Chapter 223 The distillation vessel is ready

Now the emperor wants to be in power, but he has no power in his hands, and the hearts of the people are the most important thing.

It is basically impossible to reduce or exempt taxes all the way, and it is basically impossible for the courtiers in the court to agree.

Then the only way to find potatoes is to feed the people.

People in feudal dynasties were simple-minded, and they supported whoever could feed them.

If they can live and work in peace and contentment, if someone wants to go to war, they will be the first to refuse.

Jiang Zhao pondered, if she couldn't find potatoes, it would be a bit troublesome to implement her subsequent plans.

But no matter what, look for it first, find the best if you can find it, and think of a way if you can't find it.

At this time, Zhuzi's father and mother also came to the mountain.

"As soon as we got home we saw the note on the table, come and see if there is anything we can do to help."

"Everything that needs to be done has been done, so there is nothing else to help."

Jiang Zhao smiled.

Several children fought from the backyard to the front, and when they saw their parents coming, they all ran over.

"Father, mother, you are here."

They are all children, and they start acting like a baby when they see their parents.

The few children in the temple were a little disappointed when they saw this scene.

They are all at the age when they need their parents, but their parents are no longer around. Seeing other children acting like a baby to their parents, they will inevitably feel disappointed.

Several aunts in the temple took a few children and held them in their arms, giving them some comfort.

Jiang Zhao looked at everyone with a smile and said.

"In that case, let's take our leave first."

Everything that needs to be said has been said, there is no need to stay to eat, and it is not easy to transport food on the mountain once, so save as much as you can.

Zhuzi's father and mother saw Jiang Zhao leave, and they also left immediately.

It's almost time for lunch, and it's time for them to go back to cooking, and the three children are also hungry.

Jiang Zhao and the others went down the mountain together, and when they passed your Zhuzi's house, the couple asked them to stay for dinner.

"You two gentlemen, it's already noon, why don't you stay and have a light meal."

Jiang Zhao has helped them a lot, and he should treat them to a meal regardless of circumstances or reason.

But Jiang Zhao and the others seldom come and go. They are here because of Chongguang Temple, and they have no time to invite them to dinner.

But Jiang Zhao shook his head and declined politely: "No need, we still have things to do when we go back, so we won't eat."

Zhu Zi's father nodded: "The two gentlemen are busy first, and when there is time in the future, I will arrange a banquet for several gentlemen."

After Jiang Zhao agreed, he bid farewell to them.

Back home, Si Mubai and Jiu Qi were waiting in the garden.

Seeing Jiang Zhao and the others coming, Jiu Qi's eyes lit up.

"You guys are here, I'm almost hungry."

Jiang Zhao wondered: "Didn't Jingshuilou come to deliver food?"

"Give it away, but the young master said that we have to wait until you come back to eat together."

Jiu Qi glanced at Si Mubai with some resentment.

Jiang Zhao nodded: "Then let's eat first."

"Brother Mubai, if Jingshuilou comes to deliver food next time, if we are not here, you can eat first. You don't have to wait for us, lest you go hungry and the food will be cold by then."

"It's okay, it's okay to wait."

Si Mubai said.

Jiu Qi doesn't care what he says now, when he comes to the dining hall, he opens the food box, and the smell of food comes to his nostrils.

"Just come back earlier next time, so we don't have to wait."

Jiu Qi said while taking out the food.

"Then we usually have something to do and can't come back in time."

For example, it was too late to chat with the emperor.

Jiuqi shrugged, it's too late, as long as it doesn't delay his cooking.

Jiang Zhao sat down and started cooking. After running all morning, he almost digested all the food he ate in the morning, and his stomach was already growling with hunger.

After lunch, Jiang Zhao was still thinking about potatoes.

The potatoes in her previous life came to her country across the ocean at the end of the Ming Dynasty.

But in this world, she didn't know if there were potatoes.

Wanting to find such a small pimple on a vast continent is really tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

Si Mubai watched her distracted from behind her, not knowing what was going on in her mind.

At this time there was a knock on the door.

Jiang Zhao recovered his senses and went to open the door.

I saw the blacksmith they went to find that morning coming.

Behind him was a large cart.

Seeing him, Jiang Zhao had a look of excitement on his face.

"Is my order ready?"

The iron carpenter nodded: "It's already done, and it's specially delivered today, please check and accept it."

Jiang Zhao stepped forward and lifted the cloth covering it.

Look left, look right, knock left, knock right.

After confirming that there is no problem, he nodded.

"Good job, no problems."

"Help me move things in, and I'll pay you the final payment."

Jiang Zhao said.

The two blacksmiths worked together to move the wooden barrel that Jiang Zhao made into it.

Jiang Zhao directed them.

"One point to the right, one point to the right, be careful not to hit the door frame."

"A little lower, a little lower, you're going to hit it."

Command them to put things into the garden.

Si Mubai was watching her from the side, not knowing what the strange vat she made was for.

Under Jiang Zhao's command, the two of them carried the iron bucket into the garden after unusual difficulties.

Fortunately, it didn't hit anywhere.

Jiang Zhao gave each of them a glass of water and said.

"The two masters have worked hard, drink some water first, and I will get you money."

After finishing speaking, he turned and went upstairs to get money for them.

He dug out his silver bag from the drawer in the room.

Take out a piece of five taels of silver from it.

After going downstairs, take five taels of silver to the carpenter.

After the carpenter took the silver, he shook it in his hand and said.

"My lord, this... this is too much, just three, two, five hundred coins, and we don't have so much money to give you, so you should give us some silver."

With that said, he handed back the money in his hand to Jiang Zhao.

Jiang Zhao asked him to take it back: "It's too much to take, and you two helped me move this big iron bucket in."

The two masters looked at each other, put the silver into their arms, and said.

"Then thank you, sir, thank you, sir."

Jiang Zhao shook his head: "You're welcome."

After getting the money, the two said goodbye and stopped bothering.

After the two left, Si Mubai stepped forward, looked at the strange vat in the garden, and asked.

"What is this thing for? It looks so strange?"

Jiang Zhao explained to him: "This is for making wine."

Si Mubai looked the big iron barrel up and down, but he couldn't figure out how these two connected iron wooden barrels were used to make wine.

"Well, go get some wine and I'll show you."

Now that it's here, let's try it out and see if it works. If it doesn't work, then do it again.

"There's no wine at home, I'll go out and buy some."

Si Mubai said.

(End of this chapter)

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