Qin Yi pushed open the door of the office with a sullen face, and walked in.

Hong Wengang stood up with surprise and expectation on his face, "Mr. Zhao..."

Qin Yi didn't even look at Hong Wengang, and walked past him, sat down on the chair, and said expressionlessly, "Tell me what's going on?"

"Uh, it's like this." Hong Wengang was a little embarrassed, "Our goods arrived at the port of Siam and were transferred to a warehouse according to the original plan, but there was a misunderstanding with some local people during the process, and the goods were sent to the warehouse. Buckle it."

"Misunderstanding?" Qin Yi glanced at Hong Wengang, "How is the goods now? Is it safe? Is it damaged?"

"No, no, they are all very safe." Hong Wengang quickly explained, "They are all intact and alive."

"When will it be done?" Qin Yi asked, "The client can't wait. I don't want to hear the news of you notifying the client of the delay."

"Uh, no, no." Hong Wengang quickly assured, "I have asked A Biao to take the black bear there to deal with it, and it should be soon, very soon."

Qin Yi got up directly, stretched out his hand and nodded Hong Wengang, "Within two days, you can handle it for me."

"No problem." Hong Wengang nodded with a smile, "Mr. Zhao, the database..."

"The database is progressing smoothly, and the server will be set up soon." Qin Yi said lightly, "You wait for my news."

Qin Yi just opened the door of the office, and suddenly stopped, "You should pay the money."

"Pay the money?" Hong Wen was stunned for a moment, "Didn't I just pay 500 million US dollars?"

"What's enough for 500 million?" Qin Yi smiled contemptuously, "I told you before that it was 1000 million dollars, but you only paid half of it."

"I know, but you are spending too fast." Hong Wengang was a little puzzled.

"Internet, high-tech, of course it costs money. You think the server is just a broken computer." Qin Yi said impatiently, "Do you know how much IBM's top server costs?"

"$200 million!"

"The database needs at least three servers, and the cost alone is 700 million. There are also the cost of maintenance personnel and the cost of developers. Do you think it's a joke?"

"Your $1000 million is only enough for the initial stage of the project, and you will need to find money later."

Hong Wengang was a little dazed, and asked in surprise, "Then can I go and see what the server looks like?"

"Huh?" Qin Yi looked him up and down, raised his hand and looked at his watch, "If you are interested, I will arrange for you to go."

"Yes, yes!" Hong Wengang nodded hastily.

Anyway, he's fine, so he has to see where his $500 million went.

Qin Yi picked up a phone and dialed it, "The customer wants to visit, please arrange it."

"Okay, I'll wait for your car."

Qin Yi hung up the phone, "Go, there is a car to pick you up."

"Huh? Now?"

Hong Wengang was dumbfounded, this Mr. Zhao couldn't help him right away.

Said that the visit will start immediately, and it is already midnight...

"Didn't you ask to see it?" Qin Yi was a little impatient, and grabbed Hong Wengang's arm, "Follow me."

Hong Wengang was dragged out of the company with such a dazed expression, all the way to the parking lot downstairs.

A black commercial vehicle stopped in front of the two of them, the door was opened, and Hong Wengang was pushed into it before he could see clearly.

The commercial vehicle started quickly and galloped in the night.

Apart from the two people in the car, there was only one taciturn driver who was concentrating on driving without saying a word.

Hong Wen just glanced out the window, and found that it was getting more and more remote, and suddenly panicked.

Before he could ask a question, Qin Yi threw a headgear over, "Put it on."


"It's the rule."

Hong Wengang didn't dare to ask too much, and secretly regretted that he shouldn't have asked.

After putting on the hood, I was in darkness, I could only hear voices, but I couldn't see anything.

Half an hour later, the car stopped, and Hong Wengang was dragged off and sent to a boat.

I don't know how long it took, but after a bumpy ride, the speedboat docked.

Hong Wengang stood on the land with weak legs, and before he could recover, he was pulled onto the helicopter.

