Starting from floating in Hong Kong

Chapter 107 I Heard Fuguang You Are Arrogant

Chapter 107 I Heard Fuguang You Are Arrogant

At dawn, the sun has not yet risen, and the sky is pitch black.

Three cars drove quickly on the clear water bay pier and rushed towards the freighter.


There was a screeching sound of brakes, and the tires slid across the concrete floor, emitting bursts of blue smoke.

The car stopped awkwardly at the edge of the pier, the door was kicked open, and a man in a black windbreaker and sunglasses jumped out of the car.

"Damn it, he dared to steal my goods!"

The younger brothers in the car jumped out of the car one after another, and surrounded him with guns in hand.

"Big guy!"

"Big guy!"

Fu Guang gritted his teeth and tilted his head, and suddenly slapped his subordinate on the face, "You can't even look at a pier, did you grow up eating poop?"

The subordinate who was beaten covered his face, not daring to say anything.

"What the fuck are you doing in a daze, get on the boat!" Fu Guang yelled, "You guys are pigs!"

The men immediately raised their guns and rushed towards the deck of the ship in a swarm.

Fu Guang tilted his neck fiercely, sucked in his nose, and jumped up in a few strides.

When everyone rushed to the deck, they found that it was a mess, and several corpses that had been beaten into a sieve were lying on the deck, with blood flowing everywhere.

Fu Guang stepped on the bullet casing with one foot, almost unable to stand still, and the anger in his heart was even more intense.

He squatted down and picked up a bullet casing. He felt a little hot between his fingers, and he snorted coldly.

"They must not have left yet, find them out, I will hang them one by one!" Fu Guang roared.

"Yes, boss!"

A dozen people dispersed at once and rushed towards the cabin.

Before they had gone a few steps, suddenly a lamp post lit up on the bow of the boat, directly shining on the dozen or so thugs.

"Da da da da!"

Intensive gunshots sounded, and the bullets hit the deck, splashing sparks.

The dozen or so thugs were so frightened that they backed up again and again, looking for cover in a panic, hiding behind and not daring to come out.

Fu Guang stretched out his hand and pulled one of his subordinates to block him. After a few seconds, seeing no movement, he pushed his subordinates away.

"A bunch of fucking trash!" Fu Guang spat hard, kicked away the subordinates in front of him, and shouted towards the top, "Do you dare to report your name?"

"The next king wins."

"Wang Ying?!" Fu Guang tilted his head and sneered a few times, "I've never heard of that shit before, how could you be so excited, you dare to steal my goods!"

"Don't you often rob other people's goods just now? You can only sell this batch of goods for a few dollars. If they belong to me, they will be of great use. This is called liquidating non-performing assets. You don't need to thank me."

"Stop talking nonsense, I'm going to kill you today!" Fu Guang glanced at him and shouted, "Kill him to death!"

Several subordinates glanced at each other, a little hesitant.

"Whoever kills him will get 50 yuan!" Fu Guang said sharply.

Gritting his teeth, his men shouted and rushed towards the cabin and driver's cab.

Suddenly, two rifles protruded from the window of the driver's cab, flames spewed out, and a string of bullets shot out.

The four or five thugs who rushed to the front immediately fell to the ground, bleeding profusely and then fell silent. The others were so frightened that they hid again, raised their guns and started shooting indiscriminately.

"What a fucking bunch of pigs!" Fu Guang sniffed hard and snapped his fingers.

Immediately behind him, two vigorous figures sprang up, using various objects as cover, and quickly approached the dead spot directly under the cab to shoot.

At the same time, a black figure flipped over the ship's side, and nimbly climbed onto the wall outside the cab.

Due to the angle, the AK47 could not shoot under the cab, and the three people had already entered the cab.

Li Xiangdong flicked the gun back, kicked it out, and then threw himself forward and arched.

The tall man who rushed in hurriedly turned sideways, was hugged upright, was hooked by Li Xiangdong, and fell to the ground uncontrollably.

The tall man yelled inwardly, and just as his body fell to the ground, a carp straightened up, turning over and standing up.

Li Xiangdong made an oolong twist, with his hands on the ground, his legs rolled the tall man in like a whirlwind, and kicked him in the chest several times.

