When will I be the queen

Chapter 390 Traveling Together

Cai Cai was very confident, "I thought that when rice is ground into powder, it becomes flour!"

"." Your logic is quite strong.

Zuo Qianqian was silent for a long time. After taking a deep breath, he spoke, "This misunderstanding is actually correct. There are many species, and many things are easy for people to misunderstand. For example, many people initially thought that cherries and cherries are different."

"." Si Chen looked at Zuo Qianqian speechlessly, you know how to respect him.

After all, Cai Cai was somewhat self-aware, and felt embarrassed to be taken care of by Zuo Qianqian like this. He coughed and pointed to the front, "Is that the greenhouse over there?"

Zuo Qianqian nodded, but he was no longer prepared to take Cai Cai around. He always wanted to leave some airtime for the artists who were recording the program, so he said he wanted to invite Cai Cai to meet the farmers of the program. According to the job requirements , they are the hosts, but those who watch the show call them farmers. The person who filmed the program earlier was called a former farmer.

The main thing is the three words "farmer", which bring their own traffic. No one will refuse this kind of benefit delivered to their door.

Cai Cai was here to deliver traffic, so he naturally called the farmer accordingly.

Here in the farm dormitory, because it is already in the final stage, there is only some finishing work left, and there is nothing going on in the farm. The daily routine is just patrolling, and basically everyone is resting. The content of the shooting is also daily life. But behind the scenes, twenty people are actually applying. Some want to form a group together to continue on variety shows, some want to join the group, some are interviewing, and some want to attract popular people to find projects. In short, there is silence in front of the camera. Okay, it’s like a chicken blood shot behind the camera.

So when we received the meeting notice that a guest was coming temporarily, twenty people felt it was strange. In the final stage, there was no filming content that could make the show, and no guests came. After all, coming here is just to bring popularity to the show, so what is the benefit to the guests? A farm-based variety show like theirs, where you plant something and reap it, and when there is a big event, many guests will want to come. The ducks slapped their mouths and they all rushed to come. There is nothing now, why are the guests here?

Mainly, they themselves don’t want guests to come at this time. Now that the camera footage is limited, twenty people are already competing for delivery. The guest episode is fifty minutes long. Excluding advertising and promotion, there are still forty-six minutes. The guests must have at least twenty minutes of appearance. Some guests They will also be asked to appear in single scenes, and when they catch up with generous guests, they will be allowed to take advantage of the camera. They will not only leave the side profile, but also have a few lines of dialogue that will make the audience laugh.

But if they are short-sighted, in their shots with the guests, they only have backs and sides or even out-of-focus images. In many cases, there is only sound but no one can be seen. This can be regarded as the program team trying to take care of them and not blindly supporting the guests. Experienced people among them said that in order to praise the guests, some program crews use light editing and dubbing in the post-production process. The picture and sound of the next sentence are double-tracked. Even if they apologize and are fined, the artist will be fined. The damage has been done, and nothing can be recovered by holding people accountable. Of course, with good luck, there are also artists who become popular after being popular, and reap the benefits of victimization. But just because someone else is so lucky, it doesn't mean that you can have the same luck.

"I hope you come with a generous heart." When changing clothes, the people in the dormitory came over and murmured to Meng Ning while the microphone was not on.

Meng Ning was a little distracted because he got a tip from his agent. Just a few days ago, his manager suddenly called him and said that the company had just finished a meeting. He told him about his work after the show, and then told him to perform well at the end, maybe he would be successful. A god comes to their show. He didn't understand it at first, but the agent just laughed and said nothing more. Because the manager was not his manager alone, but also had several artists with him at the same time, so when the manager said he wanted to hang up the phone, he didn't dare to ask further questions.

I was originally wondering whether the program team would join forces with the company or make some special arrangements, such as a closing concert or a live broadcast party, but until now, there has been no movement from the program team. They were all being reminded that they had to start packing their luggage. After two days of work, they were about to leave.

As a result, at this time today, I was informed that guests were coming and asked them to change clothes.

