This actor wants to pay more

Chapter 509 Winning 24 Angrily

Chapter 509 Win million in anger

For the second time, Zhao Wei still gave it to Naying.

Betting on this thing involves a lot of luck. Some people are lucky and can win no matter how they play.

Some people have bad ideas and lose everything they buy.

She had heard a story from a friend in Macau before, about a man who was so unlucky that he lost everything he played in one night.

Not long after, a group of people followed the unfortunate guy.

Whatever he buys, these people will do the opposite.

Needless to say, those people won a lot in the end.

So much so that even now, there are many such people in casinos who specialize in picking unlucky people and going against them.

If you buy a big one, he will buy a small one. If you buy a small one, he will buy a big one.

I don’t know whether the story is true or not, but Zhao Wei knows that Naying’s luck is okay at the moment.

She thought that if it were herself, she wouldn't be able to throw a higher number than four, five, and six.


Naying opened the paper cup, and three dice appeared in front of everyone.

"Four four four, twelve o'clock!"


There was a burst of exclamation from the onlookers.

Na Young is really lucky.

The three dices are 18 points, which is in the middle. If you can throw 9 points, it is considered good, and you have a two-thirds chance of winning.

Although twelve o'clock is not as high as last time's fifteen o'clock, it is still very good and the chance of winning is very high.

Ding Xiu was stunned.

Zhao Wei clasped his hands on his chest and looked at Ding Xiu with a smile.

I want to see how Ding Xiu can beat her.

She and Naying each lost one million in the last round, but this time, she wants Ding Xiu to spit out double the amount.


Ding Xiu gently scraped the rim of the cup, swept the three dice into the cup, shook it a dozen times and then put the cup down.

Without a second's delay, the cup was opened.

Six six six.


"Fuck you!"

Everyone opened their mouths, and some even cursed.

Three sixes, this is a leopard.

Probabilistically speaking, the chance of rolling three sixes is 1 in 216.

It took more than two hundred hits to produce a leopard, and Ding Xiu encountered all of them.

Zhao Wei put away his smile and said with an ugly face: "Sister Na, continue."

"it is good."

Naying took a deep breath, picked up the dice and continued to shake it.


"Two, three, three, eight o'clock!"

Without her having to say anything, someone would report it.

This time it's over.

In the previous two times, I couldn't beat Ding Xiu at more than ten points, let alone eight points.

With a chuckle, Ding Xiu swept it with one hand, shook it casually a few times, and opened it, six two three, eleven o'clock.

"Cow batch!"

Reba blurted out and shouted.

In an instant, more than a dozen pairs of eyes glanced at her, including the heroine Zhao Wei.

Knowing that she was in trouble, Reba was so scared that she covered her mouth.

Yang Mi gently patted her shoulder and told her not to worry too much.

Ding Xiu faced Zhao Wei's cannibalistic eyes and said, "Yanzi, why don't you try it instead?"

"No, Sister Na, continue."

"Why don't you come instead?"

Naying's hands were shaking a little.

In just a few seconds, he lost three games in a row, plus Zhao Wei's share, six million was gone.

She was afraid that Zhao Wei would not admit it later.

Zhao Wei comforted: "It's okay, I believe you, go ahead."

"Then I will continue."

For the fourth dice, Naying almost picked up the dice one by one and put them into the cup, feeling very heavy.

Two million in one hand is too cruel.

Ding Xiu on the opposite side is also a bit of a monster. He can beat her in three games. Isn't this a bit too lucky?


Not daring to be careless and following Ding Xiu's example, Naying let the dice spin around in the cup for more than ten times before putting it down.

It seems to be more involved this way.

Ding Xiu almost didn't laugh out loud. The longer the dice is rolled, the higher the points will be. If that were the case, if the dice were rolled for half an hour, wouldn't it be a bad time?

For ordinary people, throwing dice is really about luck.

What Zhao Wei did was right. Naying was lucky, and she was good at winning several games.

It's a pity that the opponent is him.

Put the dice into the cup, control the force when shaking, and you will probably know what time it is.

The leopard is too metaphysical every time, and Ding Xiu can't do it, but he can still control it to more than ten points.

In other words, Zhao Wei and Naying lost from the beginning.

The difference is a matter of losing more and losing less.

"Three one three, seven o'clock."

When the cup was opened, Zhao Wei had a dark face and Na Young almost fainted. The two of them could only pray in their hearts that Ding Xiu would do something bad.