Just like that, Hong Wengang changed trains all the way, got off the plane and got on the car again, being led away all the time.

Just when he was uneasy, the hood was taken off.

There was a blinding white light in his eyes, Hong Wengang squinted his eyes hard to adapt to the light in front of him.

It took him a few seconds to see his surroundings clearly, and then he was shocked.

The long corridor is all white to the eye, with white fluorescent lights overhead, white paint on the walls, and white tiles on the floor.

Clean, tidy and spotless.

There were people passing by Hong Wengang all the time, all wearing white coats, white round caps and white masks.

Except for only the eyes and ears exposed, the whole body is white, and even the shoes are covered with shoe covers.

"I'm sorry, sir, please change your clothes." A man who was also all white pointed out and led Hong Wengang into the dressing room.

After changing clothes, Hong Wengang followed Qin Yi all the way to the end of the corridor.

Through the glass door, Hong Wengang saw a room as big as a basketball court, densely packed with tall black cabinets.

The top of the black cabinet is full of eye-catching lines, and dots of red and green light flicker through the gaps, like fireflies flying in the night sky.

The technicians hold folders in their hands, and carefully inspect each cabinet, carefully check the status, and record at the same time.

Qin Yi took out a magnetic card and put it on the reader, and the glass door popped open.


Hong Wengang walked in cautiously, and stared at everything in front of him in a daze.

Solemn and solemn.

It is full of high-tech sense, just like being in a sci-fi scene.

Qin Yi walked up to a cabinet that was two meters high, and pointed out, "This is IBM's latest server, and it is also the most advanced server in the world. Anyway, you don't even understand it."

"Let me make an analogy. This is what the Internet root server is used for. Do you know what an Internet root server is?"

Hong Wengang nodded, then shook his head violently.

"Forget it, you just need to know that it is the most powerful." Qin Yi waved his hand, "Everything in front of you is the foundation of our future."

"This data center has a team of more than 300 people, more than half of whom are technicians."

Qin Yi smiled and patted Hong Wengang on the shoulder, "Now do you know where our money is spent?"

Hong Wengang nodded with a blank expression. I am afraid that tens of millions of dollars can handle everything in front of him.

$1000 really isn't much.

"Can I take pictures?" Hong Wengang asked excitedly and nervously.

"This place is highly confidential, and the people who work here are not allowed to take out a piece of paper." Qin Yi said coldly, "You want to take pictures."

"You have to pay more."


"Hey, cat boy." Qin Yi picked up the phone on the table and shouted, "You can't hear clearly over there, where are you?"

"The garage?"

"How is the inspection of those cars? If you can't find it, come back. I'm short of people here."

"Hey, Zhang Zhiheng, where did you go again? The hospital? Then what did you ask?"

"Okay, that's it. You ask the doctor for a business card, and consult him if you have anything to do."

Qin Yi put down the microphone and looked at the report handed over by Chen Zhijie, "Has the ghost caught by the Hospital Management Bureau been handed over?"

"No, we're still locked here." Chen Zhijie shook his head.

"Don't hand it over yet." Qin Yi warned, "I'm afraid this kid will die if he hands it over. You make an application report, give it to the witness protection team, and hand it over to them directly."

"Ah Qing, go to the customs and check the customs declaration form to see if there is anything suspicious."

Guan Deqing was stunned for a moment, "What do you want to check, Sir Qin, please draw a key point, there are so many things in the customs, how can I check?"

"Do you remember the last time Li Wenbin and Li Sir destroyed the organ factory? It was rented under the name of a leather bag company. You can go to the customs to check this company?" Qin Yi was a little impatient, "I need to teach you all of this. you?"

Guan Deqing quickly agreed, and just as he was about to go out, a large group of people with crowns on their shoulders rushed in.

The members of the special investigation team immediately stood at attention, raised their hands and saluted, "good morning, sir!"

"Let's all sit down." The leader, Ye Jinfeng, had a bad expression on his face.

"Qin Yi, how is your investigation of the missing case going?"

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