balloon buttons.

"I understand your situation. The government supports self-reliance for educated youths like you who return to the city, but you must operate legally within the allowed range. Later, when you apply for a business license, they will give you a list of businesses. .” The staff of the Industry and Commerce Bureau explained.

"I know, I must be a law-abiding citizen." Lin Yi said.

The other party nodded in satisfaction.

Lin Yi seemed to think of something, and asked tentatively: "Comrade, are you allowed to sell defective products?"

"Sell defective products, what do you mean?" The other party was puzzled.

"That is, for example, a factory processes a batch of clothes, but due to cutting and sewing problems, there are defective products. In fact, such clothes can be worn back and changed. It would be too wasteful if you lose them. You say, sell them cheaper. Going out can be considered as benefiting the people, right? This should not conflict with the supply and marketing cooperative department store? After all, the supply and marketing cooperative department store must sell the best qualified products." Lin Yi asked with a smile.

The other party thought about it.

"There are regulations on this, and defective products can be sold, and there is no conflict with supply and marketing cooperative department stores, but they must be marked as defective products when operating." The industrial and commercial personnel said.

Lin Yi smiled and thanked,

"I'll go back and prepare materials to apply for a business license."

"Okay, come and find me when you have the materials ready." The other party said kindly. When Lin Yi went out, the man opened the drawer and looked. There was a box of Chunghwa cigarettes in it. The man smiled.

Lin Yi rode his bike home,
There was a smile on his face.

As for becoming a self-employed person in Hanzheng Street, he was in his consideration from the beginning, but he didn't have the capital at the beginning, so he started with smuggling.

Now he has a preliminary foundation and is ready to implement the original plan.

Moreover, the money he earned from smuggling must have a source. Otherwise, an unemployed educated youth who went to the countryside and returned to the city spends a lot of money all day long, which will easily arouse suspicion from others. If he becomes a self-employed person, no one will doubt him. .

After all, there are still many people who look down on self-employment nowadays, but they all know that self-employment is very profitable, and Lin Yi has a reasonable source of money.

As for the electronic watch business, he will continue to do it, and the self-employed can also play a role in covering the electronic watch business, otherwise the income of those under him will not be clear.

As for what to sell,
He has already thought about it.


With the broadcast of "The Man from the Bottom of the Atlantic", sunglasses became popular, but there is no supply in the mainland, and they haven't become popular yet. Lin Yi is going to take advantage of this trend to open up the Jiangcheng sunglasses market.

He is going to the south to buy a batch of sunglasses. If this business is done well, it may not be less profitable than electronic watches.

Wait for the right opportunity in the future,
He is also planning to make clothing. Clothing is very profitable in this era, but there are quite a lot of restrictions now, and it cannot conflict with department stores.

But he already has an idea, if you don't allow many products to be sold, then let's play a side game and sell them in the name of defective products.

In fact, he had already read it in business management books. These days, defective products can be sold, and they are not within the sales scope of supply and marketing cooperatives. The only requirement is to indicate that they are defective products.Lin Yi asked this question at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry just for final confirmation.

As for whether the goods near him are defective or not, he has the final say.

After making up his mind, he will go to the street to apply for a certificate tomorrow, submit the application materials, and when the self-employed business license is issued, Lin Yi is ready to go out again. This time he plans to visit the most advanced cities of reform and opening up.

(End of this chapter)

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