Starting from floating in Hong Kong

Chapter 157 Let me help you kill the Ni family first

Chapter 157 Let me help you kill the Ni family first

"Why are you following me?" The long-legged man took a few steps back in panic, "I warn you, don't come here."

Qin Yi walked over with a blank expression.

"If you come again, I'll call for someone!" The long legs were as weak as a little white rabbit, and he took a few steps back again, holding the tennis bag tightly with both hands.

"You shout, no one will pay attention to you even if you yell out your throat." Qin Yi showed a sinister smile on his face, rubbing his hands excitedly, "Not bad, not bad, look at this body shape, these legs, they are really top-quality what."

Qin Yi approached step by step, his long legs backed away tremblingly.

At this time, the long-legged hands had already reached into the tennis bag, and a cold light suddenly flashed in his eyes, looking at Qin Yi who seemed defenseless.

The distance between the two was less than one meter, and the muscles on the long legs began to tense, and the hand gripped the handle of the gun tightly and pulled it out suddenly.

Unexpectedly, Qin Yi was even faster, one hand had already grasped the wrist of the long leg holding the gun, and the other hand pulled out the gun at the same time, and pointed it at the long leg close to his waist.

The long-legged man was taken aback, his premeditated attack was actually seen through by the opponent, and his slender wrist was firmly grasped.

Her arm strength couldn't compete with the opponent at all, and her slender right leg flew up suddenly.

In the blink of an eye, Qin Yi twisted his body, dodged sideways, grabbed the opponent's wrist and slammed into his arms, stepped forward with his left foot, and bumped his whole body hard.

The big long leg was hit so hard, the body flew three or four meters away, and fell to the ground.

But her reaction was also extremely fast. When she landed, she put her hands on the ground, rolled a few times, and stood up.

But in the next second, Qin Yi's gun was in front of him again.

"do not move."

Qin Yi stared at each other closely, "The distance between you and me is only ten meters, my gun will not miss at this distance, do you want to bet on it?"

"What are you doing?"

"Yes." Qin Yi nodded.

"..." The long legs felt that the other party was inexplicable, "I ask what you want to do?"

"I think so." Qin Yi chuckled, "Beautiful girl, you and I are destined to meet each other today, and I've taken a fancy to you."

The eyes of the long-legged man were full of anger, and he spat, "Salty and wet, die."

"Where do you see that I'm salty?" Qin Yi was a little annoyed, "You are dirty, so don't think of others as dirty. I'm looking at your personal physical condition and skills."

"What on earth do you mean?" The big long leg was ashamed and angry.

"It doesn't mean anything else. I'm short of people recently and I'm going to start a wave of recruitment. I think you are quite suitable. Are you interested in joining me?" Qin Yi looked at the other party with a smile, "Chen Xiaoming, oh, Ao Ming .”

Chen Xiaoming snorted coldly, bowed his head and remained silent.

"It's meaningless for you to do this." Qin Yi sighed, "You are a thief, and I am a police officer. It is only right for me to arrest you. And you are not as skilled as others, so why not be convinced when you are caught."

"There are two roads in front of you now. One is to go back to the police station with me, and let's talk about your background story slowly. The second is to join my team."

"I choose the first one." Chen Xiaoming suddenly showed a provocative smile, "You arrest me and go back. I have no criminal record and you have no evidence. What are you going to use to arrest me? Be careful, I will sue you for sexual harassment."

"You illegally held a gun and attacked the police."

"I can say that you gave me the gun and framed me. You can see whether everyone will believe this black policeman or me as a weak woman."

"You're really fucking difficult." Qin Yi sighed, "I'll just shoot you to death. Anyway, if you're dead, I'll write the report casually. Also, I don't believe that Interpol doesn't have any information about your Ao family. .”

"You..." Chen Xiaoming was angry and anxious.

"You said you are so beautiful, what kind of killer is your brain?" Qin Yi sighed regretfully, "You work hard and earn so little. The killer industry is a red sea. What are you doing here as a girl?"

"Come ashore and join me, I will take you to change the track."

"You're insane." Chen Xiaoming was extremely irritable in his heart, talking about the law, wishing he could shoot him.But the other party's murderous intent had already locked on her, and she was not sure that she could fight back.

