After the three yuan and the third, the ministers angered the ceremony and the music collapsed

Chapter 146 It's been a long time since I didn't see each other

Chapter 146
Jiang Wenbin has been checking the accounts in the Zhuangzi on the outskirts of the city for the past two days.

I planned to go back after checking two more Zhuangzi, but I received a letter from my family saying that my sister had returned suddenly.

Jiang Wenbin hurriedly asked his subordinates to pack up his things. He wanted to go home to see his sister.

Hurrying slowly, I finally returned home the next day.

The first thing to do when entering the house is to ask the servants at home: "Where is Miss now?"

"The lady is in the garden."

The servant replied.

Jiang Wenbin was not surprised by this answer. His younger sister liked to tend flowers and plants since she was a child.

He walked quickly to the garden, and saw Huaxie walking around the garden, but not tending flowers and plants.

And the appearance is still the same as before, not much has changed.

At first, he thought that his little sister had become prettier, and that she would come back from Jiang Zhao.

"Little sister."

he interrupted aloud.

Huaxie heard her elder brother's voice, turned around in surprise, and saw her elder brother standing there looking at her.

She ran over quickly.

Jiang Wenbin looked his little sister up and down, and then said the sentence that every parent would say: "I lost weight."

Hua shyly turned around, let her elder brother see her changes, and said with a smile, "Isn't it good to lose weight?"

Jiang Wenbin shook his head with a smile, and then asked, "Why did you come back suddenly? Didn't Mr. Jiang say he would make you beautiful?"

Speaking of this, Hua shyly lowered her head sadly.

Jiang Wenbin frowned and asked, "What's wrong? Did they bully you?"

"You wait, brother, go and seek justice for you."

As he said that, Jiang Wenbin wanted to find Jiang Zhao.

But Hua Sha stopped him: "They didn't bully me."

"Then why are you back? Didn't Mr. Jiang say he would help you become beautiful? You also..."

Jiang Wenbin was a little hesitant to speak, he didn't want to mention the matter of his little sister's appearance, lest she be sad.

Huaxie told her elder brother everything that happened in Sifu that day in detail.

After hearing this, Jiang Wenbin said, "You are so confused, you offended Mr. Jiang for a firework, what will you do in the future?"

"Finally, someone can change your appearance for you. Now that you have offended Mr. Jiang, what will you do in the future?"

Jiang Wenbin sighed, worried about Huasha's future.

"Brother, the little lady said that she will not change the promise she made with you, and she has given me the methods to become beautiful."

"As long as I practice according to the method she said, I will definitely become good-looking, and don't you see that I have lost a lot of weight now?"

Saying that, Hua Shame turned around to show Jiang Wenbin again, letting Jiang Wenbin know that he was really on the way to become beautiful.

Jiang Wenbin breathed a sigh of relief seeing that his little sister was fine.

"Brother, the fireworks were developed by the little lady, why don't you go to the little lady to discuss and let her tell you how to make the fireworks, and then share the money you make."

"In this way, the reputation and wealth of our Jiang family will be raised to a higher level, and the little lady can also have a stable income. Everyone will benefit."

Huasha suggested.

From the very beginning, she has taken a fancy to the huge market for fireworks. If the Jiang family company can launch fireworks, it will definitely cause looting.

But Jiang Wenbin hesitated: "Do you think Mr. Jiang will agree?"

After all, Huaxie was driven home by Jiang Zhao because she wanted to peek at the fireworks formula.

Now he is looking for Jiang Zhao to talk about cooperation, can Jiang Zhao agree?

But Hua shyly nodded: "Miss should agree."

"I was kicked out of the Sifu because of my misbehavior this time, but the young lady is tolerant and generous, and it will not implicate our Jiangfu because of this matter."

"If brother goes to talk, there should be a high chance of the talk. At worst, let's give some more money to the little lady."

After living with Jiang Zhao for so long, she got to know her personality more or less.

Since Jiang Zhao is still willing to help her, it means that she is not very angry, so there is still talk about this cooperation.

Listening to Hua Sha's words, Jiang Wenbin nodded.

He has always wanted to develop fireworks, although Huaxiu got him a fireworks tube before.

But the people under him have been developing it for so long, but they haven't developed what the formula is.

If he can cooperate with Jiang Zhao, even if he gives Jiang Zhao some more profits, then he can make some money.

Even if they don't earn a penny, the Jiang family can still earn fame.

"Okay, I'll go to Sifu tomorrow to find Young Master Jiang and talk to her about the fireworks."

Jiang Wenbin nodded and said.

He had to prepare before going to Jiang Zhao, so that he would be more confident.

On the other hand, Jiang Zhao was making fireworks for Gu Hongyuan bitterly.

If he hadn't asked himself to go to Dali Temple to see Qi Bu and Chen Lianghan that day, Jiang Zhao wouldn't have bothered to make fireworks for him.

The utility room at home was being rebuilt, so Jiang Zhao could only find a random room to make fireworks. Fortunately, there are many rooms in this yard.

Just when Jiang Zhao was about to concentrate and make all three fireworks in one go, Nanny Ding came to tell her.

"Miss, someone is looking for you."

Hearing that someone was looking for him, Jiang Zhao thought it was Liu Ruoxiang.

I quickly put down the things in my hands and ran out, but as soon as I went out, I saw a 1.8-meter-strong man sitting in the yard.

The strong man turned his head slowly, and it was clearly Cheng Wudi's face.

Jiang Zhao's thoughts were shattered when he saw the beauty.

She wanted to turn around and leave. It was definitely not a good thing for Cheng Wudi to come to find her. There was a high probability that he was a matchmaker for his son.

But Cheng Wudi had already seen her at this time, got up and walked over.

"Hahaha, Xiao Jiang, I didn't expect that I would come to you, did you?"

He smiled and patted Jiang Zhao's shoulder.

Jiang Zhao nodded, really didn't expect it.

"Little Jiang, I have something I want to discuss with you."

Cheng Wudi's tone suddenly became a little gentler.

But Jiang Zhao looked at him warily: "I'm still young, and I don't plan to marry."

Cheng Wudi laughed and said, "Don't worry, I'm not here this time to urge you to get married."

"I went home yesterday and asked my son, but my incompetent son said that he already has a sweetheart, and I'm not good at playing mandarin ducks, do you think so?"

"Yes, yes, as the saying goes, it is better to demolish ten temples than destroy one marriage."

Jiang Zhao quickly nodded in agreement.

"Then what are you doing here?"

Jiang Zhao asked again.

She felt that Cheng Wudi must be going to the Three Treasures Palace this time because he has nothing to do.

Although she doesn't have any treasures here.

Cheng Wudi chuckled: "It's been a long time since I haven't seen you, Gu Te came to visit you at your house."

Jiang Zhao obviously had a look of disbelief.

"We just met last night."

"Really, that may be because I remembered wrongly." Cheng Wudi said with a smirk.

I just saw it last night, but I forgot about it today, no ghosts would deceive me like this.

(End of this chapter)

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