Chapter 174 Seeing the Queen Mother Again
Hearing what Wei Xiang said, Jiang Zhao's expression suddenly became serious.

"Zhongqing, look at me."

"Look at me, I'm only a woman of the same class, but I still took part in the imperial examination, won the title on the gold list, and became the number one female champion in this Tianyu dynasty."

"This shows that a person's identity is not important, what matters is his own thoughts."

"If you think you are a slave, then you will be a slave forever."

"But if you think you have what it takes to be a great general, then work hard in this direction, and one day, your dream will come true."

She said these words to Wei Xiang seriously, she didn't want these words to awaken Wei Xiang's fighting spirit at once.

She only hoped that these words could plant a seed in his heart.

One day, this kind of seed will sprout from its shell and grow into a towering tree, so Wei Xiang will not be able to control the thoughts in his heart.

Wei Xiang looked at her conscientious young lady and knew that she sincerely wished her well.

In his heart, Miss will always be his family.

He nodded solemnly: "OK."

The good-bye echoed in Jiang Zhao's mind all the time, as if it was Wei Xiang's promise to her.

She turned her head and looked at the surrounding scenery, her eyebrows and eyes curved.

She must implement the military merit system as soon as possible so that Wei Xiang is no longer limited by his slave status.

He can also rely on his own efforts to get rid of this identity.

The carriage drove slowly on the avenue, and stopped slowly at the gate of Shangshu Mansion.

The concierge saw Jiang Zhao's carriage from a distance, and was already waiting at the door.

Although Jiang Zhao is only a sixth-grade editor, his adults are full of praise for him, and he has praised him several times.

He didn't dare to neglect those whom his lords favored.

"Young Master Jiang."

The concierge bowed his hands and said hello.

Jiang Zhao got off the carriage and asked, "Is your lord here?"

"My lord has not returned home from the household department. I don't know what Mr. Jiang wants to do with my lord? The villain may be passed on from generation to generation."

"Isn't it already the Yuanzheng holiday? Why does Mr. Gu still need to go to the household department to be on duty?"

The Imperial Academy is on holiday, and the Ministry of Household Affairs should also be on holiday.

"Your Majesty is about to give a banquet to all the officials. Although the Ministry of Rites is responsible for this matter, the Ministry of Household Affairs needs to be responsible for coordinating the money. Therefore, the second department will be a few days later than other departments every year."

explained the concierge.

Jiang Zhao nodded, it turned out to be the case.

Then let Wei Xiang take the fireworks they brought out of the car.

"This is a New Year's gift from me to your lord, let the servants of the mansion move it in."

Since Gu Hongyuan wasn't there, she didn't plan to go in and sit down.

The concierge quickly called the boy to move the five fireworks in.

They had seen fireworks on Gu Hongyuan's birthday before, but they didn't expect Jiang Zhao to send five of them this time. I think the adults should be very happy.

After delivering the fireworks, Jiang Zhao bid farewell to the concierge.

The next thing is to send Cheng Wudi's fireworks, and tomorrow he will go to the border, so it's just right to send him there today.

After returning home, he continued to move three fireworks into the carriage and went to the general's mansion with Wei Xiang.

Cheng Wudi heard the porter's report that Jiang Zhao was here to deliver the fireworks, so he came out in person.

"Hahaha, niece Jiang, it's really hard work for you, and you even came to deliver the fireworks in person."

Before seeing Cheng Wudi's figure, he had already heard his hearty laughter.

"Uncle Cheng is going to battle tomorrow, so I'm here to give you fireworks today. If Uncle Cheng likes it, when Uncle Cheng returns triumphantly, my niece will give Uncle Cheng some more."

Jiang Zhao also said boldly.


Hearing Jiang Zhao's words, Cheng Wudi laughed heartily again.

He likes to deal with Jiang Zhao so unpretentiously and openly.

Like those ministers in the court, each of them has eight hundred minds, and he likes to deal with them.

Cheng Wudi patted Jiang Zhao's shoulder happily, and the pain mask was almost exposed by him.

Then he went to look at the fireworks sent by Jiang Zhao.

It was just a square cardboard box, dusty, nothing special.

Who would have thought that these humble boxes could bloom such beautiful flowers in the sky.

After delivering the fireworks to Cheng Wudi, Jiang Zhao planned to leave, and she had to go to the palace to deliver the fireworks.

"Niece Jiang, let's stay and have a light meal today, and have a good time drinking with you girl."

"When Uncle Cheng goes to the border, I still don't know how to find you for a drink."

Cheng Wudi asked Jiang Zhao to have lunch with him.

"I still need to go to the palace. His Majesty asked me for fireworks a while ago."

"Today, you have given away all the fireworks. If you don't send them to His Majesty, it's not very good."

When the time comes, those ministers in the court will use these trivial matters to attack themselves.

"What's the matter, come back after you deliver it. If you can't make it for lunch, you can always make it for dinner."

With a wave of his hand, Cheng Wudi set a time for eating.

Jiang Zhao nodded and agreed. If it was normal, she might postpone it. After all, drinking always hurts her body.

But Wudi is going to the border tomorrow, so it would be really bad if we don't have a meal together.

Seeing that Jiang Zhao agreed, Cheng Wudi let Jiang Zhao go.

Then Jiang Zhao went back home to move the fireworks. She felt that she was now a ruthless tool for moving fireworks.

Eighteen fireworks can't fit in a carriage, only two carriages can fit.

Originally, Jiang Zhao planned to give twenty fireworks to the palace, but before sending Liu Ruoxiang and Chu Yao, two fireworks were saved from the palace.

Eighteen is twenty-nine.

Nine is the ultimate number.

I believe that the palace would prefer the number eighteen to twenty.

The carriage stopped at the gate of the palace, and the carriage was not allowed to enter the palace.

Jiang Zhao took the talisman bestowed by the emperor and asked the guard at the gate of the palace to report to the emperor, saying that she had sent fireworks.

The guard took the talisman in her hand and checked it carefully, confirming that it was true.

He slightly arched his hands towards Jiang Zhao, and went to the palace to report.

Although he could freely enter and leave the palace by virtue of this talisman, without the need for guards to report, Jiang Zhao still followed the procedure.

As a courtier, you still have to abide by your duties, and sending fireworks is not an urgent matter.

The guard's footsteps were fast, Jiang Zhao didn't wait long, and saw the guard came back, and Wei Chengyun came with him.

Wei Chengyun asked the guards to move in the fireworks brought by Jiang Zhao, and then said to Jiang Zhao.

"Jiang Xiuzhuan, Your Majesty wants to see you."

Jiang Zhao nodded, followed behind Wei Chengyun, and entered the palace with him.

Today's early court ended early because there were no major events, and the emperor was sitting in the empress dowager's palace.

Jiang Zhao, led by Wei Chengyun, came to the Palace of Compassion and Ning, and asked curiously.

"Wei Neishi, why did we come to the Palace of Compassion?"

Shouldn't it be going to the Royal Study Room or the Hall of Mental Cultivation?
"Your Majesty is currently in the Empress Dowager's palace, let the servants bring you directly to the Empress Dowager's palace."

Wei Chengyun said.

(End of this chapter)

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