Although Zhuzi sent his monthly money in the palace to his family, it was for his younger brothers and his father and mother to live a better life.

But just like Zhuzi's father said, it is necessary to let a few children know that it is not easy for his elder brother to make a living in the palace.

Although there is a monthly allowance of silver every month, life is also trembling.

"It's because I was not thoughtful. Uncle Lin's approach is very good. Going to the palace is equivalent to exchanging your life for money. One porridge and one meal, it's hard to come by."

Zhuzi's father nodded. He missed his eldest son a little bit, but he couldn't see him.

I can only think of him in my heart.

Several children are also sensible to accompany their father.

"Father, don't worry, we will work hard to get ahead in the future, and when we are successful, we will take eldest brother out of the palace so that he can live a good life."

The older Erzhu promised his father.

Zhuzi's father nodded in relief, and stroked the heads of the children.

"Okay, you must be successful when you grow up, and take your eldest brother out of the palace to live."

Jiang Zhao looked at them and didn't speak.

She couldn't see Zhuzi every time she entered the palace, and sometimes Zhuzi couldn't give her the money in time, so she would post some by herself.

When the pillar meets her, buckle it out a little bit.

After the winery opened, the whole family could work in the winery and receive wages, so that Zhu Ziyue would not have to send money from the palace.

Although working in the palace includes food, lodging, and even clothing, there is always money to be spent.

Zhuzi's mother has been busy in the kitchen until dark, before she can prepare a sumptuous meal.

"Actually, you don't need to cook so much. You will have leftovers for a long time if you can't finish them."

In this day and age, leftovers are reluctant to throw away.

It's not like her old mother in her previous life, she would throw away all the dishes that she couldn't finish for the meal, and never eat leftovers.

Although Jiang Zhao thought it was a waste before, she didn't stop it, because she didn't like to eat leftovers either.

Some experts seem to have said before that reheating water is not drinkable, but when leftovers are heated, the vegetable juice inside will be heated, which is equivalent to reheating water.

So after traveling here, Jiang Zhao also asked Nanny Ding to throw away all the leftovers from the meal, so that they could not be left for the second meal.

Although Nanny Ding felt sorry for the leftovers that had been dumped, she could only do as her boss ordered.

Occasionally, I met a few homeless people and gave them meals. Madam Ding felt that this was the best place for these meals.

If you can't meet it, you can only fall down.

Nanny Ding wants to raise a few pigs at home, so that they can feed the pigs with the food they can't finish. By then, the pigs will be fat and strong, and they can be sold for money

But the taste of raising pigs is really strong, even if Jiang Zhao agrees, that guy Si Mubai will definitely not agree.

He is the most clean freak in the whole family, and he can change clothes three times a day.

In Jiang Zhao's words, no lady loves beauty as much as he does.

The two master and servant are worthy of master and servant, Jiu Qi has to wash his face for a long time after getting up every day, while Si Mubai changes his clothes three times a day.

Jiang Zhao sometimes doubts whether the master and servant are his own master and servant.

Aunt Zhuzi said indifferently.

"What's the matter, we are happy to eat the leftovers. We used to not even be able to afford leftovers like this. Now that there are so many delicious ones, we should be grateful."

A Niang, a few children also agreed with them and nodded.

"Yes, gentlemen, you just eat it. We are responsible for eating the leftovers. You don't know that the leftovers are delicious. Some are leftovers from the previous night. They will be more delicious and delicious. It has more flavor than freshly baked."

Jiang Zhao touched their heads.

"Two pillars, three pillars and small pillars, really sensible."

Having said that, Jiang Zhao and the others try to eat only two or three plates when they eat, so that even if there are leftovers, they will not be too messy.

Jiang Zhao put a large chopstick dish in the three children's bowls.

"It's time for you to grow your body, eat more, so that you can grow taller and healthier in the future."

The children nodded obediently, and they were not picky eaters, so they ate whatever Jiang Zhao gave them.

After dinner, Jiang Zhao bid farewell to Zhuzi's family.

"We're leaving first, you don't need to send it anymore, it's getting dark now, it's not easy to go back in the future, you all go back quickly."

The Zhuzi family insisted on sending them to the carriage parked at the entrance of the village.

It wasn't until they saw the carriage disappearing at the end of the road that the Zhuzi family turned around and went home.

Sitting in the carriage, Jiang Zhao held her stomach and burped for a long time.


"Why are you so stupid for eating?"

Jiu Qi asked awkwardly from the side.

Jiang Zhao couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

What a fool, she is obviously full.

After glaring at him, she turned her head away from him.

She just had a full meal now, and she was too lazy to beat him, so she turned her head away, lest she would want to beat him more and more when she looked at his face that needed to be beaten.

When they got home, they saw Mother Ding waiting for them in the garden at home.

"Nurse Ding, why haven't you gone back to rest?"

Jiang Zhao asked.

"I'm waiting for you to eat. Today is your first day on duty this year. You usually go home early. I haven't seen you come back today. I'm worried."

In the past, when they went to the Hanlin Academy for duty, they went home in the afternoon.

But she didn't see them coming back today, so she was worried.

It is said that accompanying a king is like accompanying a tiger, so she is afraid that if something happens to Jiang Zhao and the others in the court, the emperor will punish her nine clans.

Hearing what Ding Momo said, Jiang Zhao said with some guilt.

"We have something to do today. After finishing our work, we went elsewhere. It happened that a friend wanted to stay with us for dinner, so we came back after dinner at his house."

Maybe it was because Nanny Ding had been home for too long, so Jiang Zhao and the others forgot that Nanny Ding had already prepared a meal and was waiting for them to go home to eat.

Nanny Ding shook her head.

"It's good that you are fine, you can eat dinner wherever you are."

"Are you full, do you want to eat more?"

Jiang Zhao and the others looked at each other, then nodded together.

"We're not full yet, so we just need to eat a little more."

Nanny Ding nodded happily.

"Hey, okay, I'm going to reheat the food now."

After speaking, he walked quickly to the bubble house to heat up the food.

Jiang Zhao touched his still full stomach and sighed.

"After eating this meal, I will gain another three catties tomorrow."

"Obviously I'm the one who is three catties fatter. You obviously can't get fat. I'm the only one who has gone on the road of obesity forever."

Jiuqi rolled his eyes and said.

Look at them eating five meals a day, their waists and arms are still slender, and look at themselves, there are already circles of fat on their stomachs.

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