This actor wants to pay more

Chapter 498 Turn on the camera, this is a kung fu movie

Chapter 498 Turn on the camera, this is a kung fu movie

This is also the reason why Hollywood Kung Fu movies can never compete with Mainland Kung Fu.

First, the copyright is not enough, and second, it doesn’t look good when played.

Even if they could afford to hire a top martial arts team to coach them, it would be weird for an old black man to start with Ip Man squatting.

In the field of Kung Fu, we still have to look at the Chinese.

Closer to home, Ding Xiu has indeed made a lot of money from martial arts in recent years, but no actor can make as much money from martial arts.

These days, it's easy for actors to make money, their salaries are getting higher year by year, and their work is getting easier every year.

The most painful and tiring thing is kung fu movies, which are also thankless.

In fact, when Ding Xiu was in the martial arts world alone, he thought more about going out to have fun, filming a scene with Bao Qiang, and fulfilling his dream.

Otherwise, in the Kung Fu movie market, no matter how high the box office is, it won’t be much higher.

Ding Xiu alone cannot handle the box office of Kung Fu movies. This is a big environment that cannot be resisted by human power.

Don't talk about him, Li Lianjie, what about Cheng Long?

These two celebrities are top-notch, right? Brother Cheng Long is making a lot of money every year, losing money on every film he makes.

The reason why Li Lienjie didn't lose much was because he made few movies and was not as persistent as his elder brother. If he made kung fu movies every year, he would still lose money.


"I wish you a good start in one's martial arts world!"

A week later, the opening ceremony of one person's martial arts was held in Shuigu Cave.

Directors in Hong Kong are very attached to traditional culture. The days are auspicious days told by fortune tellers, and the process starts early in the morning.

Laying out the red carpet, setting up the table, serving the pig's head, setting off firecrackers, and didn't even take an hour.

The weather in March was not warm, and Wang Baoqiang's legs were numb. He whispered to Ding Xiu: "It's useless to do this."

The opening ceremony, this set is passed down from the pear orchard industry, and the actors are all dead characters from ancient times.

Before starting the movie, tell the gods that what they are acting is all fake and let God not take it seriously.

I don’t know since when, this system has been integrated into the filming industry. Many directors have to perform a start-up ceremony, especially directors here on Hong Kong Island. Almost everyone believes in it.

At best it sounds like traditional culture, but at worst it sounds like feudal superstition.

Over in the Mainland, how many directors who have graduated from majors believe this?

Whether a movie is good or not is in the hands of the actors and directors, and whether it can make money is determined by the market and the audience.

What does it have to do with gods?

Ding Xiu had a black face. Wang Baoqiang's words made him scolded because he had also done a power-on ceremony.

You don’t know the situation unless you are a writer. A drama has a long cycle and many links. There are some things that cannot be explained by science and luck.

The last person who didn't believe in evil was Huang Bo's buddy Xu Zhu.

As a result, during the filming of a driving scene, I lost control of the brakes and kicked the accelerator, which knocked out the lighting engineer on the set.

Not only did the film become a hit, but he also paid hundreds of thousands in settlement expenses. He was sentenced to one year in prison and suspended for one year. From then on, his career went downhill.

The risk factor of filming is not low. There are many safety accidents like this, and there are reports of deaths among the crew every year.

Especially in action movies, a person may be crippled by hanging a wire, and the actor may accidentally injure the other person with a trick.

There are also anti-Japanese films that have many explosive scenes, including breaking legs and blinding people.

Cheng Long and the others had been making action movies and worshiping gods all their lives. They had dozens of injuries, large and small, but they were not life-threatening.

Sometimes, metaphysics is really unclear.

Ding Xiu would rather spend some time worshiping God than hope anything happens to his crew. He doesn't want God to bless the movie to be a hit, just don't let him get into trouble.

"There are gods three feet above your head. Besides, I want to have more peace of mind."

After saying that, Ding Xiu glanced at Bai Bin next to him, feeling his calves trembling.

It was such a cold day that he was still wearing a skirt to expose his thighs, and he was convinced.

Ding Xiu took off her windbreaker and put it on her body.

"Thank you Brother Xiu, I don't need it."

"Just wear it for you and return it to me later."

Ding Xiu's tone was decisive and left no room for rejection. Bai Bin could only say thank you again.

The windbreaker still carries Ding Xiu's warmth, very warm.

He glanced at his figure from the corner of his eye. Under the turtleneck sweater, his muscles were tight and his arms were thick, well-proportioned and strong. After thinking about it for a moment, she felt that this coat also contained a lot of male hormones, wrapping her body tightly.

After a few seconds, his legs went weak.

"Is everything okay?"

A big hand held her up, leaning against Ding Xiu. She shook her head slowly with a slightly red cheek: "It's okay, I'm just a little tired."

"You've been exercising too much these days. Pay attention to rest and drink some glucose if you have nothing to do."

Ding Xiu thought she was too tired.

This week, Bai Bin trained a lot, practicing swordsmanship for ten hours every day.

Women's physical strength is not as good as that of men. If they are so fierce every day, their willpower can withstand it, but their physical strength cannot.

If you meet your aunt, your body's immunity will be low and you will have to stay in bed for several days.

Bai Bin said softly: "Okay, thank you."

Wang Baoqiang originally wanted to chat with Ding Xiu again, but when he saw Bai Bin leaning on Ding Xiu, he could only shut up with complicated eyes.

His eyes were full of adoration.

As expected of Brother Xiu, he never forgets to pick up girls wherever he goes.

Apart from envy, he only felt regret, regretting that he got married too early.

But having said that, even if he got married late, he wouldn't be able to live among thousands of flowers like Ding Xiu, because he is not such a person by nature.

The most I can do is follow Ding Xiu and the others to a pedicure to wash their feet and perform gentle massage.


The next day, one person's martial arts shooting began.

The first scene is Ding Xiu's fighting scene.

In the prison reading room, the prison boss and a group of younger brothers bullied another inmate. Xia Houwu persuaded the weak inmate to be patient.

As a result, I turned around and heard the news playing on the LCD screen on the wall. A man from Mai Rongen died in the tunnel with multiple injuries on his body.

The police found drugs at the scene and did not rule out the possibility of gangsters.

Xia Houwu slowly turned around and looked at the portrait on the screen in disbelief.

Mai Rongen, known as the Southern Boxing King and a famous boxing master in the martial arts world, was actually beaten to death. How ridiculous.

After finding the prison guard, Xia Houwu asked to call back to Foshan. After being refused, he changed his mind and wanted to see the person in charge of the case, Lu Xuanxin.

What he got in return was ridicule from the prison guards.

Helpless, he could only turn his attention to the prison bully who was having fun.

He walked over slowly, clasped his hands in his fists, and silently said "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

The arrogant prison bully looked confused. Before he could speak, a big foot magnified infinitely in his sight.


With forty-two shoe prints on his face, the prison bully fell to the ground with nosebleeds all over his face.

"Fuck him!!"

All the younger brothers rushed forward.

Outside the camera, Yuan Bing quietly looked at Ding Xiu, who was bewildering everyone.

It's a pleasure every time I watch Ding Xiu's martial arts scenes.

Not just him, everyone present had this idea.

If it hadn't affected the filming, they would have applauded vigorously.

In the camera, Ding Xiu's Baji Quan swept across the audience. His fists, feet, knees, and elbows were all his weapons.

In addition to Baji, you can also see the shadow of mixed martial arts in him.

Line kicks, flying knees, jujitsu, modern wrestling, just a few minutes, dazzling.

"This is a Kung Fu movie!"

(End of this chapter)

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