This actor wants to pay more

Chapter 475: One shot

Chapter 475 An injection

The next day, the company.

At around ten o'clock in the morning, Qin Lan came to the company to work, and the first thing he did was knock on Yang Siwei's door.

"Xiao Yang, here is an artist's resume. Check it out carefully and arrange a time for an interview."

"Whose?" Yang Siwei was curious, whose resume Qin Lan personally sent over.

"Guo Jinfei, a demonic actor, was recommended by Brother Xiu. He said he has good acting skills and wants you to try it. If possible, give him a chance."

"Demonization, that's a great place." Yang Siwei's eyes lit up and he couldn't wait to take the resume.

As one of the three major theaters in the country, the Magic City Theater has strong people who can enter it.

You can say that the people in it are not well-known, but you can't say that their acting skills are not good.

People from these places have no doubt about their acting skills. The only thing they lack is luck and resources.

It's not like major brokerage companies haven't always thought about poaching talents from the talent show.

Not easy to dig.

Although the words are a bit ugly, there is indeed a difference between actors and actresses.

There is a lot of money in the entertainment industry, and no one knows how fast the money comes in.

But these people who are willing to take root on the drama stage have a very strong love for the stage and performance.

The drama stage can bring them things that the entertainment industry cannot.

As we all know, the acting community despises chains. Drama actors look down on those who make movies, and those who make movies look down on those who make TV series.

With the development of the Internet, there is now another one. Those who make TV series look down upon those who make online dramas.

As people at the top of the food chain, they are still a bit arrogant in their bones. If they are really helpless, they generally will not come out to make movies or TV series.

Someone once said that as long as you give drama actors 1 yuan a month to solve their lives and worries, they can treat drama as a lifelong career.

This time I don’t know where Ding Xiu dug up the demonic actor.

Holding her resume, Yang Siwei said to Qin Lan: "Sister Lan, the cold has gotten worse. Didn't you get an injection yesterday? Your voice is hoarse."

"Ahem, is there any?" Qin Lan cleared his throat: "I've had the injection, maybe it's slow to take effect."

"How about that? I'll go with you later. In addition to the injection, I'll also give you some intravenous drip. It will make you feel better quickly."

"No, you're busy with your work."

"It's okay, we don't miss the time." Yang Siwei thought of something and smiled playfully: "You want Brother Xiu to accompany you to get the injection."

Qin Lan's face turned red: "Children, don't ask around."

Is this something you can say casually?

Yang Si's only "I understand" expression asked in a low voice: "How's the Chu-Han Legend going? What did Brother Xiu say?"

"He said he would come up with a solution, invite Director Ghosh to dinner, meet me, and try to get a chance to audition."

Early in the morning, Ding Xiu went to do this.

In addition to looking for connections and favors, he also called Qin Gang from Beiping. It can be said that he took great pains.

Even harder than last night.

"It has to be Brother Xiu." Yang Siwei said in admiration: "I told you to look for him but you didn't. Look, isn't this very quick and efficient?"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, sometimes it's hard to live without a man in this family."

For the role of Lu Pheasant, she has tried her best, using all the people she should find and the relationships she should trust, but it doesn't work.

The disparity in celebrity status is huge, and the crew of Legend of Chu and Han won't give him any face.

Qin Lan had been asked to find Ding Xiu a long time ago, but she would be embarrassed if she didn't.

Now that Ding Xiu has taken action, the efficiency is so fast. I believe that good news about auditions will come soon.

They are all in the same circle. Everyone knows what auditioning means. It is just going through the motions. After so many years since his debut, Party A knows all about Qin Lan's acting skills, appearance, and whether he is suitable for acting in ancient costumes.

It's really inappropriate and I will never let her audition for the role.

"You don't understand adults' matters." Qin Lan glared at Yang Siwei.

Isn't she embarrassed? She doesn't want to be compared with Gao Yuanyuan.

She wants to prove herself with her strength.

In recent years, Gao Yuanyuan has also been doing business and filming at the same time, and the results are correct.

The flower shop business is booming, and chain stores have opened one after another, all of which have become brand stores.

Although I don’t make many movies, sometimes one a year, and occasionally bad movies, but I don’t know what kind of bullshit luck I have. Every time I make a few bad movies, occasionally there will be one that is good. Over the past few years, my reputation has not improved much. , but the popularity has not declined.

One is rising steadily, the other is falling gradually, and the two are at odds.

Yang Siwei curled her lips: "Yes, yes, I don't understand. I'm at work. You can do your adult business."

She is not young, she is in her 20s. Why doesn’t she understand adult matters?

Isn't it just falling in love? It's like I haven't been in love with anyone before.

After sending Qin Lan away, Yang Siwei began to read Guo Jinfei's resume seriously.

Watch and take notes.

After watching it, I started to look up information, read reviews, and watch some of Guo Jinfei’s previous film and television materials or drama videos.

Then the points were scored, appearance was [-]%, age was [-]%, acting skills were [-]%, family background...

All in all, I scored an eighty.

It's not bad, above average. As long as the resources can keep up, and if you're lucky, it won't be a problem to be a second-tier player in the future.

It's not that she looks down on Guo Jinfei, this type of actor is not on the idol route, and reaching the second tier is considered the top.

There is no way, popularity is a flaw.

If you have few fans and you are not handsome, it will be difficult for you to reach the front line.

After having a preliminary impression of Guo Jinfei's overall image, Yang Siwei checked whether Guo Jinfei had any lawsuits on the adjudication website, made sure his background was clean, and then asked someone to check his credit...

After a while, the A4 paper in front of me was already full.

Looking at the paper, organizing the words in her mind, she took out her mobile phone and called Guo Jinfei to make an appointment for an interview.

"Hello, are you Mr. Guo Jinfei? My name is Yang Siwei, and I am..."


It was already a week later that Ding Xiu came to the Magic City again.

After running around for a week for Qin Lan, I finally got it done. It was very laborious.

He almost said it out loud, and owed a lot of favors to get her the female lead.

Lao Qin was so troubled that he almost complained. He cried and said: "Brother, dear brother, if you don't help the artists in my own company, go and help the people in other companies."

"Even if you want to help, you still drag me along. Do you know how much effort I put into it and how much it cost to get in?"

"Don't let Damimi know about this, otherwise I'm afraid she'll find me. Alas, I'll just help your family clean up the mess every day."

The person who helped Qin Lan win the role the most was not Ding Xiu but Qin Gang.

Qin Gang manages Qin Chao Entertainment, and he is much more persuasive in the business district.

When he and Qin Gang went to find Director Gao Xi, they played both the emotional card and the resource card. They worked hard for several days, owed favors, and gave practical benefits before they got the lead female role.

Otherwise, no matter how shameless Ding Xiu is, they won't be able to let the female lead out casually.

In short, this time it was a big investment.

(End of this chapter)

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