This actor wants to pay more

Chapter 216 Box Office Failure

Chapter 216 Box Office Failure
"Thank you, thank you everyone."

"Thank you, my friends."

"Hello everyone!"

At the end of the movie, under the leadership of Cheng Long and director Tang Jili, a group of leading actors took to the stage, including the heroine Jin Xishan.

Seeing Princess Yushu herself on the stage, the film critics and media at the scene were a little excited.

In the movie just now, Princess Yushu waited for a thousand years of love, which was miserable and desolate. After finally waiting, she hugged and separated again not long after.

Like a flash in the pan, it will fail at the beginning.

"Wow, big beauty, I am more beautiful than the movie." Jing Tian praised with staring almond eyes.

She is also a woman, and I have to admit that Jin Xifan is really beautiful, with a round face, big eyes, and a graceful temperament, which is very in line with the aesthetics of most oriental people.

This is different from the plastic face that is common in Korea.

Leaning on the back of Ding Xiu's head, Jing Tian asked excitedly and curiously: "Brother Xiu, you have worked with her before, how is she?"

"Very good, very gentle."

Ding Xiu gave a very fair evaluation, of course he couldn't say anything bad about him in front of an outsider, but the word gentle is very suitable for Jin Xishan.

Maybe it's because I'm alone in a foreign land, and I don't understand the language, but I'm very polite in dealing with people, not arrogant or complacent at all.

Jing Tian's eyes lit up: "That's it, then I'll ask her for an autograph later."

Ding Xiu opened his mouth and closed it again, only then did he remember what he had to say to a little girl.

On the stage, the director is talking about the creative concept of the film. The reason is that after seeing the terracotta warriors and horses in Chang'an one year, he went back and dreamed a thousand years ago.

So there is a mythical script.

The male lead was originally decided to be Jin Chengwu, but in the end he was cut off by Cheng Long. Cheng Long lived up to expectations, and he personally participated in the martial arts scenes, and the same goes for the horse riding scenes.

In order to get rid of the shadow of the past, the martial arts this time have no formula style at all, they are all brand new.

For shooting needs, the crew first filmed in the most difficult places in China, and then traveled all over the world, shooting different scenery in many countries.

It cost more than 6000 million just for the viewfinder.

In the middle, several big names from Hollywood and the Three Kingdoms were invited to star.

The film has an investment of more than [-] million, and it is a super blockbuster.

In a word, if there is a lineup, if there is an investment, if there is an investment, if there is a scene, the crew must have made it with conscience.

After listening to it, the film critics and media reporters present were very moved. While receiving the red envelopes from the crew, they wiped their tears and wrote down their evaluations in their small notebooks.

At the end of the show, Ding Xiu originally wanted to leave with the media, but was stopped by Cheng Long to drink. When he came to the hotel, he drank for three or four hours.

After drinking, go to the sauna, sing, play mahjong, one-stop service, well arranged.

That night, the major media and film critics who watched the premiere began to give comments after watching the film.

"No bragging, this is the best movie I've seen this year. It's a pity if you don't watch it. Brother Cheng Long has changed his old style..."

"It's a conscience drama that gathers superstars from many countries. The scenes are magnificent and the story is full of ups and downs. To be honest, I was moved by the love between Meng Yi and Princess Yushu that spanned thousands of years. I cried a lot. The screenwriter is really a ghost."

"Ingenious brains, mature shooting style, every frame is unparalleled, the storyline is perfect, and you will never be disappointed after watching it."

"There is no one of the most should-see movies of the year."

"Ding Xiu, the most capable fighter star of the younger generation, joins and fights against Cheng Long. The old generation and the new generation PK, who is better in martial arts?"

After all, Shinhwa still has money. Shinhwa not only has a high ranking of films, but has put in a lot of effort in publicity. There is no ambiguity in what should be advertised. In just a few hours, the results of Shinhwa's premiere ceremony came out.

It attracted many viewers.

Some people have already bought tickets early, waiting to see the first show as soon as the movie is released.

The next day, the myth was released.

Word of mouth is half and half.

"Fuck, this shit is a movie, a waste of ticket money, the director is not at all elegant, is the Qin Dynasty's armor so gorgeous? Those who don't know think it is the Tang Dynasty."

"The saddle and the horseshoe are a bit of a show, which does not conform to the history, let alone the weapons used. Such a good lineup is in vain."

"It's Cheng Long who is blind. Except for his face full of wrinkles, everything else is fine in this drama. I don't understand. How can you pretend to be tender when you are over 50? Honestly play dad, isn't it good for grandpa? "

"It would be great if Ding Xiu's role was changed with Cheng Long's. He and Jin Xishan are more suitable. The male is handsome, and the female is beautiful."

"When the episode of Beautiful Myth came out, I cried. I was so touched by this love."

"I have downloaded the song for the first time. The song is good, and the movie is good. I support my brother."

Mythology is coming in menacingly, the theaters are very respectful, the screening rate is very high, and the box office is also very good, more than 1000 million.

So, Cheng Long was so happy that he took Ding Xiu and those who came to support him to play for another day.

On the second day, the third day, and the fourth day, the box office was getting lower and lower day by day. Cheng Long had no intention of playing anymore and couldn't sleep every day.

Almost all the movies he starred in have him participating in the investment. If the box office of the movie is not good, he will lose money accordingly.

With a total investment of [-] million, it takes almost [-] million at the box office to pay back the capital. If it exceeds [-] million, it is profitable. But judging from the current situation, let alone [-] million, it is difficult to break through [-] million.

On the seventh day, the box office in the first week was over 5000 million.

The Shinhwa crew looked sad from top to bottom.

It was released on Hong Kong Island and the mainland at about the same time, and the box office in the first week was even worse, only a few million.

A month later, Mythology was released.

The total box office in the Mainland is more than 9000 million.

The Hong Kong Island box office is more than 700 million.

I rushed to my grandma's house.

It can be said that Cheng Long was so glorious before, but now he has fallen so hard.

Because this is his two consecutive dismal box office hits. The last time was New Police Story in 4000. It also had a big lineup, a large number of Hong Kong stars participated, and the investment was as high as more than [-] million. In the end, the box office in the mainland was more than [-] million.

The two films failed, and Brother Cheng Long received a lot of discussion.

Some of the coal bosses who saw it were afraid to vote for him, and turned their attention to younger artists.

Shencheng, the Apple production team, the production team is on holiday today, Ding Xiu has nothing to do, so he chartered a yacht, took Gao Yuanyuan, Zhao Liying, and several leading actors of the production team for a sea trip.

"Brother Xiu, this kind of group building will often come here in the future, and it hasn't been so comfortable for a long time."

On the second deck, Fan Binbin was lying leisurely on a reclining chair, wearing cool clothes, with legs crossed, sunglasses on his face, and juice in his mouth.

Ding Xiu was wearing beach shorts, a flowered shirt, and flip flops, leaning his back on the fence and blowing the sea breeze, and said, "You just push yourself too hard."

"Is it tight?"


"It's okay, it's just when I was young, now I can't fight when I'm old."

"Whatever you want." Seeing Gao Yuanyuan approaching, Ding Xiu looked away from his lap, turned around, and faced the sea.

(End of this chapter)

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