"I know it's hard to break the stereotype of thinking. People, don't always lie in the comfort zone. Especially you killers, you have to be prepared for danger in times of peace. If you stay in the comfort zone for a long time, your vigilance will drop." Qin Yi coaxed, " This is the reason why you didn't hit me today. If you are comfortable in your comfort zone, your will and fighting spirit will be consumed slowly."

"Constantly breaking through, you must have the courage to iterate yourself, break through inertial thinking, and jump out to have a broad world. Look at you, you have fallen into this situation today, you should reflect on yourself."

Chen Xiaoming was stunned, she frowned slightly, and began to think whether she had been too comfortable recently and neglected to exercise.

"Are you interested in doing personal security business?"

"?" Chen Xiaoming couldn't keep up with the other party's train of thought, what would I do as a killer?

"When you were an assassin, did you often meet targets with bodyguards?" Qin Yi asked back, "Do you find it difficult to start? Don't take it lightly. What kind of orders did you take before, at most you can kill a few club leaders?" Guys, or some wealthy businessmen, what kind of serious security force can these people have?"

"What will you do if you meet a list of dignitaries and VIPs? Don't you want to give up?"

"As a killer, you don't even dare to accept such an order. What kind of killer are you still doing? You have no money and no ambition. Change careers as soon as possible."

"So I recommend you to do security, so that you can break your own thinking pattern, think about problems from the perspective of your opponent, complete empathy, and better find security loopholes, right?"

Chen Xiaoming felt that what the other party said seemed reasonable, but felt that something was not right.

"If you can't figure it out, it doesn't matter if you can't figure it out. Go back and think about it slowly." Qin Yi took out a business card and threw it over, "If you figure it out, call this number."

Chen Xiaoming grabbed the business card subconsciously, frowned, looked down, then looked at Qin Yi vigilantly, and slowly backed away.

Seeing that Qin Yi had no intention of pursuing him, she ran away quickly.

Qin Yi looked at the slender legs and sighed, "It's such a good leg, it's a pity not to kick three rounds."

With such a small episode, Qin Yi didn't bother to hang out anymore, and was going back to the headquarters.

Just as he took off his broken coat, the phone rang suddenly.

"Hello, I'm Qin Yi."

"Ayi, it's me." Brother Yi's deep voice came from the phone, "Are you still at the headquarters?"


"There is a tea house near the headquarters, please write down the address and go there immediately."

"Yse, sir."

Qin Yi wrote down the address, checked the direction, and hurried towards the teahouse.

The teahouse is located in an office building and looks fresh and quiet on the outside.

There were very few customers in the spacious hall, sitting in twos and threes in the corner and whispering.

Passing through the quiet hall, Qin Yi stepped up the stairs, and then saw Brother Yi's personal bodyguard.

The bodyguard with big arms and round waists didn't speak, and walked Qin Yi directly inside.

It was just ten o'clock at this time, and there was almost no one on the second floor of the teahouse, and no movement could be heard.

Qin Yi turned on [Sight and hearing] calmly, and secretly observed the surroundings.

After the skill was activated, the whole person entered a wonderful state.

The eyes can clearly see the fine patterns on the decorative wood, the flying flies, and the stains splashed on the carpet. A large amount of information comes into view in a short period of time, making Qin Yi slightly dizzy.

Listening carefully, the surrounding sounds flooded into the ears, the sound of pouring water, the friction of tables and chairs, and some conversations.

"...This person is difficult to deal with..."

"...what did London send him for...without any news?"

"...Is he here to share the money?"

"The money is not a problem, I'm afraid he has other missions..."

"Hey, gentlemen, that son of a bitch wants us to pay, and I'm not giving him a dime."

"...London...Mrs M..."

"That old bitch!"

"Complaining doesn't solve problems..."

"The ancestor's family needs money, so we can give it to him, as long as he doesn't go too far."

"Then what about our share?"

"...Let them increase the ratio of handing in, the Ni family has already mentioned it."

"Not enough, far from enough."

As Qin Yi got closer, the voice of the conversation became clearer, and the bodyguard pushed open the door of the box.

The conversation in the box stopped immediately, everyone looked at the door vigilantly, and relaxed after seeing Qin Yi, but did not continue the previous conversation.