After Meng Ning appeared on the show, his skin became a little darker. Even if his skin is not tanned, it is not as delicate and shiny as before. Although the whole person looks in good spirits, he is still very rough. Originally, Meng Ning just wanted to dress neatly and stop blowing her hair, but for some reason, she thought of what her manager said - a god is coming.

Fairy Thousand Stars Company

Meng Ning tightened her grip on her coat, echoed her roommate's words, and then pretended to be tidying up the closet without leaving any trace, put down the black coat in her hand, and changed into a white one.

Unlike the other nineteen people who signed a contract with Wan Qian Xinghui just because of the show, Meng Ning had already signed a contract with Wan Qian Xinghui, and the contract he signed with the program team was different from the others. Later, in the middle of the filming of the show, two more people changed their contracts and became their own artists like him, who signed long-term contracts with Wan Qian Xinghui. So the twenty people, all of whom seemed to be talented artists, had a three-year contract, but three of them had long-term contracts and were biological children, while Meng Ning was born to the original wife.

Meng Ning also had a good relationship with the two foreigners, but the three of them were not managed by the same agent, so Meng Ning had no way of sharing his speculations with them. But after changing clothes and coming out, Meng Ning, intentionally or unintentionally, took a look at the clothes of the two people and found that they had indeed paid more attention to matching than usual.

The two of them, Huang Rong and Xia Mingxuan, came out early and had already seen each other's outfits. Now that Meng Ning came out, they naturally saw Meng Ning's. Then, the three of them looked at each other and knew each other.

Among the other seventeen, those with sharp eyes noticed the three of them, and with quick thoughts, they went back to change clothes. There are also those who clearly see it, but don't want to cause more trouble. They plan to get together with Wan Qianhao when the contract expires. They don't want to offend, but they don't want to work too hard. There were a few others whose eyesight was not that good, and they were in twos and threes, joking and joking, and talking about whether there would be a big dinner when the guests came.

The camera seats were all set up, and several assistant directors came over to assign seats to everyone. Those who go to the kitchen, those who go to the game room, those who are in the dormitory, and those who are outside each have their own way to do what they want to do. This is also something they are accustomed to filming. I ask them to come out as soon as they see the guests. There is no need to act like they are busy and don’t see the person. Everything must come out when the guests come.

There are twenty of them most of the time when filming the show, so they are really busy. But sometimes, when you know that guests are coming, you deliberately show off your busyness. This is not a lie, because some of them are busy and are requested by the guests. The guests hope to have the kind of shocking effect and scene when they appear unexpectedly. In reality, if you see someone suddenly popping out when you are busy, even if you are startled, it is difficult to express welcome and surprise. Therefore, I can only act, hard acting. Cooperate with the guests and perform hard for the show.

This time, they were not asked to perform hard. Instead, they were asked to pay attention at all times. They must see the guests as soon as they appear and express welcome and surprise.

Because the filming was about to start, although everyone was a little confused and wanted to discuss it, they didn't say anything. They looked at each other and took their positions to keep themselves busy.

Meng Ning dragged another roommate to sweep the floor with him. This roommate's name was Yao Huan, known as Shake. He was just nineteen years old and was one of the youngest among them. Compared to the youngest roommate who was trying to pry out information from him when he was changing clothes just now, Shangyi is the kind of person who is silly and only thinks about the guests who will bring feasts and gifts. This has a lot to do with his young age, his ordinary but warm family, and his almost zero experience. The company was also interested in signing a contract with him, but Weibo wanted to make money first, go to school, learn music, and then work in the company he signed.

Because he didn't see much musical talent in Shake, the company didn't compete for him. To say how much I like Shake, I don't actually like it, but Meng Ning doesn't deny it. It's quite interesting to get along with Shake because there is no burden. But this lack of burden is precisely because Shake has not signed a contract with a company, and has no idea of ​​developing in the industry in recent years. Otherwise, no matter how stupid or inexperienced the person is, Meng Ning will be under pressure as long as they are peers.