Amidst the curses and pleadings of the two, Ding Xiu shook a thirteen point this time.

Both of them looked pale.

Four games later, 8 million is gone.

Less than five minutes before and after.

This time, Reba didn't cry out, she just clenched her fists excitedly and secretly cheered Ding Xiu up.

"I'll take this one instead."

Zhao Wei finally took action.

Naying's luck is obviously gone, and it will only get worse if she continues. Someone needs to be replaced.

When she first entered the venue, she was very energetic and the sound of shaking the dice was so loud that those who didn't know thought she was going to shake the cup through.


The cup hit the table and she raised her finger.

"One one one!"


Reba almost laughed out loud.

Three o'clock, what's the point of winning? I've never seen such bad luck.

Like the leopard, if you want to roll three ones, the probability is more than 1 in 200.

Ding Xiu smiled, he didn't even have to control the dice deliberately, he just shook it casually and opened it.

Two, three, five.

Ten o'clock!

The fifth game, win.

"I don't believe in evil." Zhao Wei was also angry and picked up the dice again and shook it violently.

"One, two, three, six o'clock!"

Seeing this point, Zhao Wei almost vomited blood.

As expected, Ding Xiu still beat her by four, five, six, and fifteen points.

Game 6, win!

In the seventh game, Zhao Wei scored 414, nine points.

Ding Xiu, May 51, eleven o'clock.

In the eighth game, Zhao Wei scored 213, six points.

Ding Xiu 631, ten o'clock.

In the ninth game, Zhao Wei scored three three three, nine points.

Ding Xiu 264, twelve o'clock.

In the tenth game, the pale-faced Zhao Wei shook again, three ones, three points.

When he saw this number, his eyes went dark and his body fell back.

Fortunately, there were many onlookers who supported her.

Unwilling to give up, she stretched her hand tremblingly towards the cup. She did not believe in evil.

Now that she's been playing, it's not about money anymore, it's about her not believing in fate.

Ding Xiu wins every time. God is so unlucky. Is there something evil?

"Swallow!" Naying grabbed Zhao Wei's hand and said heavily: "Let me do it, sister."

She only lost four games, and Zhao Wei lost six games.

She was unbalanced.

Even if she loses money, she has to play six games, otherwise she will feel uncomfortable losing money.

"Let me do it." Naying said to Dingxiu.

Ding Xiu made a gesture of invitation: "No problem, both of you are the same."

As expected, Naying was defeated by Ding Xiu in the next two games.

Damn it, I played twelve games, but I didn’t win any of them.

Naying was so angry that her lips trembled and she pointed at Dingxiu but couldn't say what she wanted to say.

She wanted to say that Ding Xiu was cheating!

It's definitely a cheat!

Whoever can win twelve dice games in a row must be a gambling king, right?

Even Chow Yun-Fa didn't dare to act like this when he came.

But she had no proof.

With so many pairs of eyes watching, and at such a close distance, they didn't see any flaws or catch the reveal.

If you say that Ding Xiu is cheating without evidence, you will be ridiculed by this guy as a loser.

"Boom boom boom!"

Ding Xiu lightly tapped the table with the back of his finger and said, "Twelve rounds are over. I'm willing to admit defeat. Two million per round, a total of twenty-four million. You two remember to donate the money later."

After that, Ding Xiu said to the crowd: "Sister Han Hong, Sister Ziyi, Brother Xiao Ming, Mr. Du, and Mr. Wang, everyone are witnesses."

Zhao Wei tried his best to control his heartbeat and said feebly: "Don't worry, I can afford to lose this little money and I won't default on it."

Although she felt sad, Naying still managed to hold on and said, "Me too."

Twelve million, this is all money.

How many songs does she have to sing and how many businesses does she have to run to make money back?

Ding Xiu chuckled: "I want to thank you on behalf of the children in the mountainous area."

"Cough cough cough."

Finally, Naying couldn't hold herself any longer and coughed uncontrollably while covering her chest.

If time could go back again, Ding Xiu would definitely not be asked to play mahjong.

Who knew that a loose mouth could offend such a lively father?

Zhao Wei didn't want to stay any longer, so he stood up with his hands on the table and went to the front desk with a lonely figure.

If she couldn't beat Ding Xiu, she would really want to beat him up.

Twelve million, even she felt hurt. In addition to losing money, she also lost face today.

Under the gaze of so many people, she lost to the junior Ding Xiu.

The relationship is settled. We will see what happens next. Ding Xiu had better not fall into her hands.

(End of this chapter)

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