Qin Yi glanced at the people in the box, there were still a few people from the club that day, only missing a brother.

Several people picked up the tea and slowly sipped it.

For a while, the box was extremely quiet.

Qin Yi found a corner and sat down, and began to observe these senior police officers with different expressions.

Chief Superintendent Richard of the Political Department cast his eyes on Qin Yi, scrutinized Qin Yi for a few seconds, and suddenly said, "Qin, private equity funds must continue to operate."

Seeing someone speak, others also echoed, "Yes, private equity funds are so profitable, why don't you continue?"

"Yes, private equity funds must continue to do so, how could they not?"

"When the shares are reopened, we will invest a sum."

"What's the new news? How much can the income be achieved?"

Qin Yi frowned, "The stock market is very calm, and there are no good projects to do for the time being."

"If you don't have one, go find it." A ghost questioned, "Isn't it that we invest money in private equity funds to make money?"

"Yes, this is the responsibility of private equity funds, why not find some high-yield projects."

"Qin, when will you contact them and ask them to give an accurate answer."

"This time the profit cannot be lower than 80%."

"I think so."

Qin Yi looked at these self-talking ghosts and suddenly laughed angrily. Dividing the money gave rise to hallucinations. He really regarded himself as a master.

If there is no project, go find it, and ask for 80% of the income.

You want to fart.

Qin Yi stood up and smiled.

The smile was extraordinarily bright, but there was a trace of coldness in the eyes.

"Gentlemen, what do you think of the stock market? A gold mine picked at random, or an open vault?"

"Private equity funds are not banks, they can allow you to deposit and withdraw money at will." Qin Yi's eyes slowly swept across the crowd, "Where do you think the previous high returns came from? That's because it just happened to catch up with the opportunity, it's luck."

"Don't you expect that every time the stock market will rise sharply, and then hand over the money to private equity funds, do nothing, and then drink tea easily to get a large amount of income, and you can also share high profits in normal times? ,No way?"

"If that's the case, I really admire your ignorant and fearless courage. High returns will inevitably bring high risks." Qin Yi's words were forceful.

"Everyone tells you a piece of good news. In order to ensure the safety of everyone's principal, the private equity foundation is going to dissolve and will immediately withdraw your funds." Qin Yi said with a smile, "If you don't want to do it, you can withdraw your shares, and it will be done within 24 hours." , without delay."

"Who wants to quit now, please raise your hand!"

There was silence in the private room. In order to hide their embarrassment, they all picked up their teacups and drank tea.

At this time, the door of the box opened again, and Brother Yi walked in with a straight face.

"Everyone, I just talked to the new special commissioner, Charlie." The first brother didn't even sit down, and said with a serious face, "He made a lot of requests, some of which can be negotiated, and some of which are not even room for negotiation. "

Everyone was still silent.

"He's here to raise [-] million yuan." The first brother said slowly, "U.S. dollars."

There was an uproar in the box, and everyone stood up and began to curse.

"Who does he think he is?"

"The son of a bitch!"

"[-] million dollars, why doesn't he rob the bank!"

"Gentlemen, those gentlemen in London are going too far! I can't stand those dirty, despicable and shameless politicians! This is squeezing Hong Kong Island!"

"Is MI[-] using us as a cash machine?"

"Quiet!" Brother Yi shouted sharply.

Everyone finally closed their mouths, but the expressions on their faces were still very angry.

"The special commissioner will talk to everyone one by one." Brother Yi threw another bombshell, "Then conduct a background review of senior police officers. If the review fails, they will be dismissed immediately, and the British police officer will be recalled immediately."

background check?

A trace of anxiety and fear flashed in everyone's eyes.

"At the same time, the special commissioner is going to re-investigate the case of the Financial Management Bureau." The first brother glanced at everyone, stayed on Qin Yi for a few seconds and then retracted. "The focus of the investigation is on those involved within the HKMA, and we will provide our full assistance."

Everyone looked at each other, but no one spoke.

"I believe everyone has received the news before, and some even know more than me." Brother Yi pulled out his chair and sat down, "I want to remind everyone that we are all on the same boat now, and the more difficult the time is, the more we need to Solidarity and mutual assistance, intelligence should be exchanged and shared more.”

"You know, the special commissioner came with a special mission this time."