It's not that Meng Ning isn't confident, but that in his heart, he hasn't overcome the hurdle of competing for popularity and resources with his acquaintances. The reason why his agent talked to him like a riddle was because he was afraid that he would share the news. This is not unprecedented. It was only after Meng Ning received several bloody lessons that he realized the truth behind the secret. So now he can be alone in silence and wear better clothes. But as soon as Huang Rong and Xia Mingxuan looked at him, he still gave an affirmative answer.

The agent said that his character, who can't hide his troubles and is a bad guy, won't last long in the entertainment industry. He has been deceived and wasted for many years. If he didn't pay attention, he would have been relying on the traffic of short videos to support himself for the rest of his life. Then become an Internet celebrity or an actor.

"You are not Cai Cai. What Renjie wants to say and do in front of the camera, even if his face is read, Renjie doesn't matter. Renjie just has that destiny. You don't. The same thing, Cai If Cai did it, the whole world would be praising it. If others did it, it would be good without getting scolded. As for you, you don’t even have a chance to do it. It doesn’t matter if you want to be yourself, but you have to reach a place that allows you to do it freely. Let’s talk about the height of your own platform. A dragon trapped in the shallows is not as good as a shrimp. Only when a dragon enters the sea can it change the world and move the wind and rain, do you understand?"

Meng Ning understands. But he also feels that he has changed a lot, but he still doesn't want to get along too much with his peers, which will really make him nervous. This should also have a lot to do with the fact that he was cheated many times by his friends in the same industry before. Anyway, after struggling, Meng Ning still preferred to be together with Zhuo Zhuo.

Their CP is called Huanghuang Yimeng on the Internet. But because he has the best appearance among the twenty people, the audience and fans also give him the most CPs. The one who is most out of the circle is Meng Cheng CP with Lu Cheng, because Lu Cheng is the tallest and strongest among them. He's taller and has a different body shape than him.

Feminized male artists have been like this in the global entertainment industry since ancient times. It is basically impossible to find a male artist who has not pretended to be a female in movies, TV series and various programs. Even if he has not pretended to be a female, there will still be that Orchid finger type action shots. This approach can not only please female audiences, but also cater to male audiences, and the more outstanding-looking male artists are, the more they cannot escape.

Meng Ning often wore women's clothing in her early days, including both ancient and modern clothing.

Some people think it is an insult, some think it is to cater to the female market, some think it is immoral, some think the actor deserves what he deserves, and some think it is art.

Meng Ning found it interesting at first because she had taken acting classes, but later she felt disgusted by wearing women's clothing for traffic. Later, in his eyes, women's clothing and men's clothing were all the same, and looking good was the most important thing. The agent said that he has a good mentality and that's why.

Shake provoked Meng Ning with a broom, and the two began to perform martial arts and fight. Lu Cheng also joined in. He was good at watching glances, so he naturally noticed the abnormality of the three Meng Nings, so after being arranged by the assistant director to be in the same position as Meng Ning, he always stayed close to Meng Ning.

Zuo Qianqian led Cai Cai and Si Chen to the house. The first person to see Cai Cai was Zhou Weiwei, the oldest among the twenty people. Twenty-seven years old, he was born as a child star. He didn't go to an acting school, but went to an ordinary university. He was always filming movies, but he never became popular. Like many child stars, they debuted at the top and then went downhill. But being in the industry, the income is better than outside, so Zhou Wei never gives up being an actor. After all, he has acting skills, but his appearance is average, so he wants to take a wider path.

At first, I just wanted to be a pure actor. Later, after I took my parents to an interview variety show and gained popularity, I relaxed my career path. In variety shows and various guest appearances, he is very diligent even if he picks up pigeons. Then he won this variety show, and he became famous because of his stable and funny big brother character in the variety show. In the eyes of the brand, it is considered a third-tier level, but in the eyes of fans, it can compete with the first-tier level.

Naturally, he also has eyes, so he pays the most attention to every intersection. Because I’m not sure where the guests are coming from.

