Chapter 229 Judgment
Ignoring Franky's bragging about how good he was at swimming in front of Tom the cat, Zhang Da also asked, "Mr. Tom, I don't know if you have heard of a man named Biznis, who is the owner of a caravan."

He hasn't forgotten that the reason why he chose the capital of seven waters for the first stop of his trip is to try to find this "old friend".

Murloc Tom thought for a while: "A businessman? I don't have much contact with these people. Are they important people?"

"It doesn't count, it's just that this guy is unscrupulous and caused us a lot of trouble when we were in the Chambord Islands."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Da also thought about it, and it seemed that it was not a problem. After all, the people hired by Biznis, whether they were gangsters or killers, all turned into small money in his pocket in the end.

Ke Keluo said: "To inquire about merchants, you can go to Pier No. 1 in the south. There are many foreign merchants berthing there. In addition, the vicinity of the sea train station is becoming a place where merchants like to gather."

Zhang Da also nodded and said: "That's it, then we can inquire about it when we go out to play tomorrow. By the way, can we take the sea train?"

"Of course." Tom the fishman introduced, "Although the most important function of the sea train is to transport goods, the passenger compartments are also reserved, and everyone can sit. The sea train is now connected to St. Baiyang, Puqi and St. Pruitt is a very prosperous island, only the route to Judiciary Island can’t go casually.”

Zhang Da also continued to inquire about some information about these islands. After learning about these, the next schedule can be arranged.

In the evening, I didn't stay overnight in Tom's studio, but went back to the boat to rest. There was nothing special except a supper.

The next morning, Brooke, Perona and a few banner demons were left to watch the ship, while the others went to the justice ship with everyone in Tom's studio.

At this time, the judicial ship had docked at the port and the boarding ladder had been lowered. Many residents boarded the ship and entered the courtroom to listen in. Some of them really cared about the verdict, while others just watched it.

In addition to the case of the world's number one shipbuilder, people are also curious about the incident of the fleet attacking the judicial ship yesterday.

There are already good people remembering that they have seen Cady Flam driving one of the warships to fight with the Neptune class, and they believe that those warships belong to Tom's studio, and guess whether this incident will give Tom a higher level of guilt .

Zhang Daye and his party and the three of Tom's studio sat in the front row seat that the old judge had specially reserved.

Murloc Tom stood alone in the middle of the court.

As soon as the court time came, the guards at the gate closed the gate of the courtroom.

The old judge changed into a very formal attire, walked step by step to the specially elevated judge's seat, checked the time and struck the gavel.

A clear voice sounded, and the people who came to hear the trial immediately stopped talking, and needles could be heard in the entire courtroom.

Even the novel cat Tom subconsciously sat upright, Zhang Da also stroked the cat's head, signaling him not to be so nervous.

The voice of the old judge was clear and resonant: "Ten years ago, Tom, the shipbuilder of the capital of seven waters, was sentenced to death for helping the pirate king Goldo Roger build the pirate ship Oro Jackson, but Tom At that time, he proposed a sea train plan that could bring hope to the capital of seven waters, so he was given ten years of probation."

"In the past ten years, Tom's studio has designed and built the sea train and four tracks. After evaluation, it can indeed solve the plight of the capital of seven waters. The credit for building the sea train is enough to offset Mr. Tom's crime. I declare that Tom Mister is acquitted!"

"Great!" Cocoro, Espagu, and Yokozuna all showed joy on their faces, and Franky jumped up directly. If Espague hadn't pulled him, he might have jumped on Murloc Tom's body The big belly is on.

"Thank you, Your Honor! Hahahaha!" Tom the boatman himself laughed heartily.

In fact, his heart is quite complicated, because he himself has always been proud of being able to build a ship that crossed all the oceans in the world, and he doesn't think it is a crime.

But now that he has survived, he will not forcefully confess his guilt.

After this incident, no matter how much Spandam wanted the Pluto design, he couldn't easily touch Tom's studio, otherwise the original plot would not have let several excellent agents of CP9 go undercover for five years.

It seems that after waiting for a while on purpose, the old judge knocked on the gavel once: "Also, regarding the incident of the unknown fleet attacking the judicial ship yesterday, after investigation, all the warships belong to Tom's workshop..."

Everyone cheered up, worrying if Tom's Workshop was in trouble again, and if Tom's Workshop really attacked the judicial ship, would they attack the city in the future?

This is what they are most concerned about, which determines whether they should be wary of these thugs when they see Tom in the future, or whether they should respect the shipwright.

The old judge took a deep breath and seemed to have made up his mind before saying the next words:
"It has been found out that Spandam, the former chief of CP5, mistakenly took the captured Silver Fox Pirates' ship as the pirate ship that attacked the judicial ship, and seconded his warship without notifying Tom's studio. , and eventually accidentally injured the justice ship, and affected the traveling ship Amber Delmende..."

"The judgment of this case is as follows, the original CP5 chief Spandam will be removed from all positions, and he will be sentenced to four years in prison. All the agents involved will be demoted and their salaries will be reduced. The loss of Tom's Studio and the Amber Tour Group will be compensated by the World Government. , above, the court is now closed."

After saying this, the old judge closed his eyes. This was the only time he opened his eyes and told lies in court. It was a stain on his life. He didn't know if he would have the courage to pick up the gavel that represented justice in the future. .

But Colonel Soysos and the navy soldiers standing on both sides were looking at the old judge with admiration. Several of them heard with their own ears yesterday that the old judge had a quarrel with the five old stars through the phone bug.

If it weren't for him, the arrogant Spandam might have been acquitted, and even worse things might have happened.

It was the old judge who argued hard. Although he compromised in the end, he also managed to get the Five Old Stars to make concessions. At least the injured and dead naval soldiers got the treatment they deserved, and the culprit was punished.

In the eyes of the soldiers, this is already very good.

The civilians who heard the trial did not expect this to be the case. The attackers were actually members of the World Government, especially those who witnessed the entire battle yesterday. They began to wonder if their memory was wrong. No matter how they looked at it, they were directly attacking the judicial ship. ?

Zhang Da was also stunned, what a nonsense reason, didn’t you drive the pirate ship to block the guns on purpose, why did it become the main target of attack, and compensate us who have no losses for the loss, I’m afraid it’s a hush money Bar?

(End of this chapter)

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