Guan Yingqi couldn't help but said, "What's the governor's opinion?"

The first brother glanced at Guan Yingqi, "The new governor will take office next month."

Several people present gasped, while some drank tea calmly, as if they had received the news long ago.

The new governor who has not yet arrived, and the special commissioner who has arrived with a special mission, these two figures are like two mountains, weighing heavily on the hearts of senior officials.

Finally, someone broke the silence, "Will there be a purge?"

"Maybe, maybe not." The first brother said aloud, "Everyone, don't be so heavy. No matter what you say, it will be handed over after 97, and it will be less than five years. There won't be any big moves."

"Everyone has been here for so many years. No matter who comes, we need us to maintain the situation and lead the police force."

"Yeah, many people have immigrated or transferred back to the mainland. What kind of special commissioner is it at this time? It's completely unnecessary." A ghost began to complain.

"I'm afraid the new governor is here specifically for the handover. Don't think too badly about things."

The heavy atmosphere eased, and everyone began to express their opinions one after another.

"Speaking of which, the special commissioner is here to ask for money." Guan Yingqi was very dissatisfied, "Isn't the money we paid enough?"

"As long as you are willing to collect the money." Brother Yi let out a sigh of relief, with a worried expression on his face, he suddenly turned to Qin Yi, "Ah Yi."

"Director?" Qin Yi agreed.

"You can communicate more with the private equity fund. I hope that the fund can continue to operate, and the rate of return should be maintained at a level that everyone is satisfied with." Brother Yi said carefully, "Do you think 30% is okay?"

"30% is too little." Others said one after another, "50% is enough."

Qin Yi didn't speak, but looked at Brother Yi quietly.

"If 30% can't be achieved, then 20% can." Brother Yi changed his words again, "The minimum can't be lower than 15%."

"Every year?" Qin Yi asked.

"Each quarter."

Qin Yi once again looked at Brother Yi with calm eyes.

The first brother seemed to feel a little embarrassed, and added, "Now the economy is not bad, private equity funds should be able to do it, right?"

Qin Yi nodded, "Yes."

For your mother's head.

It's the first time I've seen such shameless extortion of bribes.

"If the foundation has any requirements, we can discuss them with everyone." The first brother said with a smile, "On Hong Kong Island, we still have some energy."

"Especially during the period before the handover, some things that were difficult to handle before can also be handled."

Qin Yi raised his head and looked at Brother Yi, "Is it possible to do things that are difficult?"

Richard suddenly said, "What can't be done can be done."

"The rate of return can be 25%." Qin Yi replied with a smile.

Everyone's originally gloomy faces were like melting ice, and everyone was smiling, and the box was immediately filled with happy air.

Qin Yi stood up, "Then I will explain the situation here to the foundation as soon as possible, and I will take my leave first."

"Ayi, convey our sincerity to the foundation as much as possible." The first brother added.

"I will."

Qin Yi walked out of the box with a smile, and the door was gently closed by the bodyguard.

But some words still entered Qin Yi's ears.

"It's not just the Ni family that has to pay... the other families have to pay." Richard's tone was very blunt. "If they don't pay, what should I give to the special commissioner?"

"The Ni family has made a lot of friends over the years." The first brother said slowly, "Ni Kun is dead, and Ni Yongxiao has just been in power for a year, so I'm afraid he won't be able to hold back."

"Change people if you can't hold it down. There are plenty of people who want to do this business." Richard said, "They don't pay more. Are we going to give our share to that son of a bitch Charlie?"


Qin Yi walked out of the teahouse quickly, took out his phone and called Jian Dazhuang.


"Don't cancel the foundation in the United States yet."


"Yes, there are a few big customers who want to keep doing it until they send the money in."

"Then what happens after Hui comes in?"

"Of course it's transferred to the Cayman Bank account." Qin Yi said with a smile, "If someone gives you money, don't take it for nothing."


Jian Aowei hung up the phone in some mood.

After finishing the call, Qin Yi called Lu Qichang directly, "Lu sir, it's me, Qin Yi."

"Have you figured it out?"

"Well, there is a little eyebrow."

"Be specific."

"Let me help you kill the Ni family first, okay?"


  It's been a long time, please leave a message if there is any omission
(End of this chapter)

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