On the other side, Guo Xuejun was fighting with a short man, and the fight was inextricable.


Well, within a few rounds, he was knocked down with one punch, and his nosebleed was flowing.

Qin Yi took a closer look, and the one who brought down Shapi was Gong Wei who only earned a few hundred yuan a month.

At this time, without the suppression of rifle fire, the thugs below swarmed up and rushed up towards the cab.

Seeing that there was another master staring at him beside him, Qin Yi let out a long laugh and raised his hand.

"Don't move!"

Shapi turned over swiftly, pulled off his shirt abruptly, and shouted: "Don't move, or everyone will die together!"

Everyone in the cab was stunned, only to see a circle of TNT explosives hanging on Sharpei's body.

Not only those thugs, but Fu Guang's two confidantes and Gong Wei all took a few steps back in fright.

Even Qin Yi, who had seen strong winds and waves, was also taken aback by Sharpei's operation.

Brother Shapi, you have learned badly.

"Hahahahaha!" Standing outside the cab, Fu Guang laughed wildly and raised his gun, "What the hell are you bluffing me? Do you think I'm afraid of you?"

"Aren't you afraid what are you doing standing so far away?" Qin Yi also sneered and said contemptuously.

"Hmph!" Fu Guang tilted his neck and said loudly: "Shoot and kill them, they dare not explode!"

Several subordinates looked at each other hesitantly, Gong Wei stepped back slowly, and the tall and short ones also moved back slowly.

"Shoot!" Fu Guang yelled, "Fucking cowards!"

As he said that, Fu Guang shot one of his subordinates, and that subordinate screamed and fell to the ground. The others were startled and looked at their boss in panic.

Sharpei laughed wildly and took a step forward, while Fu Guang's men backed away in fright.

"Shoot them to death, or I'll kill you as well!" Fuguang roared sternly, and then quickly hid behind his subordinates, grabbing his body to block himself in front of him.

His subordinates glanced at each other, raised their guns bravely, and began to back away slowly.

"Hahaha!" Qin Yi laughed loudly and pressed the detonator.


A burst of flames erupted beside the freighter. The sound was so sudden that Fu Guang and his men trembled in fright.

Several people collapsed to the ground, desperately crawling to the outside of the cab.

Fu Guang was stunned for a moment, and then realized that the yacht next to the freighter was blown up, and he immediately calmed down, "Hahaha, what, I knew you didn't dare to blow up! You still want to scare me?"

Qin Yi showed a weird smile, and pressed the detonator again.


Flames erupted on the bow and stern decks.

Fu Guang was stunned again, subconsciously took a few steps back, and almost fell to the ground.

Qin Yi sneered a few times, "A group of happy women, how can they come out to hang around if they are so cowardly?"

Fu Guang became angry from embarrassment, and directly raised his pistol, aiming at Qin Yi, "Damn, I don't believe you dare to die together, I will kill you now!"

"Okay, shoot!"

"You think I dare not?"

"Then why don't you open it?"

"I can open it whenever I want!"

"Then hurry up, all the bombs in the cabin will explode in a while."

"Are you... his, my thing!"

"That's right, I filled the ship with bombs. As long as I press it lightly, the whole ship and all the cargo will explode into the sky."

"I beat you to death!!!"

"Then you shoot!" Qin Yi mocked, "After all, I'm still cowardly, neither daring to risk my life nor be reluctant to give up money."

Fuguang was so angry that he clenched his fists tightly, but he didn't dare to move a step.

"Your goods are worth hundreds of millions, I'm afraid you put all your wealth on them, so you don't dare to bet, do you?" Qin Yi looked at Fu Guang with a sneer, "You only earn a few million in one order, you What are you playing for?"

"..." Fu Guang tilted his head, kept inhaling forcefully through his nose, without saying a word.

"This bombing not only wiped out all your assets, but also your partner and your brother. How do you explain to them?"

"..." Fu Guang was silent for a few seconds, then said sharply, "What the hell are you trying to do?"

"Just a business deal with you."

 Well, a chapter tomorrow morning

(End of this chapter)

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