Then, I saw Cai Cai at a glance.

There is no way, Cai Cai is really eye-catching.

Following him, I was immediately dumbfounded. After he discovered the abnormality of Meng Ning and the others, he did think a lot in his mind, thinking about Wan Qian Xinghui's most popular artists recently, thinking about Wan Qian Xinghui's recent projects, and secretly searched the Internet to see if there were any The artists of Ten Thousand Stars are in the promotion period. But really, no matter how I thought or dreamed, I never imagined that it would be Cai Cai.

Cai Cai is now one of the stars in the entertainment industry and the world.

The one who was dumbfounded was Zhou Weiwei. Basically everyone saw Cai Cai and were basically dumbfounded.

Could it be that I am dreaming.

The program team was also dumbfounded. They were also kept in the dark, and several cameramen were unable to hold their cameras.

Cai Cai realized that these people didn't seem to know that he was coming, and was confused. Didn't the company tell them? impossible.

Zuo Qianqian quickly explained, "I really didn't notify them because I was afraid of leaking the news. There are quite a lot of unscrupulous fans here. I didn't meet them today because I did the work in advance." Everything puts Cai Cai's safety first. This is the most important instruction for the job. Zuo Xiangqian didn't dare to neglect him, so he simply didn't say anything to anyone. Furthermore, the company also said that there may be changes because Cai Cai is indeed very busy.

Cai Cai expressed her understanding, and after approaching, she said hello first. Si Chen stood beside her, seeing that the show was about to be recorded, because no one in this group dared to move.

"Wow, you are still cleaning, are you tidying up the house?" After Cai Cai introduced himself, Si Chen also introduced himself, and then took the initiative to bring up the topic.

But the effect is still not very good.

It was Cai Cai's appearance that shocked everyone present so much.

Zuo Qianqian had no choice but to stand up and said, "What's going on? Wake up. Don't you all say that you are Cai Cai's fans? How come you can't speak when you see a real person? Shake, I remember your current mobile phone screen saver Both the wallpaper and the wallpaper are Cai Cai! Take it out, come here, show it to Cai Cai."

"." The twenty people who came to their senses one after another felt embarrassed for the shaking. This is definitely too close to the face.

Shaking it really made his face turn red instantly and his hands were shaking. No words can come out.

Meng Ning pulled him and took two steps closer, "Hello." Just two steps away, Cai Cai felt so breathtakingly beautiful. He was really shocked that it was Cai Cai! ! !

Cai Cai replied hello, and then said, "I know you, Meng Ning, we are in the same company, and my agents like you very much."

Meng Ning's already red face turned even redder, "No, I don't dare, no. Thank you." All she could think of was "Cai Cai actually knows me!" ! ! ! 】

This life is worth it.

More than a dozen other people began to come to their senses. No matter how shocked and jealous Meng Ning was, they temporarily suppressed it and introduced themselves one by one.

They all had name tags on them, and Cai Cai remembered them all after hearing the introduction, and then pointed at one of them, "Have you ever acted in a stage play?"

The person being pointed at is Jiang Yue, an actor. But I still haven’t attended any film and television projects. Two years after graduating from acting school, my first job in a film and television project was this variety show. The appearance is very dramatic, with the feeling of a special actor, but the direction is that of an alien or a monster. Hi Laiwu has actors who specialize in playing such roles, such as monsters, ghosts, zombies, wizards and so on. The acting path is narrow, but he is also a talented person. You have to know whether or not you look like a 70-year-old, and if you can outshine other actors in terms of appearance, that's a lot of extra points.

Other actors also had to go through special body shaping and styling, and it took three or four hours to put on special effects makeup. They put on clothes and wigs to look the part. Excluding the use of big stars as gimmicks to attract investment and eyeballs, or the beautiful actors who want to break through, in terms of cost performance and natural performance effects, actors who are talented in appearance are really strong and have a lot of market. For example, among special-shaped actors, there are obese, thin, strong, and flesh-shaped actors, and the most common ones are dwarfs, and even people with disabilities.

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